AN: This is a notice of Hiatus for this story going forward, and this is for a number of reasons. Firstly I am not entirely happy with the story, despite still very much liking the premise. Secondly this story has not received much support. Then thirdly a combination of the two points before have made it so I have lost any passion or inclination to continue for the moment. That being said I am not abandoning this story as I feel it is likely that I will return eventually.

This note is just to inform you of my decision and explain that although it will be on long term Hiatus I have no plans to abandon it anytime soon.

That being said I love the premise and some of the plot points and ideas I already have noted down. This is why I've decided to write another story, a Percy Jackson/ Game of Thrones crossover, only this one will have an AU version of Nico Di Angelo as the main character. Though I warn now I have made changes/ adjustments to aspects to his sexuality and personality so he will not be canon.

Also to note is that I am still continuing all my other stories and am actually in the midst of updating several at the moment. But still it is my choice as an author and my desire to start another story, after all I don't get paid for this I just do it for fun.

Thanks for reading and I'll catch you later.

When this story resumes I will delete this chapter.
