The only thing I own of any series is a set of five books for Christmas, involving Percy's second adventure. The only thing I own of this fanfiction is the ideas I come up with myself.

Percy Jackson the Half-Blood Gamer

Chapter 1


Percy yawned softly and stretched as he heard the alarm clock buzzed, waking him and Grover for their last day of school. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, brushing the sharp crust away so it didn't dig into his hands or face. He stretched again before opening his eyes. He blinked once. Twice. He then decided he was still asleep and laid back down, closing his eyes and waiting for the dream to pass.

He laid there until he heard Grover get out of bed. A couple seconds later, Grover nudged his shoulder, "Come on Percy. It's time to get up."

He opened his eyes, blinking as he took in Grover's face. The wispy beard and acne looked the same to him. Even his dreams weren't that accurate.

He shook his head, getting the odd thought about what he saw out of his head, "Yeah, I'll be up in a sec."

Grover nodded and headed for the door, either going to the bathroom or going to pancakes. He moved quickly no matter the case.

He sat up and came face to face with the… thing again.

You have slept in your own bed. HP and MP have been restored to 100%. All ailments and negative status effects have been removed.

Great. Now he really was going crazy. First Miss Dodds and now a floating blue box. Thing thing he knew, a doctor was going to step out of the box.

He shook his head and looked to the X button at the to right corner of the box. He reached up to press it tentatively. It felt… real. But it was gone and there weren't any others, so he had nothing to complain about.

He slipped off his bed and got changed before following after Grover.

That wasn't the end of it. Oh, no, it wasn't. Over peoples heads, names were floating. Names, numbers and… something else. Like over Nancy Bobofit.


Nancy Bobofit

Lv. 3 Human

In all honesty, it looked like it belong to one of those old school video games he and his mom played before she married Gabe.

He waved at Mister Brunner as he passed by. He might not have been his favorite teacher after what happened yesterday but he was still a… mostly good person.

Trainer of Heroes


Lv. ? Centaur

Or Centaur. Centaur works too.

He scrambled towards the cafeteria, ignoring the things over everyones head.

He got his breakfast and moved to sit with Grover. He couldn't help but glance up at the name floating above Grovers head.

Grover Underwood

Lv. 18 Satyr

He started coughing. Both Mister Brunner and him weren't human? They looked it!

Grover looked up at him, "Hey, you okay Percy?"

Percy nodded, "Yeah, yeah. Just inhaled when I tried to swallow."

Grover snickered a little, "Careful there. We don't need you drowning on spit now, do we?"

Percy rolled his eyes and threw a grape at him, "Ah shut up."

Grover snapped his mouth closed around the grape in a rare fit of dexterity.

Percy smirked. It was still his Grover. The one he went to school with for the past year. He cleared his throat between bites, "So… what's with Mister Brunner being Chiron the Centaur?"

It was Grovers turn to sputter and cough. He might as well have been admitting the truth. After one more wheeze, he spoke, "Wh-what? No, no. He's not Chiron. Mister Brunner-."

Percy cut him off, "Says the satyr."

Grover went wide-eyed and hung his head down in shame, "How'd you find out?"

Percy shrugged, "I had a hunch the other night back a little after Miss Dobbs. I was the one listening in on you and Mister Brunner. I saw his shadow on the window. And I saw you talking to… Juniper?"

Grover nodded, smiling wistfully, "Yeah." He shook his head and looked to Percy, "So you know what you are?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "... no. Am I not Percy?" He looked down at himself, patting as if searching for something, "I look like Percy. And I feel like Percy."

Grover shook his head, "Not important. If you know what you are, things like Miss Dodds will show up more often. Do me a favor and don't try to figure it out?"

Percy frowned but nodded, "Yeah, I guess. Just wished you told me the truth. Especially about Miss Dodds. I thought I was going crazy!"

Grover looked back at him, "Sorry Perce. I'll talk to Chiron later. You can come with, if you want."

Percy thought about it for a moment, "How about we finish up here and then talk to him? There should be a bit of time before the assembly."

Grover nodded, "Sure. I'm just about done. I'll hop ahead and tell him you know." He got up and did just that, swinging his way towards the classroom.


A skill has been created.

[Convincing Lv.1(Passive-Dynamic)] (9%)

2% chance of convincing others of what you're saying. Less the more extreme the idea is. Alternate Name: Lying

Percy sighed. This and the fact that the floating names were right meant this was really happening. Or that it was one complicated dream. He pressed the X button again, hurriedly ate the rest of his breakfast and followed after Grover.

A couple minutes later, Percy knocked on the door to Mist- Chirons office. After hearing a call of 'come in', he opened the door and slipped inside.

He was greeted to snapping fingers from Chiron, "Uh… snap to you too?" He shook his head, "Whatever that was, did Grover speak to you about me knowing?"

Grover blinked and Chiron looked a little stunned. They looked to each other before Chiron nodded, "Err, yes." He cleared his throat, "So, you were in the halls after curfew? I'm amazed you didn't get caught. I'm a fairly good hunter, if I may say so myself. The fact you were as quiet as you were is very impressive Percy."

He sighed, "I apologize for yesterday, Percy. I… can't explain what I meant to you without putting you in danger. If it's alright with you, me and Grover will go to your apartment with you. I'll phone ahead to your mother and ask her to meet us at the entrance. I'm afraid most buildings aren't suited for centaurs."

Percy shook his head, a small smirk on his face, "Yeah, alright." He looked up at the clock, "It's about time for the assembly." He turns to Chiron, "Think I can skip it today, Mister Brunner? I have a lot on my mind. What with centaurs and satyr being real." He laughed, "Next thing you know, the Greek Gods will be real."


For figuring out the truth, INT has gone up 1 point.

At Grovers forced laugh and Chirons stern face, Percy facepalmed, "Oh god...s. Please don't tell me they're real."

Chiron barked out an answer, "Percy! Please don't think things through any more! We'll tell you everything when we greet your mother."

Percy, frightened at hearing his teacher yell for the first time, nodded hurriedly.

Chiron sighed, "Thank you, Percy. And yes, you may skip the assembly today if you don't leave my classroom." He rolled back to his desk, pulling out a number of books and the golden pen he had use against Miss Dodds. He set him on his lap and rolled back to Percy, "Feel free to sit anywhere. The chair to the desk is in the closet beside the blackboard." He handed the books and the pen to Percy, "Read these, Percy. I have no doubt your dyslexia will not bother you while you read these."

Percy took the pen off the stack of books to keep it from rolling off, "The pen that I killed Miss Dodds with?" He felt a pattern on the side and turned the pen, pulling it up for a look, "Anaklusmos. Riptide."


A skill has been created.

[Observe Lv.1(Active-Dynamic)](12%)

A skill to find the targets information. The higher the skill, the greater the detail obtained.

Alternate Name: Identify

Chiron nodded, "Yes, very good Percy. An old sword, once held by the greatest of heroes. Given to him by the greatest of heroines." He started rolling towards the door, "You're welcome to stay here with him, Grover. As for me… alas, I must go." He huffed and mumbled something barely loud enough for him to hear, "I curse the day school assemblies were invented."

Percy turned towards Grover, "You don't have to stay… but I won't make you suffer the assembly."

Grover smiled weakly, "If you don't mind." Percy moved towards one of the desk, taking a seat. Grover followed, sitting next to him. Percy handed him one of the books before taking his own off the stack and opening it up. It all looked gibberish to him for a couple seconds before he started making sense of it. He blinked a few times. Chiron was right, his dyslexia wasn't acting up.

For the next two hours, Percy got drawn into the books about the Titanomachy and early Golden Rule after the Titans fell. He didn't even notice Chiron enter the room before he tapped on the desk. He jumped, snapping the book close to greet the smirking face of Chiron, "Engrossed, I see. I take it Ancient Greek stories are intertain now, are they?"

Percy blushed, "Err, yeah. Not as useless as I thought."

Chiron chuckled, "I thought you might enjoy it. I'll allow you to keep the books, with a promise of your returning them, until you're finished with them."

Percy smiled, "Sure thing, Mister Brunner."

"Please, call me Chiron. Come along Percy. The van should be here by now."

Percy stood and looked around, "Where'd Grover go?"

Chiron turned around, "Hm? Oh. Grover went to make a phone call to Argus, our camp driver slash security guard. I can't rightly drive with hooves and neither can Grover. We need someone with feet to drive and you're a bit young." He cracked a smile and turned around again, "Come along." He rolled away quickly, forcing Percy to jog to keep up with him.

Percy slowed, "Oh, hold on. I forgot the pen."

Chiron didn't stop, but he did slow, "Check your pocket when we stop." They slid down the handicap ramp and were greeted by a van. Grover was in the passenger seat and the ramp for the wheelchair was already down.

Percy let Chiron get in first, making sure he didn't fall or slide off. He checked his pocket like Chiron said to and, sure enough, the pen-sword was in there. He pulled it out of his pocket and took a look at it, muttering 'observe' to observe it.


This ancient weapon was first wielded by Heracles, gifted to him by ? shortly before his quest for the Golden Apple. It is made of Celestial Bronze and is deadly to all but humans.

It is currently in pen form and can remain as such if the wielder wills it when taking the cap off.

+25% damage when wielded by one who can control water.

+25% damage when surrounded by water.

Stat Req.: Str 15, Dex 10, Wis 10

It seemed like an impressive weapon but there was no attack power on it. That made sense, though. If this really was real life - even he had to admit it was getting overly complex. He couldn't come up with those books, even in a dream - attack power varied on the swing, thrust or any other method of attacking used with the weapon you were or weren't holding.

Percy moved around to the opposite side of the van, opening the door and hopping inside, "East one-hundred fourth and first." He leaned to the side to look at the surfer dude driving the van and gasped as he saw the multitude of eyes, all of them open.

Grover looked back at him, "Don't worry Percy, that's just Argus. Camp driver and security guard."

Hera's Faithful Servant


Lv. ? Hundred-Eyed One

The rest of the ride was spent in relative silence, only the roar of the road and the honking of irate drivers filling the void. It wasn't a long ride, thankfully. And, happily for Percy, his mom met them at the bottom.

Undisputed Greatest Mother

Sally Jackson

Lv. 8 Human

As soon as they were safely stopped, he unbuckled and all but ran out of the van, grabbing his mother and pulling her in for a bear-hug. She gave one in return, "Welcome back Percy."

Percy released her, "Thanks mom."

Sally smiled at him… then noticed the three guest. She turned a worried glance towards Chiron and Grover and gave Argus a kindly smile. She didn't seem bothered by the hundred or so eyes at all. She turned back towards Chiron, "Did something happen… Mister Brunner?"

Chiron glance to Percy before looking back to Sally, "He knows who we are, Sally. He doesn't know who he is yet but I believe he has a suspicion. He had to fight Alecto. Naturally, he won. Uninjured."

Sally looked to Percy, concern, grief and happiness covering her expression. It was an odd look, "Oh gods. I'm sorry Percy. I didn't want you to find out this way." She started pacing back and forth, walking a rut in the six paces, "You were going to camp this summer. I was going to tell you today, when we got to the beach."

Percy perked up, "Montauk?" At her nod, he glanced to their company, "I guess we can't go anymore, can we?"

Sally smiled sadly, "After camp, Percy. It lets out for school. You can come with me for a weekend before school, if you want. Or you could stay at camp. Chiron says they offer excellent schooling." She looked to Chiron, "Run by Athena Cabin, no doubt." She looked back to Percy and moved to hug him again, crushing him in a tighter bear-hug than before. She sighed after releasing him, "Percy, your dad… he wasn't normal. He was anything but, if I'm honest. He's… a greek god. That's why he couldn't stay, Percy. Your dad was Poseidon."

All of Argus' eyes widened, Grover fainted and even Chiron looked stunned.


Status information has been revealed. Open your 'Status' sheet to see updated information.

Percy ignored the pop-up and stared at his mom, stunned by what she said. It made a bit of sense, if he was honest with himself. He was always comfortable in water and more so if he was at the beach or in the ocean. It, though it might sound a bit weird, always felt like he was being hugged by his mom. It felt warm and safe. It felt like life before Smelly Gabe.

Sally spoke up after a minute of silence, "So now that he knows, you should get him to camp." She wrapped Percy in another hug, "Percy. Please, stay safe."

Percy nodded, still too stunned to speak. He moved to pick Grover up, getting help from Argus to put him in the passenger seat. He waited for Chiron to get back into his side of the van before getting in his own side. He looked to his mom as the door closed. She gave him a sad smile and a wave before they started pulling away.

He looked over to Chiron, "So… I take it by Grovers fainting that being the son of Poseidon is big news."

Chiron nodded, "Yes, it is." He looked over to Percy, looking every bit as ancient as he was, "Percy… Zeus, Poseidon and Hades made a pact after World War Two. They swore to never have another half-blood child. Zeus has already broken the promise… and now, so has Poseidon."

He looked to Argus, "Don't worry about Argus. He rarely opens his mouth. He won't say anything. And I won't until after you've been claimed."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Claimed?"

Chiron nodded, "Yes. We have twelve cabins at Camp Half-Blood. One for each seat on the Olympian council. Most claimed children sleep in their Godly parents cabin. The ones that have been claimed but don't have a cabin for their parent stay in the Hermes Cabin. If your father doesn't claim you before the day is over, you will stay there as well."

Percy frowned, "That's… stupid. So, the cabins act like shrines, right? Or like those old temples?" At Chirons nod, he continued, "Then shouldn't all the Gods and Goddesses have their own cabin? Even if they don't have kids?"

Chiron nodded again, "Yes, Percy. But the Gods are vain. I've tried before to get them to open more cabins but I've been rebutted time and time again. The only one on the council I can get to agree is Athena. She thinks it's a wise move. I know Hades has tried to appeal it, mainly for his own cabin, but it never works."

Percy shook his head. It wasn't very fair to the other Gods. Even more so to their kids. He was determined to do something about it.


Quest Alert!

Quest Difficulty: God

You are unhappy with the way the unclaimed and some claimed are treated. You are determined to do something about it.


-Convince the Olympian Council to allow more cabins to be built.

-Draw up plans for placement of the cabins.

-Draw up designs with help from God/Goddess or their child.

Time Limit: 5 Years

Completion Reward:

1 Automatic Level (No matter what level or how far from level)

Respect from most Gods and Goddesses

Unconditional Respect from Campers



Early Completion Award:


Failure Penalty:


Death of Demigods

Death of Mother



Percy blinked. Five years was a long time to work on just making a bunch of cabins. And the failure penalty sucked something awful… but he was going to do it, with or without the quest. He stretched, his elbow popping while he pressed the Y button.

They talked a bit more about what went on at Camp Half-Blood, mainly the activities. Percy was excited to try archery. Hitting things without risk of injuring oneself too badly sounded fun. He was going to learn to use Riptide too, of course. He just didn't look forward to working with a sword as much as he was a bow.

Percy looked out the window as they pulled onto a side road, slowing down considerably. Another minute and they were parked in a ten-car garage. It was full, having other nearly identical vans parked inside.

He waited for Chiron to be lowered out of the van before he started looking around, "So, Mister Brun-.. Chiron, how are you going to get up the hill? There's no ramps."

Chiron laughed, "You forget, Percy. I'm a centaur."

Percy turned to look at him. From the waist up he looked the same. From the waist down, he was a chestnut stallion… well, it wasn't really all that surprising. He knew Chiron was a centaur, "Oh… right. Forgot."

Chiron pouted, having expected a better reaction. He shook it off, "Come along Percy. I'll introduce you to the other campers." He started walking forward, looking back over his shoulder to make sure Percy was following.

Percy followed, looking around. It looked like any other forest. Until two things happened. One, whatever the alerts were notified him and two, everything just appeared in sight.


You have passed Thalia's Barrier.

-95% chance of monsters attacking. Turns off abilities that contradict this.

+100% HP and MP Regen.

Quickly dismissing the notification - he made sure he read it first, though - he looked over what he could see of the camp. It looked nothing like any camp he'd ever seen anywhere. There was a three story house big enough to fit Chiron, strawberry fields all over the place, an amphitheater with a large, warm orange campfire, twelve cabins, what looked like a volcano off in the distance and a series of pillars just behind it. And that was just what he could see. He whistled, "Wow. Quite a site."

Chiron nodded, "Yes, it is." He sighed, "I've been gone for quite some time. It's nice to see everything still standing."

Percy couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

A couple minutes later they were by the the three-story house when a pretty blonde with curly hair jogged up to meet them. She didn't look older than Percy was and she would've been the perfect Californian girl, were it not for her stormy gray eyes.

Annabeth Chase

Lv. 47 Demigod

Annabeth called out, "Hey Chiron. Nice to have you back." Her eyes slid over to Percy, "Oh, hey. New camper?" At Percy's nod, she continued, "Claimed or unclaimed?"

Chiron spoke up before Percy could, "Unclaimed, though I doubt it'll remain that way for long. I imagine he'll be claimed by end of lunch." He looked at his watch, "About half an hour from now, Percy." He turned towards Annabeth, "Introduce yourself Annabeth. And, if you don't mind, show him around. I have to talk to Mister D." He trotted up the stairs and entered the building, leaving the two of them alone.

Percy extended a hand to her, "Nice to meet you, I'm Percy Jackson."

She extended her hand in return, taking his in a firm grip, "Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. Is your first name short for something? It seems a little weird."

Percy nodded, "Yeah. Mom named me after Perseus. Something about him living a fairly long life for a demigod."

"Perseus, son of Zeus." She stepped closer, leaning in to get a good look at his eyes, "Hm. you don't have the eyes for a son of Zeus. Maybe Hermes… you don't have the hair for him though. Hm."

Percy leaned back, "You mean like the kid Zeus had when he broke the pact?"

She nodded, though her expression turned dark, "Yeah, like that kid." She shook her head, "Come on, we only have half an hour before lunch starts. I'll show you around on our way there."

She started walking, not even bothering looking back to make sure Percy was following. She pointed at the large building, "This is the Big House. Named so because it's big. On either side are strawberry fields and around back, there's a volleyball court."

Percy had to ask, "Why strawberries?"

It clearly wasn't the first time she was asked that, "They grow almost as fast as grapes around Mister D. We'd grow grapes but Zeus forbid it as long as Mister D is on probation."

"Who's Mister D?"

"Dionysus." She said it boredly, like it wasn't important.

Percy flinched, "Dionysus, the wine guy?"

She nodded, "That's the one. Come on, keep up." She jogged up to a smoking building that sounded like someone was making or throwing lightning bolts on the inside. "This is the forge. It's mostly Hephaestus campers that hang out in here. They're born for it, literally."

They passed the building and moved to a shed, "This is the Armory. We should go inside to get you a weapon."

Percy pulled out Riptide and uncapped it, "No need. Mister Br-.. Chiron gave me this."

Annabeth didn't react like he thought she would, "Oh, alright."

They kept walking until they reached the cabins, "These are the cabins. The two largest ones are for Zeus and Hera. The one to the left of Zeus' is Poseidons. Next to his is Ares', Apollos, Hephaestus' and then Hermes cabin. If you aren't claimed by lights out, you'll be headed to Hermes cabin. To the right of Heras cabin is Demeters cabin. Next is Athenas, my cabin. The there's Artemis', Aphrodite and then Dionysus'. Hera and Artemis' cabins are just in their honor. They won't have any half-blood children. Artemis' archers sometimes stay in her cabin, though. The hearth in the middle is for Lady Hestia. She visits occasionally, though I don't know why."

She paused as Percy spoke, "I really wish we could build more cabins. For the other Gods and Goddesses. It doesn't seem fair that the unclaimed and even some claimed have to stay in that one cabin. Shouldn't every member of the… crap, what's the word?"

She turned around faster than he could blink, "Build more cabins? I've been working on designs for cabins for a couple years. Mom is trying to appeal the council for the campers. At least, that's what she's saying but she didn't start the appeal until I told her I was designing the cabins."

Percy blinked, "Oh… well… if I can convince the gods to build the cabins, can I use your designs?" He flinched again as she hugged him. It hurt, too. A lot more than his moms.

She let go after a minute, a light blush on her cheeks, "Err, I mean… sure."

The sound of a conch shell rung out. Percy looked around confused but Annabeth lightly slapped his arm. Lightly for her, hard for him, "Come on Percy. Lunch time." She took off at a brisk jog, leaving Percy behind in her dust. He tried his hardest to keep up but couldn't match her pace. She had to double back and jog at Percy's speed.

When they got there, Percy noticed that it was an open air pavilion. There were twelve tables and four of them were empty. He thought it through for a second and determined two of them belonged to Hera and Artemis. One must've been his dads as well. He couldn't figure out the last one though. He turned to Annabeth, "So do I sit at any table?"

She shook her head, "No, you're sitting with cabin elev-..."

Percy poked her shoulder, "You okay? You just stopped talking." It took him a minute to notice everyone was staring at him.


You have been claimed!

Look up!

Percy looked up. Above his head was a floating sea-green trident head. He looked back down at the crowd, "Uhh… surprise?"

A hush murmur started after he stopped talking. He looked to Annabeth, who looked at him with apprehension. She pointed over to an empty table, "Table three." She moved to her own table with people that looked a little like her. He walked over to his own table, acutely aware of everyone staring at him, with the except of Chiron and a man sitting next to him. Percy looked above his head.

God of Wine


Lv. ? Olympian

He looked bored.

Chiron spoke above the clatter, "To the Gods!"

Everyone else spoke, "To the Gods!"

Wood nymphs came forward with platters of food: grapes, apples, strawberries, cheese, fresh bread,

and yes, barbecue! Percy's glass was empty but Chiron came over, "Speak to it. Whatever you want. Non-alcoholic, of course."

"Cherry Coke." The glass filled with sparkling caramel liquid before he came up with an idea, "Blue Cherry Coke." The liquid turned a violent shade of cobalt. Percy took a cautious sip. Perfect.

Percy started filling his plate and was ready to take a bite when he noticed everyone standing up. Annabeth walked over to him, "Come on. Get in line Seaweed Brain."

Percy stood and followed Annabeth, standing in line just behind her, "Seaweed Brain? I was kind of expecting Fish-Boy or Aqua Lad."

Annabeth looked over her shoulder, "You knew who your dad was before he claimed you?" At Percy's nod, she spoke again, "Why didn't you tell me when I was trying to figure it out?"

Percy blinked, "You didn't ask."

Annabeth groaned as she stepped up to a brazier. She pushed her plate forward and pushed a juicy piece of rib in, "Athena." She stepped to the side and turned to Percy. "An offering to the gods," she explained. "They like the smell."

Percy looked at her like she was crazy but didn't question it. He scooped the best piece of fish he had on his plate in, "Poseidon." He blinked as the fish went up in smoke. He didn't gag on the smell like he thought he would. Instead, it smelled like the sea-breeze. He turned to Annabeth but noticed she had already gone back to her table. He moved to his own and thought about earlier today, after his mom told him who his dad was, "Status."

He ate slowly as he looked over the screen that popped up.

Name: Perseus "Percy" Jackson

Race: Demigod

Class: The Gamer

Natural Title: Son of Poseidon

Optional Title: N/A

Level: 3

EXP: 82.91%

HP: 270/270

MP: 130/130

STR: 12

DEX: 8

VIT: 17

INT: 3

WIS: 3

LUC: 4

Money: $0/₯0

Affinity: Water 50, Horse 50, Earth 5

Effects: Thalia's Barrier, Curse of the Styx, Son of the Sea, Lamia's Demigod Curse

Percy pressed a finger against the second effect.

[Curse of the Styx]

A curse brought upon by breaking a promise made on the Styx. Poseidon broke the promise and the curse affects his children born from it.

+50% chance to encounter monsters.

+10-50% monster difficulty.

He frowned and closed the box. He pressed the third effect.

[Son of the Sea]

A power gifted, through blood, to Poseidon's children.

+25 to STR, DEX and STA while in water.

+500% HP and MP Regen while in water.

Water Breathing.

Water Control or Quake Creation.

Horse Communication.

Marine Life Communication.

It certainly made sense. It was a big boost to his abilities but only while in water. He closed the box and opened the fourth effect.

[Lamia's Demigod Curse]

A curse put on all demigods by Lamia, daughter of Hecate. Hera killed her children because she accepted Zeus' advances. Lamia cast the spell out of revenge.

Attracts monsters the stronger your godly parent. Children of Zeus, Hades and Poseidon are at highest risk.

He pressed on his 'natural' title.

[Son of Poseidon]

A title granted to Poseidons children, no matter the race. Benefits are best for demigods.

+1 STR and +2 STA per level.

+50% exp gained to water-based skills.

He closed the box and the status screen. If he remembered the old games right, there was a spell screen as well, "Spells." He waited for ten seconds for something to pop up. Once he was sure there was nothing, he tried another word, "Skills."


Gamer's Mind Lv. Max

Gamer's Body Lv. Max

Water Control Lv. 1 (98.22% EXP)

Water Breathing Lv. Max

Marine Life Communication Lv. Max

Convincing Lv.1 (9% EXP)

Observe Lv. 1 (12.04%)

Horse Communication Lv. Max

Created Instant Dungeon Lv. 1 (0%)

Escape Instant Dungeon Lv. 1 (0%)

He frowned at the first and last two. He didn't remember getting them earlier. He shook his head and closed the screen. He could see what those last two did later during dinner. For now, he was done with lunch and had to figure out what to do.

That issue was solved when Chiron trotted over. He reached down, placing a hand on Percy's shoulder, "Percy. If you're done with lunch, come with me. I have your schedule. As today is Tuesday, you have rapids-riding as your next activity. Shouldn't be too much trouble for you, with your natural affinity for water." He opened his jacket and pulled out a piece of parchment. Actual parchment, too, not paper made from wood. It looked like it was skinned from animal hide. Probably sheep… or not, with the satyrs in camp. Percy didn't bother asking.

Percy looked through the list, "A lot of fighting on here."

Chiron nodded sadly, "Unfortunately, the life of a demigod is not a safe one. We do the best we can at Camp Half-Blood but not many demigods made it to adulthood." He saw the look on Percy's face he continued, "There was a curse put on all demigods back when ancient Greece wasn't so ancient. It gives a… a scent to them. The more powerful your godly parent, the stronger your scent. Children from the Big Three - Hades, Poseidon and Zeus - have rarely lived to reach sixteen. The last child born, Thalia, died at fourteen, nearly fifteen."

Percy was nervous. He hadn't really taken all of it seriously. He was just hoping it was some complicated dream that'd pass in no time. It still might've been, but the hug and slap from Annabeth felt painful enough. And he had heard you don't feel pain in dreams.

Chiron pointed towards Annabeth, "Annabeth has a schedule like yours, with the exception of the two hours before lunch. She'll take you to the rapids." He called out, "Annabeth! Come over here when you've finished eating."

Annabeth scarfed down the rest of her food and wiped her face with a napkin so she could hurry over to Chiron.

Chiron smirked, "You didn't have to rush, Annabeth. I was going to see if you would take Percy around until he gets the ropes of the camp. And if you or one of your siblings could take his nine-to-ten-thirty Ancient Greek." He reached down to pat Annabeths shoulder, "Don't try to do everything, Annabeth. You have your own schedule, you know." He gave her a gentle glare, "I know you don't need many of the activities you have but I think it's best for you to follow your schedule. For now. Now off you trot, off to the rapids. You can finish showing Percy around during Free Time before dinner."

Annabeth scowled but didn't talk back. She grabbed Percy's wrist and dragged him along. They were close to the edge of the lake before they both decided to talk at the same time. Neither could make out what the other said, so they both stopped talking.

Percy gestured to her, "You first."

Annabeth spoke, "What's going to happen at the summer solstice? What was stolen?"

Percy frowned, "Isn't that just the day with an equal amount of day and night? And as far as I know, nothing was stolen."

Annabeth shook her head, "No, that's the equinox. The solstice is the longest day of the year and shortest night." She looked at him, staying silent for a minute. When she determined whatever she was thinking, she frowned, "You really don't know, do you?" At his weak shrug, she swore.

Percy, while fairly amused, had to ask his question, "Not at all. So, do you know any other demigod that sees game-related things?"

Annabeth looked confused, "Game-related? What do you mean?"

"I mean… like names, levels and titles floating above peoples heads. Stats and hit points a character menu. But not in a game. Like, in real life." Percy shook his head, "Today has been really weird for me. I can't really explain it."

Annabeth frowned, "Are you talking about a video game?"

"... sort of? Like, I can see you right now. Above your head I can see your name, Annabeth Chase," Annabeth flinched at that. She hadn't told him her last name and Chiron never told anyone. Percy continued, "I can see you're level, too - It's fourty-seven. Mine is three - And your race. It doesn't give me your godly parent, if that's what you're going to ask. I have stat points - my luck is abysmal - and affinities. For all I know I might even-..."

Annabeth had looked more and more confused as Percy spoke. When he suddenly stopped she reached to wave her hand in front of his face, "Percy…? Are you there?" She flinched and slapped Percy when he suddenly grabbed her shoulders, "OH! Sorry Percy. You surprised me."

Percy rubbed his jaw, "No, no. It's okay." Giving a quick shake of his head and a hard squint, he looked to Annabeth, "You pack a heck of a hit." He smirked, "You deserve that high level. Anyway, I think I figured how to prove I'm not crazy. Not completely, at least."

Annabeth looked at him like he was being stupid, a look he'd earn for year to come, "How?"

"There's a thing in video games, mainly in newer ones. Groups of people gather together to fight challenging creatures. It's also a thing in some of the older, single player games with one player playing up to five people at once. It's called a party."

Annabeth gave him the same look as before.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Party invite Annabeth Chase."

A/N: Yes, I'm trying to a Gamer Fanfic again. Only, this time, no OC. Besides, it doesn't really work in the Percy Jackson series.

Yes, getting Annabeth to design the cabins seems a little rushed but I see it as her being smart enough to see the issues in Hermes cabin and planning accordingly. Even if it didn't happen in her lifetime.

This is a bit of a long chapter. The only story usually lasting this long is my Re:Monster story. And don't worry, I'm still working on that! But an idea came to me while I was working on that story and I thought it was so game-like, I might as well make a Gamer story.