Reviews for Stuck in a Landslide
Guest chapter 17 . 7/23
Exiciting story. Please update it. Also İ want to see Doomguy vs Abaddon during the 13th Black Crusade.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/2
Hard for me not to cringe at Doom Slayer's dialogue but good job none the less.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1
HE HE HE haven’t even red it yet,get it Red! But I know there is gonna be so much blood! Blood for the blood god skulls for the skull throne
Guest chapter 7 . 6/30
I've read everything up until now, and holy god I'm nutting so much!
This is the most masculine thing I've ever read, and I've watched all of Michael Bay's movies as a kid!
Please come back, and finish what you've started. You've got me hooked like a heroin junkie!
Guest chapter 17 . 6/18
Please, Please, Please, Please, Please Update Again Soon
Etherious.Nat5u.Dragneel chapter 17 . 6/10
Pls make more this is great!
daveboy2000 chapter 17 . 6/7
Last update 2 years ago

Last author activity 2 years ago

freddy.lane.1 chapter 17 . 6/4
hehehe, more please
szlekane chapter 17 . 5/27
moar updates esteemed author...
Drago The Firesword Dragon chapter 2 . 5/24
I like how this guy is actually a thing.

Funnily enough, his miniature looks scared, lol.
Nobody chapter 17 . 5/7
Everyone: This is a great fic, I hope it isn't abendoned!
Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 aka ~2 years ago

Have you lost your hope yet?
God of crossovers chapter 15 . 5/5
By investigating the Tau Database, I have discovered that every Ork vessel has what is called a 'Grot Launcher' which is designed to fire live humanoids."

"Oh great... I always wanted to be shot out of a cannon." Doom said sarcastically.

sanguinor thee xalted chapter 1 . 4/27
bruh have ya died?
ChromaninEx chapter 17 . 4/20
Man, why are the greatest fics always abandoned? Must be some Tzeentchian foul play at work.
eclipse metastar chapter 17 . 4/19
I love this story. I hope it gets updated eventually.
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