Welcome back to Chapter 6! A major question about how the guard knew about the Pettigrew, will be answered very soon…hint, hint…so, without further delay…here we go!
Azkaban Prison
Sirus curled up tighter in his grim form to stay warm even in middle of summer. With the Dementors always outside his cell door it could be as hot as the sun outside and it would be freezing. As he drifted back to sleep the temperature started to rise, which signaled that the Dementors were leaving and that meant one thing. The human guards were entering the cell block. He quickly turned back to human form and stretched. He heard footsteps and for the millionth time he hoped that they were finally going to give him a trial or just throw him through the Veil. The footsteps stopped in front of his cell and a key was placed into the lock. The door opened with a horrible squeak and a warden entered.
"Get up Black, the rat has finally been found,"
"ABOUT BLOODY TIME!" cried Sirus.
Chapter 6: Hail Lord Black
Potter Castle: Kitchen
"But, Director, what about the proper protocol? We need to inform Minister Fudge and Chief Warlock Dumbledore to be able to do that", the auror stammered.
"I don't care right now! I will take the heat! Just get him out and to St. Mungo's within the hour, or you will be in Blacks cell once this is over with!", bellowed Madam Bones.
Harry then spoke up, "If you could, have the warden tell Sirius that 'the rat has finally been found', he will know what that means and will bring him a happiness that the Dementors will not be able to take from him."
The auror nodded and pulled a piece of string from his pocket and dropped it on Pettigrew and he disappeared. The auror spun on the spot and with a pop disappeared to.
Amelia sighed and turned to Arthur to finally ask for more detail about what the hell was going on but was interrupted when a shower a snow appeared in the kitchen and Molly along with it.
"If I was magically strong enough, I would kill that man," she screeched to Arthur without noticing Amelia, "The magic rolling from him because Harry read the will. We need to contact Amelia tomorrow to figure out something to do about him."
Molly was confused at her husband's smirk then turned around and yelped because the woman she wanted to contact was standing behind her.
"Madam Bones, what are you doing here? I know that Dumbledore violated several treaties with Gringotts, but I wouldn't expect you here so soon," Molly stated.
"Well, an elf came to the office and requested that I and some Aurors come quickly to Potter Castle. I arrived by Floo and was directed to the kitchen. I entered and found Arthur here holding Peter Pettigrew at wand po…", Amelia was flinched when Molly exploded screaming, "PETER PETTIGREW?! How the hell was he here? Director Ragnarök told me to contact you tomorrow, Madam Bones to show you the Potter Will, but it doesn't make sense that he would be caught so quickly."
"Molly, dear, Harry asked how long we had Scabbers and I put two and two together, I realized what he meant I stunned the rat. I forced it to change back into his human form. I stunned him again and Harry had an elf fetch Madam Bones."
"He was Scabbers all this time? Know that I think about it, it makes sense about his age. We owe Harry much more now. But, for now we need to deal with the Hippogriff in the room. Madam Bones, we discovered that Ginny is Rose Potter. Albus apparently cast a blood glamour on her to change her appearance to hide the fact that she was a Potter and convinced us to create a Betrothal Contract between House Weasley and House Potter."
With that Harry spoke up and made everyone jump because with everything being revealed, they forgot that Harry was still in the kitchen.
"I also discovered that I have infant blocks that were not removed, I only have the use of 25% of my magic. I also have several abilities blocked too and I am suffering from several loyalty potions."
"Harry, before I forget," Molly interrupted, "but tomorrow the Director wants you to come in to have one of the infant blocks removed, the ability ones removed to and the loyalty potions flushed. They will be also contacting House Greengrass and House Dagworth-Granger about the Betrothal Contracts tonight or early in the morning. He suggests that you might need to get some new robes to for the occasion."
"Well, it is getting late and I need to go talk to Sirie...excuse me Sirus Black and get his side of the story and do some digging into why the Potter Will was not read or the fact that Dumbledore knew that Sirius was innocent."
Madam Bones bade tonight and with a twist and pop, she was gone.
St. Mungo's Secure Ward
Sirus couldn't believe it, he was finally going to get the trail he was denied years ago. Who had found the rat? Was it Moony? Did the rat screw up and come out of hiding? Was it Harry? He couldn't wrap his head around all that was happening.
The guards didn't even shackle him when he was taken out of his cell. They even allowed him to take a shower in the prison guard shower area. He broke down and cried as the filth and grim was washed away. After he was finished showering off, they brought him a fresh set of clothing and a bowl of chicken broth. He has so hungry, he drank the broth in one gulp. After he was done eating and was clothed, the guards escorted him out of the prison. As he walked down the path to the edge of the wards to take the portkey to the hospital, Sirus turned around and looked at Azkaban one last time.
As soon as he arrived at the hospital, he was whisked away to the secure ward and was set upon by healers. They started casting diagnostic spells and began giving him potions to fix the problems commonly associated with a long term stay at the prison. He one of the healers who had found the rat but was told that all his answers would be answered once Madam Bones arrived.
St. Mungo's Secure Ward
It had been a while since the healers had improved his condition and moved on to other patients. Even with how he was treated at the prison he still was under Auror guard. His current guard whose name was Shacklebolt stood in the corner of the room and kept a sharp eye on him. Sirus had tried to ask several questions but the auror had answered with just silence. So, Sirus just sat and decided to wait. At some point Sirus had drifted off to sleep, when the door to his room opened and Madam Bones, who at one point would have been his wife, walked in.
"Amy…I mean Amelia, the warden told me that the rat was finally caught! How did you know he was a rat and how was he caught?" asked Sirus.
"Siri…by magic it is great to see you and you won't believe this but Harry, or should I say, Lord Potter told the auror to inform the warden to tell you that 'the rat had finally been found".
"Lord Potter? Harry finally took up his title? That means that he read the will. But why did it take so long for the Will to be read?"
"Siri, the reason it was not read when the former Lord and Lady Potter were murdered is because of Dumbledore. I cannot understand what he was thinking about when he knew that you were innocent. But for now, I need to formally ask you questions about the night of October 31, 1981. It is all a formality, but we must go by the book for this. If I hurry, then I can put Pettigrew and hopefully Dumbledore in the defendants' chair. I will not use Truth Potion because you are a Pureblood but with the evidence, I will get you off. I could take all the evidence to Fudge and strongarm him to just pardon you, but you were never formally charged or went to trial."
Amelia pulled a sheet of parchment and a quill from her robes. The parchment and quill flew out of her hands, hovering close to her.
"Check, Check," she spoke, and the quill wrote what she said. With a flick of her wand, she cleared the writing from the parchment.
"Today is Saturday August 1, 1992 and I am interviewing Heir Apparent Sirius Orion Black about the events of October 31, 1981," stated Amelia, "Heir Black, do you wave the right to a solicitor?"
"Of course not, but I thought that I was disowned by my family."
"We will go over that in a bit but for now, in your own words, explain what happened the night in question."
Sirius took in a deep breath, blew out slowly, and began to tell his tell, "Well that night, I couldn't sleep because something didn't feel right. I went to check on Peter and found his safehouse empty. I was worried, because the wards around the place hadn't fallen. I was about to go to Dumbledore, when the runes that were sown into my robes started to vibrate. I had left a warning rune cluster under the welcome mat and they sensed offensive magic. I ran outside the safehouse, but I don't know why I just didn't apperate a bit away from the cottage but instead I took my bike. By the time I arrived at the cottage, I found Hagrid leaving the ruins. I demanded that he hand over Harry, because I am his sworn Godfather, but he told me that Dumbledore wanted him to take Harry to the Dursleys. I started to argue but then I felt something come over me that made me want to go after Pettigrew."
"I have one question for you before you continue," interrupted Amelia, "What about Rose? Did you just see Harry and Rose or just Harry?"
"Who is this Rose you mentioned? I don't know anyone by that…"
Sirius tried to continue but he stopped, he grabbed his head, and started to cry.
"By magic, that was a rush, but how can I forget little Rose! Hagrid did have Rose too! I was about to force Hagrid to hand them over then Dumbledore showed up. He shook his head and sighed. The next thing I remember is the huge hole in front of me. Before I could do anything the DMLE arrived on scene. From what I could figure out, I was accused of killing Peter and twelve muggles, I started laughing and was stunned by the Aurors. I later woke up in Azkaban and waited until now."
Amelia grabbed the parchment and quill, "Dumbledore! I promise you Sirius, I will nail Dumbledore today or tomorrow at the latest. I will use so much Truth Potion on Pettigrew, he will drown. I hate to do this, but I must go Siri, I must get some sleep and then call an emergency session. The goblins will be here soon, they will explain why you are still the Heir Apparent."
With that said she stowed the quill and parchment back into her robes and left. Sirius didn't have time to relax, because a goblin in an expensive suit walked into the room. Shacklebolt came to attention but relaxed when the goblin waved him off.
"Heir Black, it is good to see you! If you don't remember me but I am Ripclaw, your families Account Manager," the goblin stated.
"Ah, may your gold be always overflowing! I do remember you from the times my parents took me to the bank. I am confused that you are here to administer the inheritance test. I was disowned by my mother."
"Yes, your mother did disown you, but the previous Lord Black didn't officially disown you. You are still entitled to be Lord Black. From what the director informed me, you will need to take the Lordship and be present at the emergency meeting."
Ripclaw snapped his fingers and a goblet appeared. He took pulled a ritual knife out of his suit. Shacklebolt pulled out his wand and pointed it at Sirius.
"I know you are innocent, but do not try anything with the knife, just the test. I will only warn you once," ordered the Auror.
Sirius slowly swiped the knife across his palm and Ripclaw collected the blood into the goblet. Ripclaw pulled a potion bottle and added it to the goblet. He took the knife back and walked over to a table that was in the room and pulled a piece of parchment. He put the parchment down on the table, spoke a spell over the goblet, and poured the blood/potion mixture onto the parchment.
After a moment, writing appeared on the parchment, Ripclaw read what was written, picked up the parchment and brought it over to Sirius. As Sirius read the inheritance test, Ripclaw snapped his fingers again, and a ornate box appeared. He handed it to Sirius, and he opened it. Inside was an old fashion beautiful ring. He picked it up and put it on. He could feel the Black family magic judging him and once it had the ring resized itself.
"Hail Lord Sirius Orion Black, may your victims quiver in fear, knowing that you are back," declared Ripclaw.