Author has written 4 stories for Discworld, Ranma, Teen Titans, and World of Darkness. Hello all you happy children of light. I am a relatively new author, in that I've always WANTED to write/share the ideas which have been bouncing around in my head, but never had the guts/drive until recently, and I'm hoping I will be able to entertain you all at least as much as I have entertained myself over the years. While I can engross myself in particular stories and ideas, I'm willing to learn and write about a variety of subjects, usually to prevent TOMA syndrome (talking out my a--), so don't be surprised if you see things that veer all over the place from time-to-time. As I've gotten a few stories under my belt, I feel like adding a bit here for my grand design/magnum Opus, which I hope and PRAY will be a multiverse mega-crossover that doesn't completely shit the bed. The quickest and dirtiest (meaning unpolished, perverts) summary I can proffer is thus; Imagine a place between dimensions which had all the anime/manga/comics/movies/TV shows you know and love. Except, the "Archives" weren't holding verified works of fiction, but the lives and experiences of real people, at times carefully edited and managed to parse out the boring bits or whatever didn't fit into the narrative. Now imagine that Library was abandoned by whoever made it, and several people were dropped there with no idea why these heroic, villainous, or simply significant people were being recorded across time and space. And finally...imagine what would happen if all these universes FOUND OUT they were being watched, and those recorded in the archives could visit them...and thus gain OOC knowledge of their own world? -Limitations- Ki, is not MANA, is not ESSENCE, is not CHAKRA, is not ETHER is not etc, etc, etc. The different types of bullshit magic and ki techniques are not automatically interchangeable and usable from the outset, so Kenichi isn't going to be learning how to make Shadow-Clones or Shinobi skills. He could imitate SOME, but they wouldn't be the real thing and would probably be weaker, (or maybe stronger? We'll see...) Technology, depending on the pseudo-science used or materials involved, will NOT suddenly be interchangeable between dimensions. Taking a Gundam into One Piece, yeah it'll run...for a bit, but the second it runs out of fuel or get's damaged, the pilot is screwed cause FUEL and GUNDANIUM don't exist in One Piece-verse. -Universes used (Expanding and updating as I go, with limitations as I think of them.) One Piece: Devil Fruits will work outside of that world, and the Haki techniques. Whether those hold up against other 'verses bullshit remains to be seen. History's Strongest Disciple Ranma 1/2 Marvel (various) DC (various) Exalted World of Darkness (New) DnD based settings (Various) NCIS Webcomics (Various) Dragon Ball Z: Canonicity is uncertain at the moment, but this WILL BE at least 100 years after the end of DBZ. We are not dealing with the BS of "I can blow up a planet by blowing my nose!" scale power levels in other verses. Warhammer 40k (Warhammer is a maybe, don't know enough yet): CHAOS CANNOT CROSS DIMENSIONS. Psykers are ridiculously weakened outside 40k and Sorcerers will be utterly cut off from their masters and thus their powers. But on the other hand, Psykers who go somewhere they can practice their powers WITHOUT exploding into gore or mutating will find themselves a bit stronger when they get home... Jitsu wa Watashi wa: Outlaw Star Slayers Sirius Scars Final Fantasy Tactics (maybe on the others...) Shadowrun Several original settings. More to be added later... |