Author has written 6 stories for Bionicle, Naruto, and Worm. I am in my mid-twenties, working hard, and happily married. I use fanfiction as a way to vent the insane ramblings of my mind. What I have posted is a sample of my old work, circa 2006 or so. It's... ok I guess. I no longer write bionicle fanfiction. Current Projects: Naruto: Death's Sworn: Fusionverse with concepts of Ghost Rider When Minato Summon's the Shinigami, he winds up making a very different deal than the one he expected. Featuring mental mento Minato (say that five times fast) and Ghost Rider Naruto. Baddies are possessed by Demonic incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins. Original team, OC sensei, and some character treatments I've never seen before. This one is pretty fun, but I don't have much more than about a thousand words yet. its all in my head!!!! Phantom Hidden in the Leaves: Modern Konoha fic Modernized AU where Naruto has an instinctive understanding of sealing and computer technology. Featuring sarcastic!foulmouthed!genius!Naruto and seal-silenced guns. Beware Tenten with a sniper rifle! Got a fair little bit written on this one, but no real plot made. The Swords Of Elements (title pending): Fusion with western-style fantasy Naruto's an half-orc. Instead of 9 tailed beasts, there are the Eight Dragons. frankly, this is mostly just vaguely inspired by Naruto Canon. expect elements of many different magical stories, including Alchemy, Chi, Chakra, and more. Intro has been written, but no story work done, although general background and concept work exists on paper... somewhere... Villiage Hidden in the Mind: heavy AU upgrade fic Itachi kidnaps Naruto when he leaves konoha. Lots of stuff happens: Naruto: Kyuubi eats calypso(from Pirates of the Caribean) and Naruto turns into ninja-powered Davy Jones Tenten: legs cut off by evil!Zabuza. apprenticed to Sasori and becomes IronMan/gundam pilot. yes... you read that right. takes on Shukaku and wins. Haku: bloodline evolves. made of ice. my most evil move yet: Sasuke is raised by Gai... it works out. this one was partially written on paper, but i lost it in a move. not enthused about this one. too... god-moddy |