![]() Author has written 16 stories for Superman, West Wing, Harry Potter, Stargate: SG-1, StarTrek: The Next Generation, The Adventures of Superman, and Lois and Clark. I am an Engineer with a Major in Aerospace Engineering and a Minor in Religious Studies. Here's a list of some of my hobbies: 05/16/2020--I've done a lot of research and have been following this virus mess since January (yes, January), and after talking with a few people I feel I should share a list of things people need to know about it and how to help yourself and your family: 1. Make sure you're getting enough Vit D (through sun and/or supplements). It is a FACT that Vit D will help minimize the symptoms if you catch the virus. It is also why those with darker skin are having a harder time. The darker one's skin the more sun they need to make enough Vit D. So if you or anyone you know has a dark complexion (black, hispanic, etc), know and tell them that Vit D is vital. It can literally mean the difference between life and death. 2. Take Vitamin C. 3. Get a pulse oximeter and learn what your normal is so you'll know when to call a doctor. 4. If you do start feeling sick, record your symptoms and keep a timeline. 5. Wear a mask while in any building with people going in and out. Wear a mask while in crowds. Do not wear a mask if you're outside and away from people. 6. Get fresh air. Improve ventilation if at all possible while inside (like at work). Office ventilation can often be poor which doesn't help this at all. 7. Stock up. Make sure you have want you need in your house if you couldn't leave for a month at least (including medicine and food). Rotate your supplies so things don't spoil. 8. Although unlikely, decide what you would need to do if the power went out long term or if other emergencies happened (water shortage, etc). In some parts of the world, this will become a concern. Personal Works: I have been asked a few times lately if I have published anything new recently. Well, as it turns out, I have :). Available only through the Amazon Kindle bookstore, I published a short story with them called Abraham. If that link doesn't work for some reason, you can find it easily through the Amazon search by typing in 'abraham campos'. Oh, and in case you're curious, the story is 9000 words. Feel free to check it out, and if you happen to get it, I hope you enjoy it :D. The story literally came to me in the middle of the night and wouldn't leave me alone until I had written it down. To Shape and Change: 1st Place Winner of BEST ALTERNATE UNIVERSE FIC and BEST ADVENTURE FIC!!! Thanks to all who voted :D THE HP FANFIC FAN POLL AWARDS - SPRING-SUMMER ROUND 2014 PotterFicWeekly has done a Podcast on To Shape and Change :) Listen to it here: Episode 233: Tricia Falls for Her New Place GeekForTheWin has written an article featuring the 5 best Harry Potter fanfics around. Read the article here: /best-harry-potter-fanfiction Below are the links I included in 'Where No Wizard has Gone Before'. They are for people impacted by unplanned pregnancies, abortion, and sexual abuse. All the links below lead to free services. If you are pregnant and don’t know what to do, Google search: ‘pregnancy resource center’ to find people nearby who want to help you. You can also go to: , /pregnant-need-help/, or /international/international-affiliates If someone is trying to force you to have an abortion, you can find help at: /cafa/ If you have had an abortion and regret it, you can find help at: /, /help-healing/ or . If you have taken the abortion pill (also known as mifepristone or RU486) and are having second thoughts, you can go to or call (877) 558-0333 toll free. It may not be too late. If you work in the abortion industry and want out, you can find help at: /worker/abortion-worker/ If you have been sexually assaulted, you can go here for help: If you became pregnant after rape you can go here: /conceived-in-rape-angel/ or if you were conceived in rape/incest you can go here: /children/ and http:// / You’re not as alone as you might think. Also: http:/// There is no shame in adoption. It is brave and selfless. A few links about abortion I feel I must share: / Yes, sometimes abortion fails and the baby grows up. This link shares their words. http:// Make an informed choice. http:///compassion/Shauna The Compassion Project To people who disagree with me on abortion and leave anonymous reviews, you are entitled to your beliefs but I will not allow hateful, general 'all pro-life people are liars' reviews to remain. Nor will I allow 'pro-life' rants of how pro-choice people are evil. I will not stand for such malarkey from either side. To the person who has left two reviews about their bad experience at a 'Pro-Life' Pregnancy Resource Center, I am very sorry you had a bad experience, but instead of leaving an anonymous review and saying what you had, why not identify that pregnancy center by name with the city or at least the state it is in, the year you visited, and any other details that would help the pro-life community root out that horrible excuse for a 'pro-life' organization? Pregnancy Centers are NEVER supposed to bully anyone, and if you were bullied in anyway, those people should answer for it. As for why I removed your reviews, I did so because you lumped -all- pregnancy help centers as entities that only care about preventing abortion and nothing else. I am not saying there are not some centers that are as unhelpful as you had said, but condemning all pregnancy help centers as 'just pro-life people making sure that you don't abort, carry the baby to full term, and don't do anything to help you' is doing exactly what you're accusing 'extremist Christians' of doing to Planned Parenthood. I will leave it at that. If you wish to continue this conversation, feel free to send a civil PM I can reply to. If you send anything less than civil, I will ignore it. Believe I am an extremist Christian who 'believes that PP are baby killer clinics' or whatever you wish, but I will never hate those who have had an abortion or even those who perform abortions. I will never like or agree with what they do/have done, but I will not warp that emotion into hate and wish their demise. They are people and are worth just as much as I am, and they are loved by G-d just as much as the unborn are loved by Him. We are all equal. TRANSLATIONS: Spanish Translation of 'To Shape and Change' can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/7233484/1/Para_Cambiar_y_Formar . Translation done by Eowynd. Mandarin Translation of 'To Shape and Change' can be found here: http:///onebook.php?novelid=2674005 . http:/ /www ./ onebook.php?novelid= 2674005 Translation done by EnderS. Second Mandarin Translation of 'To Shape and Change' can be found here: http:// /user.blg?dmn=jsl&cid=311192 . Translation done by Gillian.F. Czech Translation of 'To Shape and Change' can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/7809337/1/To_Shape_and_Change_Utvaret_a_menit . Translation done by Patolozka. Russian Translation of 'To Shape and Change' can be found here: http:///mfanf/ffshowfic.php?l=0&fid=83423 and /s/11088099/1/Снейп-перемены. Translation done by Alternative Imagination. As it seems that Alternative Imagination has discontinued the translation, it has been continued by: UnGiHoo on: ht tp s: // ficbook. net /read fic/5561993. Italian Translation of 'To Shape and Change' can be found here: http:///reviews.php?sid=3643621&a=1. Translation done by MMEEMM. Spanish Translation of 'Harry Potter: Dark Memories' can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9342280/1/Harry-Potter-Dark-Memories . Translation done by lunalunatica27. Danish Translation of 'Harry Potter: Dark Memories' can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/8301620/1/Harry_Potter_Morke_Erindringer . Translation done by Emily Redbird. Russian Translation of 'Harry Potter: Dark Memories' can be found here: http:///f/furiaairuf/ . Translation done by furia1airuf. Turkish Translation of 'Harry Potter: Dark Memories' can be found here: https://www.watt /sto ry/227618669-harry -potter-ka ranl% C4 k-an 1lar-t% C3% A7e- 7e viri . Translation done by: harryfreakingpotterr . Feel free to tell me what you think about what I write, I appreciate (and thrive on) feedback, questions and reviews, including useful criticism. - Since this has been asked a few times, I thought I'd answer and post it here. Picture for Meant to Be: Part 28a - The Brink: http:///albums/t240/GaiaonlinePic/heavenprairie2a.jpg My Current Avatar is for my Dark Memories fic. I had a few people ask me to show what Harry's eyes look like, well, that's what they look like. For my Guardian fic, it was asked if I had a picture of a Duplicator. Well, here's one: Duplicator Hope that helps :D. Here's the link to the source, which gives more images of metallic looking mantises: http:///photos/geoffhaberman/2339037220/. I give full credit to this gentleman. Yay for search engines... NOTE: Just for those who care or wonder, I will -never- write SLASH fics. I don't care for those kinds of relationships, and quite frankly do not agree with them. If you do, that's your choice, and I'm not here to try to change your opinion or rant at you, but if that's what you're wanting to read, you won't find them in the fics I write. SPOILER WARNING CONCERNING -- Harry Potter: Dark Memories (click 'hide bio' if you don't want to be spoiled) S P O I L E R A L E R T As promised... Custosae Codenames... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Contacts Harry- Griffin/Mage... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Rook, Colossus, Lunar Amici Lucis Codenames... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .Links... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Contacts Albus Dumbledore- Long Beard (LB). ... ... ... ... Wizengamot, The Order of the Phoenix ... ... .DK, LL, C, P Allies Pixie Clan... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .Forbidden Forest The Army of Hogwarts (as of 3rd Year) General: Professor Albus Dumbledore Gryffindor- Slytherin- Hufflepuff- Ravenclaw- |