Well I finally got this part in and finished. The usual disclaimer here folks. I don't own the BTVS Characters as they belong to Whedon. The MARVEL ones belong to well MARVEL.

Special Note of thanks for CAG7 for pointing out that I hadn't placed this chapter here despite having finished it in May.

The Scoobies, minions, Glory, and the remaining surviving people watched in awe as the group of heroes from another dimension hovered over their heads. Each of them were dressed in their uniforms which looked like combinations of silk, spandex, and leather armor. They also noticed that they were moving downward at a slow and steady pace giving them the time to examine the entire situation. It also made their entrance all that more impressive to those watching their descent. Many people's jaws dropped in awe at the imposing sight that the group made as they came closer to the ground.

"Siryn help Shadowcat, get up to the younger Summers girl." Captain America ordered a redheaded young woman in a green and gold uniform. "Return back to us as soon as possible though."

The woman nodded as she grabbed onto a girl in blue and screamed out lifting the two of them into the air as they rose upward and headed for the top of the tower. Following along behind them was a purple dragon who was preparing several mouthfuls of fire in readiness for the upcoming fight.

As soon as the pair left the group, the others began falling to the ground. Shadowcat who was no longer phasing them had left them to a more gravitational means of getting to the ground. Tigra landed in a crouch and then caught Dazzler, while Captain America and Iron Fist caught onto the tower and used the odd construction as a stepladder to the ground, Wasp on the other hand merely shrunk and flew to the ground before resizing so that she could stand alongside of her teammates.

Glory looked uncertain she was now surrounded by two groups of heroes. The dozen figures were spreading out so that they could take her on. While she doubted that any one of them could actually hurt her, even with their combined might none of them had the power to stand up for long against her. She was simply to powerful and great for anyone to manage to defeat her. Still, it would take time and would likely be the cause of a number of frustrations. It seemed that it was time to show these mortals what happened when one messed around with a God though. It was time to show them what it meant to challenge a God.

Captain America silently unslung a second shield off of his back and fixed it to his arm. The Hellgoddess looked particularly displeased at seeing that there were now two of the shields that could withstand even her massive strength. The Hellgoddess was unused to having weapons that could be used against her. The fact that her enemies had two such weapons was more than a bit disconcerting for her. He then raised one of the shields over his head. "Avengers Assemble!" He called out, causing both groups to tense in readiness. "Take her down and keep Dawn safe." He called out to the others. The others nodded, and the next thing Glory knew she was being assaulted from numerous side from various attacks. Anya, Dazzler and Willow all started their assault while the combined forces dodged in and out of striking at her before moving out of the way so that another member could try their hand against her.

A screaming Siryn and Lockheed dive bombed the tower where Dawn and Doc were currently playing their game of cat and mouse. "Looks like you could use a hand." Shadowcat noted, as she fell through the demon and landed on the other side. The move caught Doc by surprise, and the inattention was all that Lockheed needed to spit the mouthful of flames at him. Doc tried to move out of the way, only to receive a punch to his ribs and when he grabbed at them he received a kick to his chest forcing him back up. The demon scowled as he righted himself after the surprise attacks as he tried to figure out his next move. This part of the tower was narrow, meaning that people could only move forwards or backwards and that there was no room to walk side by side. When he had been facing off against the Key this had helped him, as it meant that the number of exits that the girl could use were limited even with her ability to ghost through things. Now that they had a numerical advantage, it was nowhere near as easy. What's more, the miniature dragon made it even harder. He would have to be exceptionally wary when facing off with these two sprite like beings.

"Go help the others, we should be enough to handle this guy." Dawn told Siryn. "Besides, its more important that we stop her right now than it is to help me out."

"Are ye sure bout that lass?" Siryn questioned the girl. "Wouldn't it be bettah if ye left?"

"Would you let someone else fight a fight that concerned you so much?" Dawn questioned the Irish born mutant.

"Trust us, we got this one covered." Shadowcat told the other mutant even as she focused on their opponent.

"Ah understand." Siryn returned, as she accepted the decision that the mutant Key had decided on. "Good luck ta de both oh ya." She told them as she then dive bombed at Glory.

"Okay then, let's get this thing started. Dawn said as she settled into a ninjutusu stance. Kitty nodded as she settled into a similar stance on the other side of the demon. The two girls ignored the dragon that was flying over their heads ready to perform a strafing run should he need to. Instead they focused on the demon that was standing between them. Neither of them were about to let him cut Dawn, and open the portal that would destroy this world and countless others if they allowed him to carry through with Glory's plan.

"So tell me," Xander idly spoke, "why in all of the places in the multiverse would you guys would actually choose to come here?" He asked the real Captain America curiously, as the two waited for the perfect moment in which to launch their own attacks against the Hellgoddess. Glory was currently swinging uselessly against Buffy and Tigra who were kicking and punching the figure without mercy. "Don'tet me wrong wrong I'm glad you're all here. I mean, if you guys were looking for good vacation spots I'm thinking that you overshot your mark by a good bit is all."

"You remind me of Spider-Man." Captain America returned coolly, as he watched the fight between the Hellgoddess and the heroes play itself out. "Besides, would you wait around on your hands when there's something that you could do about the destruction of the multiverse?" He asked him rather knowingly.

"Point taken." Xander admitted, wincing as he watched the two cat women get thrown into a pile of rocks. Waving their hands the tacticians sent Spike and Iron Fist into the fight. The two kung-fu experts moved around the crazed woman. Spike was aiming at her middle, while Iron Fist was making leaping attacks the focused on the head. Despite their movements though, everyone could see that they were having less effect with their human strength blows. Spike was causing more damage with his vampire power, but it still wasn't enough. Rather than waste their time on ineffectual attacks the two started focusing on hitting special areas like nerves and tendons. While Glory didn't appear to be hurt by the blows, it was likely that later on the hits in these vulnerable areas would slow her down enough to give them the chance that they needed.

"So, I'm wondering, where you managed to get the shield." Xander asked, as he hefted the shield that looked like a replica of Captain America's shield that the man wore strapped to his own arm. The weight was nearly perfect as far as Xander could tell.

"John Walker wasn't using it, and we thought that you might have a bit more need for it at the moment." Captain America explained, the two figures rose from their hiding spots and launched their shields at the exact same time. Captain America's shield bounced off a pole then a bulldozer before striking Glory in the back of the head while Xander had chosen a more direct route and slung it at her gut.

Glory was caught off guard as the shields performed a one two combo on her body. Glory looked up to see the two figures catch their shields. It was now while she was stunned that she could see the two group as they intermingled with each other. There were the heroes from another world in their brightly colored outfits that made them as much as targets as anything else. Then there were the native heroes of this dimension that were dressed in dark and worn clothes. The boy with a shield was wearing construction clothes, the Slayer was in biker shorts and sports bra, the two witches were wearing dresses, and Anyanaka was wearing jeans and a blouse.

Willow and Siryn had taken to the air and were doing their best to keep back as they sent their sonic screams at Glory. The Goddess grimaced as she was being pounded by near identical sonic assaults. The main difference was the distance in from where they were attacking from. For the two redheads though it was rather easy, because thanks to Siryn's father they were used to fighting alongside of someone that had the same type of attack. The two attacks were making it hard for Glory to keep upright. Xander and Captain America each threw a shield and struck her in the ribs on either side. The shields then bounced back into their hands. Tigra and Buffy moved in next, and each of them slammed a foot into her back. She was sent stumbling forward, only to be met by the enhanced chi attacks of Spike and Iron Fist. The blows sent her flying back into a pile of scrap metal. Dazzler and Anya began to use their laser beams to weld the metal around the hellgoddess. Glory strained for a minute before the confining metal cracked and freed her. Tara and Wasp moved in, each of them flying into an ear and blasting an eardrum. Glory fell to her knees in pain as she tried to understand all of the pain that she was feeling. She didn't even notice, as the two small heroes flew out.

"Anyone else thinking that was to easy?" Xander asked, as he warily watched Glory to see what she would try next.

"No argument." Buffy agreed with him as she watched the figure.

"Easy people she's down." Captain America ordered holding his hand up to stop them from doing something rash. "You've obviously done more damage to her than you thought." He reasoned with them.

"If that was true, wouldn't she have changed to her other form?" Tara asked the man curiously.

"Damn, caught onto that did you?" Glory grumbled as she unsteadily rose back to her feet. Her eyes flashed with anger and madness as she stared at the beings that were preventing her from getting back to where she belonged. "You may have caught me by surprise last time, but I'm going to destroy all of you this time." She promised the group.

"Dawn, Shadowcat, drop, she doesn't have a hostage anymore." Buffy called up to the group that was fighting up above them. The two mutant girls nodded as they each jumped off opposite sides of the metal girder and fell towards the ground and disappeared beneath the ground. Doc could only stare at where they had been.

"My Key." Glory wailed, as she watched the two girls get swallowed by the earth. "What did you do to my Key?" She demanded of the group. "I have been stuck on this worthless mudball for way to long and My Key, which happens to belong to me, I might add. Its the only thing that can get me home, and you just made it vanish." She created a fist and slammed it into the ground causing the surrounding earth to crack beneath her. "Where is my key?" She demanded hysterically, as she began senselessly pounding the ground in her search for the missing mystical being that was her ticket home.

"Right here." Two voices spoke, as twin sets of hands grabbed Glory by her arms and pulled her downward. A moment later two heads popped up out of the ground.

"Hey." Dawn chirped waving at the group.

"Please tell me that stopped her." Wasp pleaded as she looked at the spot where the ground was now mangled from the series of blows it had suffered. Blows that could just as easily had one of them on the opposite end of.

"I wish." Kitty grumbled. "There's a lot of underground tunnels underneath this place though."

"Yeah, they run under the entire town actually." Buffy piped in knowingly. "It wouldn't surprise me to know that a vampire was buried upside down just so that he could avoid me."

"Anyways, we may have slowed her down though." Dawn suggested hopefully. They all paused as they saw a fist slam back up in the air. "Then again I could be mistaken." She admitted, as she saw a second hand punch through and then begin to push a head up out of the ground.

"Hey Tigra." Buffy called.

"Yes?" The werecat asked.

"How long has it been since you've played wack-a-mole?" The Slayer asked the other member of the group.

The werecat grinned as the pair then rushed towards the head and flipped through the air . As the rest of Glory's body began to push up out of the ground. The two figures landed with their full weight on her shoulders sucking them both down with her.

"We have to go after them." Captain America told the others.

"Already ahead of you on that one." Xander returned as Willow and Tara made a few gestures and mumbled some words and the ground ripped open. "Time to follow Alice down the rabbit hole." He declared, as he leaped downward. The other members of the Scoobies nodded their heads in agreement as they leaped after their friend.

"Definitely like Spider-Man." Iron Fist noted before the heroes charged after the other group.

The heroes landed in the cavern to see the two mystically enhanced warriors doing their best to keep the Hellgoddess busy from trying to claim her prize. Her body was simply to tough for any one of them to beat into submission though. They needed a method that would allow them to contain her until the time of alignment was over. It was the only way that they could manage to win against such odds.

'So tell me," Xander questioned his costumed persona, "why is it that when you guys were mounting up you decided to leave most of the big guns behind? I mean personally I'm glad your here, but I wouldn't object to having some of your heavier hitters here either. You know people like Hulk, Thor, Hercules, Iron Man, Power Man, maybe Wolverine and some of his buddies in the X-Men. Heck, I wouldn't have said no to help from Doom when you consider how much we were losing before you guys showed up." He added in to him. It was only the addition of the other heroes that was allowing them to still be going as it was.

"We considered it." Captain America admitted to the young man. "Dr. Strange told us that it would make the spell all that much harder for him to accomplish. Something to do with the fact that our souls or essences knew the path and would make the travel all that much easier. He also told us that if some of the others had come they would have diluted the feeling. It took us a while to find you as it was."

"Still wouldn't mind having the Hulk and Thor to sic on her though." Xander pointed out to the other man.

"It would make things easier." Captain America agreed. "If it was easy though, then anybody could do it. That's what makes us different."

"Speaking of, where is the doc? Having someone with his mojo would be pretty useful right now." Xander added in. Having a major magic user to bring against Glory could really even the odds in their favor.

"He's holding the door for us. He's also on standby incase we don't manage to stop her from ending this world." Cap explained. "If we don't do it, then the "Big Guns" like him will deal with

trying to contain the destruction Glory's portal may cause as best as possible. He says it will still cause a lot of damage though. Because unlike most portals, this one will rip holes through every universe between it and her dimension, causing who know what kind of destruction and the side effects could be equally disastrous through all realities that it passes through. That's without counting the fact that beings and creatures may even slip through the tear. Its up to us to keep her away from ripping through the multiverse."

"There are other ways to stop the Beast, soldier. Ways that do not put the very fabric of reality at risk." A voice noted to the pair. The two men turned around warily, and found themselves facing what looked like about a hundred different knights complete in medieval armor weaponry. Their gear was tarnished from use though.

The two men held their bodies loosely as they tried to figure how these new arrivals figured into this. The knights hd been seen a few other times sticking to the background before this. The fact that they were now involving themselves could be very good or very bad. Depending on how they decided to do things.

"And you guys are?" Xander asked them curiously.

"We are The Knights of Byzantium." The apparent leader explained to the two men. "We are the arm that is dedicated to the destruction of the Beast known as Glorificus."

"So your against Glory? Cool." Xander noted with relief, glad that she hadn't had an extra side of minions that they hadn't known about. More people to fight was really not what they needed to deal with at the moment. If they were against Glory though, he was okay with them being here.

"Where is the Key?" The leader demanded. "We must make sure that the Beast cannot get at it."

"She's fighting Glory." Xander explained nodding to where Dawn and Shadowcat were luring Glory away from the others.

"You put her on the front lines of this battle?" The figure asked in disgust. Are you insane, or just incompetent?"

"Not like we have the numbers really. Besides she's a Summer's woman, and they have this crazy idea that they need to fight." Xander tried to explain to the man.

"Knights of Byzantium, you know your duty." The leader shouted to the gathered warriors. As he was now ignoring the two figures before him. "Destroy the Key, so that the Beast cannot use it and end this world and those like it. Move aside warriors we shall finish this." He ordered the pair.

Xander and Captain America had taken defensive stances. "We can't allow that." Cap told the man. "We can't allow you to just kill someone."

"This is the last chance that we have though." The leader spat back at the pair. "Destroying the Key's vessel will make it so that the world will be safe." The man reasoned back at them. "We are doing this for the whole world. It is not as if we are destroying an actual living being, surely you must be aware by now she is just a magical construct. All we want is to destroy the false being that is amongst your ranks."

"Not happening tin man." Xander returned, as he held the shield at the ready. "You want the Dawnster, then you got to go through me." He explained to the group of knights he had been all set to welcome a minute ago.

"Us, Xander." Captain America told his companion as he took his own stance. Some of the feelings of family that Xander felt towards the various members of the Scoobies had come across during the possession. He idly wondered how Logan would feel to him being close to one of his girls.

"You think that the two of you can hope to stand against all of us?" The man demanded, as held his sword at the ready. "We are dedicated to seeing this through, you can not match the feelings that we have in seeing our mission done."

"Why don't you go and do something like tearing down that tower while we deal with this mess." Xander returned to him.

The man frowned at the Demon Hunter. "Warriors forward." He ordered, waving his sword.

Several beams of light erupted around the men as Anya joined Xander and Captain America.

"Lets do it then." Captain America returned, as he raised his shield and deflected an incoming sword and then delivered a punch that sent the armored warrior flying into his fellow warriors. "Just remember that you are the ones that started this fight." He warned the Knights of Byzantium.

"Right behind ya Cap." Xander replied, as he brought his shield arm down on the arm of a man with an ax. He ignored the sound of metal crashing into metal, and what he was fairly sure was the sound of breaking bone. Snatching the knights weapon out of the air, he swung it and brought it down on the helmet of another warrior while lashing out with a foot that tripped several more knights. "Here's a question though, if we're fighting these guys, are we technically fighting on the same side as Glory?" He questioned the WWII veteran from another reality. And how strange was his life when that actually made sense?

"Not as long as the others are keeping her busy while we fight them." Captain America replied, as he slammed the shield into the face of another knight. He was worried though. These Knights had the numbers on them, and if nothing else they might be able to wear the them down. Their one saving grace seemed to be that they lacked in supernatural or technological enhancements. It made fighting them easier, since they lacked any sort of edge. They did have some spell casters though from seeing some men in the back muttering things. There was no telling what they were doing though, and they needed to deal with them before they became a problem. "We need to stop them." He advised, waving to the group in the group in back. "Pincher maneuver." He ordered the carpenter.

"Right." Xander returned, as he knelt down with his shield raised up over his head.

Captain America nodded his understanding and ran at the the boy placing his foot firmly on the shield. Xander then rose and pushed upward even as Steve jumped up. The efforts sent him flying into the air. As he twisted in the air, he threw his shield and the round disc slammed pinto two of the magic users. He landed alongside of another pair and bashed their heads together. He caught up his shield out of the air and looked at the knights that now had to deal with a super soldier on either side of them. Splitting their focus they now had a chance of stopping the group before they could manage to get past them. When you add in the support fire that Anya was providing for them, there was a chance that they would manage to get this one done without any problems. As long as the others could contain Glory while they were fighting with the Knights of Byzantium that is.

Xander couldn't help the smile on his face as he fought to keep the knights back. This was in part what he had always wanted to be. One of the front line fighters capable of holding his own against the forces that threatened the people he loved. He now had the power to be the fighter he had always wanted to be. He ducked a sword, deflected an ax, and sent two more knights and their armor to the scrap pile. Dropping to the ground he swept the legs out from under another, and and placed a heavy kick into the gut of the guy send him tumbling back. It was so exhilarating and like nothing he had ever felt. This was tons better than his possession as a soldier or the hyena incident, as he wasn't being controlled by instincts or by the thoughts of another. It was him in the drivers seat and him kicking ass. Now if only Glory would die or whatever, things would be perfect.

Captain America grunted as he lifted one of the knights and swung him around using him as a flail to knock more of the men away. He had fought people like this more times than he liked to think. In a numbers game like this you needed skill as well as others things to get that edge. He caught a sword on the edge of his shield and looked at the man that was standing against him. It was the leader of the group.

"Are you mad? The longer that the Key is around, the more likely it is that the Beast will take it and open a doorway and destroy this reality and many more. You are aiding the Beast itself with your actions." The knight snarled angrily, as he made several slashing attacks at the hero that was getting in their way. "The only way that we can be sure that the Key is not a threat to us, is by destroying its vessel."

"So what, you'll just kill an innocent because of what's in her blood and what she has the potential to do?" Captain America demanded of the man as he grabbed the sword arm and broke the wrist. Normally he didn't get much pleasure out of inflicting pain on his opponents unless they were Red Skull or Baron Zemo. The feel of this man's arm breaking left him with grim satisfaction though. He brought his knee into his gut knocking all of the air out of his lungs and then released his hold on him.

The man gasped and fell to his knees. "You think that this is going to stop us?" He rasped out as he cradled his injured arm. "We are but the advance group. There are thousands of us all over the world."

"But they're out there, while the real fight is here." Captain America returned as he stood over the fallen knight. "You could have made a different choice tonight. You could have stood and fought with us instead of against us. If you had, our chances of winning would have gone up even more. Look at the way they're fighting her even now." He noted nodding towards where Glory was busy warding off the various fighters that were attacking her. One moment she was swinging at Buffy, only for her bounce away as Iron Fist relieved a blow to her back, Tigra then knocked her off balance as Dazzler, Willow, and Siryn, blasted away at her and Wasp and Tara were making small strafing runs at Glory keeping her from focusing on any of the others. Shadowcat and Dawn were also making lightning like strikes against the woman by pulling her down into the ground a bit only for the Hellgoddess to rip her legs free from the earth. The time though was being used to set up the next series of attacks. "You and your people wasted the chance to be a part of something that was even greater than any one of could have ever hoped to be. You could have been there and saved the world. We're not just fighting for one world we're fighting for the multiverse here." He reprimanded the man in annoyance.

"All the more reason for us to destroy the Key and its Host before the Beast manages to get its hands on it." The Knight growled back at him in defiance. "I swore an oath, and now I must do my duty. Even if it does cost me my life."

Captain America merely shook his head at the man. "Soldier somewhere along the line you lost track of what the real meaning behind duty and devotion are. You no longer see what the mission is." He then slammed the man over the side of the head with his shield. He turned to look at Xander who was finishing up with some of the last of the knights. Other than the handful that had slipped by them and attacked Shadowcat and Dawn it looked like they had dealt with them all.

"Ready for the boss fight now?" Xander asked the Sentinel of Liberty with a grin, as he nodded to where the others were keeping Glory busy.

"Let's go." Captain America returned, and the two men began charging at the Hellgoddess. "Any idea how much longer we'll need to keep her busy." He asked curiously.

"Not really." Xander admitted as he jumped over the unconscious forms of the knights. Was usually go with the tactic of keep hitting them till they stop or we can't hit them anymore. Besides I'm usually the hold the extra weapons or cause a distraction guy than the hitting guy. Time things with magic could be anywhere from 7 minutes to 7 years."

"So hope that we can keep her busy with a time limit that we don't even really know." Captain America noted. "It's not as if there was anything else we had to worry about anyways."

"Welcome to Sunnydale along with the crazy timing that things have." Xander joked. "Sorry about making you guys wait, we had to deal with some party crashers." He explained to the others, as they joined the others as they were preparing to make another run at Glory.

"Yeah some of them got through and took some potshots at Dawnie." Buffy returned to the two men with a growl. Said knight looked as if they had been picked up and tossed as far as the feline heroines could punt them.

"The time for this is over, we must deal with this dark one." Iron Fist advised the others, as he looked at the Hellgoddess. "She is far from being beaten by us."

"Right lets do our best." Wasp agreed optimistically.

"Wasp, Tara keep distracting her, the less focused she is the better." Cap ordered.

Siryn, Willow I want each of you to try and focus on one eardrum and see if you can't make it burst." Xander told the pair of redheads,

Cap nodded his agreement with that. "Shadowcat, Dawn, continue with trying to trap her, even if all its doing is slowing her down."

Iron Fist, Spike I want the two of you to charge your fists up. While your individual hits aren't doing much, maybe the combined power will." Xander commanded the two figures. The martial artists nodded their agreement, and pulled back to watch the others.

Captain America turned to look at the muscle of the team. "Tigra, Buffy, the two of you are still our main hitters, try and keep hitting her. Maybe the pair of you can wear her down." The feline heroines nodded nodded their heads in understanding and ran at her.

"Anya, Dazzler, gather as much noise as you can and then blast her to kingdom come." Xander told the two blondes.

Captain America watched the fighters carefully as they took their positions. Having the same powers and memories was good, in the fact that they could anticipate what the other was likely to do. On the other hand, they were likely to try and go for the exact same attack if they weren't careful. This was a time that a telepath to help coordinate their attacks would have been useful. While the Avengers didn't normally have telepaths, they were familiar enough with them and the advantages that they gave in combat situations like these.

"Keep her away from the knights." He added, "she might try and use them for food." The others nodded their understanding. That had been one of the nice things about being down here, there had been a lot less food for Glory. Thanks to the Knights though, she now had a chance to regain her strength if they weren't careful. For everything that seemed to work for them, another seemed to either go wrong or lead to a new problem.

He watched as the two feline fighters were caught by the much faster Hellgod and tossed through several fallen rocks.

"We need something else to slow her down with." Xander suggested.

"Any ideas?"

"We bring the cavern down on top of her." Xander suggested.

"And the knights?" Captain America asked, nodding towards the downed figures.

"Bunch them together, and hope none of them get in the way when we bring the roof down on her." Xander returned to the man.

"We don't have a lot of options." Cap admitted after a moment of hesitation. "Do it." He ordered.

Xander nodded as he began throwing his shield hitting various supports that were holding the cavern up. While he wasn't a demolitions expert, he knew enough about what held a room together to bring it down on their head if he needed to.

Buffy managed to get right up with the Hellgoddess, and the pair exchanged blows. She even snatched Cap's shield out of the air and then slammed it into the face of the higher being. Glory stumbled back, her face became enraged. She swung her fist back at the Slayer. Buffy raised the shield, and there was an echoing thump as the inhuman super powered fist slammed into the shield. The blow lifted the Slayer off of her feet and sent her flying to land at the feet of the patriotic soldier. "Um ow." She complained as she flipped back to her feet.

"You're lucky you had that." Cap noted, as he took the shield from her.

"Tell me about it."Buffy muttered. "How do you manage to not go flying every time that you get hit?" She asked, as she rolled the shoulder she had landed on.

"I use the attacks to help me decide my moves, and go with the flow sort of thing." The man explained to her with a knowing smile. "It takes a bit of time to get used to. The fact that the shield has certain elements that help dull the power of the blows helps as well." He returned to her. "Had this been regular steel though, its likely that she would have punched right through it and you."

"Wonderful imagery you got there." Buffy returned to him dryly. "It makes me wonder why you decided against the career path as a motivational speaker though." She joked at him. "I'm sure that you would have been amazing at it."

Captain America shook his head at the girl. It seemed like she preferred to deal with stress with jokes and quips as well. "Xander, are we ready?" He questioned, turning to look at the young man.

"I think so. Siryn, Willow time to play echo." He told the two redheads. The women nodded and rose slightly overhead and changed the target and pitch of their yells. Their screams hit the walls, the ceiling held for a moment before it all came tumbling down on them. The heroes gathered around the pair of phase shifters, who pulled them all out of the ground and back on top and alongside of the tower.

"Do ye think dat she survived?" Siryn questioned, as she looked at the ground that they had just pulled themselves out of. There was now several tons worth of dirt and construction equipment piled over her.

"I sure hope so." Tara returned. "I'm not sure that I want to find out what happens if not."

"There are a few spells we could set up just in case she tries something else." Willow suggested. She held a notecard and showed it to the other witch. Tara studied it for a moment before nodding. "This looks like it might work." She agreed with the other girl. Willow seemed to actually brighten up at the praise that she had just received from that.

"You realize that she's gonna be mighty pissed when she digs her way out of there right?" Spike questioned idly, as he lit a cigarette up and took a deep pull of it before releasing a cloud of smoke out. Iron Fist waved the smoke away from him in annoyance. The vampire actually seemed to take pleasure in annoying the man whose abilities that he had copied.

Buffy nodded her head. "As long as she does it sometime after whatever magical time this is, I'm alright with that." She returned to the vampire. "After that we can try and beat each other apart. When the multi-verse isn't in some kind of danger from what she's doing to it." She added in with a smile.

"Seems like a reasonable idea." Wasp agreed, as she returned to normal size. "Have to wonder if you weren't meant to fail this one though. I mean seriously, you were kind of fighting against a stacked deck here." She pointed out to the others. "Her power levels are way beyond anything else that you seem to have around here."

"Story of our lives." Willow told the woman. "You should have seen us when we had to deal with things like the Master or the Mayor. Trust me so not fun."

"Yeah, and they don't even accept payment for risking their lives for what they do here." Anya piped in. "Nor are they already rich, or have good paying jobs on the side." She grumbled. "The only advantage that we have is Giles and he doesn't have the kind of money it would take to finance a war either. At least not for very long."

"I see." Shadowcat replied.

"They are all very good at giving their significant others orgasms though. In fact, I bet anyone of them would be willing to give you a thank you orgasm if you asked them to." She told Captain America rather bluntly. "We might even convince Xander or Spike if that's the way that you prefer. Xander's a Viking in the sack, and that was before he got powers. He might be a demigod now." She mused to herself. "I'll have to be sure and judge his performance levels so that I can tell you what level he's at." She declared to them all rather loudly.

"Does she ever stop?" Tigra asked idly, as she watched the young woman continue talking about sex and the performance levels that each member of the group likely had and with what type and positions they enjoyed.

"No." A red faced Buffy returned to the woman. "She has no filter when it comes to those sorts of things." She was feeling almost like Anya was trying to pimp them out to the heroes.

"At least you don't have her and her ideas stuck in your head." Dazzler grumbled back to the pair. "Just don't get her started on torturing unfaithful men. I think even Mojo would be impressed with some of her ideas."

"Its worse than listening to a drunk Wolverine." Kitty decided, getting nods from all of the ones that had spent any time around the feral mutant.

"And I thought Spider-Man's chatter was bad." Iron Fist muttered.

Spike merely chuckled as he listened to the group get all squeamish over the things that the former Vengeance Demon was talking about. He let out a cloud of smoke as he looked the two groups over. He had heard much worse in his unlife. Besides, its not like she was stripping down right in front of them right now anyways. And it's not like he wouldn't have said no to a few rolls with some of these fine ladies either he mused.

It was at that time they saw the ground before them start to shake and Glory rocketed out and landed in front of them. "Thank god." Several of the group muttered in relief, as they rushed forward to continue the fight. Anything was better than listening to Anya go on about them and sex.

Captain America and Xander started shouting out orders to all of the other heroes as they got near her.

"Wasp blind her"-

-"Tara go big and get ready."-

-"Iron Fist, you and Spike come at her from behind."-

-"Shadowcat Dawn above and below."-

-"Siryn blast her ears off."-

-"Willow cause her blood to boil."-

-"Dazzler Anya give us support fire."-

-"Buffy come at her from the front."-

-"Tigra work,with her."-

The two shield bearers finished barking out orders, and watched as the two groups moved to follow the commands that they had been given. "I guess since we seem to be planning the same thing, I know where to go." Xander noted, as he moved off to the side while Steve did the same in the opposite direction.

The group worked like a well oiled machine. Shadowcat dropped from above and pulled Glory back about halfway into the ground. Against normal people such an attack could kill them, but because she was a Helllgod Glory had a resistance to being destroyed when her body phased back in amidst the rocks. It still hurt her, but she was tougher than most being were and could survive it.*

The mutant released her hold and Glory was suddenly still and was hit with the destructive punches of four different people. Spike, Iron Fist, Tigra, and Buffy all punched her as hard as they could. The combined power of the blows would have killed something like Adam or torn through a building. For Glory though, it just dazed her. The group leaped back and Tara brought down one of the steel girders from the tower down on her head. Now visibly bleeding Glory struggled to get out of the ground when suddenly two shields slammed into either side of her head as the two shield, bearers slammed the shields into the side of her head. While that was going on Siryn was attacking her ear drums, Willow was effecting her blood and Anya and Dazzler were shooting at her.

Glory finally managed to break free. The Hellgoddess was panting from all of the work that it had taken. She really needed some brains. Hell she would take the brains of some of her pathetic little minions right now as long as it meant that she could recharge her strength to the levels it had been before. All she had wanted was her Key so that she could go home. She didn't understand why these annoyances wouldn't let her do that. So what if there was a chance that these creatures would likely die from the opening of the portal. Its not like they really mattered in the grand scheme of things. As she broke free the entire area around them was pelted with the rocks that had been around her. Moving at her super speed she attacked the giantess first. Winding up she connected her fist to the ankle of the girl causing her to cry out as the bone snapped. While the others were turning to look towards the fallen girl, she slammed into the ones that were firing lasers beams at her. The two blondes fell to the ground with a multitude of injuries. She turned to focus on the two redheads, but the pair merely changed their frequencies or whatever and she suddenly found herself lifted up off the ground and toss into the side of the tower. The makeshift building shuddered as she took out one of the weak supports and it came tumbling down on top of her.

"Alright, we've hit her with a wrecking ball, a cave, some fifty tons worth of destructive power, and a building. What else do we have to throw at her?" Xander questioned wearily, as he watched the pile begin to shake before Glory pushed her way out of the messy remains that was the tower/alter. He noticed that it seemed that Glory was looking a bit put out and that her hair and makeup were no longer in pristine condition. He really hoped that they had managed to do more damage to her than that. He watched the wobbly way she made her way towards them. and realized that at the very least that she was punch drunk from all of the damage that she had taken.

"Hey Hellbitch!" Buffy growled, as she picked up a broken pipe and slammed it into her. "We're not done yet." Buffy then proceeded to punch and slash at the Hellgod who could do nothing but absorb the damage. "I think that I'm going to make an object lesson out of you as to what happens to people that think its a good idea to mess with my family."

Glory finally managed to get her hands on the Slayer and held her by the throat only for the two blue clad girls to rush her and phase the blonde out of her hands. She heard a muttering and a lighting bolt hit her and while she was surrounded by all the metal it caught her in a cross fire like effect.

Willow smirked as she looked at the damage that she had caused to the woman. True it had meant she had to stop screaming, but it looked like the spell had been worth it.

Glory tiredly fell to her knees she could feel the change coming and with all of these fighters around her there was nothing that she could do about it. Still, even if she couldn't get home she could kill them for all of the trouble that they had caused her. She thought, as she climbed back to her feet.

The group of heroes stared in surprise as they saw Glory get up once more. They had thought that they had finally hurt her enough for her to stay down. It seemed that she was far from done though. They all saw a determination in her eyes. If anything it looked like she was even more pissed off than she had been before.

"I think we've finally made her mad." Shadowcat pointed out to the others with a mischievous grin on her face.

"To bad so sad." Dazzler returned to him.

"Yeah and how do you think that we're going to deal with a pissed off Hellgoddess love?" Spike asked the mutant. "It's not like we can call in a missile strike on her or anything." He pointed out to them.

"We do what we always do we keep going." Captain America returned to him confidently.

"Yeah, that's easier to swallow when there's a bunch of other heroes you can call on for emergency. I somehow doubt that Spider-Man is going to be swinging by or the fantasticar flying by anytime soon though." A somewhat panicky Xander pointed out to them.

"That's the fun part about fighting a shadow war though Xand." Buffy told her friend, as she eyed Glory carefully. "Besides if she's getting tired, that means she might change back soon." She told him with a hopeful look on her face. "Now let's go and bag us a Hellgoddess. Who knows, maybe if she's out of power it means she can't do anything like open a portal." She noted to them hopefully.

"I'm with her on this one." Dawn told her old crush as she followed after her sister. The others nodded as they got ready to try again. Some of them had broken bones while others were battered and beaten in ways that none of them wanted to talk about and that didn't even include how tired they all were.

The two Shadowcat's were up first, and charged right at her. They stopped as they got in front of her, and plunged their hands into her body.

"What are you doing?" Glory demanded of them even as she tried to grab the pair or wave them out of the way.

Shadowcat smirked at the woman in defiance. -"Its simple really, one of us is grabbing your heart, while the other one of us is grabbing your lungs."-

-"On a normal person we would only have to do one or the other, but I think you understand why we thought it better to do both with you."- Dawn picked up for the other girl.

Shadowcat looked rather pleased with herself as she took over the talk. -"After all, your so great and wonderful we're sure that you can figure it out."-

-"Even with bad hair like that."- The pair finished off together as they squeezed even tighter.

"I don't know, I think she even gives blondes a bad reputation for smarts." Buffy returned, as she punched Glory as hard as she could. The two girl tightened their holds on the organs even as Glory went stumbling back. "Come on," Buffy offered the figure, "lets play a game of chase." She beckoning the woman after her. "Unless your slowing down that is?" She questioned, as she leaped over Glory and a fence.

Gritting her teeth, Glory chased after the Slayer by pulling free from the grips of the mutants, knocked the fence aside, and followed the blonde into the parking lot.

"Any time." Buffy shouted, as Glory stomped towards her. Glory looked up just in time to see a cement container get blasted open and pour all over her.

Buffy and Tigra each appeared at her sides and grabbed one of her shoulders and forced her down into one of the ditches that they poured cement into. The three were covered in the quick dry cement, though Glory was covered in the most while the two cat girls mainly had it on their arms.

"Good job." Captain America complimented, as he stepped out of the truck.

"Just glad that they had this stuff left over from their little crazy project." Tigra returned to him while flashing a smile.

"Think this will really hold her?" Buffy asked curiously as she rose to her feet and began running water over her arms.

"According to Spider-Man, it worked on the Juggernaut." Iron Fist returned to her with a shrug of his shoulders. "If nothing else, it might slow her down." The others nodded their acceptance of that. Since all any of them could do was slow her down. They all watched as Glory shifted before their eyes and became a decidedly male like figure.

"Okay this is new." Buffy admitted as she looked at their captive.

"The Council did tell us that their was a human host." Tara reminded her. "I'm guessing that this is the body that she was placed in."

"Who is he?" Anya asked curiously as she raised a glowing hand towards the man. "I want him to bleed and pay me money for all the trouble that he's caused me and cost me."

Dawn reached over and wiped the cement out of their captives face. "Its Ben!" She gasped out in surprise.

"Ben, as in cute hospital Ben?" Buffy asked as she finally finished cleaning up and turned around to see the somewhat familiar features of the orderly. "Okay that's a surprise." She admitted to the others.

"Don't see how it is, you've got a habit of falling for the ones that want to kill ya or are connected to the ones that want to kill ya." Spike returned to her.

"Besides Angel name one." Buffy argued.

"Besides the Poofter, there was the brat that tried to lock you and the rest of them in that bomb shelter, Riley, and there was some rumors about you and the Mayors slayer Faith." Spike counted off rather smugly, while Buffy suddenly found the ground very interesting.

"As uninteresting as Buffy's past snuggle partners are." Anya cut in. "I mean they would only be interesting if they were orgasam partners, which only Angel and Riley were. No matter how much sexual tension there might have been between Buffy and Faith."

"I'm not sure whether to be insulted or not." Buffy admitted.

"With Anya, you never know." Willow told him before slapping Xander on the back of the head.

"Hey what was that for?" The carpenter complained.

"For imaging Buffy and Faith together." The redhead returned matter of factly.

"What, I can't imagine some girl on girl action now?" He asked in disbelief. "I object."

"You can't fantasize with Faith is all." Willow explained. "The way of Faith equals badness." She told him sagely.

Xander opened his mouth, but stopped. "Good point." He conceded. "I can still fantasize Buffy in that raincoat though right? And Buffy doesn't get a vote in this one." He hurried out before the blonde could object.

Willow nodded her head. "Yes, you get Buffy in the raincoat, and Buffy gets you in a speedo." She declared officially.

"So what do we do with him or her or is it them?" Dawn asked rather loudly.

The group turned to look at the others suddenly remembering that they had an audience. The heroes were for the most part trying to look impassive. Dawn looked both interested and sickened at the same time and Giles was working very hard on getting the utmost shine from his glasses.

"I approve of your choices." Anya told the pair proudly. "As long as you remember that he's mine." She added in, as she grabbed Xander by one of his arms.

Buffy cocked her head to the side. "Do you call them an It or is there some sort of politically acceptable way of referring to someone that is like that?" She mused out loud to the others.

"We could go with She-Male." Tigra suggested to her. "While its not the best description, it may be the only one that you need. Besides, its obvious Glory wears the pants in whatever relationship they have."

"I suppose, but back to the main question, what do we do with them? I mean its not like we have any prisons that will hold a superhuman." Willow pointed out to the others. "We'll need something that will hold her and all of her crazy though."

"We do what we do with everything that tries to destroy the world." Giles returned determinedly.

Giles are you sure about this?" Buffy questioned him worriedly.

"Indeed I am." Giles returned to the Slayer. "You might not want to watch this." He warned the heroes. "It's the way this world works though."

"What if we took them with us?" Captain America questioned hopefully, as he tried to think of a way to save the life of both of the figures. "She's beaten we've won." He tried to reason.

"We don't know what would happen if we were to send her between dimensions though. It could start this thing up all over again." Willow pointed out to the man. "Much as I'm not a fan of the final choice option and all, I don't see much choice here you know?"

"We're right Captain, and you know it." Giles cut in over whatever else the man might say. "Besides, while we stopped her this time what is there to say that she won't try again as we have no idea how long the alignment or whatever will hold true for using the Key. There is also the fact that you and your comrades can not stay here just to guard one person either." He pointed out. "I understand, and even applaud that you prefer not to kill, but in this case I'm afraid that there isn't much choice. We don't have the advantages that the people of your world have. The only place we have close to holding her is on the other side of the planet in the Deeper Well, and without the right type of coffin and spells, it wouldn't matter. Such secrets are not ones that we possess either I might add." He informed the man. "No, let us do what we have to do. We may not all be happy about it, but it'll keep this world and many others working." He informed the man. Captain America looked conflicted and looked the group over for a moment, but he did step to the side. "Thank you Captain." The Watcher told him with relief. He really didn't want a fight between the two groups to happen over their different philosophies in battle. "Spike, I believe that you just might have some payback that you want here." He suggested to the vampire.

"Right you are Ripper." Spike returned, as he moved forward.

"Please don't do this." Ben pleaded with the vampire. "I didn't have a choice." He explained to him.

Spike snorted at that. He had heard these sorts of stories a hundred times before. For a moment he thought of all of the things that the Hellgoddess had done to him when she questioned him. He also thought of the fact that she had nearly taken the Slayer and tried to sacrifice the Nibblet. As a creature that was dedicated to fighting he could accept the reasoning behind trying to kill the Slayer. He had done that enough times, but to go after the Little Bit was unforgivable in his eyes. He gathered all of his energy into his fist and brought it down, ignoring the somewhat squeamish looks that the others were giving him. Sometimes it took a monster to deal with a monster. He mused to himself, as he watched his chi enhanced fist slammed through the head of the Hell-Bitch. He had been wanting to do that for such a long time. He also noticed that neither Glenda, Red, the Slayer, Nibblet, bug girl, or the Star-Spangled Banner were watching as he did it. It also raised his respect somewhat for the ones that did.

"Its a shame that had to be done." Iron Fist returned solemnly. "Perhaps in death, the host and the goddess will find some measure of peace."

"Or maybe there's some justice, and their both on a one way ticket to hell." Spike returned to him.

Iron Fist nodded his head in agreement with that view.

"So what now?" Dawn questioned curiously.

"Now we need to head back to our world." Captain America returned stiffly.

"He's right." Wasp returned. "The crisis is over, and we need to head back. There's no telling what might be happening to the city while we're here. Though personally I'm thinking treating myself to a full makeover might be a good idea." The Sunnydale women looked jealously at the Wasp at that announcement.

"Not to mention that we need to let everyone know that the multi verse isn't about to end." Shadowcat pointed out dryly. "Brian will be so happy to hear that a part of his kingdom isn't about to implode on itself."

"So, how will you be returning?" Giles asked curiously.

"The same way we got here." Tigra explained to him. "I'm hoping that your magic users can help us to open a portal." She admitted, looking at the witches.

"Uh yeah sure." Tara agreed with the rather simple request. "It would be easier to do if we were to do it near the top of the tower since that's where we came from."

"Speaking of, how did you manage to get here?" Giles asked curiously. "As I understand it, none of you are overly strong in magical theories or practice and would have been hard pressed to track someone magically in your own world much less into another world."

"Dr. Strange helped us out." Captain America informed him.

"Is that the powerful magic user you told us about?" Giles asked Xander.

"One of them." Xander admitted. "Though I think DC might have a better selection of magic users. I mean their go to person is usually Dr. Strange, and depending on if the writers want to make her more magic than mutant Scarlet Witch. Meanwhile DC has Fate, Zatanna, Jason Blood, Wonder Woman understands the theory, and a few others that either practice or know about it." The young man ticked off.

"Er yes." A rather confused Giles answered hoping that he would never need to know just who these colorful names belonged to. He would be very happy when he could go back to using his ancient texts and books to figure something out. Not the drivel that Xander liked to read for fun. Even if it had saved their lives this time.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" A voice asked angrily. The group turned around to see the battered figure of the demon Doc. "It was all planned out, I was to go with her and rise as the High Priest for Glory. I would have become all powerful thanks to her." The demon ranted at the two groups angrily. "I was going to be something more than some store clerk for demons."

"As the result of sacrificing my sister." Buffy returned to him angrily while crossing her arms. "Then there's all the others who would have died when the portal opened and ripped a hole through the multi-verse."

"Collateral." Doc returned to her indifferently. Seemingly unconcerned that he was making her even angrier than she already was. "I'm going to make you pay for doing this to me. You will all suffer for what you have cost me." The demon declared as he brandished his knife at them.

The demon gagged and fell over while Dawn removed her hand from his chest. "What, it had to be done." She told the others. None of the others wanted to argue that particular point with a girl that had nearly been sacrificed.

The group joined hands and floated up into the air to around where the witches told them to and they opened a portal that would theoretically lead back to the world that the heroes were all from.

"Well done heroes." A voice told them, as a ghostly figure of man with a red cape appeared before them.

"Astral projection?" Giles asked curiously as he looked the figure over.

"Indeed Rupert Giles." The Sorcerer Supreme returned to the Watcher. "I am pleased to see that my help was not needed in this matter." He noted to the group.

"Mission accomplished." Cap returned to him.

Strange nodded as he looked the group over for a moment, his eyes pausing on Dawn with undisguised interest. "Be careful young one, you have a most powerful and dangerous essence within you. The Key is one of the primordial beings of the multi-verse. Like the Phoenix Force, it can do great good or great evil." He warned the girl knowingly.

Dawn swallowed nervously, but nodded her understanding.

"I guess you'll want this back now." Xander noted, as he offered the shield he had been using.

"Keep it, I think that its in good hands." Cap returned to the young man.

Xander smiled his thanks.

"Now go and give your man lots of sex when you get back." Anya advised Dazzler.

The mutant rock star shook her at the other woman. "You'll never change will you?" She asked with an amused smile.

"Why would I?" Anya asked her obliviously.

The Scoobies watched as each of the superheroes entered through the portal and vanished back to their own reality.

"Okay I say we all go home and figure what we're gonna do tomorrow." Buffy decided. The others nodded their heads in agreement as they began making their way back home.

Giles sighed as he watched the group. If the powers that they had magically copied or whatever stayed he wondered how it would effect the balance of the world. It was bad enough when there was just a slayer with so many heroes now acting as guardian there was no telling what their next challenge might be.

And we are finally and officially done with this one. No sequels. Was a fun ride with this one, but I am glad that its finally over.

*Thor has survived Shadowcat phasing him into the streets so why not Glory?

(Strangely enough I think the episode with the Scoobies making a run for it and fighting the knights is the one Buffy episode that I've never seen.