Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor do I own The Gamer manhwa.

UPDATE: 12:13 AM of 6/10/18

Zephier's stats have been corrected due to my mistake of his first status where the power under pressure perk did not scale his overall CP after gaining it. I also nerfed chakra control's CP reduction to a balanced and more realistic approach to that whole ordeal, before it was 1% control would reduce cp consumption for 1%, so imagine if Zephier gained 100% chakra control he'd literally wouldn't spend 1 CP on any sort of jutsu whatsoever, that is now, not a possibility.

Chapter 1: The Gamer Arises!

"Yes HA, take that!" I said rather enthusiastically.

My name is Zephier Raiden, and ever since I was younger I became obsessed with games, mostly RPG games and such. Just recently I had been able to get the new Kunaibox One that came out from Pixelsoft with some cool games that I enjoyed a whole lot, like the new Call of Ninja game! I played a lot of games, hell that is really what my free time is... Which is practically all the time. Gaming is great and all... I really neglected school—A lot. I am enrolled at the Ninja Academy of Konohakagure and my dream is to just be a ninja like my parents... Atleast I think that's what I want, though I'm not sure what kind of ninja I want to be just yet. My father though? He is a highly respected veteran ex-ANBU ninja, awesome right?!

My father is super strong! I'm not sure much about his past but he was very high ranked and even contributed heavily within the Great Third Shinobi War! Get this, I've heard whispers of people saying he was a shoo in for the Fourth Hokage position, but he denied it! The rumors probably aren't true though, regardless, he must have been pretty badass! After that he had became an ANBU agent except… After a few years he had quit and resigned to be a regular Jonin. Sadly every time I asked about it he would never really talk about it except that a mission he was on with his squad had failed, bad. I don't really understand though, just because you fail you get back up and try again right? Isn't a ninja supposed to be awesome?

Any way, my mother is a Jonin as well, though I had never asked about her ninja career. She has to be strong too right?

Me? Well... I guess I'm kind of a disappointment because all I do is sit here and play games too much—I'm doing bad in all aspects of class... And I'm probably second dead last next to Naruto, I can almost sense it, its uncomfortable but I don't know why I just can't apply myself—why I lack motivation.

I sighed—depressed, turning the gaming system off as I started to lay in bed in an attempt to sleep, I had school in the morning.

"I really wish I could become stronger... Not only to be able to resist games but to get stronger in general" I closed my eyes and went to sleep as I whispered to myself out loud none the wiser of what I just did would change my life forever.

You have slept in your bed. HP and CP have fully restored. All status effects removed.

...What the fuck? So, I wake up and see this blue box floating in front of me, nope not strange at all.

Okay, I seriously need to stop playing these games I'm starting to hallucinate now, I chuckled and smiled grimly to myself—why was I so addicted to games?

Ignoring the box of information floating in front of me I went to do all my daily morning rituals. Shower, brushing my teeth, etc. Probably with excessive boredom plastered on my face trying my best to ignore floating objects that seem to follow my eyesight.

Maybe this was an illusion? Genjutsu? I made a hand seal and forced my chakra to disperse outwardly, this was a technique to dispel genjutsu—and to no avail apparently, still there.

I look in the mirror and see:

The Gamer

Lv 4 Zephier Raiden

PWR LVL: 1,300

Umm? I must be losing it, first I wake up with some sort of RPG box in front of me now I see a Name status above my head depicted as a gamer… what's with me today honestly-and for some odd reason I can think clearly—more focused... 'Weird' I shrugged it off the box still in front of me' seriously did I take drugs while sleeping? Because this is pretty cool.

I decided to press the X button on the box and it disappeared with a zoom transition, what's with this game crap, I know I enjoy games a lot but come on. Anyway, I shrugged it off again deciding to continue my morning rituals.

Finished with all I had to do its finally time to eat! My stomach rumbled hungrily as my expression comically shifted to one of a grisly bear ready to devour food! Making my way to the kitchen-

"Good morning Zeph"

That was my father, always up in the morning and eating breakfast right on the dot and calls me Zeph to shorten my name, he was reading what I'm guessing to be the daily newspaper that the civilians write about to share daily news, big or small it will always end up on there somehow.

"Mornin' dad" I sat down and began to eat breakfast as I had been already served

I look at him and strange enough I see that game shit above his head too:

Raijin Incarnate

Lv ? Atlas Raiden

PWR LVL: ? REP: 500/1000 Friendly

Umm, Raijin incarnate? Like the actual fucking god Raijin? What does that even mean?! Casually eating and glancing at my father I decided to… Pry

"So, where's mom?" I play it cool

He shifted his gaze towards me

"She left a little while ago, she was called in for a mission by Lord Hokage

"Oh, okay… Say, is mom strong?" I said almost too cryptically but really I had to know, why I never invested interest in my mothers strength—I will never know.

He raised his eyebrows

"Yes, she is, she will be okay if that's what you're worried about, she is my wife and your mother after all" he replied as he moved his hand over to my head and ruffled my hair, gee.

A minute later I decided to bring up what was on my mind, the title my father has—its really bothering me

"Hey dad, have you ever heard of something called the Raijin Incarnate?" I said meekly

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised as he put the newspaper he was reading down

"Where'd you hear that?" He asked questioningly

Crap… I shrugged my shoulders

"I don't really remember where I heard it, I do remember eavesdropping on a conversation some ninja was having about someone called the Raijin Incarnate and for some reason your name was mentioned, I couldn't make out what they were saying though so I was curious" I lied smoothly


A skill has been created due to a special action

Lying [Lv 1] Next level: 0/100

The telling of a false statement, usually being untruthful or half truthful.

6% chance of success.

Um what-

Lie successful

He cleared his throat

"Well if you must know son, the Raijin Incarnate is me. That is the moniker that people identify me as all over the elemental nations as a flee-on sight S-Ranked ninja" He stated rather casually like it was the most obvious thing in the world

My eyes went wide, holy hell, I never knew that! My father, MY father! Is an S-Ranked Ninja! That is so badass… Fuck… And here I am the disappointment to someone so strong. It's probably embarrassing to him.

"You're so awesome dad" I said half-heartedly with a smile

He caught on to my thoughts almost as if he could pretty much feel how I was feeling, he grinned and got up and walked over to me and ruffled my hair… Queue childish glare.

"And someday Zeph, you'll be just as—if not greater than I. If anyone believes in you it's me and your loving mother" He said fondly "Don't be late for class son, I'll see you later" He than walked toward the house door and walked out.

Quest Alert!

-Haul Ass to Class and Pass-

Main Objective 1: become average in the academy. [ ]

-Reward: 7,000 EXP

Main Objective 2: learn and master the academy three jutsu. [ ]

-Reward: 10 stat points

Main Objective 3: master kunai and shuriken throwing. [ ]

-Reward: 4,000 EXP

Bonus Objective 1: master basic chakra control exercise [ ]

-Reward: Random C rank jutsu scroll

Bonus Objective 2: don't be late again [ ]

-Reward: 100 reputation points with the whole academy.

Hidden Objective 1:

Hidden Objective 2:

Hidden Objective 3:

Hidden Objective 4:

Hidden Objective 5:

Hidden Objective 6:

Hidden Objective 7:

Hidden Objective 8:


You do not become a ninja. Possible death.

Time Limit: 1 Year

Accept? [Y[N

My heart clenched, he really believed in me and I was letting him down. I bit my lip and swallowed and clenched my fist… I will make him proud one day! But other than that, back to the present situation-

So, this game thing was real… How else would I know my dad's title? Or maybe I was on heavy drugs and really did eavesdrop on a conversation like that and don't remember it? Nah. I chuckled to myself. I glanced at the quest alert and widened my eyes, that's a whole lot of objectives and hidden objectives; also seems like the N for no is grayed out too, I guess I can't deny the quest… I rolled my eyes 'not like I was really going to, although that possible death is alarming'.

The hidden objectives probably give more superior rewards than the normal ones, I mean it's pretty obvious right? Sucks that I can't see what they are, but I will have to make due. Considering that stat points were given as a reward would be extremely helpful—while I played some RPG games in the past I have realized that becoming higher level makes it much harder to obtain more stat points than it is at an easier level… So being able to get some as a reward would definitely come in handy... I may need to save some at some point though.


Due to your analytic thoughts, you gained 2 INT.


A skill has been created due to a special action.

Observe [Lv 1] Next level: [0%]

Learn about an object or being by observing them.

Seriously?... What the... I felt myself—become smarter?

'Fuck, this is awesome, It's real! It has to be!' I stopped myself from jumping around like an idiot, and stared at the box, if this were real than I could use this to get stronger, and If I can gain stats by doing activities or simply thinking decisively I can… I can get strong as fuck!

My grin was practically splitting my face

'So, if this is real… Wouldn't I have some sort of character page or, status?'


Name: Zephier Raiden

Title: N/A

Level: 4 Next Level: 0 / 1,700

Job: The Gamer

Affinity: ?

Allegiance: Konoha Civilian

HP: 650

CP: 350

STR: 2

VIT: 4

DEX: 2

INT: 3

WIS: 2

LUK: 20

Chakra Control: 0.4%


Power Level: 1,460

Money: $25

Points: 5

Description: Son of Atlas and Rika Raiden, also known as The Gamer. A young boy with no talent and no real skill attending the ninja academy who enjoys playing games a little too much.

...Why am I so fucking weak—No real skill or talent—Fuck you game.

'Wait… Didn't I gain 2 INT before… So that means it was 1?! What the fuck!'

Well at least I know how to get stronger. It's time I stop feeling sorry for myself! I will not going to get discouraged anymore!

I went to get dressed and be on my way to school, I looked myself over in the mirror before heading out.

Blue eyes, blue shoulder-length spiky hair, angular face, perfectly shaped eyebrows, average sized neck, slightly broad shoulders with a… Weak and slim body. I had a white plain T shirt on with black loose pants, and black shinobi sandals, with fingerless knuckle plated gloves that had a metal protector just above my knuckles. On my neck rested a small kunai with the Konoha village symbol engraved on it.

I nodded to myself and made way to the house door and left. Halfway through the process of beginning to walk, I stopped… Wait, if I can get stats from… A metaphorical light just shined above my head

I grinned wide and blasted off into the direction of the academy. Sprinting as fast as I could

'hell yeah!'

Due to running exercise you gained 1 DEX

If making a type of face would stay like that permanently the longer its adorned on the face, I would have a permanent grin on as I still held a wide and triumphant grin, why not? I am going to be a total badass.

Walking into the academy, I approached my classroom I opened the door and was welcomed to a pretty amusing… Irritating sight as everyone looked at me as if I had two heads and that's when I realized…

"Shit am I early?" I voiced out rhetorically

I began to walk to my seat

"Finally coming early for once huh" a boy named kiba said

"Bite me asshole" I replied as I made my way over to a seat to the far right towards the back of the room. Sometimes Kiba can really get on my nerves. I ignored any of his retorts meanwhile

What stats would I put up when I level up though? I got to figure out what exactly the stats descriptions ar-


I was interrupted from my thoughts as a large blue screen popped up in front of my face, startling me almost too visually- jumping slightly up from my seat, thankfully no one saw… I think.

[ Level ]

[ The level of a person shows the amount of skill or experience a person has accumulated. Each level grants only The Gamer, 1 stat point in each attribute except for LUK. ]

'Holy crap that's incredibly useful'

[ HP - Health Points or Hit Points ]

How much damage a person can receive before they die.

'Well yeah obviously, but I do wonder how my 450 HP compares to the others in the class'

[ CP – Chakra Points ]

Chakra is the life energy used by beings with a chakra system to perform different feats of jutsu and beyond normal human-capability heights. The amount of CP is equal to the number of stats multiplied by 50 plus any relevant perk or buff. Chakra will regenerate per second of the stat of WIS times 2 divided by 5; however, if Chakra reaches a minimum of 20% than the user will have a chance to suffer from mild chakra exhaustion each passing minute the users chakra remains below 20%, if the user has a depleted 0% of chakra the user will suffer from chakra exhaustion.

'Okay so I have exactly 350 CP, if I used up all my chakra it would recover by 0.8 CP per second because my WIS is two—Doing the math than I would regenerate all my CP in 438 seconds, or 7.3 minutes, but I would suffer from chakra exhaustion so I would need to have more than 70 CP to avoid at least mild chakra exhaustion, and 21% of 350 would be 73.5 CP, If I calculate the amount of time it would take to fully recover all my CP than it would be 5.75 minutes to safely recover all my CP'


For thinking decisively and cautiously you gain 2 INT

'Son of a… Now I have to do that again! I'm grateful and all but still!' screw it I'm going to just finish reading.

[ Strength (STR) ]

The strength attribute determines a person's physical raw power, this attribute affects how much damage a person can inflict, it also affects a person's ability to reduce damage when blocking and affects the amount of weight a person can lift and throw.

'My 2 STR is definitely pathetic than' I sighed

[ Vitality (VIT) ]

The vitality attribute determines the person's overall health, this attribute affect a person's ability to regain health outside of combat and resist damaging status effects such as poison, burn, paralyze, etc. For each point spent on this attribute, the user will gain 50 points in health.

'I suppose my 650 HP could be worse, considering I have 4 VIT'

[ Dexterity (DEX) ]

The dexterity attribute determines the user's speed and agility, this attribute affects the person's precision, evasion, stealth, subtlety, and the ability to land critical attacks, it also plays a huge part in the use of weapons.

[ Intelligence (INT) ]

The intelligence attribute determines the user's overall ability to think quickly and innovate, this attribute effects the strength of their CP and how much they have. For every point spent in INT, you gain 50 points in Chakra.

'Well considering that my INT is now 5, I guess I have 450 CP, nice'

[ Wisdom (WIS) ]

The wisdom attribute determines the user's common sense, perception, overall control of their chakra, it also determines their ability to learn, memorize, retain information, and it determines how they use their intelligence, wisdom also plays an important role in learning certain skills and defending against mental attacks. Each point in WIS grants 0.1% in Chakra Control.

[ Luck (LUK) ]

The luck attribute is the probability of your overall chances of gaining more loot and acquire items in higher than common rarities. Luck also effects the efficiency and frequency of critical strikes. There is a chance to also come across a 'lucky encounter' the higher the stat of Luck.

Luck could be useful... but putting points into luck could be bad if I am no where near as strong as the whole class.

[ Chakra Control ]

Chakra control is the bread and butter to utilizing jutsu effectively for ninja. The more chakra control the user has, the less amount of chakra they spend to initiate jutsu. The higher the chakra control, the more jutsu becomes available to learn. Each 1% of chakra control reduces the amount of chakra consumption for jutsu by 0.4%, chakra control caps at 200% being godlike control, 100% is perfect chakra control.

[ Power Level ]

The power level of a person is a value determined by the person's overall stats that show a person's maximum or minimum strength in numerical form.

(Level*100/2) (HP*2/2) (CP*2/2) (STR*20) (VIT*20) (DEX*20) (INT*20) (WIS*20) = Power Level

'Okay…So the obvious thing here is that I have a lot of work ahead of me if I want to get stronger question now is how do I want to build myself?'. I tuned everyone out who were talking amongst themselves and shouting whatever nonsense my classmates shout about, probably the whole fangirlism cult is at it again with their Sasuke god. INT would really help me a lot, I would love to spam jutsu left and right and just be that kind of guy that blows shit up, but than again I would also like to be durable in the same process. I could merely train physically to increase my physical stats instead of using my points into them…Yeah I think I'll do that and put some of my points into INT while others into WIS so I could get a lot of chakra and have a faster chakra regeneration rate per second.


Due to a tactical approach, you gain 1 INT

'Awesome, now I have 500 CP'

'How would I find out what all the rarities are though?'


[ Poor ]

A terrible excuse for quality, easily broken and non existent durability. Items of this rarity are less than useful and could be detrimental to the user.

[ Common ]

The commonly common of item quality, nothing special, pretty mundane and found anywhere by any means.

[ Uncommon ]

More than ordinarily useful—few items of this quality give small bonuses to the user.

[ Rare ]

Unique and useful, found in either quests or some of the rarer loot that The gamer can obtain. Some rare items may provide bonuses.

[ Epic ]

The rarest of the loot that a player can possibly obtain from non-special dungeons. Epic items can give good bonuses, guaranteed to have at least one or stat bonuses. Epic items are the equivalent to the famous blade of Kusanagi

[ Legendary ]

Only obtainable through quests or special dungeons of the rarest possible loot—these items are on par with things of legend such as Madara Uchiha's gunbai, the seven swords of the mist, and weapons made from the famous Muramasa—such of the sort.

[ Omnipotent ]

Godlike items that have the power to warp or change reality, normal to the likes of gods such as the weapons of the legendary rikudou senin, the sage of six paths. Granting god like bonuses.

'Its just like any RPG game I suppose, except for omnipotent, does items like that actually exist? In the real world?'

Quest Alert!

-Pop your omnipotent cherry!-

Main Objective: obtain your first omnipotent item.

Reward: 100,000 EXP, $1,500,000



Do you accept? [Y[N]

My mouth hung loosely, practically watering as I saw the amount of money the quest would give me 'oh god that's a lot' shaking my head I was brought back to reality 'finding one won't be easy… it is of the rarest, practically god-like item. Chances of finding one must be one out of a million. ' I thought as I accepted the quest and mentally shrugged and what's this about a dungeon? Could I actually go into instances where I fight monsters and obtain loot?! I had to immediately stop myself from screeching in excitement

'Well that covers that, now I need to focus on training. Finishing the quest and leveling up, I'm freakin' level 4, probably the lowest of my class mates'

I glanced around the classroom spotting levels all ranging from 8 to 25, the highest being of course, the glorious duck-ass emo-Sasuke, 'I am definitely going to get stronger than you, just you wait jack ass.'

And to boot I got no damn perks at- motherfucker.


This is your first time opening the Perks page. For being a newbie and just starting out, you will be given a selection of perks that you may choose from to start with. Be careful though, you may only get a perk point once every 100 levels. You will only be given three perk points.

The Pyro Guy Fire is said to be the first step into man evolving, you are infatuated with fire. Fire affinity granted. 50% faster learning toward fire jutsu. 50% better Fire Manipulation. 100% more EXP toward fire based jutsu.

Air is life – Mother nature's wind fuels our muse with joy and serenade. Wind affinity granted. 50% faster learning toward wind jutsu. 50% better Wind Manipulation. 100% more EXP toward wind based jutsu.

Mother Earth – The essence of which the land we walk on. Earth affinity granted. 50% faster learning toward earth jutsu. 50% better Earth Manipulation. 100% more EXP toward earth based jutsu.

Water you doing? Water, the very foundation in which man thrives for. 50% faster learning toward water jutsu. 50% better Water Manipulation. 100% more EXP toward water based jutsu.

Lightning Rod[x]

Sixth Sense – Some people can feel other's presence naturally than others. Chakra Sense MAX level granted.

Swordiac – Weapons with sharp blades have always been man's one and only true best friend. 100% More EXP toward bukijutsu mastery tree. 100% more EXP toward bukijutsu related skills.

Power Under Pressure Your chakra is potent and dense, you could even project it's visibility and put fear into your opponents, make the surrounding area heavy and the air thin for any unfortunate enough to endure your piercing gaze. Grants the skill 'Chakra Pressure' MAX Level. 200 CP per level, grants option to choose chakra color (warning, color may affect look of certain jutsu)

Thick Skin – skin that grants extra protection. 2 VIT per level

Eyes of the Future – Thee eyes of which can see a few seconds into the future.


Seal Prodigy – The art of sealing, near forgotten, with only few remain who know more than common knowledge of the art. It is said that a master can level a battlefield with just ink and paper. 100% EXP toward Fuinjutsu related skills.

Ninjutsu Craze – Blow stuff up, jutsu left and right, what more couldn't you want? Ninjutsu is life. 100% EXP toward Ninjutsu related skills.

There were quite some options here, some more ordinary than others but I guess I should be glad I get 3 free perk points to spend, though I wonder why 'lightning rod' and 'Jinchuuriki' is unavailable. 'what the hell even is a jinchuuriki, I mean I know it means human sacrifice but why would that even be on the perks page? I wouldn't want to be sacrificed to anything!'


Quest Alert

-Demons, Chakra, Seals, oh my-

Main Objective: Find out what a Jinchuuriki is.

Reward: 10,000 EXP

Hidden Objective 1:

Hidden Objective 2:


Possible death, possible imprisonment.

Do you accept? [Y[N]

Gulp… 'death, prison? Just what the hell is up with that?!'

I hesitantly accepted, the EXP seemed worth it … maybe? Whatever this Jinchuuriki thing may be, I need to be subtle about it.

Back to the perks. The only thing that really catches my eye is definitely 'Power under Pressure', 'Sixth Sense', and holy fuck, 'Seal prodigy'. Those three sound badass and useful, sure 'eyes of the future' sounds great and all but its only mere seconds, doubt that's a big help.

Selecting the three perks'

You have selected 3 perks, are you sure you want them? [Y[N]

'Way to make me doubt myself'

I selected yes, a little hesitantly

… a second passed

… two


I don't feel any-

Heart thump

Heart thump


I grunted in pain, biting my lip trying to suppress any form of vocally projecting my suffering right now, my whole body burned like hell!

Zephier's chakra coils are changing, expanding, and reshaping to fit toward the demands of the perks that he had choose. He got up and practically stumbled out the classroom, sticking to the sides of the room in hopes that no one noticed his agony. He didn't realize however that two pairs of eyes watched his every move since he started to feel pain, the eyes of a white-haired girl with concern on her face and that of a spiky-whiskered blonde boy with blue eyes. His breathing was heavy, strained, gasping for air as he collapsed outside the classroom against the wall—After what seemed like hours, mere minutes had passed when the pain subsided and ceased.

'Fuck that was the worst! I never felt anything like that in my life…' catching my breath I slowly got up feeling absolutely amazing, powerful even. 'it must be from the 'Power Under Pressure' perk' and at that very thought, new senses exploded into my subconscious as I felt everyone around me, the exact position, and how much chakra they are emitting naturally. To say this experience was weird would be a severe understatement, it was certainly something else, yet, it felt as if I known this feeling my whole life.


You have gained three new perks!

Power Under Pressure Your chakra is potent and dense, you could even project it's visibility and put fear into your opponents, make the surrounding area heavy and the air thin for any unfortunate enough to endure your piercing gaze. Grants the skill 'Chakra Pressure' MAX Level. 200 CP per level, grants option to choose chakra color (warning, color may affect look of certain jutsu)

Sixth Sense – Some people can feel other's presence naturally than others. Chakra Sense MAX level granted.

Seal Prodigy – The art of sealing, near forgotten, with only few remain who know more than common knowledge of the art. It is said that a master can level a battlefield with just ink and paper. 100% EXP toward Fuinjutsu related skills.


You have gained two new skills!

Chakra Pressure [Lv MAX]

Classification: Ninjutsu

Class: Supplementary

Range: Self

The ability to project the users chakra as a force/pressure to influence nearby beings, the more chakra the user has, the stronger the effect. This skill will cause pressure that creates the illusion of extra gravity being weighed upon the target making them harder to breath Depending on potency of the user's chakra, their chakra would be visible to others surrounding the user. The target can overcome the Chakra pressure if they possess more chakra than the user.

Chakra Sense [Lv MAX]

Classification: Passive

Class: Supplementary

Range: 10 km

A skill that makes the user capable of sensing the presence of others.

-Can sense chakra even if suppressed 95%-

-MAX level can sense position-


You have been granted the option to choose the color of your chakra (only once).

A genuine smile adorned my face as I looked over my new abilities, 'I'm finally starting to feel like I'm somebody who will do great things' I thought as I picked a dark amethyst color, as it was my favorite color!

Just as I finished confirming I felt a slight shudder, 'I guess I should've expected that huh?'


Name: Zephier Raiden

Title: N/A

Level: 4 Next Level: 0 / 1,700

Job: The Gamer

Affinity: ?

Allegiance: Konoha Civilian

HP: 650

CP: 1,300

STR: 2

VIT: 4

DEX: 2

INT: 6

WIS: 2

LUK: 20

Chakra Control: 0.4%


Power Under Pressure Your chakra is potent and dense, you could even project it's visibility and put fear into your opponents, make the surrounding area heavy and the air thin for any unfortunate enough to endure your piercing gaze. Grants the skill 'Chakra Pressure' MAX Level. 200 CP per level, grants option to choose chakra color (warning, color may affect look of certain jutsu)

Color – Dark Amethyst

Sixth Sense – Some people can feel other's presence naturally than others. Chakra Sense MAX level granted.

Seal Prodigy – The art of sealing, near forgotten, with only few remain who know more than common knowledge of the art. It is said that a master can level a battlefield with just ink and paper. 100% EXP toward Fuinjutsu related skills.

Power Level: 1,670

Money: $25

Points: 5

Description: Son of Atlas and Rika, also known as The Gamer. A young boy with no talent and no real skill attending the ninja academy who enjoys playing games a little too much.

I nodded, everything looked so much better but still there's a lot of work to be done. My head jerked up as I felt someone approaching the classroom, 'it's probably Iruka-sensei' every chakra signature felt unique to their own person, I could tell the actual difference between everyone. Strangely enough each person has a sort of... Smell? A smell that's not a smell but also a taste. that would come in handy.

I let myself feel all the types of chakra signatures in the classroom

There was one that gave me the chills, it was dark, like a piece of charcoal but smells of tomatoes and misery... But it also has the potential to turn its charcoal into a crystal and flourish, it's a conundrum.

A bubbly one that kind of feels like flowers blossoming in the sunset

I shivered, I felt a icy cold type of chakra that smells like chocolate chip cookies, it's like a dam that is holding back a river of Icey water with the winds of a hurricane. It came from... Her?

One stuck out to me the most, it seems to be the strongest chakra in the room, overflowing with so much potential and smells like fish cakes... But deep inside the chakra lies another chakra that is practically enormous, no, endless! It's like an ocean filled with pure malice and dark intentions... Almost depressed and filled with loneliness too. It smelt like nature and wet grass.

I shook my head and lowered my chakra sensing range to my immediate area and made my way back into the classroom and nonchalantly took a seat back to where I was sitting awaiting Iruka-sensei's arrival, I'm actually excited to learn for onc-

"Hey, are you okay?" a feminine voice called over to me from beside the row I was sitting at before she plopped down right next to me.

I looked toward her direction, this girl is a real beauty, a sight to behold, and shoo-in for kunoichi of the year following behind that pink haired girl. Her name is Freya, white hair and gorgeous silver eyes… my face started to slightly heat up, was I blushing?

"I-um-what do you-huh?" lame reply, nice one Zeph

She blinked

"I-I saw you in pain before you left the classroom, I was w-worried. You didn't come back for a few minutes before you came back" She replied in concern with a slight blush as she looked away for a second before she placed a hand on my forehead

My heart raced and I could feel my face burning and pulled away with my hands in front of me

"Oh, h-heh thanks but I'm just fine, I only had a little indigestion, t-that's all no need to worry about me" I gave her the best smile I could muster

Lie successful

'Lying' has levelled up.


She smiled back

"I-I'm glad you're okay Zephier-k-kun" huh

She just said my name followed by kun… I looked at her floating name

? Survivor

Lv 23 Freya ?

PWR LVL: 9,650 REP: 200/1000 Liked

I tried my best not to show my surprise, she was level 23 for fuck's sake! And here I am a stupid mere level 4! 'Though, the rep I have with her is sort of high… What did I do to gain that? Eh, it's probably nothing.' I mentally shrugged-

'wait what is the deal with this rep thing anyway?'


[ Reputation System ]

The reputation system is a hierarchy of relationships—to keep track of how people as an individual or group view The Gamer. Having a higher reputation confers some benefits such as additional quests, dialogue options, romance, shopping discounts, and combat bonuses. There are eight levels of reputations that are listed from lowest to highest in opinionated standings toward that person or group.

War – Hated - Disliked – Neutral – Liked – Friendly – Honored – Exalted

Reputation is scored of a maximum of 1,000 per reputation level, after the reputation points exceed 1,000, the reputation with that person or group is leveled to the next or vice versa for decreasing below zero.

Konoha Civilians – Neutral 0 / 1000

Konoha Shinobi – Neutral 0 / 1000

Atlas Raiden – Friendly 500 / 1000

Rika Raiden – Friendly 900 / 1000

Academy Instructors – Disliked 200 / 1000

Iruka Umino – Neutral 400 / 1000

Mizuki – Neutral 0 / 1000

Naruto Uzumaki – Neutral 900 / 1000

Sasuke Uchiha – Neutral 0 / 1000

Sakura Haruno – Neutral 0 / 1000

Shikamaru Nara – Neutral 600 / 1000

Choji Akimichi – Neutral 600 / 1000

Ino Yamanaka – Neutral 0 / 1000

Kiba Inuzuka – Neutral 0 / 1000

Shino Aburame - Neutral 0 / 1000

Hinata Hyuga – Neutral 0 / 1000

Freya ? – Liked 200 / 1000

Leon Ryuichi – Neutral 0 / 1000

Before I could reply the door opened revealing Iruka-sensei, he made his way to the front desk and-

"Everyone shut up, sit down and listen!" He shouted as his head grew three times it's normal size, 'how the hell does he do that?'

Through constant observation you have gained the skill 'observe'

My eyebrows furrowed, it's similar to the lying skill that I got earlier, so I get skills from doing things related to the skill repeatedly... That's pretty cool! I looked toward my pencil and a thought came to me


[Number Two Grafite Pencil]

Quality: Common

Durability: 32 / 50

A simple writing utensil for trivial things such as school work

Okay... I may need a new pencil soon, I sweat dropped

The day went pretty much as expected, a lecture of shinobi history and the founding fathers—or rather the founding clans of Konoha. I paid attention this time, I didn't find it boring, it was kind of exciting to hear about past legends like Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha, and such. I even ended up getting 1 INT for listening and 1 WIS for answering a question. Part of the class I zoned out, and came to the conclusion that I could also get information on people by observing them... Well after accidentally observing someone that was in the way of an object I was looking at of course. So I started observing everyone in the class to see where I stand compared to the others in the class. I didn't really bother with the more weaker kids as I thought I would surpass them very soon!

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Title: Nara Clan Heir

Level: 15

Job: Academy Student

HP: 1,800

CP: 6,150

STR: 20

VIT: 34

DEX: 17

INT: 121

WIS: 5

Power Level: 12,640

A genius born from a prestigious clan full of geniuses. Notorious for laziness, Shikamaru has a habit of sleeping during class and watching clouds.

Name: Choji Akimichi

Title: Akimichi Clan Heir

Level: 16

Job: Academy Student

HP: 3,100

CP: 1,100

STR: 54

VIT: 60

DEX: 10

INT: 20

WIS: 10

Power Level: 8,080

Foodie from thick and thin. The Akimichi clans heir—also has a slight temper problem when concerning his weight.

Name: Ino Yamanaka

Title: Yamanaka Clan Heiress

Level: 13

Job: Academy Student

HP: 600

CP: 1,300

STR: 12

VIT: 10

DEX: 21

INT: 24

WIS: 45

Power Level: 4,940

Usually a follower who does not take becoming ninja seriously. Fan girl that is born from the mind-walking Yamanaka Clan. Obsessed with Sasuke Uchiha which rivals her with her best friend Sakura Haruno

Name: Kiba Inuzuka

Title: Inuzuka Clan Heir

Level: 18

Job: Academy Student

HP: 1,300

CP: 600

STR: 45

VIT: 24

DEX: 30

INT: 10

WIS: 30

Power Level: 5,480

Loud and brash. Swing first ask questions later—born from a clan of Taijutsu specialists whom partners with a ninja dog throughout their lives.

Name: Shino Aburame

Title: Aburame Clan Heir

Level: 17

Job: Academy Student

HP: 1,100

CP: 2,600

STR: 15

VIT: 20

DEX: 35

INT: 50

WIS: 50

Power Level: 7,950

Silent but deadly. Born from a clan that is notorious for their use in bug-related skill techniques. Extremely logical

Name: Hinata Hyuga

Title: Hyuga Clan Heiress

Level: 17

Job: Academy Student

HP: 1,600

CP: 600

STR: 35

VIT: 30

DEX: 40

INT: 10

WIS: 45

Power Level: 6,250

Timid and shy. A disgrace upon her name according to her clan. Has great affection for others and a non discrete colossal crush on Naruto Uzumaki.

Name: Sakura Haruno

Title: Fangirl

Level: 13

Job: Academy Student

HP: 350

CP: 850

STR: 5

VIT: 5

DEX: 5

INT: 15

WIS: 100

Power Level: 4,450

Born from civilian heritage, yet has high intellectual capabilities when it concerns ninja. Infatuated with Sasuke Uchiha borderline crazily obsessed. Possesses no real physical ability and has no real desire for being a ninja.

Name: Freya ?

Title: ? Survivor

Level: 24

Job: Academy Student

HP: 1,450

CP: 2,350

STR: 35

VIT: 27

DEX: 50

INT: 45

WIS: 75

Power Level: 9,650

Cold and unforgiving from a past unknown. Filled with latent power and potential—anger is not Freya's strong point and has difficulty controlling it

But she seems so nice though...

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Title: ?

Level: 18

Job: Academy Student

HP: 2,900

CP: 15,350

STR: 21

VIT: 56

DEX: 15

INT: 5

WIS: 5

Power Level: 21,240

Loud, rash, and uncontrollable, Naruto has a hard time making friends and acts out because he has none.

Name: Leon Ryuichi

Title: Black Sheep of Ryuichi

Level: 22

Job: Academy Student

HP: 2,600

CP: 1,100

STR: 40

VIT: 30

DEX: 5

INT: 20

WIS: 20

Power Level: 6,100

Born from the prestigious Ryuichi clan, Former clan heir. Cast aside by his own family—put into the academy as a result.

Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Title: Last Loyal Uchiha

Level: 25

Job: Academy Student

HP: 2,100

CP: 1,100

STR: 50

VIT: 40

DEX: 50

INT: 20

WIS: 5

Power Level: 7,841

Betrayed by his flesh and blood, born from the cursed Uchiha clan whom was slaughtered by Sasuke's own brother Itachi Uchiha. He vows vengeance on his brother and to one day restore his clan.

'Observe' has leveled up

And yet again I have my work cut out for me, it seemed like everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses, especially that annoying Sakura girl, seriously how is she even the top girl in the class being so pathetic with only wisdom? That just makes no sense. My real surprise here was both Naruto and Sasuke, hell Naruto had chakra like a freaking monster, and isn't Sasuke supposed to be top of the class, why does he only have 5 WIS? What the actual hell does that mean? Is there some reason why he can't gain WIS? Perhaps by leveling up the observe skill more I can get more information on people

I shrugged—My weaknesses are…well, everything, 'for now at least'. The real question is where exactly do I start? I know there's a lot I missed out on because I skipped a lot of class and barely put in effort… There was this one time I came to Iruka-sensei for help and he-

Wait that's it!


"Iruka-sensei" Zephier called out to his academy instructor

The scar faced man perked his head up and glanced toward the direction of the blue haired boy

"It's pretty late Zephier shouldn't you be headin' home now?" the man replied

The young Raiden bit his cheek, clearly he was troubled, Iruka raised his eyebrows

"Sensei, I need help… could you please teach me the lesson I skipped class for, I really need to pass the exam" he said as he looked toward the ground ashamed

He needed to be able to pass this upcoming exam because his parents promised him if he passed they will buy him that new game that was coming out for his gaming system.

Iruka sighed as Zephier gulped

"Zephier as a ninja in training you need to learn to be resourceful, in the real world if you miss an opportunity to gather information that could mean the death of you and your entire team. Now as for me helping you, I want to, I do, but I can't with all the duties that I am given on a daily basis" the scarred man lectured

The blue haired boy was not fairing too well he was ready to count his losses before Iruka spoke again

"However, anything that the academy teaches to the students can be found in the Konoha Library in the Academy section of the first floor, there you can find information of what you need to know, search for-

Flashback end

The Library probably has everything I could need and more! There were multiple floors, the first floor being for civilians and academy students, while the second and third for genin and chunin respectively, and the fourth for Jonin! It was like a treasure trove of information to help me get started on getting stronger!


You have gained 1 WIS



Quest Alert!

-Scrolls , scrolls everywhere!-

Main Objective 1: obtain basic Chakra Control exercise

Reward: 500 EXP

Main Objective 2: obtain academy three jutsu

Reward: 5 stat points

Bonus Objective 1: obtain a scroll of a ninja art

Reward: 1,000 EXP

Bonus Objective 2: get as many scrolls as possible

Reward: 200 EXP for each scroll

Hidden Objective 1: ?

Hidden Objective 2: ?


Growth halted.

Do you accept? [Y[N]

'Fuck yeah, I was right to assume the library is the best place to start' I thought enthusiastically.

The rest of the class day went by without much excitement, I had answered one question gaining another WIS, to my delight of course, and now that the day was finally over it's time to get to work!

I ran toward the direction of the library, hopping from one house to another—got to get physical exercise when I can right

You have gained 1 DEX


I walked in the library and was met with utter silence 'well duh it is the library after all' making my way over to the academy section of the first floor I began my search for chakra control, luckily for me—everything was labeled alphabetically so it didn't take much time to find what I was looking for.

Scanning over scrolls and books, there were many, but few spoke of chakra nor what I needed… ah ha!

'Beginners Chakra Control'

I touched the scroll ready to take it


You have obtained a scroll.

Do you wish to learn it? [Y[N]

I blinked, just like that? There's no way, I pressed yes and the strangest thing happened. The scroll disintegrated into tiny particles and flew into me as I gained all the knowledge that was available within there, 'holy fuck so I can instantly learn stuff!' To say I was happy and excited would be an understatement except… Fuck the scroll is now destroyed!

You have learned a new skill

Leaf Concentration [Lv 1] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Passive

Class: Supplementary

The basics of chakra control, to be able to stick leaves to any part of your body with only applying chakra. The more leaves held, the faster the skill will level up.

CP Consumption: 1000 CP per minute

Amount of leaves able to hold: 1

1 WIS for every 2 levels gained

2% Chakra Control every level

I look left

I look right

'Good, no one saw me… I hope'

I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding in, I really do not want to try to explain what just happened—hell this is new for me too!

[ Skill books discovered! ]

Skill books allow the user to be able to instantly learn a skill at a base level if requirements have been met to be able to learn the skill. Once learned—the skill book will disappear as it is only used once.

I sweat dropped 'now you tell me?!'

Quickly Making my way over to other sections to look for the academy three jutsu I picked them out, obviously pressing no to learn, I would need to get a copy first—I then made my way to the F section, I was curious, almost desperate. I had got the fuinjutsu perk and now I really wanted to make use of it and behold! ... 'Fuinjutsu for dummies'


Screw it I shrugged, I took it and-


You cannot learn 'Fuinjutsu for dummies', Requires Calligraphy Lv MAX skill.

'ah fuck me'

I might as well get a copy of this too for when I grind the calligraphy skill. I ended up with 5 scrolls, one for the academy jutsu, one for fuinjutsu, and one for beginner calligraphy, not bad at all if I do say so myself.

I was about to go and have copies made of the scrolls until my eyes landed on the staircase to the genin floor. The only ones allowed to go there are authorized genin but… I looked around subtly and found that no one was paying attention, the lady at the front desk was not even there either. A cheshire grin adorned on my face, and a thought came into mind, 'I'm the gamer right, my life is a game, so that means I must have some sort of inventory'

Heh just as expected

A window popped up with several empty boxes and a character screen to the left showing me my 'avatar' or rather me, and several things equipped, being my clothes. Nothing out of the ordinary in games really. Testing it out I put a scroll in and took it out 'perfect'

'alright Zeph it's time to go in there as subtly as possible get as many things as I can, get out like nothing happened, and get copies of the normal academy stuff... No big deal right? What could go wrong?' Gulp

I nodded

Expanding my senses, I felt only three people, two civilian people reading at the open tables of the library and one in the genin floor—they didn't feel like they were all that strong considering their chakra level isn't that big. So glad I got sixth sense.

Making my way through to the genin floor I swiftly maneuvered around corners and book shelves, only taking seconds to scan the contents of the order everything was in and scrolls that I skimmed over, luckily for me there was labeled sections for the ninja arts like Ninjutsu, bukijutsu, iryojutsu, so on so forth and within those sections had sub sections for areas in the expertise, perfect. 'I'm going to start with Ninjutsu, obviously' I went over to the D and C rank areas putting as many mildly interesting names into my inventory.

Just as I grabbed the last scroll and put it in my inventory, my chakra senses picked up on a large chakra source, huge even! Approaching toward my direction! I quickly grabbed a random scroll and put it in my inventory-

"What do you think you're doing?" that voice was all too familiar


I turned to see my father,' he may be my dad but he was one scary dude even with just his damn eyes!'

"e-eheh um, I got lost?" I said that… out of all things

The older Raiden narrowed his eyes dangerously

Lie Failed

Not a good time!

"You expect me to believe that?"

I bit my lip then sighed while looking at the ground "okay… I-I just wanted to try and get a-ahead of everyone in class somehow… I know I've been a r-real disappointment lately-

The older blue haired Raiden flinched

"And I know that you think that, and after hearing how great you are I feel like I've let you and mom down"

"Zeph I-"

the younger blue haired boy raised his head to look him in the eyes, something he had never seen before in his son, it was fire, a burning flame of ambition, the very flame that the Hokage always spoke about, the fuel that burns into the youths of the village—the will of fire

"But I really want to try to become better, stronger, faster, and smarter! I want to make you and Mom proud and become the ninja you two always wanted me to be! But also for myself!" I half raised my voice to get my point across, damn adrenaline

Half-Lie successful

'lying' has levelled up.

The stern look on my father's eyes softened as he knelt down to my height level and put a hand on my shoulder and smiled

"I understand Zeph, I'm proud of you for taking a stand, but why not come to me for help or an instructor from the academy?"

I looked away

"I-I didn't want to bother anyone, I wanted to get strong on my own… t-to prove I'm not a good for n-nothing-

Before I could finish his arms wrapped around my person. I felt this warm feeling of happiness inflate inside of me a long with relief

"Kid, you are my son, you will always be great to me boy. But learning things on your own can be dangerous sometimes, especially with the ninja arts' you could get yourself killed if you make mistakes"

'I guess it's a good thing I can learn things instantly huh, I'm such a hack!' He looked at me in the eye after breaking the hug with a smile

"Alright Zeph, I'm going to help you get stronger till you graduate in a year, sound good?" He said as I enthusiastically nod with stars in my eyes

"If you survive" he murmured and chuckled darkly, but I couldn't make out what he said

A cold chill went through my spine

You have gained a mentor 'Atlas Raiden'

100% EXP toward Lightning jutsu and mentor created skills

25% EXP toward bukijutsu and bukijutsu related skills

'Hell yeah'

"come, let's go make copies of the ACADEMY scrolls you have" he emphasized academy, he brought his hand out suggestively as I gave him the 5 scrolls from the first floor that I had on me physically

He raised an eyebrow

I shrugged

"I didn't have time to get one from this floor heh" I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my head

Lie successful

A grin plastered his face as we went to go get copies

Quest completed

-Scrolls, scrolls everywhere!-

Main Objective 1: obtain basic Chakra Control exercise [Check

Reward: 500 EXP

Main Objective 2: obtain academy three jutsu [Check

Reward: 5 stat points

Bonus Objective 1: obtain a scroll of a ninja art [Check

Reward: 1,000 EXP

Bonus Objective 2: get as many scrolls as possible [Check

Reward: 200 EXP for each scroll

200*14 = 2,800 EXP

Hidden Objective 1: Sneak into another floor and steal a scroll [Check

Reward: Cloak of Stealth

Hidden Objective 2: Don't get caught stealing [Check

Reward: 10 skill scroll

[All quest rewards will either be automatically distributed to stats or sent to inventory]

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

[ Skill Scrolls Discovered! ]

Skill scrolls are usually rewards from quests or loot drops. These scrolls instantly give a level boost to any skills that can still gain levels by the amount the scroll grants.

A new skill has been created due to a special act

Stealth [Lv 3] Next Level [42%]

Classification: Passive

Class: Supplementary

The ability to hide in plain sight or inner shadows.

Chances of being spotted 4%

-2% for a person's each level above yours.

Achievement Unlocked!

Reach level 5!

Reward: Instance dungeons unlocked

Instance dungeons are created using the reality warping properties of The Gamer, and the skill 'ID Create', instance dungeons have multiple uses, one main use would be for the user to be able train and develop their skills at a faster rate than others.

Instance dungeons are all unique and dangerous filled with untold mythical creatures and items. All items found in dungeons can be taken to the real world, as they are real due to The Gamer ability.

Instance dungeons can be left at any time, only except during the event of a boss encounter. The bosses of each dungeon are the leader of the enemy forces within the dungeon and the most powerful among them. However; there are other bosses whom dwell individually in different places that act as 'mini bosses'. Bosses and mini bosses tend to drop the best loot and are always guaranteed to drop a unique item the first time they are defeated. There are chances of a dungeon to have a 'rare spawned creature' anytime a dungeon is entered—this creature will only reveal itself when close by. The rare creature can be either stronger or weaker than the most powerful creatures within a dungeon, but also drop the rarest of items. HP reaching zero in these dungeons, or in general means certain death.

Some dungeons can be discovered by visiting them in the real world, and then would be accessible through the ID Create skill identified as a 'Special Dungeon'.

Two new skills granted

ID Create [Lv 1] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Dungeon

Class: Supplementary

Use the ID Create to enter a dungeon.

1. Isolation Dungeon

CP Consumption: 1000

ID Escape [Lv 1] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Dungeon

Class: Supplementary

Use ID Escape to leave a dungeon.

CP Consumption: 1000

'Holy hell, that is a lot of information, but still great information!' I had to restrain myself from jumping up and down like a crazed excited kid, c'mon all this good shit and you wouldn't be able to either?

This was fantastic.

Though I do wonder how my dad knew I was even here. We walked to the front desk where the lady was miraculously there after being missing when I first got here, honestly isn't she supposed to be there at all times? I mean I guess you would have to use the bathroom sometimes... Know what I'm reading too much into this

We checked out and got the copies; leaving the library I got all that I needed and no one knew the wiser! Bwuahaha!

"Hey dad?" I spoke up

"Hmm?" He looked toward me while walking

"How did you know I was at the library?"

He put his hands in his pockets "well I was in the area and thought I'd pick you up from the academy when you got out—only to discover you weren't there and left in a hurry according to your instructor. So I thought something happened or you got yourself into some trouble so, I went to look for you with chakra sensing. I found you eventually and discovered you were in the library which really made me worry because you, plus a library? I thought someone kidnapped you and tortured you by making you read books!" He finished and laughed while slapping my shoulder

I deadpanned "hey that's not funny!" I said childishly while crossing my arms

He put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair "it is too!"

I grumbled annoyingly but inside I was kind of happy.

The rest of the journey back home was mostly met in silence, my dad was probably thinking of a training schedule for me—he had his deep in thought look on his face the whole time. I couldn't wait... I think? He also asked me if I was interested in swords, to which I wholeheartedly said yes with frantic fascination; but the weird part was that he asked me does it matter how big the sword would be, I guess not I suppose right? A sword is a sword? So, I may be learning some badass sword… Stuff!

It was getting late, the sun was going down and it was time to get some rest, training starts tomorrow since it will be the weekend, to which there is no school so thank god it's Friday!

Finally arriving to my room, I sat down excitedly, going over everything I have gotten in my inventory

'Lightning Release – Shockwave'

'Lightning Release – Lightning Senbon'

'Lightning Release – Electromagnetic Murder'

'Earth Release – Mud wall'

'Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings'

'Intermediate Chakra Control'

'The ways of Fuinjutsu'

'Mystical Palm Technique'

'Shunshin Jutsu'

'10 skill scroll'

'Cloak of stealth'

'Did Christmas come early?' I rhetorically asked myself, giddy—I immediately started on the academy stuff learning them as fast as possible

New skill learned

Transformation Jutsu [Lv 1] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Ninjutsu

Rank: D

Class: Supplementary

Range: Self

The ability to be able to transform into something else, or someone else, it is a mere illusion until mastered where it becomes physical.

CP Consumption: 2000 CP per minute.

Cannot learn 'Clone Jutsu' with the perk 'Power Under Pressure'

'W-what the fuck?' not only are most the skills I learned I can't even use yet, but I can't learn one of the three academy jutsu that it takes to graduate?!

I took a deep breath

'Okay this can't be that bad, I'm sure there's a solution here, its only an E rank jutsu, an illusion no less, maybe it's as useless as putting a sign saying 'hey theres an illusion here!' I'm going to have to ask my dad about this, maybe he can help me tomorrow'

You have gained 1 WIS from devising a solution to your problem.


I put the Clone jutsu scroll back in my inventory before going through the others

New skill learned

Calligraphy [Lv 1] Next level: [0%]

Classification: Passive

Class: Supplementary

The art of calligraphy is one of elegance and communication—as well as the stepping stones to any kind of fuinjutsu.

Cannot learn 'Lightning Release – Lightning Shockwave', requires Lv 40 'Intermediate Lightning Manipulation'

'Aw, fuck me'

New skill learned

Lightning Release – Lightning Senbon [Lv 1] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Ninjutsu

Nature: Lightning Release

Class: Offensive

Range: 12m

D Rank

A simple lightning technique. The user infuses lightning chakra into their palm and releases senbon-like lightning projectiles to their target. The charged amount of volt is enough to electrocute the opponent that can cause numbness in the area where the needle has hit.

Maximum Senbon – 1

CP Consumption: 400 per senbon

Lightning Release – Electromagnetic Murder [Lv 1] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Ninjutsu

Nature: Lightning Release

Rank: C

Class: Offensive

Range: 30m

A basic Lightning Release technique that allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands. The user can vary its power from a small surge to shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock.

CP Consumption: 2000

You cannot learn 'Mystical Palm Jutsu', requires 60% 'Chakra Control' , and 100 WIS

I sighed.

You cannot learn 'Shunshin Jutsu', requires 30 DEX and 20% 'Chakra Control'

Fucking- ugh, whatever. I'm not going to even attempt the fuinjutsu one considering I can't even learn the basic one yet, not till I max out calligraphy. 'I will probably need to max out the leaf concentration skill before I could learn intermediate chakra control'

New skill learned

Earth Release – Mud Wall [Lv 1] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Ninjutsu

Nature: Earth Release

Rank: D

Class: Defensive

Range: 1m

The user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defense. Chakra is either converted to earth within the body and then spat out to form the wall or the user can manipulate pre-existing earth to form the wall. The earth then instantly rises and takes form.

CP Consumption: 2000

Cannot learn 'Demonic Illusion – False Surroundings', requires 20 WIS

'Regardless if I can't learn some of the skills I'm still satisfied, my nonexistent arsenal of jutsu became an existent one in just one day, I can't be anymore grateful'

I sighed in content

Now let's try on this cloak

I took the cloak out of my inventory, it was really long, it practically was longer than my body-

The cloak glowed before it shrunk a little, the hell?

I lifted the cloak in front of me, it was a simple black over cloak with a good that had no sleeves, except a chain that keeps both sides together as I wear it—in the middle

Cloak of Stealth

Armor Type: Cloak

Durability: 250/250

Quality: Rare

25% EXP to stealth related skills when worn

Defense: 10

A simple cloak made for stealth while providing warmth to the wearer.

Nice, my first rare item, and it gives me a bonus too! I placed the cloak over me as I clipped the chain, it was now a perfect fit—probably has to do with the gamer ability, not going to question it. The cloak covered most my body except the middle small opening and the length ending right at my knees. To put it simply, it's badass

I looked outside, it was dark, 'I wonder what time it-

9:30 PM

'well shit that's convenient'

Name: Zephier Raiden

Title: N/A

Level: 6 Next Level: 300 / 4,200

Job: The Gamer

Affinity: ?

Allegiance: Konoha Civilian

HP: 750

CP: 1,800

STR: 4

VIT: 6

DEX: 5

INT: 8

WIS: 6

LUK: 20

Chakra Control: 1.2%


Power Under Pressure Your chakra is potent and dense, you could even project it's visibility and put fear into your opponents, make the surrounding area heavy and the air thin for any unfortunate enough to endure your piercing gaze. Grants the skill 'Chakra Pressure' MAX Level 200 CP per level, grants option to choose chakra color (warning, color may affect look of certain jutsu)

Color – Dark Amethyst

Sixth Sense – Some people can feel other's presence naturally than others. Chakra Sense MAX level granted.

Seal Prodigy – The art of sealing, near forgotten, with only few remain who know more than common knowledge of the art. It is said that a master can level a battlefield with just ink and paper. 100% EXP toward Fuinjutsu related skills.

Power Level: 3,430

Money: $25

Points: 20

Description: Son of Atlas and Rika, also known as The Gamer. A young boy with unlimited potential and growing determination attending the ninja academy who enjoys playing games a little too much.

My description…'thank you game' I sniffed as my eye became a little watery—wiping it away it's time for business, everything was going smoothly so far and I'd like to keep it that way. Speaking of business-

I got the 10 skill scroll and used it on the 'Leaf Concentration" skill making it Lv 10

Leaf Concentration [Lv 10] Next Level: [0%]

Classification: Passive

Class: Supplementary

The basics of chakra control, to be able to stick leaves to any part of your body with only applying chakra. The more leaves held, the faster the skill will level up.

CP Consumption: 1000 CP per minute

Amount of leaves able to hold: 1

1 WIS for every 2 levels gained

2% Chakra Control every level


Name: Zephier Raiden

Title: N/A

Level: 6 Next Level: 300 / 4,200

Job: The Gamer

Affinity: ?

Allegiance: Konoha Civilian

HP: 750

CP: 1,800

STR: 4

VIT: 6

DEX: 5

INT: 8

WIS: 11

LUK: 20

Chakra Control: 11.10%


Power Under Pressure Your chakra is potent and dense, you could even project it's visibility and put fear into your opponents, make the surrounding area heavy and the air thin for any unfortunate enough to endure your piercing gaze. Grants the skill 'Chakra Pressure' MAX Level. 200 CP per level, grants option to choose chakra color (warning, color may affect look of certain jutsu)

Color – Dark Amethyst

Sixth Sense – Some people can feel other's presence naturally than others. Chakra Sense MAX level granted.

Seal Prodigy – The art of sealing, near forgotten, with only few remain who know more than common knowledge of the art. It is said that a master can level a battlefield with just ink and paper. 100% EXP toward Fuinjutsu related skills.

Power Level: 3,530

Money: $25

Points: 20

Description: Son of Atlas and Rika, also known as The Gamer. A young boy with unlimited potential and growing determination attending the ninja academy who enjoys playing games a little too much.

'Looking good, heh'

Since I need a lot of chakra to use the jutsu that I now have, to be able to grind them, I'm going to need to invest some points into INT

Name: Zephier Raiden

Title: N/A

Level: 6 Next Level: 300 / 4,200

Job: The Gamer

Affinity: ?

Allegiance: Konoha Civilian

HP: 750

CP: 2,550

STR: 4

VIT: 6

DEX: 5

INT: 23

WIS: 11

LUK: 20

Chakra Control: 11.10%


Power Under Pressure Your chakra is potent and dense, you could even project it's visibility and put fear into your opponents, make the surrounding area heavy and the air thin for any unfortunate enough to endure your piercing gaze. Grants the skill 'Chakra Pressure' MAX Level. 200 CP per level, grants option to choose chakra color (warning, color may affect look of certain jutsu)

Color – Dark Amethyst

Sixth Sense – Some people can feel other's presence naturally than others. Chakra Sense MAX level granted.

Seal Prodigy – The art of sealing, near forgotten, with only few remain who know more than common knowledge of the art. It is said that a master can level a battlefield with just ink and paper. 100% EXP toward Fuinjutsu related skills.

Power Level: 4,580

Money: $25

Points: 5

Description: Son of Atlas and Rika, also known as The Gamer. A young boy with unlimited potential and growing determination attending the ninja academy who enjoys playing games a little too much.

'That looks so much better'

So now I'll be able to use some jutsu and be able to grind out more chakra control for a longer time on the leaf concentration. 11.10% chakra control will make my CP consumption for jutsu a 4.4%, and that minus 1,000 is 956 CP per minute, not a big reduction but still counts! And considering my WIS has gone up to 11 that will make my CP recovery time 4.4 CP per second—and that will also mean that I would need exactly 7.58 minutes to fully recover all my CP from the 21% threshold before I get mild chakra exhaustion… The timing went up which might seem counter productive but it's a must for my jutsu!

You have gained 1 WIS

'God damn it!'

Wait… Hold on

If I calculate my new WIS it just went up by .4 which means now its 4.8 CP per second… Oh shit duh!

I opened my status menu and put the rest of my 5 points into WIS

Name: Zephier Raiden

Title: N/A

Level: 6 Next Level: 300 / 4,200

Job: The Gamer

Affinity: ?

Allegiance: Konoha Civilian

HP: 750

CP: 2,550

STR: 4

VIT: 6

DEX: 5

INT: 23

WIS: 17

LUK: 20

Chakra Control: 11.70%


Power Under Pressure Your chakra is potent and dense, you could even project it's visibility and put fear into your opponents, make the surrounding area heavy and the air thin for any unfortunate enough to endure your piercing gaze. Grants the skill 'Chakra Pressure' MAX Level. 200 CP per level, grants option to choose chakra color (warning, color may affect look of certain jutsu)

Color – Dark Amethyst

Sixth Sense – Some people can feel other's presence naturally than others. Chakra Sense MAX level granted. Chakra Sense granted.

Seal Prodigy – The art of sealing, near forgotten, with only few remain who know more than common knowledge of the art. It is said that a master can level a battlefield with just ink and paper. 100% EXP toward Fuinjutsu related skills.

Power Level: 4,700

Money: $25

Points: 0

Description: Son of Atlas and Rika, also known as The Gamer. A young boy with unlimited potential and growing determination attending the ninja academy who enjoys playing games a little too much.


'Screw counter-productivity I'm the fucking gamer!' I grinned widely, my CP recovery rate was a whopping 6.8 CP per second, fuck yeah. Now that would mean it would only take 4.93 minutes to recover all my CP! That's almost less than fucking half! I'm a genius!

You have gained 1 INT

I sweat dropped, 'okay maybe slightly longer than that now' I sigh

Anyway, time for some actual productivity!

No time like the present, I opened my window and grabbed a leaf from a branch that was near my window that connected to a tree within our lawn

I sat down and put the leaf on my forehead and started my chakra control exercise.


Well that was the first chapter of my rewrite of my story the Ninja Gamer, please review and tell me what you guys like, the differences and what would you like to see? My goal for right now is to keep OC's to as little as possible. The reason why the perks don't show for everyone observed is because I don't want to have a lot of extra information on other characters that might be unnecessary or sway the attention from the MC. And before anyone asks about descriptions, everyone knows the characters of the anime so there's no need for descriptions for them—but for the OC's you will find out eventually what they are about in later chapters. I will try to answer any questions any one might have in the next chapter at the ending author note.

By the way if you haven't noticed, I like Greek names.

EDIT: 1/22/19, 4:38 AM EST. edits have been made, grammer corrected, a few add ons to the chapter and such.

Till next time!