Hellish Argent D'nur.
There was no other better way of explaining it.
After the Doomslayer was tethered back to hell, It was choatic at first. Many Demon's quickly caught wind of him and charged with an overwhelming amount at the time.
However it was a big mistake on their part.
Leaving the Giant mountain of Demon Bodies that he had killed off, The Doomslayer wondered the barren lands of hell in boredom until the Tether had been reactivated.
He would kill that damn Cyborg, Even if it was the last thing he would do. Until then, He waited like he did before.
Doomslayer's POV
The Landscape seemed to be unending for the most part, He took out his Overlay before marking the other location on his Praetor Armor. Looking around, he spotted a few imps that were digging through a pile of bones.
The Imps had spotted him before yelping in fear and running for cover inside of a dark hell cave. The Marine couldn't help but chuckle, Apparently news spread quickly in hell now that the Doomslayer was now back.
"That's right Ass hats, Run away!" Doom said before picking up a skull and throwing it with tremendous force, shattering the skull on the roof of the cave. He supposed he could get used to this, killing demons and making them cower before him.
However it would get boring after a while.
Deciding to sit down and admire the view of the burning landscape, he watched the fire like sky in an almost oblivious wanderlust as his hud took in all of the details.
Maybe he actually could get used to this, hell did have it's form of beauty. That was only when Demon's weren't trying to eviscerate him.
Regardless, he might as well get comfy. After all didn't know how long it was until someone summoned him again, and that could possibly take a really damn long time. Probably a thousand years to be exact.
The Marine huffed in bordem before picking up his surprisingly effective double barreled shotgun again. Luckily bullets wouldn't be a concern as demon's tend to shit them out after getting there innards turning into there outards, So that was a plus.
He was about to stand up again until he felt something, a shake.
Looking around to find the source, a skull that had been refashioned into a goblet caught his attention as the putrid blood inside of it began shaking with each tremor.
Something big was coming.
And it just so happened to be rounding the corner.
The doom slayer jumped to his feet before a clawed hand broke the black stone behind him, tossing him leftwards into another wall.
He was slightly dazed before getting punched through said wall as the orange blood soaked rock gave way, this thing really must have wanted him dead.
Looking up, he caught sight of his attacker.
"Didn't I kill you before dipshit?" The doom marine asked, The Demon in question was his old friend.
The Cyber demon, the exact same one as it still had it's signature broken horn on the left side of it's head with the right horn now missing seeing as the marine had ripped off the other one in there last fight.
It roared in defiance before charging it's UAC rocket launcher as it glowed with orange energy. The marine smiled before taking the full hit of it and getting knocked back a few paces, but the energy's of hell gave him a lot of power since he came here.
The explosion rocked him back a bit but he still stayed standing, almost un-scratched from the beating the cyber demon threw at him.
The demon's eyes narrowed before the doom marine gave a inward chuckle.
The Marine charged forward with doubled barrel in hand. He blasted the demons armor, taking chunks of it off but otherwise un-harming the cyber demon but still doing a number on it's armor.
The Cyber demon roared in outrage before firing a large salvo of missiles in an attempt to blow the doom slayer up but to no avail as the marine easily strafed left to right, avoiding the heavy ordinance.
The Demon gnashed it's teeth in anger before trying to swipe at the Marine, only for the marine to jump high up before landing on it's mechanical arm.
Running atop the cybernetic arm, Doom rushed forward before planting a knee right into the demons face, knocking out a few rancid teeth on the way. The Demon screeched in anger as it kneeled to the ground and held the left side of it's face.
"And now, this is where you-" Until the doomsalyer saw the demon smile with the few teeth it had left. The core in the Cyberdemon'ss armor began to glow a bright blue, "Oh... You Motherfucker." The Doom marine said before the blue explosion engulfing the both of them in a spectacular explosion.
"Well Played." The Doom marine thought before loosing consciousness as he was engulfed by a bright light.
The Warp
The Doom marine woke up again like always, but this time he was greeted by the sounds of screams and moans, both at the same time possibly. Slowly scanning his surroundings, it seemed as if the forest around him was made of purple and pink flesh as the bodies that formed the trees groaned before arms attempted to reach out to him.
Standing up immediately, The Marine backed up a bit. "Keep your hands to yourself assholes." The Marine said as he scolded the flesh tree as it groaned at him again.
Looking around a bit more, he realized something was really off.
"Is this even Argent D'nur any more?" The Marine asked as he looked around the place. It didn't look like Hell either otherwise he would have known seeing as he had been there thousands of years ago during one of his Demon killing sprees.
Especially after defeating the Titan, which even made the Demon's think up a new approach. And then even that didn't work after his awakening.
Another pink tree attempted to grasp at him while he was thinking.
"FUCK OFF!" The Marine yelled before throwing a haymaker right into the Demonic tree, it exploded into a vibrant color of flesh from the pure strength and hatred the Doomslayer put into it.
The rest of the Trees immediately saw the sheer power with awe before yelping and comically uprooting there fleshy roots to run away. The Marine fumed before catching sight of something in the distance.
"Is that a castle?" The Marine said before walking towards it. However something was attracted to the loud noises he created.
Looking around he caught sight of the creature. It stood almost as tall as a Baron of Hell, but with four arms and Crab like appendages on one of the pairs. It's head looked like that of a Lizard with horns and it wielded a Hellish looking sword that contrasted with it's pinkish skin.
However the most defining feature was,
"Your fucking with me." The Doom marine said as he definitely saw that the creature sported a disturbing pair of Tits on it's incredibly masculine body.
The Demon roared at him before charging forward in an attempt to slice him in half. The Marine acted quickly, dodging out of the way of the blade. The Demon turned as it furrowed it's glowing pink eyes at him.
"Listen here Demon, I'm fucking confused, Tired, and Angry. Leave me the Fuck alone." The Marine said, the creature merely smiled before sharpening it's blade and preparing to charge again.
"Your loss." The Marine said before rushing forward.
Dodging the sword with incredible speed, The Marine charged forward before punching and breaking the bones of one of it's legs. The Demon half roared in pain and half moaned in pleasure.
"Your getting Turned on by this? What the fuck!?" The Marine yelled before dodging a retaliating strike from the Demon. The Demon cackled again before attempting to strike at him again, this time with more power as the pain seemed to keep the Demon going.
Now this was beginning to piss the Marine off, if this Demon thought that it was going to actually best him because it could got horny from getting punched in the leg than it had another thing coming.
Wordlessly the Marine dodged once more. However this time he jumped straight forward, dodging the grasping crab appendedges and landing directly on it's face. The Demon stumbled back in surprise before the Marine yelled in anger, plunging both of his hands straight into it's face.
This time the Demon did not find that as pleasurable as it shrieked out in pain as the Marine moddled with the facial flesh, causing as much damage as possible. However he had to jump from his position as the Demon randomly flailed around the place in an attempt to strike him again.
The Marine however was clearly satisfied knowing he caused real damage as the Demon was now blinded, flailing around in an attempt to gain a better idea of it's surroundings.
"And now this..." The Marine said as his trusty chainsaw, revved up in his hands as it appeared out of nowhere. "Is why you don't fuck with me." The Marine said before silently plunging the weapon forward before the Demon gained an idea of where he was due to it's blind state.
The chains quickly stabbed through where the Marine punched a hole in it's face and within a second, the Doomslayer pulled the trigger, violently cutting up the Demons head. He kept on slashing as the Demon thrashed around, clearly not used to the idea of death until all that remained was a fleshy pile of pink flesh.
"Whew, that settles that." The Doomslayer said as he kicked away a pile flesh next to his feet.
"Now... About that castle." He said before cracking both of his knuckles.
With new places to visit and new demons to kill, He supposed he could get used to this.