For those who wanted to see the Killer Rabbit:

Darth Vader couldn't believe that his first act as Emperor - a position he hadn't really wanted by the way - would be to wade through a bunch of ancient junk in the Jedi Temple. How the thing had ended up there, he didn't know, but it was the only thing that could get rid of the thing that was terrorizing Coruscant. As he made his way to the room that contained the case that had washed up from another universe, three blue figures in Jedi robes appeared and blocked his path. He didn't know who they were, but then again he didn't know everyone in the Temple, much less everyone he killed, by sight.

"We're the Knights who say 'Ni'." the Force ghost on the Left who was casually leaning against a door frame said in a rather bored tone as he rubbed his fingernails on his robes and examined them.

"Look Mac, seeing as I'm the guard, I'm going to have to tell you what I tell everyone who comes down here. If you want the Holy Handthingy, you're gonna have to bring us a shrubbery." The ghost in the middle said.

He pulled out his Lightsaber. While it would do nothing to the ghosts who were impeding his progress, it would deal with the door.

"I wouldn't bother, the door's made of Cortosis." the ghost on the Right said, smirking at the Lightsaber.

"As I said before Mac, you want the Holy Handthingy, you bring us a shrubbery."

A Week Earlier:

The Emperor stared down at the creature that was supposedly supposed to replace Vader. It was small, cute, and fluffy. The long-earred, pink-eyed creature was covered from end to end with soft white fur which made it look like a suitable pet for a small child. Figuring that the machine had malfunctioned somehow, the Emperor stepped forward and made shooing gestures at the animal.

It was the last mistake he'd ever make.

Coming to his aid was the last mistake several courtiers, hangers-on, and loyal and would-be loyal Imperial officers would ever make as well.