Author has written 33 stories for TV X-overs, Marvel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Amalgam Comics, Suicide Squad, Batman, DC Superheroes, Halloween, X-overs, Buffy X-overs, Moonlight, Quantum Leap, Lost In Space, Alien Nation, DC Elseworlds, Stranger Things, 2016, Doctor Who, Last Witch Hunter, Scream, and Planet of the Apes. I'm just an average guy who does an above average amount of reading. And now I'm trying my hand at writing. I started reading fanfiction back around 1996 or so. Fell in love with crossover fanfiction and was reading it so often that I soon couldn’t find any more in with the subjects I liked. (And I like a large assortment of TV and movie crossovers so you can just about imagine how many I must have consumed). Anyway, I started wondering what type of crossover story plot I’d like to read. Then I thought I’d see just how much of it I could write before I would give it up. But then after 10 pages, I found myself happy with what I wrote, and wrote some more. It wasn’t the best in the way of writing style, and there were errors scattered about. But it was mine, and so I shared it. Thus, began my A Tangled Web series which would take me a decade and a half to finish. And it was only in 8 Parts! A Tangled Web includes crossovers from 207 TV shows, 148 movies, 26 books, 5 comic strips, and 69 cartoons. Possibly the most crossovers in any fanfiction. No Anime unless you count a humorous chapter with Pokémon, which isn’t really Anime. I am currently revamping it, cleaning up errors, and reposting it as I go. I’ve had two other authors write their own spin-offs from the A Tangled Web series where some drunken Klingons get misplaced in the multiverse which I have posted here. Brock Joyner wrote Another Tangled Web. And Carycomic wrote A More Tangled Web. I have also posted about a dozen crossover stories for Carycomic which are listed below. The story I wrote after I finished A Tangled Web was a Harry Potter fanfiction. I’m not sure when I started reading Harry Potter, but I liked it. They were very imaginative and covered a wide variety of ideas. But I noticed that many of the plots seemed to follow the same pattern of ideas. So on a rainy day at the beach, I began to make a list of possible plots that I hadn’t seen used. And then I wrote The Day The Dursleys Came To Hogwarts. I claim it was for my kids, but it was also for myself and the readers. (Writers need reviews!) And it turned out really well. I’m happy to say I’ve received many reviews remarking on how original it was. I have also worked on a Suicide Squad story called Suicide Squad: A Grave Undertaking. It’s the DC Universe crossed over with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’ve also managed to drag in Sirius Black and loosely tie in the Marvel Universe by way of the Dial H for Hero Chris King. This story is being redone and I hope to repost it eventually, but meanwhile, what I have is still up for reading. I should explain that the Suicide Squad used for this story is a variation of that in the comics in the early 90’s; not the movie version which I liked. Hopefully I will have more for you soon. I decided to write out fanfic challenges to two of the stories I had written: The Day the Dursleys Came to Hogwarts and An Amalgamated Halloween. Dursleys at Hogwarts Challenge rules: 1. Dumbledore and previous headmasters of Hogwarts have been blocking the magical cores of the descendants of the Four Founders to keep them from taking control of the castle. Petunia is one of these descendants as well as Dudley, (you choose which one). Petunia and Lily are half-sisters so Lily is not a descendant of one of the Four Founders. 2. For some reason or other, Petunia and/or Dudley must be brought to Hogwarts without Dumbledore’s knowledge. Crossing onto the school grounds will unlock her magical core. 3. Harry and Hermione are to be a couple. Dumbledore and some of the Weasleys are against this because they have their own plans. Snape can be for or against them (writer’s preference on whether Snape is good or bad). 4. No sex in the story because I wish to let my young daughters read these. (Also, I just don’t write sex stories) 5. Petunia must learn of the headmaster’s tampering in her life. She works to free herself and her son. Vernon’s personality was not tampered with, and the writer can decide if he can change or not. 6. Writers choose the year they arrive at Hogwarts as well as the powers and abilities of Petunia and Dudley. Amalgam Halloween Challenge rules: 1) Has to be on Halloween. What year Harry is in doesn’t matter as much. (I prefer 4th year myself.) 2) Xander Harris has to be brought in to consult and oversee the project. He is able to do this by Hogwarts herself, or by Merlin, or some other creative means. 3) Harry and Hermione are to be a couple. Dumbledore and some of the Weasleys are against this because they have their own plans. Snape can be for or against them (writer’s preference on whether Snape is good or bad). 4) No sex in the story because I wish to let my young daughters read these. (Also, I just don’t write sex stories) 5) Xander is an older Xander who is serving as a Watcher in Africa to several young Slayers. (It could be a younger Xander if you like. But it must be Xander.) He will also be Harry and Hermione’s mentor. (I am keeping Xander in an amber cage so he can theoretically go back to his dimension easier, but that doesn’t not have to be the case in other people’s stories) 6) The amalgamation process has to have some similarities between those being copied and the host. And has to be done before Halloween is over to be permanent. (Or if you want, they could be temporary, and Xander will have to amalgam Harry and Hermione with different people for each task or other venture they are undertaking). 7) (This part I haven’t written on yet.) Xander will be called to do some amalgamations for some other people that will be temporary. 8) As they are taking on the aspects of heroes, the writer will have to come up with something heroic for them to do. Hope you like it and that it helps. Good luck. |
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