Author has written 5 stories for Flash, Smallville, Star Wars, Pokémon, Walking Dead, and Supergirl. Ash's Pokemon Charizard(M) Ability: Blaze. Hidden Ability: Solar Power Moves: Flamethrower, Slash, Wing Attack, Heat Wave, Brick Break, Steel Wing, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail [Progressing, and Dragon Rush [Progressing]. Combos: None yet. Pidgeot(F) Ability: Keen Eye. Hidden Ability: Big Pecks Moves: Tackle, Wing Attack, Gust, Agility, Quick Attack, Heat Wave, Twister, and Steel Wing. Combos: None Yet Squirtle(M) Ability: Torrent. Hidden Ability: Rain Dish [Locked] Moves: Tackle, Bite, Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Water Pulse, Iron Defense, Ice Beam, and Dragon Pulse. Combos: Aqua Crash (Combined the speed of Aqua Jet and the power of Skull Bash together.) Bulbasaur(M) Ability: Overgrow. Hidden Ability: Chlorophyll [Locked] Moves: Tackle, Powerwhip, Razor Leaf, Energy Ball, Synthesis, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, and Toxic. Combos: Toxic Seed (A poisonous seed that will drain not only health but will badly poison its target.) Kingler(M) Ability: Hyper Cutter. Hidden Ability: Sheer Force [Locked] Moves: Crabhammer, Bubblebeam, Hyper Beam, Mud Shot, Vicegrip, and Stomp. Combos: None yet. Muk(M) Ability: Stench. Hidden Ability: Poison Touch [Locked] Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Body Slam, Acid Armor, and Toxic. Combos: None Yet. Tauros(M) Ability: Anger Point. Hidden Ability: Sheer Force [Locked] Moves: Take Down, Horn Attack, Double Kick, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, and Fissure. Combos: None yet. Dratini(M) Ability: Shed Skin. Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale [Locked] Moves: Wrap, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage, Agility, Twister, Slam, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Aqua Tail, and Extreme Speed. [Locked] Combos: None Yet. Lapras(F) Ability: Water Absorb. Hidden Ability: Hydration [Locked] Moves: Confusion Ray, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Hydro Pump, Ancient Power [Locked, and Curse [Locked]. Combos: None Yet. Fearow(M) Ability: Sniper. Hidden Ability: Keen Eye [Locked] Moves: Peck, Fury Attack, Focus Energy, Sky Attack, Mirror Move, and Drill Run. Combos: None Yet. |