Day 153 (Continued)

The defeat of the dark guild brought me quite the amount of fame from the locals. Apparently, the guild had been causing trouble for a couple of months now for whatever reason. They were after an artifact that was supposedly buried beneath the town, but the townspeople had fought hard to keep the dark guild out of their town. The price of the fights was high. Many were dead and nearly triple that was injured. The tiny village used to be bigger but, again, the multiple battles had reduced the town. When asked why they didn't ask for help, it was because they did but the Rune Knights wouldn't respond to their pleas. The Rune Knights were busy investigating and dealing with an outbreak of dark guilds causing trouble all over Fiore.

He spent the day helping Sakura heal the injured. Of course, this brought us fairies even more fame from this little town. The mayor, Mr. Bell, came to thank us personally and give us the reward the town offered to the light guilds to deal with the dark guild, but since none of the guilds responded, the reward went to him instead. He received a bag and a crimson key. The bag contained 50,000 Jewels, with a few estimates and a few calculations, 1000 Jewels were roughly the equivalent of $20 in his original world. So all together that was... $1000. He looked at the key and, curious, he examined the key. It was a simple key and, as was stated before, it was of a crimson color. It had, oddly enough, the design of a dragon eating its own tail.

-Spirit Summoning Key(Sin of Wrath)-

A key embedded with summoning magic linked to the Sin of Wrath, Meliodas.

Quality: Legendary

Effect: Summons Meliodas and provides a physical link between the summoner and Meliodas to provide him with magical energy.

Initial Cost: 3500 Mp

Upkeep Cost: 250 Mp/min

While this whole summoning business was quite interesting, it was also quite expensive. Even he, who had the most magic out of his entire clan, could only keep this up for a few minutes at best. He could only use the embedded spell for just under 9 minutes before he was drained dry. That, however, didn't take into account his mana regen. With it, he could manage another 2 minutes at most.

Now, the question is... where was he summoning Meliodas from? Was he summoning him from a pocket dimension like his inventory? Was he summoning him from the past? The future? An entirely different realm? If he was summoning Meliodas from a different world then that proved that there are indeed different worlds that he could, in theory, travel too.

Day 160

The next week went by quickly as he magically exhausted his fairies by having them grow the strongest trees they could and shape them into aesthetically pleasing homes that were of a similar design as the rest of the village. When they were finished, he enchanted the new and old homes to be fire resistant and repel damaging insects. A full week of just doing this expanded their cores like he was breaking down walls on a sugar high in his original world.

While they were doing all this, he went and tracked down a few dark guilds. It took taking down 15 full dark guilds for him to level up 3 times to reach level 75 so that he could invite the little fairies into his party.

Peter [Imp Ter] [Fairy Ter]

Lvl 75

The Gamer

Hp: 150

Hp Regen: 1.25% Per Hour.

Mana: 7280

Mana Regen: 1.25% Per Minute.

Str: 69

Agi: 78

Dex: 132

End: 88

Int: 592

Wis: 350

Cha: 150

Mag: 728

Unused Points: 135

He noticed that the people had more Hp and that he gained Hp per level here. It wasn't much, just 5 Hp per. But at least it's something. Now with his increased mana, he could summon Meliodas for 20 minutes. Now that he was level 75 he could invite all of the fairies to his party and he should be able to level up soon. Was there a way to check that?

"Evolution Screen?"


"Evolution Status?"


"Evolution Progress?"




Evolution Requirement:

Lvl 100

Eh, fair enough.

Anyway, he had already explained his gamer system to Henry, Sakura, and Wendy and had already explained what would happen when he invited them to his party so they were prepared but still surprised when the screens popped up in front of them. They got over their surprise long enough to accept the invitation.

Sakura has accepted!

Henry has accepted!

Wendy has accepted!

Day 180

So he had made a couple of suggestions to the mayor about how to increase the economy of the small town. The townspeople mainly traded items for other items, while that's all good and all, that wouldn't work very well in the other towns and cities. So he made a suggestion that, as a way for the town to have a stable income, that the town goes into mining with farming on the side for food and to export the excess and have a seasonal bonus.

His suggestion was taken seriously and with a little bit of his help. They had a mine going a few days after his suggestion was made. A small farm was made but didn't have many farmers to man it.

Day 200

The mayor's wife gave birth to twins, they named the boy Luke and the girl Lucy. Luke and Lucy Bell. Otherwise, same stuff.

Day 223

He was bored so he decided that he wanted to have a go at forging. Not a lot, just enough to know how to restore and maintain most weapons and tools.

Day 224

The day started out like any other, he helped around the village, he exhausted his fairies, and he did some training of his own. It was all normal until nightfall came and a huge magical presence appeared to the West, very close to Clover Town. He flew near the town to see what the presence was only to find a giant tree-like monster being pelted with ice, fire, and weapons. The Wizards' attacks only seem to irritate it. He noted all of this as he landed next to a rather... bountiful blonde arguing with a flying, talking, and blue cat about her usefulness.

Another powerful magical presence made itself known from behind them shortly followed by weaker but still strong presences. Ter glace their way and found a bunch of people approaching, an old, small man at the forefront. He turned his attention back to the fight. The monster suddenly discharged a large amount of magic at a nearby mountain, causing it to explode. The monster roared and a very large magic circle appeared in the sky, as it started charging its spell the three wizards renewed their assault on the beast.

"The Knight!"

"Ice Make: Lance!"

"Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!"

The wizards caused much more damage this time, likely because the monster's magic was charging the spell instead of defending it. Seconds later the beast's spell finished charging, the large magic circle briefly enlarged before shrinking into its mouth. An unholy sound emerged and the surrounding plants decayed. His eyes narrowed. He had best stopped this before the spell reaches his village. He would have no setbacks in his plans for the village. Hmm, a good chance as any. He took out the crimson key and pushed his magic into it. The needed spell appeared in his mind.

[Pierce the Veil! Allow this key to connect the gap between the realms! O' Wrathful Sin, heed my call! I summon thee! Dragon Sin of Wrath, Meliodas!]

A crimson seal appeared briefly followed by a crimson light. When the light died down there stood a small blonde man. He wore a loose white shirt and pants. Over the shirt, he wore a black vest with a brown scabbard holding a peculiar sword. Even from the brief glance, he could see the (Spirit?) was a happy-go-lucky, devil-may-care kind of person.

"Yo! How might I be of service?"

The spirit asked with a smile. I simply pointed at the monster. Spirit's mouth formed into an 'O' as if he was only now seeing it. The surprise didn't last for long before Meliodas grinned and jumped with a lot of force. The jump's climax coincided with the beast's head. Meliodas, still with his grin in place, roundhouse kicked the thing's face in while at the same time pushing himself out of the range of the beast's swinging arms. The kick disrupted the spell and caused the monster to stumble back. The monster tried to hit Meliodas with its arm as it went down but the limb was disconnected from the body by one swift stroke of the spirit's hand. As the arm hit the ground the monster tried one last time to hit Meliodas. It shot a large amount of magic at the spirit in the form of a beam. It was for naught, as the beamed neared Meliodas grabbed the sword from its scabbard and in one smooth motion reflected the beam right back at its castor. The explosion that occurred was humongous. When the dust settled, nothing of the monster was left except smoldering remains.

As Meliodas lightly landed in front of us, grin firmly still in place, the spirit was immediately assaulted by the blonde mage that was arguing with the cat. Ter sighed and floated away without being seen by all but the small old man in orange that held enormous magic reserves. He felt more than saw Meliodas disappear as the magical drain on his reserve was lifted.

Ter slowly landed next to the peacefully meditating Henry only to wince as pain flared from his back. He rubbed his shoulders with a grimace. He's been having flashes of intense pain for the past week. Ter attributed it to his body preparing itself in advance for his evolution and based on where the pain originated from his next form would most definitely have wings. Ever since he first decided to evolve into a fairy instead of following his brethren and evolving into a troll or an oni or any of the rest of the things they evolved into he had been expecting to have to get used to having new muscle in the form of wings. But when that didn't happen he had been 25% apprehensive, 25% relieved, and 50% confused. The question of why he didn't have wings, why he was different stayed with him through his next evolution until he had a conversation with some of the older fairies. Some context before he got into it. Fairies are immortal, not the 'I cannot die' immortal but more of 'Time can go fuck itself' kind of immortal so when he said older, he meant old like 5000 years old.

Generally, however long it takes for a fairies' wings to come in was most times an indicator of the potential a fairy had. Most Imps that evolve into fairies gain their wings during or a few hours after their evolutions. It's been months since he had evolved into a fairy. Because of that, the elder fairies prophesize that he was going to be one of if not the most powerful fairy that will walk this planet.

"That demon you encountered..." Henry's soft voice gained his attention. Ter gave the young fairy a questioning look even if he couldn't see it, he knew that Henry knew that it was there. Henry continued after a beat.

"...Its name was Lullaby and its very presence was perverting the world as is its brethren. the gods thank you for your intervention." After he finished his piece he lost all awareness of his surroundings so Ter knew that a reply was not needed nor expected. So he settled for a two-fingered salute toward the dark sky. Henry's mouth curved into a slight smile so he determined his action was received with good grace.

Ter smiled and looked up at the stars as they twinkled.

Day 250

The time to return home was approaching. Ter could feel it. The spell that brought and keeps them here was waning rapidly. Wendy and Sakura couldn't feel the clock ticking as keenly as he and Henry could. He advised them to say their goodbyes to the villagers. While he perhaps should, Ter didn't feel very sad about their pending departure. Being reincarnated and the Imp's instincts have taken a heavy toll on his ability to feel and express his emotions and in the end, his personality changed. In his human body, he would have been horrified at his actions but he did what he did to not only to survive but to thrive. To do that he needed to gain experience and progress and well... he was always a fighter and a scholar.

Henry made it back first, he didn't make many friends. He spent most of his time meditating, focusing his power and mind to commune with the Heavens. Sakura arrived next, she made 2 friends. Both of whom happened to be the village healers. She spent her time with the healers and in the library learning all she could of the healing arts. Wendy came last, she was the most friendly and therefore made the most friends. Ter looked at Wendy's devastated expression and decided to give her some token advice.

"Wendy." Ter waited until he had her attention."Remember this. People will come and go throughout your long life as a Fairy. If you miss them remember the good times you had with them. Do not be sad when Fate inevitably lead your lives in different directions. Sadness over the departed only hampers your ability to make other good memories with other people. If they are true friends, you will see them again one day, whether in this life or the next." With his wisdom shared, he turned to stare off into the distance to remember his own memories of his once friends. Because of his action, Ter missed the look of gratefulness Wendy gave him as well as the looks of respect the other gave him.

Minutes later, the spell finally waned completely. The mild breeze picked up into a localized whirlwind and obscured our view of the beautiful, flower-filled town.