Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Star Wars. I make no money off of this.

A/N: Hello there! Yes, I am still alive. I apologize to any readers who have been waiting for updates on my other stories. They are now officially up for adoption. Originally, I stopped writing because I didn't have time. I didn't start back up until now because I realized that it wasn't my real life that was getting in the way of my writing but my writing getting in the way of my real life. Writing was an escape from a problem I didn't want to face. It was unhealthy and I knew it. Now, I have reoriented my life and addressed the problem.

I just have to warn you that I am simply writing this to get this idea out of my head. This idea has been plaguing me for, quite literally, years. I don't have an update schedule and I won't post new chapters until I am happy with them. I will stop writing again for a time if I find it is drawing too much of my focus away from other more important aspects of my life. I will try not to simply drop the story. If this happens, I will try to tell my readers about the period of hiatus and restart when I am satisfied I can healthily continue.

Please remember, this will only be written in my scant free time. I only ask that, if you like this story, please be patient.

Thank you,


Chapter 1: Yep, it's Gonna be One of Those Missions!

Harry Potter paused to center himself.

Breathe in.

He was alone: a single mote of consciousness floating in the warm embrace of the void. All that is-was-will be is contained within himself. In this moment of self-awareness, he is confronted by the paradoxical nature of his own existence: I exist alone, according to my own psycho-perception, yet I am caused to exist.

Breathe out.

His consciousness explodes outwards. The self-aware mote which had been so enthralled by the discovery that it actually existed is confronted by the reality that it is but one of an untold number of similar motes flowing onward in an unending cascade of cause and effect.


There, among the eddies and currents of time-space-causality, Harry finds the deviances in the chaotic flow of individual choices. Certain choices are guided to outcomes which preserve the over-all progression and expansion of reality. In the seeming chaos, there is order. Naturally, the universe would devolve into entropic decay. The guiding hand in the progression of reality could only be attributed to an outside Force maintaining the delicate balance needed to sustain life.

This was the guiding Force which Harry served. The ancients of his species called it Magic and it was what had originally deviated his race away from the base human stock. The Force moved through all existence. It was life and it was death. It created and it destroyed. It was the initial cause which started this cascading awareness-action which he called reality. To Harry, however, the most important aspect of the Force was that it forever strived to preserve that which it had caused.

Jedi Knight Harry Potter's eyes snapped open as his awareness returned on the onset of his next breath. The Force's answer to his unasked question was clear. He was to act. Not now, but soon. Very soon.

The Queen's procession took a few more steps towards him. He could sense the two Human Jedi concealed on the bridge above him: a master and his padawan. There was another presence there too, a semi-aquatic sentient of some sort. Mon Calamari? Quarren? Nautolan? Gungan? Yes, it was a Gungan.

The procession took another step.


Harry brought his arms up under his cloak and extended his mind through the Force. It reacted gleefully to his presence, swirling about his consciousness, and lent him its power as it found that his purpose and its own were one in the same.

Harry wrapped his presence around the battle droids who were escorting the Queens party. He clenched his fists, his mind linking the action to his spiritual extension. There was a screech of plastics and metals as the droid's processors, sensor arrays, and communications relays were crushed into mangled balls of scrap.

The knight could feel the surprise of the witnesses ("That was quite impressive master." "I agree, Obi-Wan, but that was not me.") reverberate in the Force accompanied by the pleased purr which he associated with the completion of an action it had prompted.

As the Queen's entourage scrambled for the fallen droid's blasters, Harry gently nudged his cloak with the Force to allow himself to be seen and began to walk steadily towards the group from his hiding spot in the shadows. He was surprised to find that it was the group of handmaidens which spotted him first. They shifted slightly to provide a more accurate coverage area for the Queen in response to a new potential threat.


These handmaidens were acting more like an elite brigade of trained guards than the so-called security force which had finally noticed his presence and had brought their new blasters to bear upon him.

This begged a question. If they are trained security personnel, why did they allow their asset to walk around in such eye-catching clothing? They had been given approximately eighteen hours from the beginning of the invasion to the point at which the Queen had finally been captured in the Palace of Theed. He knew this time to be accurate as he had spent the entirety of the time collecting evidence for his former master and her Council of First Knowledge. The elaborate costume only made sense if…

He checked the lines of sight again.

Decoy. There was one handmaiden directly behind the Queen, and yet still within the area of full coverage. It was rather clever. No one would expect such a deception from as pacifistic government as Naboo's. Well, no one who was not paranoid.

Unfortunately for the deception, Harry had just spent over a year commanding one side of a bloody civil war and still had yet to settle his nerves back to their peacetime levels.

This, however, did not matter. He wasn't about to blow the Queen's cover any time soon. It would only make his job that much more difficult.

"Your Highness," Harry addressed the decoy, "I am Jedi Knight Harry Potter. We must get you to cover. There are still droid patrols in the area," He gestured to an alleyway he had scouted beforehand. The decoy scrutinized the street before giving a decisive not to the one who seemed to be in charge of the more visible security forces.

Seeing the Royal party move in the direction indicated, Harry turned back to the bridge. Looking directly at the spot where the Jedi master and his companions were still concealed and gave the chopping gesture which was the Jedi hand-sign for All Clear.

It took a moment, but soon the two Humans and the Gungan were at street level, even if Harry did have to cushion the Gungan's fall with the Force.

"I am Knight Harry Potter," he gave the traditional bows of greeting from a knight to a master and his padawan and received the appropriate bows in return, "May I assume you are the Ambassadors sent by the High Council for negotiations?"

"Yes. We are the Ambassadors the High Council sent at the behest of the Supreme Chancellor. Although, can we actually be Ambassadors if we never actually entered negotiations?" this last comment seemed to be more rumination than an actual question, "Either way, I am Master Qui-Gon Jinn and this is my padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and our guide, Jar Jar Binks," he acknowledged each in turn, "I was unaware the Order had any other Knights in this system."

A pulse through the Force warned the three Jedi as they turned in unison towards the direction of a droid patrol approaching them from a cross street.

"I believe," Harry said as he wrapped his presence around the fallen droids, "that we should relocate." He raised his hands and the destroyed droids followed the motion into the air. With a few quick shooing motions, he had the cheap pieces of scrap hiding themselves behind carved balcony rails, stone crenelations, and tiled chimneys. Satisfied with his work, Harry turned back to find a mixed reaction.

Jar Jar the Gungan was openly staring, mouth hanging open. Kenobi was hiding behind the Mask of Serenity taught to younglings back at the Temple, but Harry caught the padawan's surprise in the widening of his eyes. Master Jinn simply fixed Harry with an amused smile and a raised eyebrow. The knight resisted the urge to scratch the back of his head in a nervous gesture. He was never comfortable about people making a fuss over his power. Jinn must have felt his discomfort, for his smile only grew.

"Hem," Harry cleared his throat and immediately suppressed a shudder. That had sounded far too similar to that Hutt of a witch, Umbridge, for comfort, "I believe we should be going, Master," he indicated the alley down which the Queen's party disappeared.

"I'm beginning to have a good feeling about this mission," Jinn said with a nod and started after the Queen.

"Are you feeling alright, Master?" Harry heard Kenobi mumble as he passed, Binks following with his odd swaying gait.

Harry sighed.

This was turning out to be one of those missions. Truly, he should have expected it. He was a Potter. Without fail, every mission eventually turned out to be one of those missions.

He followed Binks, passing out of the line of sight of the street just as the next droid patrol arrived upon the scene, oblivious as to what had happened just minutes before.

Padme Naberrie was pensive. This whole situation simply didn't make sense. While she did not like to think ill of the dead, there was more to this blockade, this invasion, than her predecessor's dirty dealings and greed. Even the Trade Federation's public excuse of protesting the taxation of trade routes did not make any sense. That excuse would be a direct attack upon their senate representation. As far as she knew, Senator Palpatine had gone so far as to soften the blow to the Trade Federation by introducing tax incentives for trade in the Outer Rim territories into the bill. He was a reconciler, not a revolutionary. This stank of a third party. This stank of special interests. Somebody was pulling Nute Gunray's strings. The question was, 'Who?'

The clatter of blasters being readied drew her attention to the mouth of the alleyway.

Three new figures had joined Knight Potter in the few minutes of his absence: two Humans and one which she thought was a Gungan, despite never having met one of the reclusive race. The Humans appeared to be fellow Jedi. Both wore the distinctive brown Jedi robes similar to those she had glimpsed under Knight Potter's dark and slightly shimmering cloak. Unlike Knight Potter, these two had their hoods lowered.

The elder of the two led the small party forward. It seemed even Knight Potter deferred to the man as he took up a post to the side, keeping his line of sight towards the mouth of the alley clear, but still close enough to join in conversation if engaged.

She drew her attention back to the elder Jedi and used the remaining few seconds of his approach to try to gain some insight into the man. She knew appearances could be deceiving, but it was all she had at the moment.

Human. Indeterminate middle age. Brown Hair. Grey in the beard and at the temples. Stress? Experience? Calm brown eyes. Kindness? Compassion? Not enough data. Beginnings of laugh lines around mouth. Smiles frequently and genuinely due to similar laugh lines around nose and eyes. Relaxed posture. Unconcerned of attack or confident in current security?

Her analysis halted as the Jedi came to a stop in front of Rabe, her chosen double for the day. He gave her a quick bow.

"Your Highness, I am Master Qui-Gon Jinn and this is my padawan learner, Obi-Wan Kenobi. We are the Ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor."

"Your negotiations seemed to have failed, Ambassador!" While Sio Bibble was a competent governor of Theed, he only possessed a limited amount of patience. It seemed that being marched around his city to show the people of Theed that their government had fallen had used up what little he had left.

"The negotiations never took place," it seemed that Master Jinn's patience had yet to be depleted, "Your Highness, we must make contact with the Republic." Captain Panaka, the current head of her public security detail stepped forward.

"They've knocked out all our communications."

Padme repressed a sigh. Quarsh Panaka was a good man and would defend his Queen with his life, but he was not the most tactically minded man on the planet. When she became Queen, the Volunteer Security Forces were somewhat of a joke. Due to the pacifistic stance of the planet, the majority of the Security Forces never saw any combat. Most of the Volunteers were made up of young upper class heirs attempting to make political connections or meet a wealthy heiress. Anyone of actual combat readiness was usually shuffled into space defense or the garrison upon their moon, which sometimes sees upswings in the production of the illegal drug, Spice, due to its isolation.

One of her first actions as Queen was to dismiss any officer who had participated in the corruption and graft of her predecessor, King Ars Veruna. She had only been left with two choices for the head of the Security Forces: Quarsh Panaka and Gregar Typho. Together, the three had decided that Captain Typho, with his years fighting against illegal Spice miners, would take command with Captain Panaka as his secondary officer. Typho, unfortunately, had recently lost an eye and half of a leg in recent fighting, so she had sent him off-world for military-grade cybernetic replacements and allowed Panaka to fill the leadership role temporarily.

That was a month before the blockade. All in all, Panaka was trying. He was simply out of his depth.

"Do you have any transports?" Padme was grateful to Master Jinn. There was no condescension in his voice, no incredulity. It was stated in such a way that Panaka would not notice his oversight of the obvious.

"In the main hanger. This way!" Panaka gave a hand sign to the other Volunteers, who rounded the group up and began moving.

Padme repressed another sigh. The captain had not even glanced at Rabe for approval before relocating.

It did not escape Padme's notice that Knight Potter shadowed her, not her decoy, as they moved out. Thankfully, in the time it took to reach the hangar, she was able to maneuver herself so that Knight Potter's vigil at her side would not be as obvious. Now he was in situated in such a way that he was in a similar proximity to Rabe.

Captain Panaka halted the party at the interior doors to the royal hangar. Both he and Master Jinn quickly looked inside.

"There are too many of them," Panaka whispered urgently to the Jedi beside him. Jinn simply shook his head.

"That won't be a problem," he turned to Rabe, "Your Highness, under these circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us."

Padme's mind flew into action, weighing the possibilities.

She could stay planet-side. This was her original plan. It was decided, however, upon the assumption that there were personal ambassadors of the Supreme Chancellor working to force a settlement. She had thought Gunray's invasion was a last ditch effort to force his terms upon Naboo while simultaneously attempting to stall the political process. From what she overheard of the hushed conversation held on their way to the hangar between Panaka and Jinn, Gunray went so far as to try to assassinate the master and apprentice (where Knight Potter came from, she still had no idea). This fact alone sent up major warning flags concerning her fate, should she stay.

Her only other option seemed to be to recapture a ship and run the blockade. While dangerous, she did see advantages to weigh against the risks. Should she make it to Coruscant, there were many political processes she could file to hobble the Trade Federation in their occupation of her planet. While Naboo's pacifistic constitution prohibited her from filing a Writ of Observance for the Trade Federation's unilateral actions against Naboo (the Senate classified these as minor Declarations of Hostilities), she could directly introduce a Mandate of Action to the floor of the Senate as a sovereign Head of State without needing the approval of an investigative committee. Should the vote go her way, that alone would be enough to halt Gunray as the Republic Navy would intervene to stop hostilities between two member states.

Making her decision, Padme squeezed a pressure pad sewn into the lining of her robes. This sent a signal to a receiver hidden in her decoy's headdress to notify Rabe that she wished to deviate from her previous instructions. Rabe would then prompt Padme with a simple statement to determine the new directions from her Queen's response.

"Either choice presents a great risk," Rabe turned to Padme and the other handmaidens, "to us all."

"We are brave, your Highness," Padme knew Rabe well enough to know that her words had the intended effect.

"Then we shall plead our case to the Senate," Rabe gave Jinn a nod of assent, "We place ourselves in your hands," Jinn returned the nod and beckoned Potter and his apprentice towards the entrance to the hangar. From her position, Padme could barely make out their hushed conversation.

"Forty-five droids," Jinn began, "Four battle groups of ten; one corporal droid relay with each group slaved to one lieutenant droid stationed at the royal yacht; two groups at the base of the yacht, one guarding the captured flight crews, and one on roving patrol. Will your earlier trick work again?" Potter shook his head.

"If they were all together? Sure. As spread out as they are now? No. We will just have to do it the old fashioned way. Besides," Padme thought she could make out the shadow of a grin in the dark recesses of Potter's cowl, "I wouldn't want to deprive you and Padawan Kenobi of all the fun, now would I?" Jinn chuckled and Kenobi rolled his eyes with a good-natured smile. Padme could see that there was some history between the knight and padawan that she was missing.

"How thoughtful of you," Jinn glanced around the door into the hangar once more, "Corusca Gambit?"

"We should probably use a Protocol Ruse to get into position, first," Kenobi chimed in helpfully.

"Hmm. It will definitely be stealthier than a frontal assault," Potter agreed, "I can take the flight personnel. We could meet in the middle with the roving patrol."

"My thoughts exactly," Jinn turned back to the royal party, "Your Highness, we have a plan but it will require us to show absolutely no hostility until we are in position."

"And how will we know when we are to act, Master Jedi?"

"The first droid to fall must be the lieutenant droid. It is a direct relay to the command sphere in orbit. We will use a flaw in the programming of the droids to get within striking distance, after which I will destroy the lieutenant. Once I do, whoever among you with weapons may open fire upon the droids." Padme pressed a different pressure strip in her sleeve to denote her assent to the plan.

"I do not think that we should take risks with her Highness's life," snarled Captain Panaka. Rabe, however, did not allow the captain to build up steam and interrupted him before he was able to say something he could regret.

"We must place our trust in the Jedi, Captain. They have much more experience in the art of battle than we," Rabe fixed Jinn with her most piercing stare. The Jedi was unaffected, "We place our lives in your hands," Padme noticed that Rabe had not used the royal 'we' but rather included the entirety of the party in her statement. This nuance, it seemed, was not lost on Jinn. He nodded.

"Knight Potter, Padawan Kenobi and myself shall go first. Next shall be the guards. Behind them will come everyone without a weapon. When the combat begins and there is cover immediately available, be free to use it. If not, try to stay behind myself or Padawan Kenobi. We will deflect away blaster fire which comes your way. Knight Potter will be freeing the captured flight crews."

"Your Highness," Panaka pleaded, "You should not be put in such danger!" Potter stepped forward.

"There are still patrols roving these halls," the cloaked knight explained, "Once the fighting starts, the droids will send out a local distress signal when the cannot contact the command sphere through their lieutenant. It will be only a few minutes before reinforcements arrive to investigate the signal. To prevent their interference, I will be sealing these doors as soon as we cross the threshold. We must have you inside when that happens." Padme once again signaled an affirmative to Rabe.

"Risks must be taken, should great need arise," Padme's decoy glanced at Captain Panaka, "I have faith in the Jedi," she brought her attention back to the Jedi master, "Lead on, Master Jinn."

There was a slight jostling as everyone moved into positions. To Padme's surprise, Governor Bibble relieved one of the security volunteers of an extra blaster and hid it in the folds of his over-robe. She distantly remembered reading that he had spent some time as a security volunteer before entering government service.

Finally in place, the party strode through the partially open hangar doors. Sure enough, as soon as the last handmaiden crossed the threshold, the great blast doors slid shut. The heavy CLANG which signaled the door's lock engaging was accompanied by a soft squelching noise which she nearly missed in the echo of the hangar. Confused, she glanced at Potter just in time to see what appeared to be a thin length of wood disappear up one of his sleeves.

Before she knew it, they were nearing the two droid patrols stationed around her royal yacht. Wordlessly, Potter veered off to their left and made his way towards the group of captured flight personnel. He had only crossed half the distance to his targets when they were finally hailed by the yellow-banded lieutenant droid.

"Halt! Identify yourselves."

"I am an Ambassador of the Supreme Chancellor," Master Jinn explained in his usual pleasant manner, "I am taking these people with me to Coruscant."

"Where are you taking them?" The droid seemed to either have a short circuit in its processor or the Trade Federation used the cheapest Artificial Intelligence that it could find in its battle droids. Padme thought the latter was most likely the case.

"To Coruscant," even the unflappable Jinn's voice held a note of incredulity.

"Coruscant? Uhh… that doesn't compute… uhh… You're under arrest!" With that, the Jedi sprang into action.

In the blink of an eye, Master Jinn had ignited his weapon and bisected the lieutenant with the glowing green blade. Padawan Kenobi, too, had ignited his own blade and began to reflect the blaster bolts which had now begun to fall upon them back at the droids which had fired them.

Padme could definitely see a similar martial style in both master and apprentice. They both seemed to prefer a reflective defense rather than close quarters combat. In her peripheral vision, she could see that Knight Potter preferred quite a different style of fighting. He had, quite literally, leaped into the fray. Vaulting over the closest droid, he grabbed it by its neck and proceeded to use his momentum to spin the grappled droid around, smashing it into its neighbor with a tremendous amount of force.

At this point, chaos had broken out. Padme was quickly huddled with Rabe behind Master Jinn by her handmaidens. The security volunteers had fanned out behind the master and apprentice and were attempting to pick off droids from the group in front of them. Governor Bibble, however, had found cover behind one of the landing struts of the yacht and was picking off droids from the roving patrol, which was now running towards them, with his borrowed blaster. By the time the patrol arrived to reinforce the main force, the aging statesman had winnowed down the group of droids from eleven to five.

Before she knew it, Knight Potter had entered the primary skirmish, seemingly finished with his paltry force of eleven droids. He was a flurry of fists and feet. Padme noticed that very rarely were the Knights strikes aimed to actually damage the droids. They seemed to be primarily aimed at deviating or obstructing the droids line of fire, causing their shots to be directed into the chasses of their compatriots.

Then, just as abruptly as it began, it was finished. The last droid fell to Padawan Kenobi's lightsaber and everyone drew a sigh of relief. A quick inventory told Padme that the gravest injury was to one of the volunteers whose thigh was grazed by a stray blaster bolt.

There was a moment of calm before nearly everyone broke into action. Panaka began barking orders to the volunteers to begin prepping the yacht for takeoff. Knight Potter rounded up the liberated flight crews and began relaying some of the reconnaissance he had done on the defenses the Trade Federation had installed around Theed so that they could make it out of the capitol's airspace safely.

"Your Highness," Padme turned to see Governor Bibble addressing her decoy, "I cannot go with you. There is nothing you can gain by my presence. I will stay and prepare for your return." Padme signaled yet another affirmative to Rabe.

"If that is what you feel you must do, then I shall not stop you. Stay safe, Governor. We shall need your help restoring our people after this tragedy has ended."

Padme decided that Rabe was very good at this. That was definitely something she might have said in her Amidala persona. The Queen realized that she was going to have to by her double something very nice when this was all over in thanks.

With a short bow, the governor excused himself to ready his own liberated starfighter.

Beside her, Padme felt more than heard the yacht's engines purr to life. The mostly inaudible frequencies they produced made her bones itch at this close proximity.

"Your Highness," Captain Panaka drew Padme's attention away from the scurrying starfighter pilots as he addressed Rabe, "we are ready to leave."

Indeed they were. All three Jedi and the yacht's flight crew had already boarded.

"Then let us depart, Captain," Rabe replied as she strode up the gangway, "and pray that when we return, we will have the means to save our people."

Captain Panaka followed the girl he believed to be his Queen into the ship. His true Queen advanced a few steps behind him, surrounded by her loyal bodyguards.

As the gangway closed behind her, Padme couldn't help but echo Rabe's prayer.

'Please, let me be able to save my people!'

AN: I always thought the introduction of midi-chlorians kind of ruined the mysticism of the Force, so I will try to explore some of the mystic aspects of the Jedi Order and how they relate to the midi-chlorians. The centering exercise Harry does is just a little foray into that. If you have any suggestions on the Jedi's mystic side, feel free to PM me. I can't promise that I will respond directly, but I will try to post something in response at the end of my chapters.

Yes, I made Governor Bibble a little more awesome than he appears in the films. Sue me. I did it because I think his beard is awesome.

Can anyone guess Harry's Master? I've left three clues: Female, Council of First Knowledge, a preference for martial arts.

First to get it gets a shout out.