Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter, and Dungeons and Dragons. I'm a bigtime geek and aspiring writer, and the natural outcome of this combination is Harry Potter and the Natural 20, my D&D/Harry Potter fanfic. The rules are as follows: Milo functions entirely on D&D 3.5 rules, most of which can be referenced on . I'll be keeping as close as I can to the actual rules' set, with the occasional houserule (which I mention at the start). Some cases the rules are vague, in which case I'll arbitrate the way it seems to me a reasonable DM would. Harry Potter and the Natural 20 currently updates Fridays. I have a tumblr! You can find it easily by googling tumblr and sir poley. It has .pdf and .mobi downloads for the completed stories, and maybe other stuff. HPN20 is available in Chinese! Translated by Estroll: g u o k r [dot] com [slash] post/568235/#4532397 |