Authors Note: Hey Everybody. Before you begin this chapter, just wanted to thank my new partner for this story ItsPenquinz. Whose suggestions and writing have allowed this chapter to be completed ahead of schedule. Hopefully we can ensure a more regular update to this story XD
And now, without further delay, I present you a galaxy far far away. Or at least my version of it after some...corrections lol
Though construction of his beloved project was proceeding far ahead of schedule, despite the unfornuate loss of one of his most promising scientists, Director Orson Krennic was nevertheless left with a foul taste in his mouth as he gazed at the incomplete battle station.
Yes his largely mechanical labor force had managed to complete to ensure that the Death Star had lost its initial skeletal appearance ahead of schedule. Though the increased pace of work had resulted in his carefully stockpiled supplies being used up at a pace that was currently proving difficult to replenish.
And yes Galen's passing, while tragic, had surprisingly enough revealed that perhaps he had overestimated his importance when it came to the development of the station's primary weapon.
He should have been happy that his plans to bring lasting peace to the galaxy were preceding at such a rapid pace, but the white uniformed director couldn't help but be reminded that this current rate of success was attributed to his hated rival.
Something which Tarkin made clear every time the jumped up hunter decided to make one of his 'surprise visits.
If the man hadn't already enjoyed the favor of the emperor, whose interest in this project was proof that the man truly knew what was best for the galaxy, Krennic would have considered to hire the services of some discreet, but highly successful bounty hunter to take the smugly superior man out.
But since Tarkin enjoyed the esteem of the man who recognized the need to transform a corrupt and decadent galactic government into a more efficient and secure entity, Krennic knew that indulging in such a scheme would mean not only the end of his career, but also his life.
Which meant that the only way he could surpass Tarkin in both rank and favor was to ensure that his management of Project Star Dust exceeded the understandably high expectations of the Emperor.
Which is why he had taken it upon himself to order his engineers to use their limited free time to theorize future applications for the technology that would solidify the Empire's control over the galaxy.
Most of them were impractical of course, but one of them possessed the same vision that, if rumors were to be believed, had inspired the idea to transform a planet into a machine that could profit from the wholesale destruction of a planet.
Of course such break throughs would remain theoretical for the next few decades, and would likely never be allowed to see production if they couldn't solve the problem of ensuring central control over the wide scaled deployment of such a weapon.
But he suspected that if the Emperor granted him the funding and resources to develop a planet killing weapon that could be carried by a single Star Destroyer, Krennic knew that such a security risk would be quickly solved.
Though knowing Tarkin lacked access to the same set of abilities that had transformed a rebellious, and slightly sociopathic teenager into one of the most powerful Sith Lords to ever exist, the Boy couldn't help but feel more than a touch of anxiety as he stood before the man who had in one timeline calmly ordered the destruction of an entire planet.
For unlike the Emperor, who seemed willing to tolerate a less formal bearing in his subordinates, so long as they were both loyal and competent, the Grand Moff left no doubt that he was a military man through and through.
"You may stand at ease boy. While I appreciate your attempts to adopt what I presume is a military stance, your bearing is painfully obvious that such an attempt is based off of…shall we say less than proper examples. So please, before you emberass yourself further, have a seat".
Swiftly obeying the curtly delivered order, a move that brought the tiniest nods of approval from the most ruthless character in Star Wars history, at least when it came to non Force sensitives, the boy was slightly taken back by the man's choice in conversational topics.
"Tell me boy. If you were to face an enemy fleet that enjoyed the benefits of having both numbers and surprise on their side, how would you go about achieving victory"?
Frowning as he considered this question, and recalling all that he knew from reading military books, both historical and fictional, the boy gave an answer that would hopefully satisfy the waiting Moff.
"If…such a thing were to occur, I would give the order for the majority of my forces to make it appear that they were preparing to retreat, while ordering my most skilled units to make every effort to destroy the enemy command ship. Whose loss would ensure that my numerically inferior forces have a better chance at winning the engagement".
Though his answer brought no perceivable change in Tarkin's expression, the transplanted Star Wars fan felt as if he had passed the first portion of a test as he wasn't immediately criticized for his answer.
Allowing a touch more confidence to enter his tone, the boy answered the question with what he hoped was a reasonable explanation.
"Because a larger force, specifically one that has been gathered to launch a surprise attack, would be adhering to a specific battle plan that leaves little room for error. If one were to take out the one responsible for ensuring the proper coordination of the forces that have been utilized for this plan, the enemy forces would be rendered temporarily confused and uncoordinated as they struggle to adopt to a situation that goes against what they were prepared for".
His words earning a thoughtful hum from the Grand Moff, the younger male wasn't sure if she should cringe or sigh in relief as Tarkin criticized his answer.
"An imaginative strategy whose chances of success are nevertheless still very low. Still, for one that had only recently begun his military career, I suppose it shows some promise. So I will ask you another question to see how far your grasp of strategy can reach".
Thinking that he was about to be asked something that was more in line with the Tarkin Doctrine, the boy was caught off guard by the next question.
"Why was the Separatist Alliance unable to win the Clone Wars despite possessing a numerically superior force"?
Knowing that it would be unwise to mention that it was because of the Jedi, whose battle prowess and willingness to fight on the frontlines tended to make up for their less than effective strategies, the boy wracked his brain before deciding on an answer that was not only true, but also lacked any mention of the Jedi.
"Because the Republic not only prevented the Separatists from linking their territory together during the opening stages of the war, but also because they failed to adequately protect important industrial centers like Geonosis and Muunilist".
For a moment, Tarkin said nothing as he turned his gaze to state into the slightly anxious expression of the transported fanboy. Only to give a very small nod of acceptance as he took a seat behind his immaculacy organized desk.
"An acceptable answer, if somewhat simplified. Still, it shows that you understand that wars cannot be won by superior tactics alone. Superior logistics, and efficient command of one's industrial capability will always result in victory".
Judging that it would be better not to point out the various examples when this wasn't the case, or even the examples when an smaller and inferiorly equipped nation nearly defeated their more lavishly supplied opponents, the boy decided to bring up a viewpoint that he knew Tarkin whole heartedly endorsed.
"But if the enemy is made to believe that they have no chance of victory, regardless of any sacrificial heroics, doesn't that render such an advantage obsolete"?
His words earning another small nod from the man who had casually ordered the destruction of an entire world, the boy wasn't sure if he should relax or start panicking as Tarkin soon sported a smirk.
"Indeed it does. But sadly, while the development of such an instrument has been increased, partly because of your suggestions, I'm afraid that for the time being the Empire will have to rely on the more traditional methods of combatting those that fail to accept their place in this galaxy. But discussing military strategy and revolutionary methods of galactic governance can wait. I have a more….personal question to ask of you that was suggest to me by the Emperor himself".
Wondering what the question could be, the boy was slightly taken back as Tarkin asked him a question that would have seemed random if not for his in depth knowledge of the Empire and its most important figures.
"Do you hunt"?
Silently making his way into to depths of the facility, a facility that only he and his most loyal subordinates knew about, the man responsible for finally burning the rotten structures of the Republic, and it's hypocritical crutch the Jedi Order, Palpatine considered the status of his minor, but no less amusing project.
He had no doubt that his attempts to turn young Tano would result in the girl's breaking. But whether said breaking would be in body or spirit, he neither knew nor particularly cared.
However, thanks to the influence of his most unique advisor, he had no doubt that he would enjoy the rather amusing attempt to make the former Padawan betray her Jedi teachings much like he had done for her master.
Such a thing could be accomplished by either driving her into despair by pointing out that Skywalker had fallen because she selfishly embarked on a journey of self discovery. Or by purposefully leaving out important details about her master's current…condition.
Gesturing with the Force to open the chamber that possessed one of the 3 pillars that served to first keep Skywalker in the light, then to increase the rate of his downfall, Palpatine smirked with sadistic amusement as he launched a torrent of Force Lightening into his sleeping prisoner.
Chuckling darkly as the girl was painfully brought back to consciousness, the Sith Master proceeded to circle the bound girl in a way that resembled a Nexu.
"Good morning Young Tano. I trust that you have had a pleasant enough time in my absence"?
Maintaining his smirk as the young Togruta scowled at him, Palpatine was largely unsurprised by her less than respectful tone.
"It was nice, before you decided to pollute it with your st….AARGGHHHHH".
Keeping the young Jedi under the full force of his barrage for another 10 seconds, the Emperor allowed his amused expression to morph into one of false sympathy as he commented on her current status.
"So quick to anger young one. I would have thought that your time within the ranks of the Jedi would have taught you better. But I suppose the fault cannot entirely be laid at your feet. The foolish Council did choose to assign you to knight that always had difficulty in reigning in his emotions".
Enjoying the girl's range of emotions, though he noted that her hatred of him was equaled by the despair she felt at the mention of her fallen master, Sidious adopted a look of disappointment as he felt her attempts to release her emotions into the Force.
"You disappointment my girl. I sense your anger, your hatred. And yet like the majority of the Jedi, you fail to take advantage of the power that they can bestow upon you".
Unleashing another torrent of Force Lightening into her chained form, the Sith master ended the blast before he began to impart his lesson.
"Your Jedi Order is dead because they were too weak to harness the true nature of the Force".
At this he released another short burst of lightening.
"The Republic is dead because people like you lacked the strength to do what needed to be done to preserve it".
Here he unleashed a noticeably longer dose of lightening.
"And perhaps the most significant of all, you could have done what Kenobi and Amidala could not. Preventing the downfall of Anakin Skywalker".
Maintaining his latest barrage until he sensed Tano's increasing inability to remain conscious, Sidious halted his attack. Which allowed him to hear his victim's latest gasp of defiance.
t…true. Anakin…didn't…need…me".
Cackling at the Togruta's rather amusing statement, the Emperor allowed a mocking smirk to spread across his features as he refuted this point.
"Like your former master, you are blind to the significance of the attachments he created to those close to him. For if you had acknowledged you importance to him, it is quite possible that his expiernece on Mustafar would have been far ippling than what had transpired".
Enjoying the look of anguish that was now being worn by his prisoner, Sidious took great delight in causing the horrified expression that came over her face as he revealed his latest piece of information.
"Though I suppose when compared to Kenobi's role in ensuring the current physical state of Skywalker, your role is insignificant. For like my first apprentice, Darth Maul, Kenobi had no hesitation in striking down my newest apprentice despite their relationship".
"You….you lie".
Grinning with savage glee as Ashoka processed this latest piece of information, the Emperor allowed a more than a hint of genuine disappointment enter his tone as he continued.
"I'm afraid not my dear. For without your constant presence, Kenobi's efforts to keep Skywalker loyal to the Jedi Order proved insufficient. And when he confronted my apprentice after he had dealt with the Separatist leaders, he managed to nearly destroy what I had spent the last 13 years cultivating. Something which continues to displease me I might add, even if it does grant me sufficient time to prepare for Lord Vader's eventual betrayal".
Fighting the urge to cackle as he imagined the future battle between his crippled Apprentice and his stolen progeny, Sidious returned his attention back to his captive.
"You my dear however have a choice. One that I have made not only to your former master, but also to those that desire to break away from the constraining tenants of the Jedi Order. Pledged your loyalty to me, and you shall be released from the chains that bind both your spirit and body".
Giving the former Jedi a moment to consider, the Sith Lord sneered at her answer.
"Go to hell Si…ARRRGHHHHHH".
Unleashing another wave of Force lightening into his now screaming captive, Sidious's menacing tones could still be heard over his cruel display of power.
"If you think this display of defiance accomplishes anything, you are mistaken. You will eventually succumb to the power of the Dark Side like your master before you. And when you do, you will understand that the only thing that matters in this universe isn't the ability to cling to some moral code. It's power. UNLIMITED POWER".
Increasing the intensity of his attack, the crackling sound of Force Lightening was surpasses by something that had sent chills into even the most powerful members of the Jedi Order.
The cackling of the one to achieve the revenge of the Sith.
Though the people of his planet cheered each time the Holonews reported the latest Imperial success, he could not help but scowl as his eyes were not blind to the implications of this information. As they had been opened thanks to the tragic loss of the only family he had left.
While most had been relieved that the leader of the Republic had been given the powers to protect them, he saw instead a set of chains that would bind their freedom.
When the Galaxy had all but cheered with the destruction of a religious order that had turned traitor, he knew that they had only earned that label because the Jedi would oppose the transition from a flawed democracy into a dictatorship.
And whereas people supported the decision to increase the size of new Imperial military in the face of the extremist Separatist remnant, he knew that this force would instead be used to ensure that Coruscant never again had to fear the evils of rebellious secession.
And to make matters even worse, the Empire was proving quite capable of exterminating those that, in time, could have summoned the necessary resources to challenge the poisonous influence of the newly appointed Emperor.
But, he supposed that some good came from these purges.
Yes he would miss the potential support he could have gained from those who had the strength to both recognize and resist the evil that was coursing through the galaxy. But he would also be free from the influence of those who could never understand what it took to combat an evil that made no distinction between proper combatants and innocent civilians.
His sister Steela had sadly been one of those people. But he liked to think that given enough time, she would recognize the truth that he had only recently discovered.
When fighting an enemy that could not be reasoned with, one could not allow anything to stand in the way of victory.
For in these dark times, there was no such thing as an innocent civilian.
Either they were actively contributing to the perpetuation of the evil that sought to enslave, or they were supporting it by continuing to turn a blind eye to what was going on in the rest of the galaxy.
Of course there were those that understood what needed to be done, and only required the barest opportunity to take up arms. But if their sacrifice could ensure greater support for the cause of freedom, he would not hesitate to involve them in what some might call 'collateral damage'.
But before he could begin his righteous crusade to drive back the latest evil to visit the galaxy, first he had to find like minded individuals to help him with his cause.
And sadly, since Onderon was sorely lacking them after the King had accepted the Empire's offer to help the system ward off any further Separatist aggression, Saw Gerrera knew he would have to abandon the planet he and his sister had loved in order to make his dream a reality.
And another chapter done XD
Yes I know its more filler, but I promise it will move the plot along. Though since said plot is more or less to consider what would happen if a fan told Palpatine the future, how much plot is there besides seeing the consequences XD
Also, pleased to announce that I finally have a partner to help me move this story along. ItzPenquinz was gracious enough to offer their aid in fleshing out my ideas, which in turn allowed me to increase the pace of my writing. Had the first segment of this chapter done for around 3 months now, but only in the last week or so did I complete the last 3 XD
Dont think I need to go into tooo much detail about what has recently transpired.
1st segment has Krennic being his jealous and ambitious self
2nd segment, the long awaited scene where the OC will finally get a name XD
3rd...more Palpy goodness. Just want to remind everybody...this story was made before rouge one aired...and thus before clone wars season Ashoka's fate before her capture is fluid.
4th...finally time to introduce a character that proved to be even too extreme for the Rebellion. will be interesting to see how he will act in a more imperially secure universe.
Also, for fans of my other 'advisor' story, I intend to either soon return to writing Disney...or doing something similar to this but in a different say one either created by Team Four Star or Little Kuriboh. Haven't quite decided if they'll be separate chapters or their own story, but something to look forward to XD
Anyways, plz review...keep flames to constructive criticism only...foul language will not be tolerated.
and til next time.