Author has written 3 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, DC Superheroes, Bleach, and Mass Effect. A diagnosed bibliophile and aspiring author, I've read fanfiction for years, marveling at the beauty and potential of some of the works I've read. I've decided to make a serious stab at becoming a writer and decided to see if I could write some fanfiction, and actually finish a story. My current project is a Buffy fanfiction featuring Xander. I've got some other ideas percolating, but I think I should really concentrate on one project at a time. Unless this story starts going on forever. Then I'll probably write a couple of projects concurrently. On another note, I hate author notes, so I'll probably respond in the review section, so check there for responses to questions posed. Also, I'm tickled pink that people are actually reading, so, to everyone that gives my story a shot, thank you! And for those of you that take the time to review, thank you very much! Wow, it has been a while since I've updated. Had a huge problem for a while that resulted in the chapters I had ready to go to be lost completely. Totally sucks. Kinda killed my muse for a while. I've had a few new stories percolating. See if I can't get back into the groove. Plus, new content, so, enjoy! |
Darth Marrs (24) HELLACRE13 (16) hgfan1111 (0) | kb0 (35) LuxDragon (5) S'TarKan (8) | Sharrukin (13) |