AN: Another story I have is the experimental phase. I have seen a lot of stories where Poison Ivy/Batman are used as an AU parentage. But surprisingly not a lot of stories where Selina Kyle is the mother. It actually makes sense to me in a lot of ways so I decided to write one. Right now, this story is in the testing phase. Updates will depend on how much interest is in it.

Chapter 1: Daddy's Little Bastard

Petunia Dursley frowned as she looked at the view of the grimy city that was outside. It wasn't the sort of place that normal folks would find suitable. Yet, next to New York City and Metropolis it was the largest city in the US. But Petunia wasn't impressed. She had saw all the warnings as soon as she got off the plane about the freaks that Gotham had. Not freaks like the boy, but close enough. It would be good enough for him.

She frowned as she thought about her nephew. He had no idea; he should be thanking her for that. He should be thanking her that she had enough sense to take him here and not leave him at that hospital, like she halfway thought about until she realized that she'd get arrested for abandonment. At least this way, she might be able to get something out of it.

At the very least the boy would no longer be her problem. She wouldn't have to pay for anything: the expensive treatments he would undoubtedly have to go through, the hospital stays, any of it, not even the box they'd undoubtedly have to bury his bony body in when he finally succumbed to disease.

"Are you okay, Pet?" Vernon asked sitting next to her in the hotel's restaurant. They were eating breakfast together alone. Dudley lived to sleep in and the boy…well, the boy wasn't hungry these days.

Vernon was the only one who knew of her plans. He had been upset about having to spend money on the plane ticket for the freak at first, but when Petunia explained everything he was a little bit more eager. In fact, giddy. And God knows, Dudley thought going to America instantly meant he was going to see some of those meta-freaks that he saw on the news.

Petunia hoped he wasn't that "lucky", the last thing she needed was a run in with one of those criminals. Criminals she was pretty sure attended the same freak school as her sister.

"Are you sure you want to go there by yourself?" Vernon asked her as he took a bite of his runny eggs. "It might be easier to get what we want if we were to go together and bring the boy. You know, we'd have the whole element of surprise."

Surprise was what they wanted. When the hospital had called to see if she could find any of the boy's records, Petunia tried to put it off. But when they mentioned that they might call child protective services, she made an effort to see what she could find. The last thing she expected to find was a long lost sister—one who by all of Lily's records appeared to be her long lost half sister.

A bloody half sister of all things. Apparently, Daddy had a bastard. Getting over that fact was hard enough, especially since Lily never had the audacity to mention her. Not that Petunia would've cared, but after seeing all those pictures of Lily looking chummy and sister-like with a then pregnant girl made Petunia fume. Her freak of a sister had never been that friendly with her! No, instead, she just wanted to hang out with that Severus boy. And then she had the audacity to find Vernon stuffy. Well, at least her husband's didn't lap on grease in his hair. Then again, Lily didn't marry Severus. She married that Potter man; she never did know what that was about.

There even was a picture of her at what appeared to be a hospital of some kind holding what appeared to be an infant Harry, next to her stood a beaming Lily and James. On the back of the picture was written a name: Selina.

The woman was obviously a teenager in those pictures; Petunia was betting that was one of the reasons she dumped off the kid. The girl resembled Lily. They both had those freakish green eyes of Daddy's. Mummy had always called them cat eyes. She should've just called them what they were, freak eyes. Both Selina and Lily had inherited their Grandma Rose's features. Pouty looking lips, heart-shaped faces, high cheekbones. As a kid, Petunia had been envious of those cheekbones. She took after more of her mother's side of the family—which meant she hadn't been exactly attractive, but she knew she came from a good line. The Winthrop family was of noble lines, not like the Evans family, she thought with a scowl. There had always been rumors that Grandma Rose had been wild in her younger days, and she guessed those traits had been passed down to her adulterous father and bastard sister.

In Lily's things she found and letter addressed to Selina and one to Harry. She read both of them—of course—because Petunia was a notorious snoop.

Besides, Lily was dead and Petunia was the boy's legally guardian she had every right to read what those letters said. The letter to the boy was pretty much the usual garbage Lily telling him that she loved him and that if she died, she wanted to know it was not his fault. She also told him that she wanted to know Selina, his birth mother.

Petunia laughed at this one since she knew all about that stupid prophecy that caused her sister to get herself blown up. The next one was addressed to this mysterious sister:


If you're reading this I'm dead. I know I told you not to worry about me when you left, but things unfortunately have gotten worse. I know you said that you weren't ready for a child, but who is?

I don't know who else I'd trust our son with besides you. You were the one who carried him for nine months. I know you don't see that as anything, but you could've chosen to get rid of him. But you didn't. You brought him to us, and you don't know how much we thank you for that.

He is yours though. A part of him always will be your little boy, Selina. And while I know that you have problems that need to get resolved, and that you couldn't be here for him, he needs you now. James and I aren't here and there is no one else I'd trust to protect our boy.

And yes, I know you're scared.

I think that's one of the reasons you haven't come to visit. Why you haven't answer my letters, why you left so suddenly. You are scared. I know you never told me much about how it happened—about who Harry's father is. But I can tell it upsets you.

You have nothing to be ashamed of, Kat. You were a kid and made the best of your situation, and Harry loves you. Just as much as he loves us. We tell him about you all the time, and when he's older he will know that he has two mums that will love him very much.

Or I hope we got to tell him that. Like I said, if you're reading this I am gone. There were things about my life that James and I didn't wanted to bother you with. We didn't think they would have any effect on Harry, but unfortunately we were wrong. You know about my special abilities, it seems your son has inherited them—my suspicion is that somewhere in the Evans line there was a witch or wizard. And a mad man is after him. There's a prophecy out there that says a child will be born around the same time our Harry was born that can defeat the Dark Lord. It's said that the parents were to thrice defy him. While I know we planned on having the adoption open, I never corrected anyone about Harry's origins. At the time, I thought it would protect him. The wizarding world is ridiculously prejudice towards people who come from mundane origin. However, not revealing the truth about him in the end turned out to a mistake.

Protect him, Selina. I'm sure you'll be able to do that. And above that, love him.

Your Sister,


Magic in the Evans line that made sense enough, Petunia thought as she scowled as she thought about the letter. Of course, she had so many connections, but the records also did reveal a birth certificate revealing the freak's mother's name as Selina Kyle. A couple of Google searches later, and Petunia was able a couple of news articles with the woman's name. Clicking on them, she was brought to the society columns of the Gotham Gazette and the woman who she saw in the pictures was a slightly older version of the girl who had been holding the freak in the pictures. She wore her hair shorter now, Petunia thought, but that wasn't the most revealing feature about the woman it was who held her arm—billionaire, Bruce Wayne.

To say the least, she was disgusted. It wasn't fair that the brat's own mother, was able to leave him with no repercussions and find herself sleeping with a billionaire while Petunia was stuck changing the little brat's nappies and then having to deal with all his freakishness.

Which was why she and Vernon were so sure they'd get a payoff for the kid. After all, those dresses her bastard of a sister was wearing had to cost something. If Lily's letter seemed to indicate anything, it was that the woman had some sort of feeling for her child. Or surely, she wouldn't want him to die. She'd pay for him especially if she found out that Petunia and Vernon were unwilling to pay for his freakish disease.

She still remembered the doctor's baffled expressions. Somehow the boy had managed to contact a rare disorder that was only being treated with limited amounts of success by experimental treatment. Treatment not covered by the Queen's coverage, which meant Petunia wasn't going to pay for it.

Of course, she didn't tell this to the doctors though. Instead, she said she would be seeking a second opinion.

Meaning, she was washing her hands of this and sending him off to his biological mother. She didn't even bother telling the boy of his real diagnosis, she didn't want him to alert the freaks. Vernon and her both agreed that it was best, and both of them thought they could easily get money from Selina maybe without even mentioning the disease. So, they had quietly made arrangements. Vernon asking for a transfer to Metropolis—a much safer city, even though they had that alien freak flying around rescuing anyone who was idiotic enough to fall out of a building—quietly putting the house on the market and slowly but surely removing all their things by shipping them to their new residence.

She had made sure no one knew they were leaving. In the meantime, they kept the boy sedated and comfortable best they could. The doctors said he was stable for now—the last thing they needed was him dying on their watch—and within a few weeks they had finally made their exit from the UK and the freaks for good.

And now here they were.

"Pet," Vernon said breaking her out of her thoughts. "Really, do you still want me to wait with Dudders and the freak at the hotel?"

Petunia nodded. " It's fine. Like I told you, I made an appointment with her secretary. She merely thinks that I'm a potential donor to that museum of hers. Seeing me should be a big enough shock, if Lily had the decency of telling her about me."

He laughed, "Boy, is she going to be in for a surprise."

"It's what the bastard deserves." Petunia said, "God knows, she has caused us enough pain for the past eleven years. I doped the boy up pretty good, so he won't be a bother. I had to do it when we were flying, he started getting sick and the flight attendants started asking questions. But he should be good for another few hours."

"I'll be glad when we get rid of him. Remember, don't settle anything less than ten million."

"She might not have the money, Vernon. It's very possible she's just arm candy. Getting rid of the freak should be easy enough."

"True," He said as he kissed her on the cheek before she departed

It was a nice place, Petunia thought as she walked up to Sphinx Gallery. Sphinx Gallery? What was that? When she entered the building she found it was in part that her sister had a liking for Egyptian art. Especially those creepy looking cats. Weren't they mummies? Who would want to buy that?

"Can I help you?" A quiet voice said.

"Yes," Petunia said remembering to be calm. "I have a noon appointment with Ms. Kyle."

The secretary nodded as she took in Petunia's appearance. Petunia frowned, she knew she wasn't dressed fancy by any means, but she knew she looked respectable. Although, a part of her knew her blouse was a little rumpled from the plane trip. She wanted to get rid of the freak, which was why she went here rather than changing into her nicer suit. Besides, she shouldn't be dressing up for her bastard sister.

A few minutes went by when she saw a dark haired young woman appearing from nowhere—the bastard.

Selina was not in a ridiculously low cut evening gown like she had been in those pictures that Petunia had on Google. Rather, she was dressed in a borderline short hunter green dress that shaped to her figure—she was obviously one for showing off her body, Petunia thought with a snort.

A respectable woman would've never worn such a dress, Petunia thought as she eyed her own dark brown skirt that appropriately covered her knees. She would've also worn demure shoes like the dark brown mules Petunia was wearing, not the high stiletto heeled boots Selina had on. Like Lily, it appeared that Selina had more of Rose Evans figure than Petunia. Inwardly, Petunia rolled her eyes reminding herself that respectable was a lot better than looking like a harlot.

As their eyes met, she saw Selina's widened. Good, she recognized her. At least that avoided one annoying explanation.

"I guess introductions are not necessary then," She said looking at Selina. "You do take after the Evans side of the family, don't you? I almost thought you were Lily for a minute, though you are a little thinner and your hair isn't that ridiculous red color."

"Petunia," She said. "I didn't—how did you?"

"Find out about your existence," She snapped. "Well, it seems Lily left a few documents behind when she got herself blown up. I suggest that we go somewhere private."

"There were things left behind?" Selina said. "I thought there was nothing from the wreckage. At least, I didn't see anything when I went back to the house."

"I was left some things." Petunia said. "Some of them belong to you."

Selina motioned her to follow her through to her office. The space was exceedingly large, and was surprisingly utilitarian.

"I'm hardly ever here," Selina said noticing Petunia's eying the nearly empty office. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming here, rather than using an alias? I would've been happy to meet with you in a more personal setting."

"You never tried to find me in the past," Petunia snapped. Not that she would've answered the door anyway, the last person she wanted to deal with was Daddy's bastard.

"Lily thought it would be best if we waited to tell you." She said, "Then when she was gone—I didn't know your husband's name."

"Dursley," She said. "She was right. I don't want a relationship with Daddy's bastard."

Selina frowned. "I can understand why you're hurt, but really calling me a bastard?"

"No," She said. "You don't. My mother was a respectable woman of noble lineage. She didn't deserve to be used this sort of way."

"I understand," Selina said. "I didn't even know who my real father was for a long time. I was surprised with how accepting Lily was."

"I'm sure you were." She said. "You and Lily seemed to have quite a few secrets."

She then threw Selina the letter that Lily had wrote.

"What's this?"

"Our dear sister left you a letter," Petunia said. "It explains everything. I want compensation though before I give it or the boy to you."

"Compensation? Boy?" Selina said confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Your bastard," Petunia hurled out. "That boy who didn't have a father that Lily had been passing of as her own I've been forced to raise him for the past eleven years. I want eleven years of child support payments from you."

"Bastard?" Selina said the color draining from her face. "My son—my son—died."

Petunia rolled her eyes. To be fair, Selina did look shocked. She probably really did think the freak died. Maybe she would've taken him off her hands earlier if she knew. No, Petunia doubted it. She knew women like Selina; they were more concerned about the size of their latest boyfriend's wallet than child. And with a kid, she would've never got anyone as rich as Bruce Wayne.

"I can assure you, he didn't." Petunia finally said. "He's here in this city. And I'm willing to cut my ties to him if the price is right."

"I don't believe you." The woman said. "They said no one survived that explosion."

Petunia expected some skepticism and she pulled out her proof, quickly taken photo of the boy that she had taken when he was on the plane.

"Is this proof enough?" She asked Selina.

She held out her phone, and watched Selina's face. She obviously recognized the boy.

"Where is he?" She finally managed to ask. "Is he okay, he looks ill? He's too small."

The cruel part of Petunia inwardly laughed and wanted to tell her bastard of a sister that the boy was dying, but she wanted her payoff. "So, you believe me that the brat's alive."

"My son is not a brat." The woman hissed.

"Excuse me, but you haven't been living with him for the last eleven years. You know that reminds me, I feel like I need to be compensated before I give him to you."

"You're trying to sell me my son?" The woman almost looked vicious—not like arm candy at all.

"I've fed and clothed him all these years," Petunia said keeping firm. "Believe me, it was the last thing I wanted to do. The little brat's all yours, just as long as you're willing to compensate me. Given your boyfriend, I think ten million is a nice price."

Before she knew it she was slapped. Or clawed was a better term since she felt Selina's nails tear into her face. It hurt more than she thought it would.

"Make that fifteen million." Petunia said wanting to make sure she got every penny out of Daddy's little bastard.

Selina looked like she was ready to pummel her.

"Touch me again, and it's twenty million. I'll be in town for a few days, I'll be at the Gotham Plaza if you want to be reasonable."

"You are disgusting," Selina snapped.

Petunia laughed. "No, that's you. The bastard who got herself knocked up at what—sixteen?"

"I was eighteen when he was born," Selina said frowning. "Is he okay? He looked so small, so pale."

"Twenty million, for questioning my care giving skills." Petunia said knowing that Vernon would pride her at being such a good negotiator. "I know who your boyfriend is, I know you have the money."

"It's not serious. "I don't have that type of money."

"I don't believe you. You can get it for me. Otherwise, I'm gone. And the boy is on the streets. It would be a shame if I dropped him off in the Narrows. The airport really advises staying away from that place. Or maybe I could have him committed. I hear that asylum you have in these parts is interesting. And as his legal guardian it wouldn't take that much convincing—"

Selina sighed as she glared at Petunia. "Let me see what I can do."

"Good, I'm glad you're able to see reason." The blonde said. "Now as soon as you can make that transfer, I'll have the boy delivered to you."

Chapter 2 Preview: Selina reflects on her long lost child.