Reviews for A Distant Storm
rb2312 chapter 27 . 6/9
Really liking the new caverns.

And the ever growing company seems to be gradually changing things.

After the 5 began to suspect tommy's true motives, i wonder what the chance are of them switching sides. Especially if they are exposed to more that they have been allowed thus far
PugTheMagician chapter 37 . 4/25
I am loving this series so far. Just wanted to point out though that back in book one you had already established harry knew aberforth before even joing hogwarts, and knew him well enough to get his opinions on the 4 houses (biggots, bumblers, bookworms and bufoons) and also to get several meals in stasis. Just a small plot hole im pretty sure you only see when reading after the fact instead of during updates
Matt chapter 35 . 4/11
Animagus Luna Lovegood! Animagus, animagus, animagus! One person is an animagus! You stupid person! You keep getting it wrong, over and over again! Stop it! Learn from your mistakes, will ya?
Matt chapter 16 . 4/11
Seriously? News Corp? The conservative, bigoted organization owned by Rupert Murdoch? They cater to the peopl who create Obscurials. Their opinion of magic would be that it should be illegal or highly regulated by the government, and that all witches and wizards are going to hell. News Corp! Are you kidding me!
Matt chapter 8 . 4/10
The man's name is Don McLean, not McClean! Come on!
Matt chapter 4 . 4/10
Don't even get me started on what a mess the Bible is. It's been edited and translated so many times over the centuries that it barely resembles the original text, which was mostly fables and superstition anyway.
Chessmasteroftheuniverse chapter 18 . 2/21
This Voldemort... is much more dangerous. If his moves are plotted with his host body’s skills in mind, all he needs to do is take over someone who is with the needed skills and his goals would come to fruition. You plan on making Voldemort a “Lex luthor”?
Chessmasteroftheuniverse chapter 4 . 2/20
That is genius. in happenstance to eliminating the events that would have happened in the third book with altered paths, you get a brand new event for "the prisinor of azkaban" I would wonder what you would call this story if you had made these kinds of events pure harry potter: The darkening days? (my suggestion for a name, not as known.)
Go Outside chapter 37 . 9/27/2019
Multipule-Characters1-Acct chapter 13 . 9/15/2019
It took me a second but, yes Star Trek was around then. And the fact that Gellert didn't recognize the reference will probably come up eventually.
stylo1 chapter 35 . 8/29/2019
this i just have to comment on this, the longbottoms were obliviated, curcio'd and confounded yet jor el fixed this np. but somehow malfoy and his friend when obliviated just walk away scott free. besides snape wouldve seen them
stylo1 chapter 33 . 8/29/2019
this whole end game is so wrong i could write a story about it but i'll just stick with its impossible and if not there are dozen of other ways of dealing with it
stylo1 chapter 23 . 8/29/2019
fuel is decayed plants, plants are food, food cant be conjured. it can be replicated but that is still a long way from everfull fuel tanks
stylo1 chapter 18 . 8/29/2019
a switching spell 200.000 a minute to exchange data... wtf is wrong with a protrean charm...
stylo1 chapter 18 . 8/29/2019
*sigh* 1993 internet already exsisted, limited sure but it was there
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