A/N! Here's my take on a Gamer-like story set in the Dragon Ball universe! Some of you might recognize the system I'm using to be similar to the one in KllDarkness's Dragonball: RPG Rebirth, and that's because it is! Don't worry, I asked him if I could use it, and he gave me permission :) And if any of you HAVENT read Dragonball RPG Rebirth, you're going to want to go do that! It's amazing! One of the best Dragonball stories on Fanfiction!

I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of this story!

Chapter 1: Second Chance

The day that I died wasn't much different from a normal day. I woke up in the morning, got dressed in my dirty charity clothes, and left for school with an empty stomach. It was a cold day, and I remember wishing that my parents would have at least left me a winter jacket when they had abandoned me a few months ago.

When I got to school, the teachers didn't seem to notice, or they didn't really care. The kids did though, and also that I'd been wearing the same scruffy clothes for weeks. The teasing didn't bother me much anymore. I couldn't do anything about it, after all. The teachers wouldn't do anything anyway.

It was lunchtime when I sealed my own fate.

The bullies asked for my lunch, and I refused. I was far too hungry for that. I knew a beating would follow, but I couldn't take it anymore. I argued back, which caused them to throw my food off the table and beat me until I could barely walk.

The usual. And it would have carried on as usual if I didn't go and insult one of their mothers. The ring leader, Joe, who happened to be in a local gang, then decided that my life wasn't worth it.

They took me to the back of the school and beat me some more, to the point where I couldn't even move. And when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I felt the cold and excruciating feel of a blade entering into my side.

After they were satisfied that I'd suffered enough, they ran back into the school, leaving me to my fate. I wasn't sure how long I was laying before I felt my eyes beginning to fall.

I died staring into the grey clouds above me, my own blood surrounding me. Could I have taken out my phone and called an ambulance? Yes. Did I want to? No.

I just wanted it to end. All of it.

As I felt myself slip into darkness, my last thought was that if I had another shot at life, I'd do everything different. I wouldn't be a little pussy. I wouldn't be a pushover. I'd do what I wanted, and no one would beat me around again…

And then I slipped into the abyss.


Huh. I thought once I heard the booming voice around me. My eyes shot open and I was shocked to realize that I couldn't feel the pain anymore.

I couldn't feel anything.

Almost in an instant, the darkness around me was replaced with a blinding white expanse. I'm sure if I had a heart, it would be palpitating at insane speeds. Wait.. I tried to look down but realized I didn't in fact have a body. But then how could I see?

I pushed the thought aside as suddenly the voice returned.

"Hello! Welcome to the Beta of Life! You've successfully completed the Alpha. I assume you are confused?" The voice called out to me.


"If you're here, you must have 'completed' the Alpha. And by 'completed', I mean you died. But don't worry! This isn't the end, by any means!"

'Is this what Heaven is like?' I thought, 'Wait, what do they mean by this isn't the end?'

"The life you just played through was one of many to come! We thank you for participating in our Alpha program! While you were having the time of your life, we managed to update the game enough to the point where we are finally ready to release the Beta Test!"

'Are they trying to say that my entire life was a game…?' I thought. 'This can't be serious? I'm probably in the hospital right now, and this is some hallucination from the medicine…'

"Before we proceed, here is a slideshow of your previous playthrough!"

Before I knew it, the voice was replaced with a weird looking room. One glance around and I recognize it as a hospital room. I look around the room and find three people.

One is a woman, laying on the hospital bed with her legs spread. A man sat on the chair next to her bed.

'Is this…?' I thought in shock.

"Okay, Marria, push! You're so close!" The doctor in the room spoke to the woman on the bed, who I finally recognized as my mother. It was hard to remember what she looked like before the drugs.

'This can't be real… I'm at my own birth…'

The room quickly distorts around me, and I find myself in another room. This time it's an extremely dark room. I look around said room and recognize it immediately.

It was our old house. The living room. It was always dark because we were squatting. The curtains were always drawn because my parents didn't want to get caught.

I watched in shock as a younger version of 'me' ran into the room, a smile on his face despite all of the bruises and cuts on his body. I looked on in shock as little 'me' looked around the room to make sure no one was around, before making a b-line to the curtains.

My Dad caught me staring out of the window after a few minutes and proceeded to beat me until my Mother came in shouting and screaming at him.


I watched as the younger me cried in the corner, unable to defend himself, or protect my mother as she was thrown around too.

The room distorted again, and this time it was something much more recent. I looked on, as if I was a spirit looking in on the conversation, as my parents stood at the front door, suitcases trailing behind them.

"You think he'll be fine?" My Mom asked my Dad. Their faces were messed up, far from the time of my birth. They looked like shells of what they were before. Sunken eyes, pale skin, and red, irritated eyes.

"Who cares? He's just been a pain to us. You should have aborted him when you had the chance." My Dad replied with a scowl. I glared at him from above, and although he couldn't see me, I had never felt as much anger as I did now. I could only pray that this would have intimidated him if only he could see me.

I was so pathetic.

They closed the door behind them as they left, disappearing into the night. I didn't know it then, but in a few hours, the younger version of me would wake up to find out that his parents had left with no prospects of returning.

I looked at my sleeping form for god-knows-how-long before the room distorted again.

Now I was staring down at my dying body. It was weird looking at myself. It was even weirder watching my breath slowing down and my blood pooling around me, until my breathing stopped.

The white room returned in an instant, but now all I felt was empty.

"Here is your final character sheet for your playthrough of the standard world!"

Name: Leo

Title: Helpless

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Status: Deceased

World: Standard


Strength: 1

Perception: 3

Endurance: 2

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 4

Luck. 1




Bad Start: -100

Age 10: + 100

Graduated Elementary: + 200

Graduated Middle: +200

Survivor: +300


Standard World: + 1000

Alpha Tester: + 2000


Final Score: 3700

Personal Best: 3700

I studied everything in front of me, not sure what to think about it. I didn't know what most of it meant, but I was certain that my stats were pathetic. I'd played enough video games at my cousin's house (before we had to move), to know that having a 1 in strength was pathetic. And a 1 in luck? That explained exactly why my life was so fucked up.

"Your high score has been transferred over as points that you can use in the Game Store for bonuses and extra perks in your next playthrough! There were an additional 2000 points added to your score because of all of your help in the Alpha! Now to proceed, choose one of the options below! We sincerely hope you enjoy the BETA of Life!"

When I looked ahead of me, as if written into the white expanse, there were letters.

New Game+



'Wow, God must be really messing with me right now… But.. If this is real..' My eyes widen at the possibilities, and I felt hope well up inside of me.

It was then that I realized that I had my arms back. I reached forward and I selected 'New Game+'. There was the sound of A bell and the words vanished, replaced with a whole list of options.

Select a World:


Ordinary life. Live on Earth, do whatever you want.


An array of fictional worlds you can be apart of! Place yourself in their universe however you want, and grow up to be whatever you want to be! You can choose to play as an already established character or make your own!

Fictional Worlds:

Harry Potter

One Piece


Tokyo Ghoul



I didn't bother clicking for more. I knew exactly what world I wanted to be in. When I was introduced to Dragonball Z as a kid, it had always been my favorite pastime. Watching it took me away from all of my problems. It was the one happy thing in my life after everything went to hell.

And knowing that this was supposedLY all a game made it even better. A second chance at life… The way I want it to be…

I reach out and tap on the icon "Dragon Ball", and the list vanished into nothingness, before being replaced with a character creation screen.

A list of races popped up and I had to pause to consider my options.

Being a Saiyan was the first in the list, and I skipped past it quickly. As fun as that would have probably been, my eyes were quickly drawn to the option below it.

Frost Demon

Frieza had always been my favorite villain in Dragonball history. He was known as the strongest in the entire universe in his time (Under the God of Destruction of course), and his race was known to possess incredible power.

Saiyans had potential, definitely, but I wanted to be different.. Unique.. Part of a race that struck fear throughout the entire galaxy.

I looked through the info on the Frost Demons and couldn't help but to grin at the prospects.

I choose to be a male Frost Demon and a new screen popped up.

Please Allocate your Stat Points!

Remaining Points: 40

Strength. 0

Perception: 0

Endurance. 0

Charisma. 0

Intelligence: 0

Agility: 0

Luck: 0

I grinned as I place my starting points where I want them. It seemed like I'd be born stronger then I had been in my previous life when I died. I couldn't help but to be excited at the idea.

Please Choose Two Feats at 1st Level:

1: Hidden Potential - You have a hidden power inside of you which sets you apart from your peers. + 0.4 to Energy Modifier, + 2 to Strength, + 2 to Agility

2: Tongue of Gold - You have a way with words. +2 to Charisma

3: Elite Warrior - You were born into the elite class of the Frost Demon Race. +0.2 to Energy Modifier. +2 to Strength, +2 to Endurance

4. Book Smart: You like to learn, and have read quite a few book. + 2 Intelligence

5. Natural Telekinetic - You learned how to use your Telekinetic ability at a young age! Gain Ability "Telekinesis"

6. Energy Suppression - Power level can be lowered to avoid suspicion

7. Mentored- You were tutored by some of the strongest warriors on the planet. +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Charisma

8. Energy Sense LV1 - Sense energy of those around you.

Level 1 - General sense of power. (You can tell if someone is stronger than you, weaker than you, close to your power level, or much higher)

B. Level 2 - You can sense Power Levels, but not accurately. You'll get a rounded up number.

C. Level 3: Complete power level sensing.

Natural Leader - You were born to lead. +4 Charisma

I look over the options a few times. Not exactly sure what the "energy modification" thing meant, but I figured it was good. After some time, I decided to choose "Hidden Potential" and "Elite Warrior". Once I pressed "Are you sure?", a new list popped up.

Please Select Perks if Available:

Points Remaining: 3700

1: The Gamer - 2500 Points: You're aware that life is a game! You can see the game as it runs around you. You'll still remember your previous playthrough and will have access to some other interesting game features! (Warning: With this perk active, you gain score points at half the speed, due to being aware that life is a game!)

2. Skip Infancy - 200 Points: Exactly as the title says! Skip your hatching and the infant years of your life. The game will simulate life for you, until you are 6 years old, your first day at Cadet Training! You will keep the memories of your 6 years as if you lived it yourself! You will not gain experience, but you will still experience your species bi-yearly molt!

3. Who needs a tutorial! - 100 Points: Skip the tutorial!

4: Science Experiment! - 1000 Points: While you were still in your egg incubating, you were experimented on by the Science Division of Frost Demons, hoping to make a Super Soldier. They succeeded! Begin the game with +20 Permanent Energy Modifier.

5: Bonus Feats - Stackable - 100 points each: Purchase bonus feat points!

Oh, this was going to be fun. Not only could I have a new life, but I'd have memories of my previous life, and I would know that I was in the game! I quickly chose "The Gamer" perk and then "Skip Infancy". I definitely didn't want to be a baby again. Vulnerable and weak. No. Never again.

I only had 1000 points remaining, so I decided to use it for "Science Experiment". I wasn't sure what Energy Manipulation meant yet, but if 'Super Soldier' was anything to go by, I was all for it.

I finalized my selections and another option popped up.

Which Age and Universe Template would you like to choose? (This is only a template, aspects will be changed to create unique results)

However, this time it wasn't a list. It showed me a miniature version of all 12 Universes, as portrayed in the Dragonball universe. Easy choice. I reached over and picked Universe 7, after which it allowed me to place myself in any "Age" across time. There was a linear line in front of me that stretched from the creation of Universe 7, all the way to its eventual destruction.

'When was Goku born again…' I thought. 'Oh yeah. Age 737… If Frieza's defeat taught me anything, I'm going to want a head start on the Super Saiyans…'

It took me much longer to decide then I thought it would have. If I started a good while before Frieza destroyed the Saiyans, perhaps I could stop him from destroying the Saiyan race. Just being powerful enough to defeat Frieza seemed so far off, compared to my measly life in my previous playthrough, where I could barely fight off one bully.

I reached forward and used my finger to slide an arrow across the timeline, and I put myself in Age 715. A safe 22 years before Frieza thought about destroying Planet Vegeta. Universe 18 was what the screen told me that my Universe would be called. Inspired by Universe 7 but not quite.

Once I was done with that, there was a screen that asked me to put in my name. I thought for a second, before deciding to go with the classical pun on temperature that was common with the Frost Demons. I put in the name "Sub", like "Subzero", and pressed enter.

The world went back white for a few seconds, before the white faded away, revealing a beautiful galaxy surrounding me. However, I didn't have the time to appreciate the beauty, before they melted into lines, and I went flying at unprecedented speeds through space. It was as if I was flying at light speed in a movie like Star Wars.

Suddenly, I slammed into a bed, startled and confused. I sat up and looked around, finding myself in a room… Alive.. This wasn't a joke… This was real…

"Here it is… My second chance… Game on."

Current Character Sheet:

Name: Sub

Race: Frost Demon

Age: 6

Status: Alive


S. 8 (+4)

P. 5

E. 6 (+2)

C. 5

I. 6

A. 8 (+2)

L. 2


Strength x Endurance x Level x 20 = HP

1 20 = 1920 HP


Strength x Endurance = Base Energy

Base Energy x Battles = Energy Regen

Energy Regen x Level = Power Level

Power Level x Energy Modification = Total Power

12 x 8 = 96

96 x 1 = 96

96 x 1 = 96

96 x 26.6 = 2,553.6

Base Energy: 96

Energy Regen: 96

Power Level: 96

Energy Modifier: 26.6 (Science Experiment(20) + Elite Warrior(0.2) + Hidden Potential(0.4) + Molt (2) + Molt (2) + Molt (2))

Final Power Level: 2553.6

Feats: Elite Warrior, Hidden Potential

Perks: The Gamer, Skip Infancy, Science Experiment!

Special Abilities:

Frost Demon Physiology - You can breathe in space and in water, and can survive in the vacuum of space.

Molting - As a Frost Demon, every 2 years, you molt your skin. +2 to Energy Modifier every time you molt.

A/N Here we go! This is actually my first Dragonball story, but I hope you enjoy it! If you do, let me know in the reviews! Or you can PM me! If you have any questions, you can ask me and I'll try answer in my next author note!

Edit. You're right! I did mess up and forget to add his first three Molts! My apologies. I corrected it and fixed his energy modifier and his power level.