Reviews for Social Learning and the Theory of Constructed Emotion
Mocc1 chapter 1 . 9/11
I loved this
HalfBlackWolfDemon chapter 4 . 6/16
Holy shit I fucking loved this. It's so well written and gives me such warm fuzzies to see the Arctic Expedition talked about so frankly. And while I think Leonard should have been punished more, i appreciate how tactfully you wove the story to make it VERY believable in how their characters are portrayed. Fuck man, I'm super excited for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/7
Great story can wait to see where you take this.
Ravenclawdiadem16 chapter 4 . 5/4
I really enjoyed that! A very unique spin on the characters
BYoshi1993 chapter 4 . 9/28/2019
I’m beginning to fall down the rabbit hole that is your profile. I really love how your characters feel and act. This story is also developing far beyond my expectations.

Your viewpoint on the series is also one that I’d never considered. I really fell off watching the last few seasons, so I feel like I should try to catch up to see if I come to the same conclusion.

Looking forward to whatever story I fall into next.
lmill123 chapter 4 . 8/10/2019
I'm glad you came back to this story. I hope there won't be such a long wait till your next update.

Sheldon is still confused over any Penny chose him over Leonard. He doesn't see that the importance of friendships is just as important to Penny as to not cheating when in a relationship. Some things you just don't do. Despite how Sheldon acts and mostly out of ignorance, he holds through with many of the principles that Penny does. Principles that clearly Leonard never learned of was taught.

Despite being bullied as a child, Leonard is no different from the people that bullied him as a child. On thing Beverly did instill in Leonard was how to manipulate those around him. And he is very good at being passive aggressive and shifting the blame into others. Refusing to believe he did anything wrong. Much like Beverley believes how she treated Leonard was wrong and his problems are his own fault.
lmill123 chapter 3 . 8/10/2019
I do love your thinking in your end notes. In many ways Sheldon is like a child, but interacting with people and understanding them he seems more like a toddler learning to walk.

Funny enough it reminded me of a 9 year old boy on America's Got Talent. The arrogance was all there along with the condensation when he talked. He would finish high school in two years before starting college. He just lacked the showing the childish side Sheldon showed.
lmill123 chapter 2 . 8/10/2019
I agree with your outlook on the show. It became even worse when they paired Amy with Sheldon. And for someone who studied addiction for her Not to see the path Penny was headed down but to actually encourage and abet it along with Leonard should have been criminal but at the least Very abusive.

This is a Shenny , but not a romantic one which I like. Raj lacks a backbone and has a fear of once again being friendless. He was the only one that felt built and remorse for his part of the supposed prank. It was no longer a prank on Leonard's part but the actions of a vindictive and hateful little man set on destroying Sheldon's dream and life's work just to make him a laughing stock. Clearly there was a huge load of jealously there, not only for Sheldon's status as a scientist but also Sheldon's friendship with Penny.
chickeyd chapter 4 . 8/5/2019
This was a wonderful surprise. I dislike BBT a lot, but your fic premise was neat, and I wanted to give it a try. I'm very glad I did.
I love the character dynamics, and the characterization changes you've made. Changes may not be the right word because it feels more like you've reasonably fleshed them out and given them more body rather than any dramatic or out of character changes.
Some of my favorite scenes were the zoo for both the Penny & Raj bonding and Penny conceding to Sheldon's zoo ways; Penny going back to college; Penny and Sheldon going over body language was sweet; the fallout of the "prank"; Sheldon writing out what to say to Penny in response to her grades; Sheldon comforting Penny and opening up after the movie, and more.
Also, I liked how you captured Leonard's voice-it's probably me being petty, but he's always seemed kinda whiny to me and you capture that without bashing him.
Thanks for writing and sharing :)
Misaki Eyva chapter 4 . 8/2/2019
OMG I Love it!
I loved the way you treat character development for both Sheldon and Penny. It's very realistic and very lovely. I confess that many small things in Big Bang Theory often annoy me for the way they ignore certain things in the name of humor, and although it's okay because it's a comedy show, but it still makes me want a version of the story where things could be different and the way you write it is just magnificent.
DeathCrawler chapter 4 . 7/6/2019
interesting story look forward the next chapters
Lendary chapter 4 . 7/1/2019
I'm really impressed with your characterisation work here. The cast and their interactions feel very true to what I recall of the show, even though you've placed them in different scenarios and gave the story a more serious tone than the series originally had. That takes a lot of skill.

If someone had asked me beforehand if you could make a serious, emotional BBT story while staying true to the show's characters, I would have said no. They seemed too exaggerated, too satirical for them to work as real people with serious feelings that don't just exist for dark humour. But I think you've pulled it off.

Sheldon maybe occasionally comes off a bit too much like a non science person's idea of a scientist, but the canon Sheldon did too, so I suppose that works.
Lendary chapter 3 . 7/1/2019
Small nitpick: I think Sheldon would call it cluster time, or maybe computing cluster time, not supercomputer time. That's the standard terminology in my circles, and a quick look at the Caltech HPC center website seems to confirm they use it too.
Lendary chapter 1 . 7/1/2019
This is a really nice idea for a story. I've only seen a few episodes of BBT, mostly from the first and second season, so my advise on characterisation might not be the best. But I do seem to recall that Sheldon is quite generous with money, so I'm not sure if he'd insist on getting a majority share that strongly.

Spotted no big science errors, but a couple of things are maybe a little misleading:

1)Sheldon says matter is everything that's not energy, then adds that matter pulls at itself. This sort of implies that matter isn't a form of energy when it is, and that the other forms of energy don't cause gravitational attraction, when in fact they do. All energy curves spacetime. Doesn't matter if it's a rock, a light ray, or the kinetic energy in a moving object. Though I guess maybe Sheldon wanted to stick with Newtonian physics here?

2)Dark energy probably shouldn't be thought of as a mysterious thing spreading the universe apart against the force of gravity pulling it together. For starters if dark energy wasn't there the expansion as a percentage of the universe's current size would slow down, but it'd still never stop or start shrinking. (At least in the standard cosmological model)

The real answer is that gravity in general relativity isn't a force anymore, it's the curvature of spacetime itself, and in certain situations it can do things other than pulling stuff together. In the case of the whole universe it expands the space between things instead.

Having a decent amount of vacuum energy (what dark energy is usually thought to be), in every point of space gets you an expansion of the universe following an exponential curve et (which is what we measure).

On the other hand, only having lots of matter and radiation flying around, without any dark/vacuum energy (more precisely: when the cosmological constant is zero) would also make the universe expand, but it'd go something like log(t) or 1/t if I recall my cosmology lectures correctly.

I really don't blame you for this one, the pop-sci people really like to oversimplify the topic into this intuitive but wrong picture where gravity pulls stuff together, and dark energy drives it apart.

The explanations Sheldon gives are pretty standard pop-science style, but I guess that can be forgiven. If you had an idea on how to explain these concepts better and deeper than the mainstream does you'd just make these videos for real after all. Season 1 of BBT would have been back in 2007, so there might not be that much competition in popular science videos yet anyway.
alexny18111 chapter 4 . 6/19/2019
Man, I'm really loving this story so far. I need more chapters!
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