Reviews for The Serpent's Vow
Dreamer Rose chapter 37 . 7/11
Finally caught up. Holy hell did this catch and hold my attention! I started reading this yesterday, and I've already reached the current end! This is very well written and engaging! I love Set, and all of the little changes you've slipped in to make these two disparate worlds mesh better!
Shaveza chapter 37 . 7/1
The decent, almost friendly conversation between Yami and Seto had me grinning ear-to-ear. I think I enjoyed it almost as much as Yami did.

Saying the cat is from a canon episode finally jogged my memory. My brain kept repeating the word 'cats' over and over in crescendo until I realized. My face hurts from the grinning.
Rurouni Scribe8 chapter 37 . 6/30
Did...did you just reference "There be Dragons?" I love that fic of yours and hope it continues soon. Nice chapter here too. It's nice to have some quiet moments. Also love Yugi and Yami and Kaiba interactions. More of that please.
pointvee chapter 37 . 6/30
can i just say this fic has pulled me into the yugioh fandom? such a good fic, i love kaiba
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 37 . 6/30
A good chapter. Seems like Kaiba AND Yugi/Yami are slowly getting the hang of things.
reality deviant chapter 37 . 6/30
i wonder, how much SGC, and goauld in general know about the furlings...
ColdFang chapter 36 . 6/6
Very Very interesting story so far. Have not seen anything like it before. Can't wait to see how this continues to play out!
skyader chapter 36 . 5/12
This fic is amazing! Can't wait to read the next chapter
DGtnsl chapter 36 . 5/9
Oooh, the lead up of this chapter is so tantalizing!
Kaiba, you probably shouldn't push things off 'til the 'breaking point.' Find a time to go do your thing and do it before nature forces your hand.
A cat huh? Obviously symbolic is some manner. I'm interested to see what happens next!
Shaveza chapter 36 . 5/5
3/4's of SG-1 is trying so hard to figure Seto's abilities out. Ishizu's trying so hard to get Seto to confide in Mokuba. ...I'm picturing Mokuba listening to every sound clip available from every language he can possibly research when he has the time and trying to figure out which language Seto was using.
Waggly One chapter 3 . 4/28
Poor Jounouchi.
Things are about to get so confusing and strange for him.
Which is saying something to be sure.

Love your work, keep it up!
Waggly One chapter 2 . 4/28
Adventure calls!
They actually have 2 helmets. Yugi has so much gel in his hair that he is impervious to head trauma.
You’re the best, keep it up!
Waggly One chapter 1 . 4/28
This is amazing!
Love it!
Aerieth chapter 36 . 4/28
Every time I see I have an update for this, it just makes my day.
I cannot express how amazing I find this. The worlds mesh together so very well, and your characterizations are spot on.
Please, keep up the excellent work.
Stay safe and have so cake, you’ve earned it!
reality deviant chapter 36 . 4/27
So great to see this update! That point about different mind control and hypnotism things is something that i think SGC should have had in mind before.

Cat? why does it sound familiar?

And i do like how Seto actually seems to like Heru'ur- feels more like a jilted lover then mortal enemy. particularly with that vindicative streak!

Will he get the Goauld to actually be less of an enemy? I very much look forward to that meeting!
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