Yay! I finally finished my first book. Okay, it's an internet book, but that's practically the same thing. *performs victory dance* Thank you all!
When the twins are rent asunder,
All the world will hear him thunder.
When the Spider takes the child,
Lightning flashes, free and wild.
-The Foretelling, Salazar Slytherin
Harry hadn't visited.
That was all Mark could think of. That, and the sad look in Dumbledore's eyes as he'd told him, and the rage on Pomphrey's face when she confirmed.
He'd been in the hospital three days. Harry hadn't visited him once.
He'd known for a long time that they weren't as close as they used to be, which was, of course, entirely Harry's fault. The elder twin's jealousy had torn them apart. Jealousy of Mark's fame, of his power, of his friends. Harry had wanted Mark all to himself.
Oh, Mark had known all this for a long time, but he'd never dreamed that Harry's resentment went so deep.
Well, if Harry hadn't visited him, there was no reason for Mark to ever speak to his brother again.
And it served him right.
Remus Lupin shifted uncomfortably, glancing up at the sky. It was happening even without Harry, now. The lycanthrope could still feel his inner wolf stirring, restless.
"What is going on?" he muttered.
Around him, other werewolves seemed suddenly uneasy, as though a wind smelling of death had wafted through. "Did you feel that too?" he whispered to the woman next to him, a middle-aged brunette named Cynthia. She nodded, her dark eyes flecked with gold. Remus looked up at Tyr, and the elder nodded too. There was a touch of wonder on his face.
"Get back to work!" barked the Auror warden. The werewolves jumped. Most of them had completely forgotten that the ship from France needed to be unloaded.
Reluctantly, the laborers returned to their work. But their minds were far away from a damp dock in northern Scotland. Their minds roamed the woods in the light of the moon.
"You're different, Harry."
"What do you mean?"
"That's the problem… I don't know."
The boy sighed heavily, refusing to meet Sisith's gaze. His friend, understanding, left him. Harry stared into the sky with sightless eyes.
Dumbledore had won. The Flamels were dead, Voldemort was loose, and Mark… Mark hated him. Mark would be staying at Hogwarts for that summer, perhaps for six summers.
Perhaps was a loaded word. Harry's fist clenched. "Not if I can help it, you old spider," he whispered to the uncaring heavens.
Dumbledore had won the battle, but the war hadn't stopped. He hadn't won that.
The Parselmouth smiled grimly, his agile mind already plotting. Whatever the headmaster might think, he was not so easily beaten.
Harry turned, walked into the immense castle Hogwarts. Behind him, a flash momentarily brightened the sky. It was a comet, soaring across the constellation Serpens, as quick and brilliant as a flash of lightning.
In medieval times and even before, comets were seen as omens of something either very good or very bad (usually bad). Here… it's just an omen.
I'd like to thank you all for putting up with my sporadic updates and constant blathering. And reviews, of course.
Book two SPOILERS: Harry thought that his second year couldn't be worse than his first, but he was wrong. Kidnappings, prophecies, and two Heirs of Slytherin are bound to keep him busy!