Longest chapter yet and rewritten in my mind like twenty times, actually rewrote about three times but finally there it is! Oh boy, I have had the ending of this chapter in my head about the moment I started writing this story! Now the real fun starts!
No beta yet, though someone was interested! I will try to contact you soon. Until then, if you see any major mistakes, please let me know! Thanks!
Now, let the fight continue!
Hollow Fire
Chapter 9: Boom...
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There was no time to comment or question the stranger's warning – if anything it was the only warning they got - as a large explosion carried across the clearing. Fortunately, having felt the chakra flare because of said warning, Kakashi's hands had only just touched the ground before the flames were even visible. The fire blazed around the small stone wall covering the group. The villagers screamed in fear. Pieces of debris were carried through the air by the force of the explosion as the edges of the wall crumbled.
As if fueled by the screams, the explosion was forcefully and rapidly pushed back by a strange shimmer in the air. The flames flared as they were pushed back, turning even hotter. Several kunai, hidden in the flames, were flung back with high speed. Kakashi was very much reminded of being the moment being blasted away from the strangers barely a quarter of an hour before. He clearly remembered how disorientating the experience had been and was therefore eager to use it to his advantage.
The sounds of distress from the opponents were music to Kakashi's ears as he didn't waste a minute and followed the blast – effectively taking one distracted kunoichi down and incapacitated another male who had been trying to cover for her. Hiding behind a tree, he managed to get someone by surprise.
The explosion itself seemed to have taken eight other opponents down as well – three of which had evidently not been able to evade the hot flames. A few others bled from the wound as they clutched the weapons that had hit their body, effectively taking down four of them. One of the opponents had taken the heaviest brunt of the attack – even though he had somehow evaded the flames - having nearly reached the boulder, and had evidently been blasted through two trees in the process…
Kakashi absently winced – wondering if the stranger had somehow been holding back on him before.
He showed no mercy as he jumped down on one a shinobi trying to evade him, his movement hindered by the two kunai sticking out of his leg. His hands ran through the seals of his favorite technique. Chirping sounds carried through the clearing as he took off, taking down several shinobi that were too distracted by the sight of other ninja being blasted away into trees.
As he was intercepted by more experienced and wary kunoichi, Kakashi was forced to let his jutsu go. He kicked her legs from under her body, but she moved along with him. Landing on her hands, she pushed away from the ground in order to aim for his neck. He quickly leaned back, moving his neck away from her booth as a blade suddenly sprang out from its hiding place. The boy leaned back even further, stretching out his arms to touch the ground. Using his own feet to clench around her stretched-out leg, he took her by surprise. With a little chakra to strengthen his hold, he easily threw her off balance. There was a heavy thud as her body hit the ground.
She didn't get up again.
He quickly checked his neck, having felt her blade scratch his skin. Glancing down at his hand, it showed no blood. Hidden weapons like that were often lased with nasty chemicals you preferred not to get in your system. Hopefully, it hadn't gotten into his.
The young Konoha shinobi ducked as another Iwa passed right above his head with high speed. A glance towards the direction where the shinobi came from showed that the stranger was engaged with another party already. A kunai was imbedded into his shoulder. Weakness showing, the enemy didn't waste time using it to its advantage. Another volley of kunai was thrown the man's way, which Kakashi intercepted as the man seemed too distracted with the Shinobi he was fighting.
His stance seemed weak, yet it was working somehow. It was unpredictable.
For a moment Kakashi was worried when he saw a nasty punch from the shinobi make contact with the man's chest, before suddenly said shinobi suddenly grumbled to the ground. What a kind of jutsu was that?
A kunai, coming from another direction than the ones he was blocking, cut his cheek. The sensation effectively cut off his thoughts. His instincts told him to duck and he didn't waste a moment to follow them, which probably saved his life.
Kakashi parried the strike aiming for his stomach and blocked the kick that followed it with his arm, immediately grabbing the offending limb to pull himself up to deliver a kick to the man's neck. Unfortunately, the Iwa-nin had good reflexes and managed to block it at the last moment; forcing Kakashi to push himself away using the man's chest as a trapezium and flip around just in time to fling his own kunai to deflect the one his opponent had thrown.
This shinobi was a tricky one, obviously experienced in close-range – and definitely a jounin. There was that moment of glaring each other in the eye that had always gave a certain thrill. A moment of a stand-still before they would find out whom would survive. Survival instincts were kicked up into gear as the two of them moved.
Kakashi was forced to stop thinking for a moment. He simply was. There was no past. No future. He just was in his natural state. He ducked, rolled, pushed and pulled. He ignored the cuts he received, returning them instead. With one of his particular nasty swipes, Kakashi managed to cut the man across the chest, only for the man to duck his way into his tiny open spot and –
The young shinobi had felt something wrong about the man's expression –defeated, yet too determined - as soon as he had hit him. The Iwa-nin should have retreated after receiving such a threatening wound. Kakashi had managed to strike a few important organs after all.
Glancing down as the man lunged at him, Kakashi's eyes widened in horror when his eyes fell upon the tags that had been hidden underneath the shinobi's jacket. A glim of satisfaction entered his opponent's expression before it turned malicious.
He forced his body to twist as the man tried to grab his neckline to take him along with his seemingly intending suicide. As he twirled himself through the air, the Iwa's fingers brushed him - but weren't able to grab him. Kakashi's hands raced through the hand seals of an earth-jutsu in an attempt to vanish him deep into the ground.
Unfortunately, the shinobi had noticed this on time and shadowed his evasion. The man's steel grip prevented him from finishing his seals, while the Iwa's other hand was already in motion to make his own seal - ready to finish it with just one seal to activate the explosion tags.
Panic spiked. Kakashi knew that he had only seconds before the whole clearing might be blasted away. Somehow his eyes glanced over the man's shoulder where he saw the stranger look over his own shoulder into his direction, for some foolish reason no longer paying attention to anything but him. No matter that there was a opponent right in the air above him who was clearly intending to cut him in half.
Their eyes met and Kakashi forced his hands to resemble somewhat of a seal that he could direct his chakra in the one jutsu that he had perfected over time.
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The cloud of smoke and a shift in weight was the only warning that the Iwa-nin got. He glowed as he realized that the kid had somehow managed to get away with a last-moment replacement jutsu – no matter, the blast would reach him anyway.
Somehow, the man had not expected unfamiliar words to be spoken right in front of him, nor the two heavy hands that landed heavily on his chest just before he channeled his chakra into his activation seal. He would never know how the green-eyed man had disabled them, seeing as smoke hid whatever had happened to his seals. Yet, the Iwa-nin could swear that they literally ripped themselves off his chest and soared into the sky with great speed like tiny paper birds… - before they exploded.
Like firework.
Time seemed to slow down, as his legs stopped to support him. He had always loved firework as a child. His body felt heavy as he fell back against the unforgiving earth. He ignored the cold green eyes boring down into brown hazy ones, instead focusing on the beautiful large bright explosions that filled the sky.
It was the last thing he saw.
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Rin breathed heavily, her hands blazing green in warning against her opponents. One hit and her opponent might be done for. It was their wariness for her unfamiliar fighting style – Iwa shinobi were not known for their medical jutsu - that gave her enough movement to keep her ground.
Sometimes it was as if they didn't quite notice her sometimes – which had pretty much saved her quite a few times already. Her eye was drawn to a new opponent as another woman jumped onto the large boulder behind which the now fearfully quiet civilians were hiding. She didn't even glance down. She didn't acknowledge any other presence than Rin's.
Rin frowned at her, her mind racing as the other kunoichi jumped down to face her. She didn't like to fight other kunoichi. Men tended to underestimate her more than women. This particular opponent seemed extra troublesome. The vicious attacks directed at her were difficult to parry. She recognized the look in the woman's eyes. A tiny part of her heart - that she had never managed to turn into stone on moments like these – clanged painfully.
This woman had nothing left to live for – only revenge.
During attack Rin accidently stepped into the circle of stones that the cloaked stranger had placed. Rin watched with fascination when the woman in front of her suddenly froze. Her eyes turned wild as she scanned her surroundings with distrust.
She didn't see her.
Rin let out a surprised breath as she realized what the tiny stones had been for, to what extend they provided protection. They actually were hiding the civilians…
The civilians around her squealed uncomfortably as the Iwa kunoichi in front of them suddenly frowned and took a step towards them and flung a kunai into their direction. Rin had been ready to parry the attack, but there was no need as it seemed to bounce off something invisible in the air. The action prompted the medic-nin to a surprise attack. It would only take a second for the enemy to connect the dots.
However this hiding-fuinjutsu-thing worked. It didn't seem to hide her completely. Seeing as the civilians didn't affect the hiding place at all it was probably her chakra's doing. Still, it reassured Rin that whatever protection the man had set up, it was doing its job.
Knowing that she could leave them alone for a few seconds was a relief. She might even be able to patch herself up for a few safe seconds. A determined frown entered her eyes.
She would show the damn Iwa-nin why they shouldn't underestimate a medic-nin.
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Harry decided that he hated those bloody weapons – particularly those damn kunai - even more than guns.
Harry felt horrible, but he was still standing. He was experienced with ignoring his body's protest, though that bloody kunai in his shoulder was making him particularly unhappy. He could reach it though and forcing it out now would probably do him more harm than good. It had forced him to acknowledge that his cloak's protections had begun to falter. Hopefully his new magic burst would fuel that charms enough to prevent those bloody weapons from penetrating it during the rest of the fight.
His green eyes glanced to his right, where he noticed that Kakashi had easily taken care of the Iwa-nin that had been attacking him from above before Kakashi had made them trade places.
His mind couldn't help but think about those horrible what if's. What if Harry not felt that spike of panic. What if Kakashi not acted on his instincts… What if Harry had not managed to plant – to manipulate – the strong suggestive urge to trade places with him when their eyes had met…
What if it had gone wrong?
Flickers of chakra warned him that even more back-up was coming – obviously reacting to the sudden explosions in the air. They were clearly outnumbered, the wizard knew. Even if a few chakra signatures coming arriving on the opposite site of the village was probably back-up from Konoha, they would still be outnumbered.
He slowly backed away as the enemy entered the large clearing, obviously choosing to surround the place. He noticed Kakashi copying his movement and felt the boy tense as soon as their backs touched.
They could go. They could regroup with the back-up that had just arrived, but that would mean leaving Aiko. Harry realised that his magic was not as trustworthy as he had believed it to be. He couldn't be sure that it wouldn't falter and he refused to leave her behind with that uncertainty.
Kakashi would not leave Rin. So as it was, they had their backs against the wall. Harry allowed himself to lean lightly against the younger boy's, trying to show the support that he hoped he could deliver.
As his steel green eyes scanned the positions of the position Harry came to a conclusion. He could end this quite quickly. He would have to target them all at the same time… but the only way his magic would work was by body contact or to saturate the air with more magic than chakra in order to – as to speak - to take control over it.
It would mean that he would have to force his magic to expand far enough to cover the entire clearing and that would probably drain him. Though to be fair, he currently had more trust in his magic than his current human body. He could feel all the magical spells and charm straining to pull his body protesting body along. He felt every rib in his chest, every muscle and bone in his body and nearly light-headed by the amount of water and nutrients he must have lost.
"Cover." He muttered to the young boy. He felt him tense in reply, before the boy moved. It was impressive to watch him deflect all those nasty weapons that Harry had come to (very much) dislike. Harry's hand shot up to move up his once-again spell-reinforced cloak to deflect the nasty needles that Kakashi hadn't been able to get to in time.
He heard the boy growl in frustration and watched his efforts double. For the next few seconds he would be safe.
Noticing that the enemy was not going to wait much longer and that the boy wouldn't be able to block every attack, Harry rolled his shoulders and hefted his arms in front of him. He would have to use a very easy and light spell if he were going to push this off. He knew just the thing.
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Kakashi's whole body tensed when he felt something touch his back. It took a moment to realize that it was the stranger, who was now back to back with him. It unnerved the young ninja that he had not taken notice of the man's presence. Though to be fair, he couldn't feel his chakra. It was as if he didn't have any - the thought tugged at the edge of his epinephrine-fogged brain.
"Cover." He had barely heard the rough soft voice. It still did the job as it forced him to focus.
What was the man planning? Kakashi didn't know. What he did know that he felt strangely comfortable and very uncomfortable at the same time. It was the comfortable feeling that unnerved him the most though, just like that moment when he had practically felt that he needed to switch places with the man.
How did that thought get there? How had the man known about the tags?
Focus – he told himself. What had happened was in the past now. The stranger was seemingly on their side – for now – and he had no choice but to work together with him.
For Rin. He would do this for Rin.
The boy's hand reached for his father's weapon. His eye spotted most of the fifteen newly-arrived Iwa-nin that were currently surrounding them. There were most likely more of them hiding out there, waiting. They were wary, having seen the two of them take down a few of their own. Their advantage of being underestimated seemed to have evaporated quickly. Their difference in numbers didn't seem very reassuring either.
Metal glinted in the air and Kakashi quickly spun himself in front of his current – though not by his choice, he consoled himself – partner. Deflecting the weapons, he found himself short-handed as he couldn't protect all angles.
He had noticed before that the stranger didn't seem familiar with the weapons thrown at him – that bloody kunai in his shoulder was enough of sign. There were already a few cuts across the man's face and neck to show this weakness.
ust when Kakashi cursed himself for letting a few senbon slip through, the stranger held up the edge of his cloak in order to shield his body from the tiny senbon that targeted him. Unexpectedly, they bounced off the fabric, making Kakashi wonder what kind of material it was (and where he could get it).
Abruptly, there was a shift of something behind him. His chakra tingled and the feeling made the hairs of his neck rise. The jutsu that he was trying to start seemed to lose control.
What the hell.
An invisible wind rose around the pair. Intuitively, his attention was drawn to Stranger whom suddenly felt even more dangerous than before. Kakashi's watched in the corner of eye as the cloaked man hefted his arms in front of him towards the enemy shinobi, of which many were already half-way their jutsu.
"Wingardium Leviosa." Those unfamiliar slow rasped whispered words barely reached his ears. It was followed by a tired growl as the technique was visibly straining him.
Kakashi watched with amazement as all of Iwa's force's feet lost contact with the ground. Most of them tumbled to the side as they rose up into the air. Some of the shinobi were lifted out of their hiding places. Startled, most jutsu were disrupted. The one water jutsu that one of the kunoichi managed to complete didn't even make the target as the water too shot up into the sky – conveniently colliding with flames that had been directed their way.
A few of the shinobi had already been disabled by friendly fire – jutsu that had suddenly gone awry when they had started floating. Some of them had exploded into their own face, taking down another two.
Who the hell was this man?
Kakashi parried a few weapons that were desperately thrown their way. He would damn well cover this man's back if he could actually end this fight like that.
His heartbeat tripled when he saw Rin jump towards him.
"Cover him." He urged her, knowing that she wouldn't listen to him command to return to the safety of the boulder. He had noticed the shaking of the stranger's arms. They needed to take care of this now. He darted away before she could comment, making her scowl.
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The less shinobi were conscious, the easier it was for the wizard to control their movement. So, as about four shinobi were left. The cloaked man let them hit the ground – hard. With a quick check-up from Kakashi's side, the three of them momentarily relaxed. With a final glance towards the boulder, where everyone was still safe, the stranger groaned. His whole body seemed to shake as the odd feeling that made Kakashi's chakra tingle receded.
The man collapsed – tiny cloud of dust surrounded him as he hit the ground.
A grumbled moan escaped him as the Rin hovered over him. Her own shaky hands tried to assess his health but somehow she couldn't get her jutsu to work anymore.
"What's wrong with him?" Kakashi asked, watching with a weird fascination as the stranger suddenly seemed so much older than before. Had his hair just turned grayer?
"I don't know." Rin answered, still trying to get her jutsu to work somehow, but she was simply getting no information. It was as if he were invisible. "I have never seen this before." She stated, testing the skin turgor on his hand. The skin too had become dryer; older.
The stranger grunted, but didn't say anything as he once again tried to stand. Knowing that stubbornness would not help him – the man had obviously gone beyond exhaustion – Rin kept him down when he tried to get up.
"You have done enough." She told him, glancing towards Kakashi. Their eyes met, both acknowledging that had it just been the two of them – it might have gone very differently.
Kakashi suddenly grunted, kneeling down as his hand reached for his neck. Rin was upon him in an instant, hand on his neck.
"Why didn't you tell me you got cut?"
"It wasn't bleeding by the time I checked."
"That must have been the potion. Quick, drink this." She stated, recognizing the inflamed reaction that surrounded the tiny little now-green-tinged cut. "It will cover most of it, but I will need to get you a specific one soon."
Kakashi just grunted, hating the fact that his legs were slowly feeling like they were being paralyzed. Which was probably the case…
Rin frowned worriedly as the severity of the situation hit her. If Kakashi couldn't provide them cover anymore…
"We can find cover with the civilians. His shield literally hides them from view." She explained to Kakashi as she helped him get back to his feet again, glancing towards the boulder where the group of civilians was watching them with worried expressions. Aiko was visibly being restrained by her parents to prevent her from rushing over to them. Kakashi followed her eye, wondering why they could see it if their enemies couldn't.
Before they could move the stranger though, their attention was too focused four chakra presences approaching.
The moment they touched the ground, the two Konoha shinobi noticed that their wariness had not quite disappeared. Had something gone wrong? Something was off.
"Sir." One of the men greeted. "Our area is clear." He then turned to Rin. "We have a few wounded civilians. Could you please help them out?"
Kakashi's eyes narrowed.
"Rin, go to Aiko." He ordered her before she could reply, shaking off her arm.
She shot a glare at him. "No."
"Sir, is something wrong?" One of the shinobi inquired, the air between the groups seemed to turn tense. He once again looked at the medic. "Please come with us." Somehow it didn't sound like a question anymore.
"Rin…" Kakashi growled, taking out his weapon.
"I told you it wouldn't work." One of the 'Konoha shinobi' whispered angrily. "Just kill them already."
"I'm. not. Leaving. you." Rin stated, leaving no room for arguments.
"The plan must go on! Just get that damn girl!" He heard one of the kunoichi hiss to her colleague, her eyes on Rin.
Rin and Kakashi tensed, ready to defend themselves. It was clear that the groups would clash any second now. It was just the question whom of the two would attack first.
Neither of the two groups was prepared for the sudden blast that hit Rin from the side, carrying her right through the barrier of the civilians and against the boulder. Her form slumped to the ground, out cold. In the distance, they heard Aiko cry out her name as she crawled to the girl's unconscious form.
Was he one of them?
Furious, Kakashi turned towards the stranger slumped on the ground– his arm still outstretched in Rin's direction. Their eyes met again – and though he hated it – Kakashi gave him a slow nod, just before the man's form slumped. He was out.
Turning back to the small group in front of him, Kakashi fought.
Just when he managed to touch the special kunai that he had hidden for the current very dire sitution– he needed sensei's help or else… – his arm refused to move anymore. His eyes widened slightly in terror. It refused to mold chakra. During this terrifying moment that the realization crashed down upon him, he was hit from behind.
Shit – at least Rin's safe.
His vision turned black.
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"Kill them."
Green eyes snapped open to stare him in the eye. His thoughts muddled for a moment before another idea hit him. That damn Yellow Flash… This was his damn student wasn't it? He blinked and glanced at the slightly wrinkled man again – his eyes closed.
Had he imagined it? He wasn't quite sure as his hand shot up to stop his teammates.
"Wait. We take them…He will come to us and we will finally get our revenge."
"What about the old guy?"
"Take him too."
"Just do as I say!"
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"Just drop them."
"How the fuck… survive that explosion?"
"… use Hatake?"
"Wrinkly guy… no chakra… client?"
"Shut up… get the fire started."
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"Shit he's fucking old – "
"… chain him up… improvise"…"
"- need to move on!"
"… make them come to us!"
"We… enough sacrifices!"
"Fine! You make the cell!"
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Harry's improvised chains rattled.
The wizard supposed that it was partly his fault for the situation that the two of them had landed themselves in. If only he hadn't started to get himself involved with the two students, this would probably never have happened. They would probably have been forced to flee in order to regroup. Maybe the two young shinobi would have been allowed to go home safely after back-up had relieved them of their duty.
But that would have probably meant that Aiko would have died. That was just not acceptable. He wondered how she was. He still felt the small tug on his magic from the different runes he had activated. She should be alright, he kept reminding himself.
Now he just needed to get them out of here somehow. Too bad he didn't have enough chakra left. Nor was his body in any state to do anything but breathe. A day ago, it had been too tiring to lift a finger. He scowled, hitting the back of his head against the wall. He really screwed up this time.
He should have drunk all those damn potions.
The wizard allowed himself to slump against the freezing wet stone of a small mostly-deserted underground hide-out that seemed to be some in-between base for the Iwa-force – of which was only ten percent left. That fact made him feel pretty damn good if he was allowed to say so.
They didn't seem as happy as he was with this fact, but his protections charms were still strong enough for them to ignore him for now. Luckily for him, they didn't seem to realize that he had played such a big part in the fight. He was the no-chakra guy. How wonderful it was to be underestimated.
Though, Harry thought, as he looked at the wrinkled skin on his hands. Maybe they had more right to underestimate him than he liked to admit it.
Whatever, he would figure out that problem later. He just needed a little more magic to return to him so that he could get out of these five chains. They were damn paranoid weren't they?
With enough magic to fuel his change, maybe he could turn into a phoenix again or he would be able to charm their way out of here with a few nice spells.
His now-wrinkled eyes glanced towards the slumped form of Kakashi in the other corner. Hadn't the boy been thinking about a special kunai? Maybe he could activate it once he woke up. Harry wouldn't mind some help.
Though, activating it would mean that the boy had to be awake. And that would probably mean that his active chakra would conflict with Harry's improvised notice-me-not-stone. This stone seemed to work great as long as there was little chakra fluctuation to influence it… Which was the case when someone was unconsciousness or asleep.
The wizard mentally groaned when barely a second after that thought, Kakashi's eye slowly opened. The wizard glared at him.
Bloody perfect, the boy just had to be stubborn, hadn't he?0 0
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End chapter: A/N
Something odd is going on with Harry, any guesses?
Share your thoughts below! Who? Yes you! Great!