Rewrite the Stars
Summary: "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." – Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land. FemHarry.
Just a warning: FemHarry, AU, Language, Clichés, Age Difference, Messed Time Line, More in the Future
Just so you know (Name): FemHarry's name is Charis Aster Potter. In Greek mythology, a Charis is one of the Charites or "Graces"; goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity and fertility. This name comes from a Ancient Greek word meaning "Grace", "Kindness" and "Life". Aster is a Ancient Greek word for "Star" while the meaning of the flower Aster can differ depending on the presentation, my favorites being "Elegance", "Patience" and "Daintiness". Also, the Ancient Greeks used to burn aster leaves to ward off both snakes and evil spirits.
I don't own anything related to Marvel or Harry Potter!
Chapter 1. The Man with Ice Blue Eyes
Twelve years old Harry Potter blinked as she stepped inside the Gryffindor Common Room to find a mix of Second and Fifth Years students gathered in front of the notice board.
Albeit curious to find out what was going on, the small girl hesitated to move, wondering if it won't be better to go back to the dorms instead of forcing herself to interact with people who, not so long ago, had bullied and excluded her because of a single rumor born from fear and malice.
Surely her curiosity wasn't worth the pain and effort.
"…talk to her…"
"…don't you go?"
Harry jumped, turning her head to see a familiar lanky red haired boy and a bushy haired girl standing not too far from her, their heads down as they whispered to each other while throwing a few looks in her direction.
Feeling her heart squeezing painfully against her chest, she turned her head away from them, looking down at her shoes.
No matter how many people had excluded or bullied her, no matter how uncomfortable she felt about all of it, Harry hadn't cared all that much about the actions or thoughts of all other Hogwarts' students.
Not only they didn't matter to her but she was also used to this kind of thing.
After all, her relatives had never said a single positive word about her, be it inside or out of their house. They saw her as freak of nature just as they had convinced the whole neighborhood that she was some kind of degenerated delinquent. And then there was her cousin and his gang; no hex or curse was worse than being kicked or pushed around by a group of boys who were two times bigger than her.
But when it came to Ron and Hermione…
The red haired boy and the bushy haired girl had been her first and best friends. The three of them had gone through so much together last year and the way they had immediately distanced themselves from her because of that rumor about her being the Heir of Slytherin or how they ignored hurt.
Harry had never truly felt lonely until the day Ron and Hermione turned their backs on her.
"…need to talk to her before she hides again."
"Ok, lets go." She heard Hermione mutter. Harry didn't even need to look up to know that the older girl had grabbed Rom's arm.
By the corner of her eyes, she noticed that the duo was actually walking in her direction. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked from the two other Second Years to the crowd gathered around the notice board.
It wasn't all that difficult to decide which one she would have deal with.
She knew that she should talk to the duo at some point but Harry really didn't want to do this now. So, scanning the crowd, she quickly found one of the few people in her life that she could – hopefully – currently call a friend.
Taking a deep breath, Harry quickly approached the crowd, stopping beside Neville Longbottom.
The blonde haired boy was staring up at the notice board, making a face as he seemed to think about something. Harry threw a look over shoulder, sighing with relief when she saw that Ron and Hermione backed away, before making sure that no one would pay her any attention as tucked the sleeve of Neville's robe.
"What's going on?" She whispered.
Despite the fact that her voice was nothing but a whisper, Neville jumped in fright. The chubby blue-eyed boy relaxed when he turned his head to see that it was Harry that standing so close to him.
The raven haired witch smiled softly.
Neville was part of the very small group of students who had never believed in that nonsense about her being the Heir of Slytherin. The blonde had even tried to help her a few times whenever someone bullied her but no one ever took him serious (Thankfully, they also ignored him. The last thing she wanted was for them to start bullying him because of her).
"It's a announcement about a meeting we'll have with Professor McGonagall today." Neville whispered back. "All Second Years will be speaking to her about what classes we want to take next year."
Harry nodded, hugging her school bag against her chest.
She knew about the electives Second Year students could take in their Third Year and to be honest, Harry barely had any idea of what they would be learning in those classes. This meeting would be a great opportunity to learn about them before making any kind of decision .
Looking away from Neville, the small witch craned her neck in an attempt of reading the notice on the board.
All Second Years are required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House today. In this meeting, they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future electives. Please note that times of individual appointments are listed below.
Harry's green eyes moved down the list and didn't stop until she found her name. She, the young witch found out, was expected in Professor McGonagall´s office at two in the afternoon, meaning that she would be missing her Charms lesson that day.
She grimaced at that.
Harry loved Charms. The funny Professor Flitwick was one of her favorite teachers and yeah, maybe she was biased. After all, he always helped her and was the only teacher who spoke of her mother instead of talking about James Potter over and over again every time they looked at her.
I wish it was Potions, Harry thought. Snape would be happy to not see me in his class.
Understatement of the century.
"What about the Fifth Years?" Harry asked after a moment, curious to know why the older students were also crowding around the notice board.
Neville blinked, "Oh, well – Our meeting with Professor McGonagall is about our electives but theirs will be about their career choices."
With that, he turned around slightly to point to at the tables of the Common Room, all of them surrounded by Fifth Year students and covered by batch of pamphlets and leaflets concerning various Wizarding careers.
"I see…" Harry muttered
Nope, she really didn't.
As interesting as some of those pamphlets were ("There're actually people who train Trolls?" Harry sputtered in disbelief only for Neville to scrunch his face and nod his head), Harry found the whole thing rather confusing.
She knew that the Fifth Years needed that kind of information because of their N.E.W.T.s but shouldn't the Second Years also talk about career choices? After all, what if she decided to try a career later on only to learn that she hadn't chosen the proper elective for it? What would she do then?
Shaking her head clear of those kinds of thoughts, she turned her attention back to Neville. Harry could talk about it with McGonagall later.
"Do you know what electives you're going to take?" The small girl asked as they walked away from the crowd and moved to a free corner of the Common Room, settling down in front of the fireplace.
Neville scrunched his face, looking a little put out. Harry sighed; she was pretty sure she knew what he was going to say.
"Gran wants me to take Care of Magical Creatures, Divination and Ancient Runes." He replied, rather dejected, "Those were the electives my father had chosen."
As expected, the green-eyed witch thought as she forced herself to smile, nodding before she mentally cursed Augusta Longbottom.
The older witch was so fixed in trying to mold her Grandson into a copy of his father that she was blind to how much damage this was causing.
And people still wondered why Neville was so shy.
The blue eyed smiled a little bit, "What about you Harry?"
She blinked, thinking about it for a moment and trying to come up with a answer.
At the beginning of the year, she had planned to take Care of Magical Creatures and Divination, mostly because that was what Ron said he would be picking and she had wanted to be with her first friend (She would have chosen the same classes as Hermione as well but the older girl wanted to take all of them).
But now…
Harry turned her head a little to see Ron and Hermione standing on the other side of the room, looking like they were arguing about something.
"I… I have no idea." She admitted.
Neville patted her shoulder, "I'm sure you'll decide soon."
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Harry tried to look through a few books to understand a little bit of the offered subjects before having to talk to Professor McGonagall but even with all information she got, the raven haired girl was still indecisive about her electives.
"Miss Potter?"
Harry jumped, head snapping to the side. From behind her desk, Professor McGonagall arched a eyebrow, managing to look curious, amused and stern at the same time.
The green-eyed girl made a face.
When had she reached the Transfiguration teacher's office? She hadn't even noticed that she left the Great Hall after lunch.
"Will you stand there all day?" McGonagall asked.
Harry shook her head, "No – Sorry."
The older black haired witch waved her hand dismissively and Harry moved from the doorway, closing the door behind her and then taking a seat across McGonagall.
"Biscuits, Miss Potter?" The Professor offered, making a motion to a tray of biscuits on the far end of her desk.
"No, thank you," Harry replied, watching as McGonagall opened what looked to be her file, "I just ate."
There was a moment of silence.
"Very well – Now, Miss Potter, what electives will you be taking next year?" The Professor asked, holding a eagle-feather quill to make any kind of notes if necessary.
"I-I don't know." She muttered, looking down at her hands. "I can't decide."
McGonagall sighed, "Well, that's normal. No need to be ashamed – Would you like learn the definition of each elective, Miss Potter?"
Slowly, Harry looked up, nodding her head a little.
The Cat Animagus hummed at this, leaning back against her seat before she started talking about each electives as well her own experiences with them. Harry paid attention to every single word that came out of the Professor's mouth and by the time the sharp eyed woman finally stopped speaking, Harry knew what she wanted.
"I would like to take Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy." Harry said after carefully thinking about the pros and cons of each class.
Giving her one of her rare smiles, McGonagall made a few notes on the file across her. Harry grinned as well; from what she heard about those classes, they were going to be rather fun.
"Can I help you can anything else?" Professor McGonagall asked.
Harry quickly shook her head, blinking the woman sighed with disappointment before dismissing her. The girl gave her teacher a look but walked out of the room, heading to the library with a confused look on her face.
What had just happened?
Harry shook her head and shrugged. Nah, forget it. Whatever the Transfiguration Professor was disappointed about couldn't have possibly been important if she just dismissed Harry like that.
As the Hogwarts Express pulled out of the Hogsmeade's station in the morning of June 19, Harry found herself sharing a compartment with Neville.
The green-eyed girl couldn't help but smile as they spoke about their future classes and the latest book they read. At some point, they started playing Exploding Snap and Harry even taught him a few silly Muggle games like hang-man.
And, by late in the afternoon, Harry could say that maybe – hopefully – they were better friends than before they stepped inside the train.
And, honestly, it felt to have a somewhat-close friend once again.
"Maybe we could write over summer?" Neville suggested shyly, just a little before the train reached the King's Cross station. "If you want to that's it." He added, sputtering a little, "I never really had friends that I could write to, only my cousins and –"
"I don't mind." Harry cut him off, smiling cheerfully despite how sad she felt at the realization of how similar the two of them were. "It'll be nice."
The chubby blonde haired boy smiled back widely. Then, he asked her about the plants on her Aunt's garden and the conversation only stopped after the two of them stepped through the barrier of the platform nine and three-quarters.
Waving at Neville as he walked away with his Grandmother, Harry started looking for her relatives, walking around in an attempt of making her search easier.
"Oh," She muttered under her breath when she finally noticed a familiar gorilla like man, "Great…" Not.
Uncle Vernon was, unfortunately, standing a good distance from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, eyeing them suspiciously and getting the same look in return.
Grimacing when she noticed that all Weasley children, including Ron, were standing behind their parents, Harry lowered her head and made her way to her Uncle, acting like she hadn't seen the family of red-heads.
Harry loved Mrs. and Mr. Weasley. She truly did. They were kind and had opened their house to her without a second thought. But talking to the couple would very well result in awkward conversations and the twelve years old was all for avoiding it right now.
When he saw her, Uncle Vernon greeted her in his usual fashion.
"Come girl," He snarled, "We don't have all day!"
Without waiting for a answer, the large dirty blonde haired man turned his back on her and started stomping toward the exit. Harry, of course, followed after him as fast as she could.
For such big man, Uncle Vernon could be very fast.
"Harry, dear!"
Harry started walking faster at Mrs. Weasley's voice, sending her a half-hearted smile and wave over her shoulder. Although she wanted to avoid the Weasleys, that didn't mean that was going to ignore Mrs. Weasley completely when the woman was talking to her.
Her actions took only a second, just a mere second, but it was enough for some kind of accident to happen.
Had she said how much of a trouble magnet she was? No? Well, she was a trouble magnet.
"I'm so sorry!" Harry winced, looking horrified at the tall man she had just ran over with her trolley.
Ignoring Hedwig's complains, Harry walked around the trolley to kneel next to the man, make a half-conscious note of how much black he was wearing (Almost as much as Snape did), and checking to see if he wasn't hurt.
"I'm really sorry!" She repeated, "Are you alright… sir?" Harry blinked, noticing that vacant, cold ice blue eyes were staring at her unblinkingly.
It was rather uncomfortable if not to say creepy.
"Re… Rebecca?" The man muttered, finally blinking as he started to look dazed, as if someone had hit him in the head and he was trying to remember something.
Harry paled.
She had hit him with the trolley! Had he hurt his head? Was trolley-induced amnesia a thing?!
At the same time, her Uncle bellowed, "Girl! What did you do?!"
Large hands made a motion to grab her arm and yank her up only for the man's gloved hand to reach out and take hold of Uncle Vernon's wrist, gripping it with enough strength to bruise if not to break it.
Harry winced as the man looked away from her to narrow his eyes at her Uncle. If possible, those blue eyes looked colder than before.
"…Don't… touch her…" He growled, his voice wavering with a mix of accents.
The green-eyed witch blinked, taken aback by how protective this strange man sounded. It would have been nice, if she knew him.
When Uncle sputtered, looking pale and people started to gather around them, Harry knew that she had to act.
So, with a shaky smile, she placed a hand over the man's arm.
"I'm really sorry about this." She said, feeling proud of herself as her words came out calmly rather than panicked, "But we need to go. Right, Uncle Vernon?"
Her Uncle nodded his head with enough force to break his neck.
The man turned to stare at her once more. Harry stared back, waiting. Soon, he drew his hand back.
"Thank you." Harry stood up, not all surprised when the dark haired man followed, "And I'm sorry again." She bowed her head slightly, not waiting for a reply before following her Uncle once more, Hedwig rattling along in front of her.
Just before she stepped outside, she turned around to check if the blue eyed man was still around.
He was no where to be seen though.
That, however, didn't explain why she felt like those ice-blue eyes were still staring at her.
So this was basically a introduction. Oh, just a warning. I'm not and will not be bashing anyone. This story will be told mostly from Harry's POV, at least in the beginning, so things are described as she sees them.
Also, friends change and grow apart. Unfortunately, this kind if thing is part of life... but the Golden Trio will make up… later… way later.
Anyway, hope you liked it and please, don't forget to:
Review, Favorite or Follow and if you have questions/suggestions, just send me a PM.