Reviews for A Fantastic Four Story: The Rubber God's Legacy
0vrLrd71 chapter 14 . 6/25
Would you be adding Attlantians too? or were those scientist working on other stuff, hm...
0vrLrd71 chapter 10 . 6/25
Damn so this one is that one? I kinda liked the blind lady
0vrLrd71 chapter 6 . 6/25
Sigh, this is stupid, I know how unreasonable woman, barely, can be but Susan gets mad at Richards because of Nat, yet she's fucking fangirling Captain and whatnot, sigh

Hm. Tesla huh? I forgot they were in Marvel

I kinda want to see a power up in the form of Richards, it doesn't have to be necessarily actual power, maybe skills or abilities? I mean, just look at him
0vrLrd71 chapter 4 . 6/25
Hm. I don't know if it's possible but can Susan make a small disk force field Sha the edges and use it like a chakram(what's that circle balde frisby thing?) or use it like a frisby/boomerang to cut stuff with, or make one like how Captain America uses his shield
0vrLrd71 chapter 2 . 6/25
Do you know that elasta man or whatever from Flash? the PI? Shapeshifting like his would be good, or you can use it for ideas
though, will you be having him workout? he is pretty lanky
0vrLrd71 chapter 1 . 6/25
Bruh, why doesn't anybody change that Goddess? she's way too cranky, she needs a break, that was BS, unless she's actually the highest person there? if so damn, she must be tired of her job to be such a bitch

So did he get Richards memories too? or just what he "saw" I'm kinda confused, technically considering he now has Richards body he should be as smart as him, and might be even better since, well he won't be like canon, and he should have more ideas in his head from his homeworld
Guest chapter 10 . 5/30
Nice, you just destroyed the textile industry, hundreds of millions of people will lose their jobs, expecially in those poor countries. Congrats to reed richards
Guest chapter 10 . 5/30
Bah, why make ben gay...why?
Dude chapter 13 . 5/28
Except shuri isn't as smart as stark otherwise why would she struggle making a repulser of all things. No she just has the support of thousands of years of previous generations of scientists who have used vibranium as a base of their insights to the laws of the universe. She's smart but only Peter parker in amazing spiderman smart
Dude chapter 7 . 5/28
She's a spy, she's trained to manipulate feelings and betray you once she gets close, it's actually rather stupid to guve anything to her especially Alfred rights
Dude chapter 6 . 5/28
TheSEXNumber chapter 7 . 5/8
Alright so they're pussies, good to know
akus45 chapter 7 . 4/22
So they fight off robots, survived going to other dimension ,argued with fury and become little bit*h's for black widow,I mean ik she's string and all that but really?!
nathan.vuong.5 chapter 2 . 1/30
Why does the car need to be palladium free?...
Guest chapter 16 . 1/24
Great chapter
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