I'm sorry if you were expect an update but I'm in a bit of conundrum. I have recently realised that while I enjoy writing in first person, this story isn't really suited to it. I have so many characters I want to being in and writing them all from the viewpoint of one character is going to be very trying after a while. I've also been told there are many continuity errors and that it was taking away from the story.
So here's the deal. I'm in the market for a new beta to help make this story what it was meant to be. I never want to abandon this, seeing as I have plot ideas for it going quite far into the future, and unlike my last fic, I don't think I have wrote myself into a corner where it can't be rescued.
Here is what I need the beta reader to be able to do
1. Fix the continuity errors. I don't think there are many but those that are there need to be fixed.
2. Proof read all chapters. I've been told there are many mistakes there that were not caught by my last beta reader so a high attention to detail is very important.
3. Convert 3rd person into 1st person. This is the biggest barrier right now to the story getting another chapter. What I need here is for someone to read through the story, change as much of it to 3rd person as they can, and send me back both the original chapter, and the updated one, since there may be things you have deleted or removed that are essential to later plotlines, or specific character development for that character.
4. Bounce ideas off. I want someone to be able to tell me if I'm doing something not inline with what that character is about. This ties into continuity really. Also while I know cliche's in fanfiction are inevitable, I don't want this to me a fic of cliches. The only cliches I really want present are the ones that have already been presented (Phoenix tears and Basilisk venom enhancing Harry, and being a decedent of Rowena Ravenclaw).
Now I know some of you might be thinking it's lazy of me to delegate the conversion to a beta reader, but I have a concentration disorder, one that makes it enormously hard to concentrate for large periods of time without tiring very quickly. Due to this, I would find it hard to convert the story to 3rd person without making a hash of it and making more mistakes which would compromise everything further. I can't do it in small increments either because I will likely forget halfway through some of the plot points I have already written. Half of this story was also written years ago, so my memory will be hazy on some things. I can remember the plot going forward, not so much going back.
So if anyone has the patience, please come forward. I would love to make this story a complete works that people will enjoy reader. I have already outlined the next chapter "Enter The Raven", so once this fic has been fixed, I have a firm idea of how to go forward.