Author has written 2 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Harry Potter, and Game of Thrones. Harry Potter and The Chance at a New Life June 17th. Chapter 13 is 100% outlined Chapter 13 is 100% Written, 100% Revisions, 100% Edit, 16000 words. Trying to get this chapter finished before the new league of Path of Exile releases, as I want to burn many hours in that. Chapter ? will be coming ?? (gonna stop making promises that are lucky at best, arbitrary most of the time and out to lunch at worst.) Been super busy with my new internship, have had little time to write. On top of that the human malware has actually made my workload even more rather than reduced it as many people have been seeing, hence being even busier and even more tired when I get home / finish my daily stuff up. The company I work for is considered essential for good reasons, and so I have not stopped working, even if a lot of it has shifted to home (which really means it takes me even longer to do). On top of that this chapter is proving to be quite hard to write, and I have ended up rewriting a few scenes, yet they still feel off. Harry Potter and The Land of Ice and Fire ON HIATUS WHILE WORKING ON OTHER STORIES, AND TO GAIN A BIT OF INSPIRATION FOR THIS STORY! Written = words on paper by either me typing them (usually 95%) and those that are in speech to text format (less than 10% usually) therefore extremely rough. Revisions = checking for structure, ie I like where the chapter went and it covered or didn't cover what it should have. This can, as with chapter 6, result in significant rewriting. Editing = This is before I send it to the beta, I usually edit the chapter 2-3 times MIN. (this I find can be the hardest and most tedious portion). All 100% = Chapter is off to BETAs for review and work. This could be simply a day or a few days to fix any glaring mistakes found. I have another story, an alternate history story that starts during the Roman Empire called To Pax Romana and Beyond. It is a original character insert from 2025ad to 35ad in the body of a teenage boy who died, with a twist. If that sounds at all interesting you can find it on alternatehistory . com in the AlienSpaceBat section of the forum, or simply search my name as it is linked in my signature there. You unfortunately need to make an account to view any of the stories on the site as they don't want a huge amount of trolls. There is also a large fanfiction section where there are some stories not posted here, that are on there. A huge mistake a FF writer can make is have their chapters too short. 2k words MIN, not ideal but any less and I won't even pick it up. 5k This is about ideal, you don't want your chapters too long unless you write a lot and can get them out on at least a monthly basis. Ironically I do this all the time, by having a huge chapter being too late. I hate mpreg stories. Why? Because woman are so under represented in fiction already, that taking away one of the key roles they can play in a story, to be replaced with another man is just annoying. I have no problem with slash stories, it is the mpreg that is stupid and unnecessary. Some stories seems to at times only contain slash/mpreg relationships delegating woman to be minor backdrop decorations. It is used far to often in fanfictions. The last book in the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, written by Brandon Sanderson has to be the best book I have ever read. When I finished it I felt so many emotions, and to a degree a I have never experienced with any other books, even the Harry Potter series, Song of Ice and Fire, or even Pendragon series from my childhood. While I know many have issues with some of the slower parts of the series, (books 5-8) it is definitely worth the read to get to the best books, 9 onwards. Gets my recommendation for all fantasy readers. Also basically anything else from Brandon Sanderson is worth picking up. |
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