"They're evil, Harry! Every single one of them is evil!" Ron cried out at the dinner table in Grimmould Place. Ron and Harry were slacking off during a study session after dinner that their friend Hermione had forced them to attend. Harry had mentioned he thought that Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis were sort of cute in a discussion about girls in their year.
This brought the pair's conversation to the attention of the rest of the table. Hermione just scowled at both boys for discussing girls at the table rather than studying. Other people in the room all took notice. In particular, Ron's father perked up at Ron's comment.
The Weasley family patriarch looked at others in the room from the Prophet he was reading. His wife, Molly, was nodding along with Ron's statement and he sighed internally. He needed to act on this before it got worse. Ron could rant almost as much as Molly when he got going.
"Ron," Arthur said in a low voice.
Ron heard his father and stopped to look at his father.
"Ron, you said all Slytherin house members are evil, correct?" he continued in the same low voice.
"Of course Dad. No one ever came out of Slytherin that wasn't evil," Ron stated as if it was cast in stone by Merlin himself.
Arthur nodded slowly in silence for a moment before speaking again.
"What about the child of a Slytherin, Ron. Are they evil too?" he asked.
The twins had heard something in their father's voice that read 'Danger' and slowly slid further away from the table as if to be able to bolt of necessary.
"Fred, George, no need to run. This is not your concern right now and you are not in trouble," Arthur said in the same low voice.
Molly interjected at this point. "But Arthur, everyone knows that Slytherins are evil."
"Not now Molly," Arthur almost snapped. "Ron? I asked you a question. Are the children of a Slytherin evil as well?"
"Of course Dad, everyone knows that," Ron said with certainty.
"I see," Arthur replied. Everyone else in the room had picked up on the tone of his voice except Ron and Molly and they were all looking nervous.
"Ron, I assure you that neither I nor my mother; your own grandmother; Cedrella are evil. I seriously think that you should reconsider your position on who is evil based on their actions, rather than their Hogwart's House affiliation. Yes, your grandmother was a Slytherin as were many of my cousins, aunts and uncles. It is not a house that makes a person good or evil, it is how they are raised and what they are taught to believe."
By now Ron was pale and his freckles stood out in sharp relief. Molly was as well, having forgotten about Arthur's mother in her own rants against Slytherins.
"Now, while I tend to be quite lenient in many things when it comes to opinions and what people say, I will not have you insulting my mother. Is That Clear Ronald?" Arthur said in a tone none of the teens had heard from him before.
Ron nodded quickly with the twins and Harry nodding as well. Even Hermione has lost the superior look she tended to have on her face and nodded in response to Mr. Weasley.
Arthur merely shook out his paper and continued reading.
Just touching on a sore point in many fics I have read where Ron is condemning all Slytherin house as evil, when his own grandmother was one.
Also that Arthur never seems to respond to such slights against his mother.