A/N: This may be the last chapter for a while, as I've run out of pre-written chapters. I will continue! I have so many wonderful, awful things in store for the next expansion's story arc, and can't wait to get to them. But first, Legion. :)
The Best Episode of Koffee Klatch Ever, Day 204
I have to admit, Kohl's mom has done a wonder with Natalie. I think you can safely say that she doesn't normally carry around much weight, but she certainly looks fuller now. Glossy, even. Like, her hair has grown back in and wow, it's actually got color now. No more living Forsaken time. And maybe Kohl thinks he's hiding it, but you could see the 'she's my bae' in his expression when he brought her to the lodge.
So bundled up in natty afghans and sipping Tomro's awesome hot cocoa next to the big fireplace, we chatted. For the most part. I summarized the Lucilla thing – this is not my body, this is Lucilla's, she dragged me from Earth, I stuffed her in a mental closet, the Legion found Earth, bad things happened. She has about the grasp of vocabulary that a 5-year-old does, so it wasn't easy. I had to draw a lot of pictures. In the end, she got it.
Nat: [incredulous] Lucilla bring demons to Earth?
Me: Yes.
Nat: She laugh?
Me: [grim] Yes.
Nat: [upset] Why?
Me: She was experimenting. Um... Here. [draw picture of chemistry set] But with souls. Crap. [draw picture of stick figure with hazy stick figure next to it] [draw circle around hazy figure] [arrows indicating it went away] [draw 'X' for eyes on stick figure]
Nat: [shocked] She kill you.
Me: [nod] Yeah. We're pretty sure she did.
Nat: [angry] She kill many. Many, many. Brother. Sister. Mother. All. Day and day and day, more dead. No sun, no light, no food. I eat rat or I eat nothing. [blazing fury] Where she now?
Me: Dead. I killed her.
Nat: [grim] Good. She dead. Good. Pain?
Me: I'm not sure. [shrug] I wasn't paying attention.
Nat: Pain good for Lucilla. Many get pain. Long pain. Many pain. [nod] Lucilla get pain.
Me: So... you think she deserved it?
Nat: [draws stick figure] Lucilla. [tears paper and damn near breaks quill slashing crisscrossing fuck you lines back and forth across the figure] [crying] [throws quill and paper into fire]
Me: [hug and cry it out with Nat]
Ultimately, I think I did the right thing.