Disclaimer: The following story is a fan-made creation. I do not own Harry Potter, Star Wars or any other established fandom that may or may not occur. Please support the original material.
"Peace is a lie." Speech.
'There is only Passion' Force Ghost/Flashback/Alien Language/Droid.
"█▄██▄▄█▄▄█▄" Inarticulate/Creature Roar/s.
"With Passion I gain strength!" Holo-communication Speech.
"I see you did not die." Bane commented lightly upon his apprentices entry. "I feel I must congratulate you then. You have succeeded in creating quite a powerful Sith artefact."
Harry bowed in response, idly reaching up to touch at where his amulet was hanging from his neck underneath his shirt. "It did its job well Master."
"You have everything you need for your journey beyond this place?"
"There was some difficulty collecting a Wand." Harry admitted with a brief frown. "Without what the Magical's refer to as a 'magical core' I am unable to interface with the focus that they use to make use of their power and so I was unable to buy one from the shop that sells them. I was however able to find one in a bank vault under my family name. It will do as a suitable cover."
Bane nodded slowly. It was not unexpected. Those that were not Force Sensitives were unable to interface with artefacts that required a connection to The Force such as Holocrons; it stood to reason the same could be said on this wretched planet regarding the connection these Witches and Wizards had with their little sticks of wood.
"Good. By my memory you have a month until you are expected to leave for Hogwarts." Bane said as he stood up from his usual perch. "In the time we have, you will be training extensively with Taskmaster and myself. What little free time you have when not under the care of myself or that Droid would be best served sleeping."
"But Master, I should probably go over the course books that I got today at Diagon Alley." Harry argued. "I feel it would be best that when I go to attend this Hogwarts that I have some understanding of the world I am entering."
"Well then, my Apprentice." Bane smiled darkly at this. "You'd best learn how to read while dodging."
Locating and travelling to King's Cross on September 1st was not a difficult task. Taskmaster had assisted him in packing his belongings the night before into the archaic storage lockbox that the Magical's made use of; making sure that the eleven year old's personal effects were safely tucked away beneath a false bottom that had been installed. His Training-Saber, a Datapad that was connected to the 'Legacy's' network and archives and a few Sith texts were safely hidden away there for Harry.
When the day came Harry had flagged down a cab that had been loitering on the curb by a nearby pub; dominating the mind of the driver into taking him to London. The boy wasn't all that equipped to pay the man in any real sense. The Wizarding currency he had on him was not at all compatible with the monetary format that was used outside of their insular little world after all.
Hence the mind control.
Harry was not all that sure if the non-magical side of King's Cross was under surveillance so he had forced the driver to load his luggage onto a Trolley while the boy himself played the part of the invalid by leaning against the side of the cab looking for all intents and purposes as if a strong breeze could blow him over.
When his belongings had been loaded and the enthralled driver had wheeled it over to the boy, Harry dismissed the man with a wave of his hand, taking a moment to place a small suggestion within his mind to return to the pub at Glastonbury and have a drink and forget the day.
As the cab pulled away and set off on the long return trip, Harry leaned himself against the Trolley as he started to push it forward.
According to Quirrel's instructions it was the pillar at the exact halfway point along the platform between track's nine and ten that was the entry to Platform 9 ¾. Rather stupid considering the platform name did not indicate ½.
Already Harry could see a couple of other small groups; families, passing through the apparently solid brick pillar ahead of him. There wasn't even any indication of these Magicals attempting to be subtle about it. These people where just charging at the wall in full view of everyone.
And yet somehow, despite the clear and full show of people 'magically' disappearing as they ran into this pillar between Platform's nine and ten, not a single man woman or child seemed to take any notice.
Harry simply shook his head. At this point he could only surmise that a perception barrier had been put in place around the entry. Something that prevented any and all non-magicals from having any awareness of the strange behavior as well as the sudden and unexplained vanishing acts.
When the last family, a group of ragged looking red-heads passed through, Harry aligned himself with the barrier and ambled his way through. Running was a pointless action for this. It made no sense whatsoever to require a set speed in order to pass through.
The feeling, as he passed through the barrier and found himself transported across an unknown distance to where Platform 9 ¾ was really located, was revolting. Even with the amulet around his neck it felt like he had just passed through raw sewage and somehow stepped out still clean and smelling no worse.
Forcing his stomach down and briefly covering his mouth with a hand, Harry fought down the urge to vomit and continued onward.
The gleaming red steam engine earned nothing more than a raised eyebrow from the pre-teen as he approached the rear most carriage. Considering he had passed through what was essentially a portal he had been almost expecting something equally as magical. But an actual Train? Shiny and clean; possibly maintained and cared for through magical means, but a Train nonetheless. What was the point?
In the end, Harry cleared his mind of the bewilderment. The illogical nature of these people was best left with them. From what he could both see and sense through The Force the students were filling the train starting from the front most carriage, which meant that the rear of the Train was still unoccupied. This allowed the boy to enter, find a compartment and load his belongings without needing to concern himself with any witnesses.
Seating himself, Harry manipulated The Force to close the door to his compartment and draw the blinds shut. With any luck the milling Magicals would assume that the compartment was already occupied and pass it by; leaving him to his peace.
A moment of silence within the compartment before Harry turned back to his belongings and pulled out a book before returning to his seat and flipping it open to the page he had last visited the night before.
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.
The journey out of the station and London toward Hogwarts was, boring. There was no arguing this fact. It was boring. What amounted to an entire day of travel starting from Glastonbury Tor to London and then London to Hogwarts, Harry had wasted so much time that could have been spent in several different ways to further himself. He could have continued his lessons under Taskmaster or Master Bane, maybe furthered his knowledge of Sith secrets in the Legacy. But no, he had instead spent all this time in a small box surrounded by foolish and simple children that were far to curious and obnoxious for their own good; thereby preventing him from even pulling out his Datapad lest his risk discovery.
He really did wish that he was back home in the Legacy, not here as his Master wished.
But he was, and that was all there was to it really.
The boy could feel the Train slowing down and the minds of the students nearby becoming more active and excited. They had finally arrived at their destination.
"First Years! First Years this way!"
A thick, heavily accented voice belonging to that large man Hagrid that Harry recalled meeting, however briefly, at the Leaky Cauldron called out from outside as the Train came to a full and complete stop.
An announcement had been broadcasted five minutes prior to their arrival to inform first year students of what to do upon arrival regarding their belongings. According to the information provided; students were to leave their Trunks in the Train which would be brought into the castle by a third party and sent to their respective houses and Dormitories.
The very same broadcast had also advised students to change into their school robes which was the only reason why Harry was wearing the utterly ridiculous and cumbersome apparel. The closest comparison to these Wizarding Robes that Harry knew of was the attire of a Jedi and even then those were more in order to present an unassuming, docile image that could be quickly and easily removed in combat situations.
The less that was said about the pointed hat on his head the better.
The boy allowed himself to get lost within the crowd of students as he made his way over to where the large bearded man was ushering the rest of the first years. He held tight to his elevated annoyance as he allowed the older boys and girls to push him about as they all moved along, heedless of his own presence.
Three times Harry had to fight himself and relax his hands when he felt The Force rise up within him when a particularly rough nudge nearly tripped him up. Or when some vapid, gossiping girl trod on his toes while in mid conversation with her friends.
It would be oh so easy to just fry these tiny, insignificant people. Just one burst of-
No. Harry bit down on his anger. Forcing the impulsive desires down and forcing his emotional state to disconnect from The Force; stopping that Dark Side 'engine' from engaging.
When Harry did finally reach the destination that Hagrid had been directing him and the other first years to the boy felt a vein at his forehead throb as his mounting frustration grew ever so slightly.
Boats. What in the name of galactic sanity was the need for boats to get to the castle that could be seen situated on the far side of the large lake before him? Only the first years were here, giving strong implication to the fact that this was not the only way to get to the castle! Was it a power play? Some kind of psychological ploy designed to instil a sense of wonder and perhaps intimidation within new students? There could be some merit for that, curb any potential rebellious behaviour in troublesome students from the offset by making them feel immediately small against the grand and distant Hogwarts.
Movement. Harry tore his attention away from the lake and the distant Hogwarts as well as his theories as to the why this lake trip was necessary when he noticed that the other children his age were climbing into the waiting boats. No more than four to each one with the massive Hagrid already seated in his alone.
With a frown, still idly wishing that this ultimately pointless endeavour could have been avoided, Harry found an empty one and climbed in, deliberately seating himself so that his back would be facing the castle when they started moving.
The young Sith paid no heed to the other three bodies that clambered into the boat after him. Idly noting only that one of them had a particularly unique shade of blonde hair that stood apart from the others, before he closed his eyes and eased himself into a trance.
He needed to calm himself down.
The extended amount of time had frayed his control and allowed his emotional state to get the better of him. Something that was, not only unacceptable, but a failing that Master Bane would not forgive lightly.
He felt the moment when the boat departed from the shoreline, feeling the tiniest of pulses of cancerous magic as it started to move in the direction of the castle. He could absently hear fervent, hushed, whispers from the others around him, all affected by the atmosphere the boat ride had instilled and the visual sight of the castle nearing and then looming overhead as the boats crossed the lake.
Harry felt the disturbance beneath him, deep within the water of a large creature. No apparent aggression or sign of predatory instincts aimed even in his general direction, so nothing to be overly concerned with.
He managed to regain his control and re-center himself in time for when the boats reached the other side of the lake and Hagrid instructed everyone to disembark.
Harry took in his immediate surroundings as the giant man finally lead the first years up and into the castle through tired looking eyes. Occasionally stumbling in his steps and even slowing to the point were more than one impatient first year, quite rudely, pushed passed him.
Idly the young Sith found it amusing how easy it was to find himself at the back of the group with so many defenceless, exposed backs facing him.
Did these Magicals teach their children nothing of potential threats?
His entire life had been based upon the knowledge that the world, the galaxy, was filled with people and things that would gladly enjoy his death and/or suffering. Master Bane, Taskmaster, even Mad-Med had focused significant time into teaching him how to watch out for and handle such things. Harry could not fathom the 'hows' or 'whys' involved that would result in his would-be classmates just, well, not knowing any of this.
There was never a time back home where he could show such blatant disregard and comfort like what he was seeing. Taskmaster thrived in those moments of weakness.
Harry felt that his point was well made when he felt a shift in The Force as a block of stone on the steps that he and the other First years were ascending vanished briefly. The emerald eyed boy flicked his gaze, however briefly over in the direction of the vanished step, raising an eyebrow in faint interest when The Force shifted once more and the step returned. Had the stone vanished in the path of these children there could have been quite an incident given how oblivious they all were.
Everyone came to a stop toward the summit of the steps, Harry peering through the others ahead of him, and stepping to the side as the stone beneath his feet vanished without warning, to see Hagrid talking to an elderly looking woman with a stern, no-nonsense expression on her face.
The hairy giant gave one last smile down to the children, briefly winking to someone at the front of the group before stomping off and leaving the first years in the custody of this woman.
"My name, is Professor McGonagall. Allow me to be one of the first to welcome you to Hogwarts." The woman introduced clearly. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats, you will need to be first sorted into your houses. For the duration of your stay here, your House will be very similar to a family. You will attend classes with your housemates, sleep within your respective House dormitories and free time will be spent in one of the four common rooms associated to each House. These Houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each House is home to its own proud and noble history and has seen many a great wizard and witch pass through. During your time here at Hogwarts your success will earn your House points, while your failure and any, rule-breaking, will see your House lose points."
Harry rolled his eyes in annoyance. He had little interest in something as, pointless as 'House Points.' he very much doubt there was any long lasting effects that would reach beyond these walls to be concerned with and even then, these people and their society was so small it was more or less non-existent beyond their own planet's atmosphere.
Soon enough the collection of First Years started moving again as Professor McGonagall turned and lead them all into the Great Hall.
Possibly the first thing Harry noticed as he passed through the large oak doors and into the Great Hall was its ceiling. Admittedly it was an impressive piece of magic; the ceiling and roof of the hall appearing to be completely transparent and showing the starry night sky with the occasional wisp of cloud wafting through. Harry had been taught about such materials like Transparisteel; a metallic alloy that was completely see-though. But this was nothing like that. The means to manufacture Transparisteel required a level of technology that nothing on this world had even dreamed of reaching yet. There was no possible way that a technologically repressed culture could do it without the use of their magic.
So interested in the workings of the roof, a small part of his mind attempting to reverse engineer the mechanics behind it based upon what limited knowledge he had gathered on the workings of Magic thus far, that Harry missed majority of the goings on before him.
Harry recalled a faintly interesting reaction when a particular name; 'Longbottom Neville' was called as he continued his examination of the roof. A wave of hushed whispers and pointing from those seated at the four long tables that ran the length of the Great Hall. A rather pudgy looking boy with a vivid scar the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead shuffling up to the bench where Professor McGonagall place a, a hat? On his head.
Harry dismissed it from his thoughts. Unimportant, irrelevant. Most likely related to this Sorting that Professor McGonagall had alluded to and, if so, something he would find out about when his name was called.
"Potter, Harry!"
Hearing his name finally called, the called upon boy tore his gaze from the ceiling and approached the stool that Professor McGonagall was standing next to. She was holding up a filthy looking hat that very well appeared as it if was locked in time moments before falling apart. There was an admittedly large concentration of mutated Force imbued within and without this hat. It was so very close to the kind of concentration that Harry had become familiar with whenever Master Bane materialised back home.
Off in the peripheral of his vision; seated at the head table, Harry spotted Professor Quirrell there, looking down to him. The turban wearing man had an almost imperceptible smirk on his face as he met his eyes before turning away to speak with another Professor to his side. It would seem that the man was pleased with the image that Harry was able to currently project as he eased himself down onto the stool. Harry could feel the light concern wafting from Professor McGonagall at his apparent weakness.
The ratty looking hat came down over his head and partially covered his eyes as it settled.
'Oh my, this is quite a different experience.'
Any humor or peaceful curiosity felt by the young Sith vanished like ice on Mustofar the moment he heard that voice rattle around from within his head. Harry drew The Force in tight to him, his mind sharpening to a razor's edge and more than a dozen methods of violence and prolonged pain coming to his mind as possible avenue's to expel this intruder.
'There's no need for that. Whatever you have that keeps your mind shielded prevents me as well. The best I can do right now is speak only.' The Hat assured, a quiver of fear passing through the vocal tones of the scrap of fabric as it 'felt' the pain and suffering that its current wearer was preparing to unleash.
"And do you read the minds of all Hogwarts students when sorting them?" Harry muttered under his breath, barely a whisper as he turned his gaze upward toward the hat, his eyes flickering yellow as he fought down the rising Dark Side within him.
'It is how the Sorting works.' The Hat replied quickly. 'In order to assign a House to new students I look over their minds to determine dominant and potential personality traits. Gryffindor primarily suits courage, Hufflepuff supports loyalty and dedication, Ravenclaw holds to those with a keenness to further knowledge and understanding while Slytherin is a den for those of ambition.'
Harry brought himself under control and eased up on his hold over The Force; accepting the reasoning behind the Hat's actions. "And you are unable to properly intrude on my mind?"
'The best I can do is tell that you actually have a mind. Nothing more.'
Harry breathed out a silent sigh of relief. The amulet he had created was turning out to be even more valuable than he had initially believed. To be able to actually shield his mind from prying magic was a fortunate if unforeseen boon. He would have to investigate at one point to learn how it handled mental manipulation through The Force when he had the chance.
'AS it stands, if I am unable to enter your mind to gather the information I need, I must resort to accepting your choice in which house to sort you.'
"I can just pick one myself?"
To the onlookers of the Great Hall the Hat seemed to shrug in response to the undetectable conversation going on between itself and the first year that was wearing it. 'There is an element of choice for all students when being sorted. Very rarely does a student go into a house out of choice rather than my own judgement. Mainly due to the fact that majority of the young wizards and witches that attend here are quite willing to allow me to control the decision entirely.'
Harry said nothing, considering the decision to be made instead. If he was to be solely responsible for the House he was to be assigned to with no input from this 'Sorting Hat' then it needed to be carefully considered. He would, ultimately, have no-one to blame but himself later on if something went wrong.
Gryffindor was a house of courage and from what he could feel from those who sat at their table, their minds were filled with a sense of recklessness and short sighted impulsiveness that really did not appeal to Harry at all.
Hufflepuff; loyalty and dedication. From a more direct and altruistic standpoint these were not traditional Sith traits. And a quick probe into the minds of some of the older students painted a far less appealing image. Judgemental, stubborn and a pack mentality that rested on a knife's edge.
Slytherin. The house of ambition and if what he could sense held any weight to it; a slight sense of cunning and intelligence. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff both held shadier thoughts toward this house. Thoughts of distrust and in some cases; barely concealed hostility.
Ravenclaw. A house filled with students who desired knowledge and valued learning above other, more social, experiences found in a school setting. Harry could feel a sense of competitiveness from many of them; a desire to outdo their fellow Housemates and no small amount of pride in connection to what they each knew.
Hmm. Ravenclaw. It was a house he could quite easily get lost in and become unnoticed. Gryffindor would take a very clear notice of his studious intentions just as Hufflepuff would refuse to leave him alone out of an annoying sense of camaraderie and Slytherin would foolishly assume he was one to take advantage of after seeing his mask.
"Ravenclaw works well enough." Harry muttered, still keeping his voice to the level where not even Professor McGonagall could hear him from her position less than a foot and a half away from him.
'Are you sure?'
Harry gave a swift, almost nonexistent nod in reply. Ravenclaw would serve its purpose. In that house he would be able to sufficiently enough conceal his inability to perform magic and his mask of weakness would be further amplified with the academic guise of a 'bookworm.'
'Very well then...'
So we are trying to get back into the swing of things in updating stories despite the 'Covid-Crisis'. With public places like libraries closed it has made it difficult for the two of us to get together to pump out work. We have sorted out something to get us through so hopefully we can maintain some discipline and stay attentive to the chapters to come out.
This chapter isn't all that long considering but as this is more a 'transition' chapter, we feel that there's not all that much content to put in. we try not to write too short a chapter but in reality our chapter length is only as long or short as it needs to be to fit the tone and flow of the story as a whole.
One of the things we wanted to point out in this chapter is how different Harry's upbringing is from all the other 'magical' boys and girls. His mindset is far less relaxed and casual than theirs and at this point he is very much Sith.
Not sure what will be updated next so for those who are reading our other works just keep an eye out.