Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter, and Overlord. Considering my first posted story, I just felt I should let it be known that I'm not really some twisted sicko. *Shush* Quiet, my brethren ... I'm merely trying to mislead the masses. Such gullible sheep they are ... I've enjoyed this site for some time and finally decided to put something of my own up after stories I've read and enjoyed kept creating storylines in my own head. I've got three tales running around in the Lovecraftian attic of my mind at the moment. The two nice ones are pretty much completely written ... mentally. The one I started with ... don't ask me why. Even though it's not as complete as the others, it just had several scenes that screamed out for them to be recorded first. Who am I to argue with Evil Harry? And I take no responsibility for Psycho-Luna-With-a-Bum-Fetish. *Shakes finger at the monitor* Blame Cloneserpents! Since reading his stories, I can't imagine her any other way. Which one? Read them all ... they're worth it. I just made her darker and more insane in order to fit in with the Harry of my story. Ahem. At the moment, I'm only interested in Harry Potter stories. These are the ones rattling 'round the noggin. 1. HP Overlord crossover ... now at a theater near you! All rated M. Flits back and forth in time. Some chapters silly/twisted, others dark and evil. Bashes 'bout damn near everyone else. A tale of evil, revenge, and two insane, emotionally crippled individuals finding love amidst an ocean of blood in a completely ridiculous, unrealistic way. 2. Ginger Grows Gonads (not the final title, obviously!) Likely rated T. Ron becomes a Ron I would like. Realizing he's the "second choice," he pushes the hero and the girl together, helps his best friend take out the bad guy, and becomes the hero for a girl meant for him. 3. One Shot at Redemption (working title). A Hermione story. Rated T ... possibly M for violence. Harry's been dead for years ... and it's her fault. Voldemort has won and she's a hard, embittered, slightly nuts member of the losing resistance movement. She's given a shot at going back. And is a separate individual from her past self. Can you say DDA professor? Obviously, there's a pattern. Sorry, I'm a firm believer in "The Hero gets The Girl." Ginny ain't The Girl. Anything revolving around that will not be seen in any of my stories. Making them all seriously AU and OOC. Has anyone else noticed that there are more Harry/Draco stories than there are Harry/Ginny? "Give the people what they want" ... obviously not part of the franchise. As for lemons and intense gore ... sorry. I hope those fans will like my stories, but I will tend to infer or imply. I prefer women in lingerie over those in the nude. I like the hint, the tease ... the wondering what's behind the curtains. I'll set the stage and let the reader take it as far as they wish. But we all know what really happens in the unwritten paragraphs, don't we, my brethren? As for my sistren ... PM me ... attach photos ... we'll talk. Read and enjoy. If not mine, go ahead and read those of someone else. There's some good stuff out there. |
cloneserpents (9) exwolf (1) | RobSt (17) The Darkest Soul (15) |