I didn't think that deleting the old Chapter 24 and updating previous chapters would trigger alerts.

So here's the deal; I've been working on updating this for a bit now. I'm mostly done. I've got Chapter 24 around 60% done. But before I can post it, I wanted to ensure all the previous chapters reflect certain changes I've made. Most of these revolve around things I first came up with regard HP and Hogwarts U. So as I finish updates to previous chapters, I'm posting them. So look at the "Last Change Date" to see whether or not a chapter has been updated. As I said, I've been working on this for awhile so a lot of the changes don't take much time.

So, depending on how things go, I will replace this message with a new chapter 24 very soon. (Sadly the new season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina drops tomorrow and I just got a new 55" TV for my 54 birthday.)

Also, a lot of authors write a fic and then start to "hate" it because it's filled with clichés. That's how I feel about HP and the Rejected Path but I'm committed to finishing it. I recently had some temp jobs where I had a lot of time to think so I think I've gotten some things in mind to get from where we are now to the end of the story. (Sadly I've know how the end story since the beginning; it's getting through the last bit that has been the problem)

Still, I want to finish it and focus on Paging Dr. Bell as well as Nineteen (easier to finish) and Iron Heart to say nothing of HP and Hogwarts U. (And Thin Blue Line given that should be easy to finish)