I am NOT a huge Harry Potter fan and found the movies pretty tedious, and I haven't even seen all the movies. However, I enjoyed reading all the books except for the 3rd one that bored me. The last few books were particularly exciting, but I have never read them more than once. I say all this so everyone will understand that I am NOT a Harry Potter expert, and I am SURE I will mess things up. Before you have a freak out and post reviews upset, keep that in mind. I will try to leave a note when I purposefully change something, though, so you will know it's creative license. I have never had any desire to write a HP story until I started reading BTVS/HP crossovers even though someone once asked me to. As most of my readers have probably noticed, I am mostly obsessed with BTVS crossovers. Due to some many great HP/BTVS writers on TTH, I have become much more interested in the dark characters of the stories like Snape and Draco even as my love of the Weasley twins only grows. Expect there to be significant deviations from the books as this IS a crossover, and I will only be loosely using Goblet of Fire. I wasn't going to start posting this series yet, but I've finished two active stories. Also, I've gotten several chapters written for this story, and I really enjoy the two worlds. Updates should be at least every other week.
This story is set after the Third Harry Potter book is mostly over and at the end of season 1 of BTVS. That puts Buffy two years older than Harry. I am not attached to any Buffy pairings and am open to suggestions. This story, like most of mine, will be more character driven than plot driven. I will also be mostly using plotlines from Rowling and changes will occur due to the BTVS characters.
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Harry Potter, who belong to the genius of Whedon and Rowling respectively.
Chapter 1: A Magical Wave
Severus Snape was in his quarters at Hogwarts when he felt a wave of magic. Alarmed, he looked up at his family tapestry and gasped. It couldn't be! What the hell happened?
Quickly, he made his way to Dumbledore's office, knocking and then opening his office door without waiting for his permission. "Albus!" he said.
"What is wrong Severus?" Albus asked in the calm manner of his.
"Something has happened to my daughter!" he shared.
"What do you mean? Is she not with her mother in the States?" Albus asked.
Albus had helped Severus all those years ago when he had discovered that the love affair he had after he graduated from Hogwarts. Severus had met and become infatuated with an American artist studying over spring break during a low point in his young life. Joyce had been sweet and wanted an affair with a British man. Severus had been flattered at her attention and spent two happy weeks with the woman. They'd only had sex her last night, but it had been enough. Lily's union with James Potter had caused him to embrace the dark arts and take Voldemort's dark mark. When he found out Joyce was pregnant a few months later, he went to Albus in desperation. It would be entirely too selfish to bring a child into his world. Albus had helped him hide his bloodline from even his family tree.
"Joyce has been raising her in California. She sends me a yearly report of her daughter," Severus admitted. At first, he thought it would be best if he just forgot about her. He thought that if he never laid eyes on her, maybe he wouldn't miss what he didn't know. However, Joyce was a kind and thoughtful woman, and she sent him missives and photos to a post office box he supplied her with. Of course, she knew nothing of his magical abilities or his world. She believed he was an art lover like her about to start at the university before becoming a chemistry teacher. He never told her that he didn't have to go to a muggle school to teach at Hogwarts.
"Don't you mean your daughter?" Albus clarified.
Severus gave his boss and mentor an impatient look. "She should not suddenly appear on my family tapestry, Albus. I felt a wave of magic before it happened. Something is wrong!" Severus exclaimed.
"What is the last you heard from Joyce concerning your daughter?" Albus asked.
"Buffy Anne had some trouble at her old school. Joyce sent her to a muggle hospital to get tested, and they determined she was not seriously ill. Shortly after that, she and her husband split up, and she moved Buffy Anne to a town called Sunnydale," Severus shared.
Albus looked shocked. "Your daughter moved to the hellmouth?" he asked.
"What?" Severus asked in dismay.
"The hellmouth," Albus replied. "It is the largest of its kind on the planet and currently under the prevue of the Watcher's Council. The last I heard, the town even has its own vampire slayer."
Severus' heart filled with fear. "My little girl is in a town that needs a vampire slayer? Something must have happened to her there! The magic I felt was connected to her," he said.
"I will contact our liaison to the Watcher's Council and find out what I can," Albus said. "Do you have a way to contact Joyce and check on your daughter's well-being?"
He nodded. "I have a phone number," he said. "I will have to go to the nearest muggle phone to make a call."
"You do that, and I will send an owl to the council," Albus said.
Severus wasted no time. He got outside of the wards around Hogwarts and then apparated into the nearest town with a phone.
Unfortunately, his call with Joyce told him nothing. Joyce was more than surprised to hear from him, and she asked him if he was coming for a visit. Severus was so surprised by the invitation that he said yes. Joyce seemed delighted and told him that she would be telling Buffy all about him.
Severus was discombobulated that he walked slowly back to Hogwarts trying to decide if he could actually go to the States and see his daughter for the first time. Every letter and picture Joyce sent was imprinted on his brain. He knew all the things Joyce shared about his daughter. She was outgoing and vivacious—like Joyce and nothing like Severus. Her life was one of ice skating and parties and friends; she knew nothing of darkness or loneliness. Hank Summers was the man she loved as her father, and Joyce had told him that he treated their daughter very well. Although Severus was filled with bitterness and jealousy, he was glad that his daughter had a man so very different from his own unfeeling father.
When he finally made it by foot back to Hogwarts, an hour had passed since he spoke with Albus. It was getting late, and he decided to head to bed. Hopefully, Albus would have more information about what might've caused his daughter's cloaking to dissipate.
Buffy was glad it was the weekend. After her death and resuscitation the night before, she was in major need of a relaxing weekend. In another week, her dad was coming to get her to spend the summer in Los Angeles. It would be so good to get out of Sunnydale. It was hard being a slayer and knowing that she could die at any moment. She had barely lived, and she had already died once. If it wasn't for Xander, her mother would be planning her funeral today.
"Honey, are you awake?" her mother called out.
"I'm awake," she said.
"I'm fixing pancakes, so come down soon," her mother said.
Buffy grinned and jumped out of bed. Her mother always made a ton of pancakes and didn't judge Buffy when she ate a ridiculous amount. She grabbed some clothes and jumped into the shower. Last night, she washed her hair after her drowning, so she just rinsed off, keeping her hair out of the spray. Showers always revived her, so always made time for them morning and night. Slaying always made her feel icky.
A short time later, she was sitting at her breakfast table with her mother digging into to breakfast. "I can't believe you made pancakes and bacon!" she gushed, grabbing a crispy piece and munching happily on it.
Joyce smiled, feeling nervous. There had never been a reason to tell Buffy that Hank wasn't her biological father because Severus had never shown any inclination to be a part of Buffy's life. Instead, he'd been content with yearly reports and photographs. Joyce always received a thank you card from him after every letter she sent, so she knew the man cared enough to read them. Once, he had sent her a somber picture of himself. Well, it wasn't a photo but a small portrait. The likeness was incredible, so she had it put in a smal frame. Buffy had never seen it, but she brought it to the breakfast table, sitting it face down on the table next to her.
When Buffy was almost finished eating, she began speaking. "Buffy, I need to speak to you about something that is important, and I hope you can forgive me for not telling you sooner," she said.
Buffy frowned, looking up at her mother. "Tell me what?" she asked.
"When I was in my sophomore year of college, I took a two-week trip to England. I was part of a group of young artist, and it was the most exciting moments of my life," Joyce shared.
"Really? How come you never mentioned this before?" Buffy asked. "That sounds amazing! I would totally love to see the land of Giles!"
"Land of Giles?" Joyce asked in confusion.
"My librarian at school, Giles, he's from England," Buffy explained. It made her a bit sad that her mom didn't really know Giles, who had become such an important figure in her life.
"Oh, well, yes, it was a great time," she said. "I got caught up in the romance of it all. I took a ferry to Paris in a day—that's the way Europe is. You can just hop on a train or a boat for very little money and be in another country."
"I'm so jealous! Maybe we can plan a trip after I graduate?" Buffy asked excitedly.
"I would love that, honey," Joyce said. "While I was there, I met this dashing British man and had a bit of a love affair. His name was Severus Snape."
Buffy's eyes widened, and she gasped. "Seriously? You had the slutty sex! I'm so telling!" she teased.
Joyce blushed. "I met him my second day, and we spent every day together. On my last day, I did sleep with him," she said. "He was very sweet, and he was about two years younger."
"You cougar!" Buffy teased, enjoying the rare opportunity to tease her nearly perfect mother. "Was he hot?"
"I found him to be so," she said. "He was dark haired and brooding. He reminded me of Lord Byron with that hair. Everything about him was so intense."
Buffy sighed. "Wow. That sounds so sexy! I want that someday," she said with a pout.
"I'm sure you'll have it, sweetie. When your older and ready," Joyce said. "I was nearly twenty years old, which is a good age for love."
"Not that I'm not loving this story, Mom, but what brings up the nostalgia? An art buying trip to England coming up?" Buffy inquired.
"No, I got a call from Severus yesterday," Joyce admitted.
Buffy's mouth fell open. "Your ex is coming here to visit you? Oh my God, Mom! That's amazing!" Buffy exclaimed. "Seventeen years later, and he's never forgotten you. I bet he's just pining away all alone there in stuffy old England!"
"Well, not exactly, honey," Joyce said, feeling more and more uncomfortable. "Here's the thing, Buffy. I met your Dad about a month after I returned. He and I took things slow, and I fell utterly in love with him. It was different than Severus but real. And he was so crazy about me that he didn't care that I—" She paused, trying to get the courage to say the words. "Your dad didn't care that I was pregnant with another man's baby."
Buffy wasn't sure she heard her mother correctly. "I'm sorry? What are you trying to say?" she asked. Surely, her mother wasn't trying to tell her what it sounded like she was trying to tell her.
"I'm trying to tell you that Hank Summers, the man who raised you and loves you isn't the man who created you," Joyce said. "Your father's name is Severus." She picked up the portrait and handed it to Buffy. "This is your biological father."
Buffy felt liked her head was inside a tunnel, and she couldn't breathe. She stood up, barely looking at the picture her mother had. "Daddy isn't my dad?" she asked in disbelief.
"Hank is your dad. He loves you more than anything," Joyce said. "Not for one moment did he ever show me anything but love and acceptance. He never treated you like you weren't his, so don't you dare think that he's not your dad."
"I can't hear this right now," Buffy said, turning to go.
"Wait!" Joyce called. "There's something else I have to tell you."
Buffy slowly turned back to her mother, trying to brace herself for the next blow. "What?" she asked.
"He's coming here. Severus wants to meet you," Joyce said.
"He's coming here?" Buffy asked, feeling panicked. "When?"
"I'm not sure, but it'll be soon," Joyce said.
"What about Dad?" Buffy asked.
"I'll talk to your dad," Joyce said, feeling a pang of guilt.
Buffy couldn't look at her mother anymore because the feeling of betrayal was strong. How could she not tell me? She left, running toward Willow's.
After breakfast the next day, Albus asked Severus to come to his office. Anxious, Severus followed him. He must have gotten word about what might be going on in Sunnydale. As soon as they were in his office, he said, "Did you find out something?"
Albus nodded as he sat behind his desk. "You may want to sit down for this," he said, gesturing to his chair.
"What? Is Buffy Anne in danger?" Severus asked.
"Most likely," Albus said. "She was called over a year or so ago as a vampire slayer. She's the slayer guarding the hellmouth."
"What?" Severus demanded, jumping up. "There must be some mistake!"
"No mistake. Buffy was prophesied to die two nights ago by the hands of a master vampire, who was going to open the hellmouth," Albus said. "She did die. The vampire drowned her in a fountain."
"Merciful Merlin! I don't understand! Why did Joyce lie to me? Why did she tell me Buffy Anne was fine?"
"Because she is," Albus said, smiling. "Your daughter had a friend with her that knew something called CPR. It's how Muggles bring people back from near death without magic. She was brought back, and she proceeded to kill the Master. Your daughter is extraordinary, Severus."
Severus collapsed back on the chair, trying to take in the news. "Now it makes sense. When she died, the spell we did was broken, so when she came back, her blood was noticed by the Prince family magic," he said.
"Do you think others could've noticed?" Albus asked pointedly.
Severus shook his head. "I don't think the surge was strong enough to attract the Dark Lord's notice," he said. "It just hit my family tree strongly."
"What do you want to do?" Albus said.
Severus was silent a long moment, and then he answered honestly. "I want to know my daughter," he admitted. "I kept her hidden and denied myself the pleasure of knowing her because I feared for her. However, she is a vampire slayer, no easy mark. It is even possible that she can wield a wand and do magic."
"There have been one or two records of slayers that were witches," Albus said, nodding. "The Watcher's Council, though, is very possessive of their slayer."
"But if Buffy Anne died—even for a short time—shouldn't their claim on her be over?" Severus asked. "The next slayer should've been called at the moment of her death."
"That is a very good point," he acknowledged.
"Joyce asked me if I was coming for a visit, and I found myself saying yes," Severus shared.
"You are going to the hellmouth?" Albus asked. "That is a dangerous place."
"My daughter is there, and I can defend myself quite well," Severus said defensively.
"It has been a long time since you've spent time among muggles," Albus pointed out. "Your daughter may be a slayer, but she is for all intents and purposes a muggle."
Severus glared at him. "My daughter is not a muggle!" he said hotly. "She is a vampire slayer, a magical creature at the very least and most likely a witch!"
"Would you bring her here for school?" Albus wondered.
"We are in the middle of a war. Do you think it would be wise? I'm a double agent and reputed Death Eater," he said with self-loathing. "Do you think my daughter who fights creatures of darkness, who is compelled to seek out monsters to kill, would embrace me?"
"You might be surprised," Albus said. "Give her a chance. Test her and see. If she has magic, she can come and be sorted in a house. If she doesn't, she is still welcome here."
Severus didn't want to dare hope that his daughter could be here with him. "I will arrange a visit and test the waters," he decided. He stood, his mind filled with what he would need to do to get to the States and California.
"Severus," Albus said, getting his attention as he stood. "You do realize that if your daughter comes here, she will most likely be sorted into Gryffindor." The twinkle in the old man's eyes caused Severus to glare.
"That thought is not to be borne!" he said. Then he stormed out of the office.
After he left, Albus chuckled. He didn't tell Severus that he learned much more about his daughter. No sense in ruining the surprise. Buffy Anne Summers was not at all a proper slayer as her watcher had reported at the beginning of the school term. However, her ability to adapt and think on her feet had made her a formidable weapon. There was a bit of her father in her, but she was entirely too selfless and brave to ever be a Slytherin.
*****Chapter End*****
So what do you think? I hope you're excited for more because I have it coming soon! Reviews are much appreciated. Thanks!