Warnings for mature content, violence, torture, rape and other horrible things. Do not read if these trigger you and you cannot handle it.

Warning for slash. (I honestly think it's a joke that I have to warn for anything but straight relationships). If you do not like it, do not read it. Plain and simple.


Korriban - 1,000 BBY

Malin Ranek, starship captain, smuggler extraordinaire, a connoisseur of rare artefacts and fine wines, grinned broadly as he surveyed the sith tomb while he dangled precariously from the end of a rope, suspended from the ceiling above. It had been a pain merely getting this far, this deep inside the tomb, and he could not stop the bubble of excitement building up in his chest.

The twenty-year-old human lowered himself a little further down the rope, closer to the dusty floor. This place had been more or less emptied by Jedi, Sith and graverobbers for centuries if not millennia, but he was convinced that something still remained. Something valuable. He had found a rare, ancient journal from the tomb's owner, Ludo Kressh, during his search for information on the tombs of Korriban. The journal had several entries which described the addition of several secret chambers. Chambers nobody has ever documented the finding of. So old was the journal, in fact, that it was made of paper bound in leather. Paper!

The chambers, despite the lack of details, were said to contain Ludo Kressh's treasures. Malin hopes to be the one to claim the artefacts within and could practically see the credits they would bring him once sold on the black market.

Setting his feet onto the floor, the human gazed around, his blue eyes piercing the gloom. He brushed dark hair back out of his face while wiping sweat from his brow. Where to begin? He set to work, diligently checking for lingering traps. These places were rumoured to be nasty, even after all this time.

Malin fist-bumped the air, jumping up and down in a show of giddy celebration. He had found a chamber, and it had only taken him four hours of work. It was so well hidden too, a simple block of stone, rather than an elaborate doorway. It was obviously intended to be disguised in plain sight. The only reason he found it was due to the modified scanner he had, which showed a blip beyond.

He now had his droid, O2B-NY or Benny, down in the tomb, ready to shift the stone block out of the way. It was obviously designed to be lifted through Jedi powers of some kind. Thankfully Benny had a hydraulic jack that allowed the droid to lift excessive loads, the larger than average utility droid was worth his weight in gold and was a significant investment on Malin's part.

The jack managed to gain purchase on the slab of stone, and with a few beeps and chirps from Benny, the stone began to move. A hydraulic arm extended from a slot within the droid's casing and aided the jack by keeping the stone stable. Benny then wheeled back on his threads, the stone moving with him.

"Set it to the side buddy," Malin encouraged with partially contained excitement.

Benny chirped in response, backing up down the corridor a few metres before dropping the stone slab down.

Malin meanwhile stepped into the chamber, staring around in awe. What was all this? Strange weapons, jewellery, artefacts and objects of indiscernible purpose, filled the rather sizable room. A waist-high, stone plinth stood dead centre in the chamber, with an odd pottery jar settled atop. The pot had strange writings carved into it, engravings which were nothing like the Sith writings in the rest of the tomb.

Malin glanced at his droid when Benny chirped.

"Well Benny, it looks like we hit the jackpot."

Benny responded with a chirp and a whistle.

Five days later

Malin used a cloth to wipe sweat from his brow while he observed the stash of artefacts from the tomb that now occupied the cargo hold of his ship, the Corona Fury. He had spent the past five days finding the hidden chambers in the tomb of Ludo Kressh and emptying them of their strange contents. The amount of gold, silver and jewellery alone would be enough to set him up for the rest of his life. Those, along with the strange artefacts he simply assumed were sith in origin, would see him living pretty for decades to come for sure. Blue eyes took in the haul with a keen gaze.

The cargo hold of his YG-4210 freighter was full to the brim from what he could see. It almost felt like it had been far too easy, but Malin wasn't someone who would look a gift horse in the mouth. It was time to leave now anyway. This planet wasn't safe if the stories he heard were to be believed. The faint whispers that he tried to ignore and the feeling of being watched was enough to cause a chill to run up his spine. Yes. The sooner he left this desolate rock, the better.

Before that, however, Malin wanted to check one thing. The odd jar he had recovered. It was obviously important enough to have been displayed so proudly in the first chamber, but it's purpose eluded Malin.

The human fixed his thick leather spacers jacket around him, flicking the rag onto his shoulder as he stepped into the cargo hold. He walked right up to the jar in question, inspecting it with narrowed eyes. Perhaps it wasn't the jar but the contents? He could always open it and check. He reached out for the pot, only to jump out of his skin when Benny's excited chirps and whistles echoed loudly through his comlink. Malin winced as the jar toppled off the plinth, which he had managed to recover too, and smashed against the deck.

"Dammit, buddy! I said not to do that," Malin grumbled into the comlink with a groan of frustration.

Benny's chirps of apologies brought a smile to his face.

"It's okay buddy, but you made me knock over that jar. I'll head up to the cockpit once I've cleaned up the mess."

Benny chirped an affirmative before the droid cut the com.

Malin let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair and turned to face the mess. He frowned at the strange-smelling liquid the jar had contained, dropping to his knees to inspect the damage. His eyes widened and let out a cry of alarm when something moved within the pile of shattered pottery. It was the last thing Malin would ever do.

Outside the cargo hold, a thud could be heard as Malin's body hit the deck with cut off choking noises.

O2B-NY, nicknamed Benny, silently and methodically prepped the ship for taking off, his computer uplink plugged into the ship. The droids sensors picked up movement behind him, and his squashed oval head turned to face the open door of the cockpit. He whistled a greeting the moment he noticed it was his master, turning his head back to face the computer readout. The droid idly noted the difference in his master's posture and the way he silently observed him. It was odd, but he was not programmed to fully understand sentients, so he paid it no mind.

The poor droid didn't expect to be hit with a stunner, nor was he aware of the restraining bolt that was then attached to him. In fact, he wasn't aware of much of anything. His personality was reprogrammed and his memory copied before being wiped.

O2B-NY, who answered to the nickname Benny, returned to his work after a few minutes, totally unaware that anything had happened to him. He was to obey his master's every command and not question orders.

The droid didn't pay heed to his master's retreating form, nor did he notice the dark grin of utter glee. He also never saw the way his master's eyes glowed.

Malin had no idea what had just happened. He remembers seeing something that horrified him, the feeling of something moving in his mouth, sharp pains at the back of his throat and his skull before darkness consumed him. The same blackness that now surrounded him. What was going on? Where was he?

Malin stepped out of the ship, sharp blue eyes surveying the surroundings. A dark smirk played at his lips before his eyes glowed again. "Malin" turned about on his heel and boarded his ship, the boarding ramp sealing up behind him.

He strode into the cockpit, settled into the pilot's seat and began preparing for takeoff. He did shoot the controls a brief look of disdain, his hands grasping the yoke. The Corona Fury's engines powered up with a whine and kicked up a cloud of reddish dust as the freighter took off. The Corellian built ship thundered through the sand-filled cannon as it picked up speed, disturbing the ominous silence that usually hung over the planet. The freighter then angled upwards, blasting up into the sky and into orbit.

As the ship settled into orbit, Malin quickly selected a destination. Due to circumstances, Nar Shaddaa looked to be the best place to travel to first. He had the coordinates calculated, patiently awaiting the navicomputer to finish, before he pulled back on the level and the ship shot into hyperspace. A four-day journey awaited him, given how many times he'd have to alter course on this trip.

Malin rose from the pilot's seat with one fluid motion and left the cockpit, a smirk creeping its way onto his face. The man retired to his quarters, leaving Benny to monitor their progress through hyperspace.

He liked the name. Malin. He actually loved the name, which was odd for his kind. They rarely wanted the names humans often gave themselves, deeming the names unworthy of a being of their stature. "Malin" stood completely naked in front of a full-length mirror in the captain's quarters aboard the Corona Fury, checking out the body he now possessed. His hands slowly wandered the average yet fit frame the boy, his host, had with a smirk. He enjoyed the sensation of his fingertips lightly tracing his skin. He liked the feeling of toned muscle that lay just beneath. This body was perfect for him. An excellent host.

His name was Ptah, a member of a symbiotic race of aquatic serpents that were not native to this galaxy. The took other beings, mainly biped sentients as hosts. Humans were their host of choice. Ptah liked this new host, it has been so so long since he had one.

With that train of thought, Ptah, going by Malin, let slide his hands lower down his body. It was time to see just how functional this body was.

Ptah let out a soft sigh as he settled into the spartan looking bed, deciding to forgo clothes while he slept. This was it. His chance at life. Now all he has to do is take stock of this galaxy, a galaxy he will conquer someday and have billions worshipping him as their one true god Ptah!

Author's Note

To be honest, I have no idea where the idea for this story came from. It just popped into my head one day. I honestly do not know if I will post anymore chapters, as the muse has not been with me. I know some of my readers are awaiting Chapter 18 of AGAU, and I apologize. I haven't much of that chapter written. I know what I want to have happen, it's just writing it out is difficult.

I'm thinking of doing something different with this story, if I chose to continue it. I'd like reader feedback and suggestions for how the story is to go. I do intend for it to be an empire building story (which is why I've set the date a 1,000 bby. It'll give our MC a chance to build up some forces before the Clone Wars and the Rise of the Empire). So give me your suggestions for chapter 2. I cannot wait to read them!

Edit: I realized I made a mistake with the freighter class. It's a YG-4210. It was so hard to find ships that exist 1000 BBY but I do know the YT series didn't exist yet.