Reviews for Injustice Superman: Path to Redemption
Bountyhunter1977 chapter 1 . 7/6
love it so far .

Yea a piece of blue Kryptonite maybe fastened in to a watch or looks like one with the piece hidden inside but shielded with a thin pic of led that can be opened up and making him pass for human or to though a area with green Kryptonite in it, say the hidden room that has one of the Stones of power in it if I remember right.
welcome007 chapter 1 . 6/24
Princesa Blanca chapter 1 . 1/20
Good guy lex please :3 he deserves better life, lionel is a fck sht
I love smallville lex but lionel needs to die:(
Sorry for my english
DBZFAN45 chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
Well he still working things out despite his second chance I think he should have a another chance with lana even if he feel s he doesn't deserve it . That why it called a second chance and Clark is still used being back he still kind of torn on something s can't wait see what changes you make with this superman and lex in on the secret and how is lana gonna take it next time later when you tell her the secret when you get that far. And what about your Flash SI are you update that next cheers! Merry Christmas
spnfan2005 chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
Love it please write more
ale141931 chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
I hope you continue this story. It seems very interesting
spnfan2005 chapter 1 . 12/17/2019
love it please write more
Exiled Soul Nomad chapter 1 . 12/16/2019
Hm... I can see him diving in to save Lex after the crash. He just needs to grab a big rock to leave in the car as the method of breaking the glass.

Otherwise, he can go with imitating the original accident and telling him the truth. It would be dangerous but played right, he will indeed gain a powerful ally.
spnfan2005 chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
love it please write more
Eleid chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
Is always good to have a new smallville story, I just have one question before I read this (is a long shot to give it a try just because), where is lois lane or there’s be lois in this story?
bigfan22 chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
Nice start. I def can't wait to see how a Clark with full knowledge and experience of his powers deals with canon events. Hopefully, his past won't deter him from finding love again. If he wants to keep the Anti-Monitor weak this time around, Clark will need to spread hope and love instead of fear and hate. As for Lex...I would go option number 4. Letting him die would be a waste, cause Lex Luthor is a fantastic character. Great job and I look forward to the next update. Hope it's soon.
RedEyesInferno chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
Awesome idea. 3 sounds like it's a hail mary. It would just be super interesting to see where you would take it.