Balancing Realities Marvel Reality One Part One X-Men Origins Wolverine Reality

By Stargatesg1fan1

Disclaimer: I own nothing of any recognized characters or universes within.


Women of Interest in this tale-

Kayla Silverfox is played by Lynn Collins

It should be noted here that the first part of the X-Men reality (to be released in two parts) is from the perspective of Wolverine and it might not make sense initially why this is included in the sequel series to Balance. The reason for this first part's inclusion will become clear at the conclusion of the X-Men Origins Wolverine movie period.

As is usual with my tales you can find the smut version of this chapter on hpfanficarchive and ficsite.

End Author's Note

The dark haired man's name was James Logan and he was a mutant. The current year was 1975 and the rough looking mutant was born in the Northwest Territory of the United States in 1833, back when the region was still called that. One might wonder how James had lived 142 years. The story of James Logan's life is a long and bloody tale. James has fought in every American war from the time he was born until present day. When the dark haired mutant was twelve years old the man who had raised the feral mutant as his son and who James thought was really his father was killed by James biological father in a drunken rage. In James own rage his mutant powers emerged. The long lived mutant possessed enhanced senses; the ability to grow bone claws from his hands, enhanced speed and strength slightly above that possessed by a normal human, and a healing ability that has led to James not aging a day past what he looked like at twenty-five or thirty years old.

James fought alongside his half brother Victor Creed for over a century until Victor's blood lust became too much for the clawed mutant. Six years have elapsed since James left Victor and the special ops unit the two worked in for many years. James now lived in the Canadian Rockies with his girlfriend Kayla Silverfox. Speaking of Kayla, James could hear and smell her waking up right at that moment. The perceptive mutant could also smell the dark haired beauty's arousal. The woman never seemed satisfied until she was passed out from sexual exhaustion. James wondered how Kayla got along before him because he couldn't imagine anybody who didn't have a near instantaneous recovery rate being able to satisfy her.

James turned and stared at his mate's beauty as she opened the door of their small house wearing nothing but a night outfit.

"Morning beautiful," James gruffly greeted the woman.

"Good morning honey," Kayla replied as she walked up and kissed her handsome partner, pressing her body against his muscular form.

"Hmm...Somebody is frisky this morning," the male mutant observed.

"Always with you Logan," the attractive female declared as she ground her pelvis against the deadly warrior.

The last few years had been good to the long lived man; better than the 136 before it, mostly thanks to this amazing woman pressed against him. A person doesn't live over a century without getting smarter. Since settling down with Kayla the intelligent warrior had been acquiring a lot of textbooks on both the biological and physical sciences and reading the materials at an astounding rate. James had never attended school when he was younger due to running away with Victor. Because of this lack of organized education the greatly enhanced mutant never discovered that unlike normal people he didn't get tired or any headaches when he read too much. As such James could read with absolute concentration and focus until he finished a book.

James' understanding of the sciences had virtually exploded over the previous few years. The curious mutant had been busy experimenting with his own DNA. The budding scientist had found that perhaps the greatest weapon he had ever been able to conceptualize was contained within his own DNA. Victor's healing abilities were not as strong as James' regenerative powers. The sideburn sporting male suspected Victor would age, very slowly, but still age while James remain untouched by time. Isolating some of his tissue to satisfy his curiosity led to the slow regeneration of the tissue sample into what the dark haired scientist concluded would have been a duplicate of himself. This meant that as long as a few cells of him survived James Logan would be reborn. Unfortunately this wouldn't include the immortal mutant's memories. As a result James had taken to writing detailed journals of his entire life.

The journals have been duplicated and stashed along with a frozen portion of James' tissue in hidden caches all over the world. The freezing units would keep the rapidly healing mutant's tissue from regenerating until the samples thawed. The skilled budding engineer had designed the units so that they would stay frozen for a period of ten years without his input. If James didn't go and renew the process every ten years he would find himself cloned. These stashes also held parts of the intelligent man's large wealth he had managed to build over his long life. Living that long means a person accumulates a lot of junk. The immortal's junk was considered in modern times valuable and even priceless antiques that he had managed to sell off for over two million dollars U.S.

Some very wise long term investments have led to James' initial wealth growing by five times the original two million. The intelligent man kept his fortune hidden and preferred to live a simple life for the time being. Kayla didn't even know about the money or the tissue storage. The beautiful woman knew everything else about her boyfriend. The long lived warrior loved the dark haired woman dearly. Kayla has helped her beau keep the animal at bay. A beast rages inside of James due to his mutation. Meditation undertaken in recent times has led to James being more balanced with the beast than ever before in his life. The scientist still had periodic fits in his sleep but Kayla helped to calm the rest.

The meditation sessions have also led to another development, the further growth of James' powers. Before, the dark haired man could sometimes tell when someone was lying through the change in their body chemistry, the sound of their breathing changing, or the sound of their heart beating faster while telling a lie. Smells rarely lie after all. The clawed man's powers had been growing due to his becoming one with the beast through meditation. James could now always tell when someone was lying. This new ability led the mutant's thoughts back to Kayla. James could tell his mate was hiding something from him that was keeping her very distressed and has affected her more and more over the last few months.

The additional stress led to an increase in the couple's love making, especially in Kayla trying new things, so the sexually sated man hadn't pressed the issue but by this time the warrior could tell the secret was really distressing her. The perceptive immortal suspected he might know part of what the distressing secret was.

"Kayla do you love me?" James inquired seemingly out of the blue.

"Of course I love you Logan. What would ever make you even ask that?" A confused woman queried.

James graced Kayla with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. The muscled soldier could tell from his mate's tone of voice and all the other signs that she does love him but there was a measure of pain in her tone.

"I know you do. I just needed to confirm something. Kayla what does Stryker have on you?" James probed.

Shock was the first expression that appeared in Kayla's beautiful eyes. Then slight fear appeared but James knew the emotion wasn't directed towards the man holding her. Stryker was not a nice person.

"How did you know?" The school teacher wanted to know.

"First of all I was never naive enough to think that Stryker wouldn't sooner or later realize how valuable my DNA is. I can also tell when someone is lying or hiding something. I love you and know you enough to realize that you aren't malicious by nature. I suspect he has something big on you so you would seduce me. I don't think you'd do it otherwise. Am I right so far?" The ancient warrior inquired.

"Yes scarily so," Kayla confirmed.

James smiled at his partner before explaining, "Stryker is a child playing with somebody much older. One of the greatest advantages to my mutation is that I look much younger than my age. This leads those who look older than I appear to underestimate me. Making me an enemy and then making the mistake of underestimating me is a bad idea."

"I'll remember that," Kayla informed her boyfriend.

"You don't ever need to worry about that love," the ever cautious man assured the woman in his arms.

The couple kissed again before continuing with revelations.

"I'm a mutant like you've probably guessed. My half sister, Emma, is a mutant as well. My powers are that of touch hypnosis. It has never worked on you too well besides maybe enhancing some of our activities. It doesn't work on most mutants too well actually but it does provide protection against stronger telepaths. Stryker had Emma kidnapped by Victor to use her DNA to create his ultimate assassin. I only got that much out of one of the lower level workers on the project before Stryker found me out and started blackmailing me to do this. You're right; I wouldn't normally do something like this. I'm glad I did though because I wouldn't have met you and fallen in love with you otherwise," Kayla explained her background and situation with some trepidation. The touch hypnotist and burgeoning telepath paused her tale long enough to kiss her lover before continuing. "I know they are in some place called the Island but that's it. In a few days Victor is going to show up to fake my death so that Stryker can get you to volunteer for his Weapon X program. He wants to make you into an invulnerable weapon by putting something called adamantium into your bones. You're his guinea pig. He wants to add your DNA to the assassin and wants to get it during this operation. I think he's already added mine to give this weapon protection from telepaths," Kayla finished.

James' mind was racing with possibilities as his lover told him all this. The skilled scientist was not worried about Stryker using his DNA. The crafty warrior suspected Stryker would be settling for Victor's genetic material. Ever since realizing how valuable and dangerous his blood was the resourceful mutant had been taking a special cocktail of his own creation. If James didn't consciously channel his healing abilities into curing the poisonous cocktail every twenty-four hours his DNA would unravel. The tricky man had to keep taking the cocktail but it meant nobody could use his DNA. It would take Stryker longer than twenty-four hours to mix the regenerator's DNA into this super mutant enhancement serum the observant Logan male knew Stryker was using for a super assassin.

"You know he won't give you back your sister right?" James wanted to make sure his mate understood all the risks.

"Ye...yes...That's something I've been trying to deny for a long time now but haven't come up with a solution yet," Kayla agreed with tears falling from her beautiful eyes.

James wiped the tear drops away and hugged his partner tightly to his body.

"I've got some ideas," the ageless warrior assured his mate.

"Thank you Logan. I love you and I'm so happy you still love me," Kayla declared as she gripped her mate tightly.

"Always love. You're stuck with me forever," the immortal informed his companion.

"Good, now take me to bed lover," Kayla urged before getting a mischievous smile on her face.

Insert Smut Scene Here

The loving couple fell asleep with wonderful satisfaction filling their hearts. It was lucky the duo had woken up so early thanks to the old soldier's insomnia. The regenerating mutant didn't sleep too much because of his powers. When the dark haired male next awoke it was from the nightmare of what would happen if he lost Kayla. As was usual with one of his battle dreams the skilled death dealer's claws were extended and the sheets were torn. Kayla was standing at the foot of the bed.

"Was it one of the war dreams?" The jade eyed beauty inquired softly.

"No. A nightmare of what I would do if I lost you," answered James.

A soft loving look came into the teacher's eyes as she crawled back into bed. It was then that the perceptive male could smell the blood and looked to see a scratch on his girlfriend's arm. The touch telepath noticed her man's gaze and both mutants noticed as her attention caused the cut to heal.

"Huh. Well that was definitely unexpected," Kayla commented.

"Yes it was," James agreed.

"Do you know how that happened love?" The Silverfox female questioned her science loving warrior.

"I have suspicions. Granted this is all instinctual but I felt something change in me when I released in your rear that last time after biting you. I felt I marked you as mine, my mate. I think that having my seed in you grants you access to some of my healing powers. We'll need to run some tests," the sometimes feral mutant suggested.

"Hmmm...tests. I think I like the sound of that," the sultry beauty agreed with a smirk as she straddled her partner's hips.


Over the previous few days the couple had developed plans and ran their tests. The dark haired pair discovered that James was right with his instinctual suspicions. As long as she had enough of the immortal male's semen in her it allowed Kayla to heal from virtually anything. The intelligent scientist calculated that his woman had to ingest a healthy dose of his potent batter every twenty-four hours and she would be effectively immortal. The self trained engineer's theory was that this ability was his mutations' way of making sure its possessor was happy and healthy and that the feral mutant would be able to pass on his genes. The semen enhanced telepath already smelled to her lover like a better carrier for his offspring.

James was pleased to discover that this effect carried over to all of his partner's cells. Tests showed that even a few of Kayla's enhanced cells would regenerate like her mate's did. The cautious male collected multiple samples and sent them off to his stashes in cooling units like those his own tissue was stored in. The perceptive telepath had taken to writing in a journal like she saw her man doing. The Logan male copied these journals and sent them off as well to the hidden caches. As long as James' cell samples that were stashed away lived so would his lover's.

Stryker showed up soon after while James was working at the lumber yard. The bastard Colonel brought an old coworker of Logan's who now went by the name of Agent Zero. Zero was still a shoot happy dick like when he had worked with the immortal warrior on a covert ops team.

"My god. Haven't aged a day," Stryker declared to the side burned lumberjack.

The agelessness was somewhat funny because it allowed Stryker and other enemies to constantly forget how old the intelligent mutant really was.

"Clean living," The axe carrying male joked.

"You remember Agent Zero," Stryker continued while ignoring Logan's comment.

"Still shooting first asking questions later," the claw sporting male guessed.

This prompted the little shit to shoot the tip off of James' cigar. Zero felt he had to prove how tough he thought he was around the immortal male because he knew he couldn't kill James.

"You still chewing on cheap cigars," Zero replied.

"Boys. I have a job for you," Stryker interrupted in an attempt to mediate the two male mutants.

As if Stryker would last barely a second stepping between Zero and James should the two actually fight.

"I have a job," the lumberjack pointed out.

"A lumberjack who makes what eighteen grand a year," Zero mocked.

"Eighteen five, plus I haven't had to kill anyone," pointed out the dark haired scientist.

If either visitor only knew how much money James had actually made they would be astonished. The Logan male probably made more in interest in a month than Zero made in a year.

"Miss it?" Zero queried in reference to the killing.

"Right about now I'm starting to," James declared while staring the Asian assassin down.

"Yeah," Zero answered in a challenging tone while stepping towards the self healing male.

"Zero back to the car," Stryker ordered.

"That a boy," James mocked before clicking his tongue as the assassin was sent back to the car.

Now that the posturing was out of the way the two older men could get down to the real business. Stryker knew Logan hated Zero. The posturing pare of mercenaries also knew the retired operative wouldn't accept Stryker's offer at that initial meeting. That was all part of why the asshole Colonel planned on faking Kayla's death. Implementing his plan was going to take careful acting but the crafty engineer had been playing this part for a long time by this point in his lengthy life. James had enough of all the gore and death after his most recent stint as a soldier. The sometimes feral mutant didn't mind a bit of killing when it needs done but what Stryker was about is power, not necessary actions.

"You know I'm not proud about the way things ended between us," Stryker tried first, sucking up.

"Conversations over," James told the sleazy man before starting to stalk past the evil Colonel.

"Playing little house on the prairie with a school teacher. That just isn't you Logan," Stryker declared.

"And you would know huh," James prompted the unethical scientist while turning to confront the hated man.

"I would," insisted Stryker.

"What do you want Stryker?" James Logan finally got down to the heart of the matter.

William Stryker handed James a newspaper showing one of the dark haired mutant's old associates murdered on the front page.

"Wade before that. I believe that somebody is hunting the old team," William explained as if he didn't actually know who was doing the hunting.

"Anyone else," the ageless soldier prompted.

"As far as I know Victor is safe," assured the Colonel with the expected answer. "But whoever it is has names and addresses."

"I can take care of myself," the experienced warrior announced as he gave the crafty politician the paper and walked off.

"This is not about you Logan. Your country needs you," Stryker tried as he looked in James' car window.

"I'm Canadian," was the warrior's response before beginning to drive off.

"I know you Logan. I know who you are," the male with fantastic senses heard Stryker shout after the car driving away.

Stryker would have been smarter not to remind the long lived soldier of that fact. The evil scientist's knowledge was going to make the skilled warrior want to kill the Colonel sooner. Immortals aren't confined to one specific country. An immortal being would exist long after those borders change and cease to lose meaning. The child Stryker would do well to remember that. Although James was sure William didn't know how old Victor and the sideburn sporting male truly were because the pair of half brothers made sure their records didn't go back more than fifty years. Their apparent younger age made people underestimate the two half brothers even more.

When James arrived at Kayla's school he watched her with the children and thought about how good of a mother she would make. The ageless male would like to have children with the green eyed beauty someday but it wouldn't be anytime soon. The experienced soldier could feel the war on the air again. Vic and James could always tell with all the wars previously. Wars come and go as man's passions wan and grow. War times were not the best time to raise kids. The next conflict would probably be a war between mutants and humans.

Driving home in the car Kayla could sense her boyfriend's anxiety.

"What's wrong?" Kayla queried.

"Stryker came today just like you said," the part time lumberjack informed his mate.

"It will work out. We'll just follow the plan. It will happen tomorrow," the skilled telepath calmed her lover.

The Silverfox female used her calming powers on some hunters who were blocking the road on the way home. When the couple arrived at their dwelling the part Native American told her partner a story from her people's legends. The tale was about a wolverine. The clawed mutant liked the story a lot. That night the male with incredible stamina made love to his woman the whole night, filling her with his healing and potent seed. Kayla should be fine while on the Island but just in case James made sure to fill her with his semen just before he left for work that morning. The resourceful warrior also filled a cigar tube with his batter and Kayla stuck it in the only place her blackmailers wouldn't search, her womanly core.

There was enough of the regenerative potion in Kayla and the tube to last her for approximately forty-eight hours. Hopefully it wouldn't take longer than that to find the island after getting the upgrades Stryker is planning on giving James. Either way the black ops bastards wouldn't harm the telepath as long as she could be used against the dark haired clawed mutant and as long as she wasn't a threat to them.

James played his part perfectly. The lumberjack found his girlfriend's "corpse" near their car and expressed his terrible grief with a howl of rage. Then the crafty engineer carried out the stupid move expected of him given the persona he had always let others see. James attacked Victor.

The sideburn sporting male found his half brother in a bar. James fought like an enraged animal, like a wolverine. Victor initially possessed the superior strength and the skilled scientist was born with the superior healing power. After Victor threw his shorter half brother in front of a logging truck the Logan male woke up in the hospital. Stryker showed up to make his expected offer of an upgrade. The proposition was more of a farce so that the Colonel could get the engineer's DNA although Stryker also wanted to see if even James healing abilities would allow him to survive the upgrade.

"I can help you," was the first thing Stryker declared to James.

The mutant responded by stalking up and throwing the crooked scientist against the wall of the hospital corridor.

"Six years I've been here. You show up and then the next day she's dead," James shouted in the weak man's face. "Why didn't you tell me it was Victor?" The mutant demanded.

"I didn't know," Stryker choked out in a bold faced lie.

James felt satisfaction as he slammed the deceitful man into the other wall.

"You lie!" James growled.

"I swear on my son's life," Stryker managed to choke out even though his airway was being strongly constricted.

The mutant with enhanced senses felt the arrhythmic beats in the aging man's heart when the Colonel brought up his son. Something had happened there. The strong warrior dropped the pathetic would be manipulator to the floor.

"Victor's appetites were becoming too public. We had to lock him up. He felt I betrayed him. He went awol. Said he was coming after all of us," Stryker informed James while trying to breathe easier after the choking.

Stryker had just admitted he had known it was Victor behind the attacks. The man really needs to get his story straight.

"You didn't come to warn me. You came to save your own life," James growled out before walking down the hall.

"What's your plan Captain? You can't beat him Logan you know you can't," Stryker shouted after the departing mutant.

"I'm going to find him and kill him," the skilled soldier stated.

"I can give you the tools to defeat him," the Colonel proposed.

James turned and faced his old CO as the man finally got to the point.

"We can still save the others," Stryker continued, sensing that he was getting through to the ageless male.

"You mean save yourself right," the engineer corrected while knowing Stryker was in no actual danger from Victor.

"I promise you two things. You will suffer more pain than any other man can endure but you will have your revenge," William declared while ignoring his slip.

"I come with you I'm coming for blood. No law, no code of conduct. You point me in the right direction and you get the hell out of my way," James promised.

Stryker's response was to lead the crafty immortal to a helicopter where the Colonel flew the mutant to the aging man's lab at Alkali Lake.

In the lab on the operation table...

"When it starts, whatever the reason you're doing this, focus on that. Maybe it will help," Stryker's lab assistant suggested to the well muscled male.

The reason James was going through with the procedure was to make himself stronger so he could better protect Kayla was the soldier's only focus.

"Trust me I've been through worse," the warrior assured the woman.

"No you haven't," the lab assistant answered with conviction before walking away.

From Kayla James knew that Stryker was planning on molding a molten metal onto the warrior's bones. The ageless male couldn't imagine the procedure being worse than one of the times the dark haired mutant had been disemboweled, impaled, or had an arm severed on the battlefield. The very mortal Stryker and other enemies of the ageless Logan always underestimated exactly how strong the clawed mutant's healing powers were or how much shit the long lived male had been through.

"We're going to make you indestructible but first we're going to have to destroy you. You remember what we were looking for in Africa," Stryker prompted.

"I remember," James agreed.

"Well I found it," the Colonel announced with a smile. "It's a metal compound so strong that you will be able to withstand virtually anything. It's called Adamantium," Stryker explained as he walked around the tank the engineer was lying in. "I can't put Victor down myself Logan. To kill him you're going to have to embrace the other side. Become the animal."

"Let's do this," the immortal prompted.

"I almost forgot," Stryker said as he holds up the test subject's dog tags.

"I want new ones," James Logan instructed.

"What do you want them to say?" Stryker inquired.

"Wolverine," was the warrior's response.

As the procedure began and James gazed at the drill needles rotating just above his head the ageless male meditated and concentrated on Kayla. The meditative technique was something the intelligent mutant had been really working on the last six years. It was one thing to be able to take a hit and keep on going but it was a whole new ballgame when trying to not feel the pain at all.

When the needles pierced James' body and started pumping the molten adamantium in he realized he might have been wrong about the pain. The experience was easily the most painful thing the soldier had ever been through. With incredible willpower the Logan male concentrated on Kayla and keeping his heart rate calm.

A few minutes later the test subject woke up with adrenaline pumping through his system. It was not the first time James Logan had awoken after his heart had stopped. The first words the warrior heard from Stryker told the resourceful engineer that it was time to get the hell out of the lab complex.

"Bonding works. Erase his memories," the male with the enhanced hearing heard.

James burst out of the tank with a yell that more resembled a growl as long adamantium claws emerged from his hands. Zero fired two shots into the immortal's forehead which just glanced off of the naked warrior's virtually impervious skull. James jumped out of the tank and ran for the exit, killing any of Stryker's goons that got in the way.

The brown eyed mutant was smart enough to know that if Stryker put the metal in a person then it was highly likely that the Colonel had a counter for the seemingly impervious internal armor. Adamantium bullets wouldn't kill the immortal but they would erase his memories if the projectiles hit the right places. James' new claws cut through the steel blast doors like a knife through butter.

Running through the woods naked for close to an hour saw the enhanced warrior arriving at a farm. The soldier spotted a truck with people driving up the drive so he waited in the woods until the elderly couple within the vehicle went into the farmhouse. The former black operative stealthily made his way into the barn where he found a pair of coveralls and covered his nakedness.

Staying at the farm for too long would mean a death sentence for the elderly couple. Stryker would send Zero after the escaped test subject. The immortal knew Zero could not do any true harm normally but the cautious warrior was not going to take the chance Stryker might give his lackey Adamantium bullets. James liked his memories very much. Hot wiring the bike wasn't too difficult. The scientist pushed the motorcycle down the drive until he was at the road before hauling ass down the country lane.

James didn't get more than ten minutes away from the farm before the first shot hits the back of his shoulder. Looking over said shoulder the enhanced warrior saw a helicopter with Zero in it and two hummers in hot pursuit from the ground. The crafty immortal led his pursuers on a chase through the woods with the dense foliage providing cover from Zero.

After maneuvering behind one hummer James sped up and sliced through the gun mount on top, throwing the shooter out onto the road as the gun hit the normal man. Speeding up the self named Wolverine rode up the gravel road until the helicopter came up from the horizon in front of the mutant. Digging his claws into the ground the extra strong male used the blades to turn one hundred and eighty degrees and sped back towards the hummers on his motorcycle.

James clawed through the left side of the first vehicle, causing the transport to flip onto its side. Coming up on the second military vehicle the warrior grabbed on and pulled himself up on top. Grabbing hold of the gun the engineer fired the weapon at the aircraft, forcing the enemy craft to return fire. It became quickly apparent that the enemy was going to blow up the hummer the soldier was riding on so the agile Wolverine leapt high and the blast carried him towards the fast approaching aircraft. The engineer raised his arm as he realized not even the fast moving helicopter blades could sever the Adamantium lined appendage. The immortal's new claws sliced through the blades and the quick warrior grabbed onto the top of the transport as it went down.

Right before the doomed craft crashed James hopped off and rolled clear. As he stood back up the powerful mutant was already healing. Walking back to the crash site Wolverine noticed that Zero was still alive, barely. Stryker was calling his lackey on the radio asking if the target was still alive. Telling the Colonel that the Wolverine was planning on coming to kill the bastard would make Stryker more cautious and better prepared. Instead the experienced warrior slashed through Zero's neck with his new claws, severing the assassin's head.

To cover his tracks James ignited the fuel tank, causing the transport to explode. Now there wouldn't be enough of Zero left to tell anyone had decapitated the Asian assassin.


James' next move was to go see his old buddy John. John was a teleporter in Wolverine's old unit, probably the sanest out of the bunch next to James himself. John was able to inform the immortal that Stryker had the unit round up other mutants after James left the team. When the scientist questioned the teleporter about the Island the African American told his old friend that Fred Dukes probably knew more about the facility.

When James saw Fred the engineer realized that Dukes had definitely been eating his fare share of food and then some. Fred looked to weigh a ton. The scientist realized that with that estimate he probably was not exaggerating with Fred's mutant power.

"Hey Fred I seem to remember that girl when she was about eighty-five pounds," James joked while pointing to the tattoo of a woman on Dukes' arm.

"Oh that's funny. You are still so funny Logan," Fred sarcastically replied.

"You know where Victor is?" The clawed male inquired.

"No idea," Fred denied in what the perceptive engineer could sense was a lie.

"What's the Island slim?" James tried again.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out," Fred declared as he turned to ignore the immortal.

The somewhat feral mutant was pissed and having none of Dukes' bullshit. The ageless male climbed onto Fred's boxing ring and charged the blob-like mutant. Moving quickly James made as if he was going to punch Dukes' in the face before turning the move into an elbow in the side of the head. Wolverine's Adamantium laced joint took his opponent down hard.

"Now where is the Island?" James growled as he held his extended claws at Fred's throat.

Fred quickly explained that he didn't know the location of the Island but that a street hustler named Gambit from New Orleans would. Gambit was the only one to ever escape from the top secret facility that experimented on mutants. With that information gained John and James took off for New Orleans. The two former comrades in arms found Gambit in a bar.

"That's him," John announced as he nodded at a guy who was flipping cards from one hand to the next with obvious powers being employed. "Now that's cool. I'm going to go cover the back in case he rabbits," the teleporter informed his friend before walking off.

James didn't argue with his dark skinned friend because the guy might rabbit.

"Are you Remy Lebaux?" The scientist inquired of the target a moment later as the warrior walked up to the hustler.

"Do I owe you money?" The hustler questioned before giving an answer.

"No," the engineer assured the card playing mutant.

"Then Remy Lebaux I am," Lebaux announced as he took his hat off and nodded to the sideburn wearer. "What brings you to our fair city?"

"Victor Creed," the immortal dropped the name and was rewarded with Lebaux faltering.

"And who is that?" Remy queried with no trace of recognition in his tone, playing dumb.

"A man I'm going to kill," the clawed male declared. "You are taking me to the Island," James informed Remy quickly as the enhanced soldier picked up Victor's scent nearby.

Apparently it was the wrong thing to say on Logan's part as Remy immediately threw cards charged with energy at the long lived engineer which blasted James out through the back wall of the building. From his new location the fast healing mutant saw John teleporting around Victor hitting the bigger feral male.

"John come here. He can smell where you are about to appear," James shouted in a commanding tone.

Luckily John's military training kicked in and he listened to his old friend. A second later and the dark complexioned teleporter would have had his spine ripped out by Victor. As it was it looked like Victor had managed to jab John with a needle long enough to get a blood sample while James' yell had distracted the slippery former black ops operative.

"Two years I rotted in that hellhole and I ain't never going back," Gambit declared as he came out of the building behind the large hole James had just been blasted through.

James responded by elbowing Remy in the head and knocked the younger male out cold. The card thrower talked too much when he should have been fighting or running.

"John, take him to our rendezvous point. I'll deal with Victor," the enhanced warrior ordered.

"Sure Logan," John agreed before teleporting away with the card wielding mutant nicknamed Gambit.

James extended his claws as Victor and the shorter male glared at each other.

"Oooh…shiny. Tell me something Jimmy. Do you even know how to kill me?" Victor Creed demanded.

"I'm going to cut your god damn head off. See if that works," the extremely pissed off brown eyed soldier answered his feral half brother.

Victor laughed before the two males charged each other. Victor bounded at the Adamantium enhanced mutant on all fours. As the mutant nicknamed Sabretooth leapt at the mutant nicknamed Wolverine the better trained scientist slid under his opponent and kicked the slower Victor over the skilled warrior's position.

"Getting slow old man," the ageless immortal taunted the slowly aging Victor.

The two experienced fighters swung at each other and James caught his opponent's hand with his Adamantium claws, skewering the appendage. Then the upgraded soldier jabbed his other fist into his opponent's chest to impale Sabretooth with Adamantium claws. Victor roared in pain in response. The more efficient and more intelligent of the two males pulled his sharp claws out of Creed's hand and brought the built in weapons downward. Retracting two of the blades gave Wolverine a knife which he quickly used to slice off his opponent's manhood. James let the murdering animal drop to the ground.

"Re-grow that," James told his enemy as he walked off.

James would finish the blood lusting animal off later. It wasn't yet Victor's time to die. Victor Creed's final breath would come soon enough.

Convincing Gambit to just tell the two former teammates where the Island was didn't actually take too much effort. Remy didn't have to take James to the facility after all. The crafty scientist even managed to convince John to not go in on the mission straight away. Instead James carried in a radio so he could signal the teleporter for extraction. John teleported his ageless comrade into the Island so that the bastards running the place didn't know the skilled soldier was present until Wolverine wanted the pricks to.

The resourceful dark haired warrior used his expansive covert ops experience to get into one of the empty labs with access to the Island's digital database network. Then the genius engineer made a copy of all the research data Stryker and the Island's scientists had ever recorded with a removable storage device. Next after signaling John the dark skinned mutant teleported in to take the copy of the database to a safe the tricky immortal had set up earlier. As a final step on the computer the enhanced mutant uploaded a virus to the database which erased all the data. Procuring a sample of the injection the Island's runners used to give their ultimate weapon its powers the ageless James injected himself with the serum.

The quick witted scientist knew from his glance over the research data that the serum wasn't complete yet because the cocktail only had about six powers bonded to it. Still the concoction was enough for James. If the experienced soldier had to fight Stryker's weapon then the bastard Colonel was in for a surprise. The serum was actually a series of six injections, one for each new ability James gained. The engineer left the injection for the healing powers out because he wouldn't need the weaker regenerative abilities obtained from Victor's DNA.

When Wolverine finally did make his presence on the Island known he did it by walking into the lab where Stryker was located.

"Logan, welcome back to the war," the Colonel stated while facing the mutant designated Weapon Eleven.

"Before I gut you I want to know why," the ageless engineer prompted.

"I needed your powers for the pool," William Stryker answered easily with a casual shrug, like blackmail and murder were perfectly acceptable tactics to employ in the name of scientific advancement.

"That didn't work out so well did it," James taunted.

"Yes, quite clever of you," Stryker congratulated the enhanced warrior.

"I've been known to be that way from time to time," the brown eyed male informed the mad human.

Just then the perceptive dark haired mutant picked up Kayla's scent from behind him.

"It looks like I'm not the only clever one," James pointed out to Stryker while gesturing over his shoulder at the beautiful teacher whose death was recently faked.

"It worked to get you into the Weapon X program," William pointed out with another unconcerned shrug.

"We are going to leave now Kayla. We're going to have a nice long conversation when we get home," the warrior told his mate, pretending to be mad at her.

The semi feral male acted like he was dragging the green eyed beauty out of the room but she wasn't really resisting.

"Are you alright?" The scientist questioned his girlfriend as soon as the couple was clear of Stryker's lab.

"Yes love," Kayla assured her man as the pair hugged.

"How are your regenerative powers?" The engineer queried.

"Almost completely gone. They are only stopping my aging but probably wouldn't heal me from injuries," the Silverfox female answered.

"Shit. Don't get hurt," James instructed his mate as the couple headed for the cell block with her sister imprisoned inside.

The two lovers freed the prisoners and began heading outside the facility. Before the group reached the outside they were blocked by Weapon Eleven.

"Kayla, get these kids out of here," James commanded.

"James," the sensuous woman spoke with worry in her tone of voice.

Kayla didn't realize the Logan male had injected himself with the same powers Weapon Eleven possessed but with Wolverine's unique abilities as well.

"Find another way out," James urged.

Kayla took her boyfriend's advice as the group ran off another way. Once outside the telepath could use the communicator her genius lover had slipped her to contact John. The dark skinned man could only teleport into the lab earlier because the two former black ops operatives looked at floor plans for the facility the resourceful scientist had managed to hack from a government database. John wouldn't know where to go unless it was pre-planned.

"Wade is that you? I guess Stryker finally discovered how to shut you up," James told his formerly talkative teammate who was now known as Weapon Eleven and had a sown shut mouth.

The mutant assassin nicknamed Deadpool was holding two adamantium blades in his hands instead of the weapons coming out of his arms like Stryker had originally planned. With only Victor's healing ability Wade wouldn't have survived the grafting process like Wolverine had undergone.

The battle with Wade was very destructive. When the assassin started unleashing the multiple powers Stryker had imbued Deadpool with, James brought his own abilities online to counter the other soldier. The battle waged on top of one of the large concrete heat ventilation stacks. When the two powerful male's optic blasts hit each other the release of energy blew the stack apart. In the ensuing destruction Wolverine managed to use his enhanced senses to find the brainwashed Wade in the cloud of concrete dust. James Logan decapitated his opponent with ease thanks to Weapon Eleven not being equipped with an Adamantium skeleton.

A short distance from the rubble James found Kayla dragging herself towards her boyfriend. The well trained engineer had heard his mate's mental cry of his name. The genius suspected his beautiful girlfriend's powers must be growing to more than just touch hypnosis and telepathy. Kayla had been shot coming back for her mate.

"I love you," Kayla declared as she clutched her side while fearing she might die from blood loss.

"I love you too but you aren't going to die that easy," James assured his love as he unzipped his pants.

Insert Smut Scene Here

James teleported with his favorite female to the hotel that John and the Wolverine had previously arranged as a rendezvous point. At the meeting place the couple found a frightened band of recently liberated young mutants.

"What happens to us now?" Emma, Kayla's sister, inquired as the recently freed young woman stood next to a blindfolded teenager named Scott.

From the blindfold the immortal scientist concluded that Scott was the mutant with the eyes capable of channeling energy projectiles.

"Well now you can all come live with Kayla and I if you want. I think I can help you learn to use your powers," the crafty ageless soldier suggested.

The small group of mutants quickly agreed when they realized that Stryker could track them just as easily as before. Until they were trained enough to protect themselves then the former prisoners were easy pickings. John agreed to come help train the teens.

"We're going to need a bigger house," Kayla announced.

"Don't worry honey, I can afford it," the wealthy James assured his mate.

Time passed as it tended to do. Kayla and her beau settled into a somewhat normal routine. Kayla resigned from her job at the school and instead taught the teenage mutants what they needed to know to graduate from the primary educational system of Canada. James helped teach the science courses. John and James both took turns training the students how to defend themselves and utilize their mutant abilities to the youth's greatest potential. The immortal male also mentored Scott Summers in engineering. The young man nicknamed Cyclops had a passion for engineering. The ageless warrior also wanted to mentor Scott because the powerful eyed teen was dating Kayla's younger sister Emma. It hadn't taken too much effort for the brown eyed soldier to craft glasses made out of ruby crystal to contain Scott's abilities. The genius immortal suspected the only reason Scott couldn't control the ability naturally was because of injuries the young mutant had sustained in a plane crash during his childhood.

The skilled scientist continued to learn and research, studying Stryker's data. James was no geneticist but he managed to learn quite a bit from that research. After some time the ageless warrior managed to figure out how to recreate several of the serum injections he had taken on the Island. Realizing that he might not always be able to do what he did when Kayla was shot, the Logan male gave her the injection to grant her Victor's enhanced healing ability. The soldier didn't give his girlfriend his own regenerative ability because the serum formula wasn't tailored for his particular version of healing. It was best to go with what is known to work and what has already been tested when the alternative could prove deadly.

Victor's healing wouldn't stop the beautiful telepath from aging but the ability would let her heal from most injuries. As long as Kayla got her daily taste of her favorite Logan as she called it then she wouldn't age. The crafty multimillionaire also continued to grow his fortune at an increasingly accelerated rate. It didn't hurt that growth when James discovered all the information he needed to acquire nearly sixty million dollars in an encrypted file Stryker had on his personal computer directory. Apparently the Colonel had been planning on running the Weapon X program out of Alkali Lake even without additional Federal financing if necessary. As such William had secreted away the money from his government budget.

James used this money to invest in quite a few lucrative companies and made even more in return. The ageless soldier also took Kayla as his bride. On the couple's wedding night something very interesting happened to the brown eyed scientist.

"James, what's going on?" Kayla Logan asked her new husband as the couple lay entangled after their first session of love making as man and wife.

The beautiful Mrs. Logan could have sworn she had just noticed her husband's brown eyes flash to a startling green as if they were glowing.

"Mental incursion," the male telepath growled as he was talking with a foreign presence in his mind. "Who are you and what do you want?" The telepathic immortal queried the presence that had just appeared in his mind.

"My name is Harry Potter and I have a proposition for you James Logan," the incredibly powerful Asuran reality traveler began before explaining the concept of a merger.

AN2: Hello my faithful readers. I realize it's been awhile since I've updated but I've been very busy writing multiple series. Some of them are still in progress but some of them are finished and ready to be posted with only the editing process holding them back. I'll get the next chapter of this sequel out (the events of the X-Men First Class movie) after I get it edited. Follow my fiction progress on my Facebook group: Stargatesg1fan1's Fanfiction Works and Favorites

I'd like to thank my friends Chris (Pyrgus), David (Javacap), and Robert (Darlok) for their input throughout the writing process. Chris is the author of a good read called Lucky Harry and Robert is the author of several promising science fiction fanfics involving the Star Trek universe among others. Thanks for reading.