Reviews for The Cupboard Series 4: The Fourth School
C Dumbledore chapter 18 . 5/23
Well, now that I've started...
I love this. So - go goblins. And welcome Lord Potter.
C Dumbledore chapter 17 . 5/23
The main reason I have not been reviewing as I read is that this was written a good while back. I am enjoying the series thoroughly. What's stopped me to comment at this point is the concept of breaking the rules by participating because he's not of age. I have read an incredible amount of HP fanfic and I have never seen that concept before. I'm excited to see how it plays out.
Of course there are many other original things in this series, but that one really jumped out at me.
Just when I thought I'd read it all...
Nasabeast chapter 20 . 5/9
lmao, did you just call Welsh Gaelic
angiejohn chapter 37 . 4/30
I continue to absolutely love this story. Your ideas and approach are so new and unique. Love it, thank you.
FFFudgeUp chapter 37 . 4/2
Love this installment. Diricawl, stay strong!
WildOnionTops chapter 37 . 3/17
Good story!
WildOnionTops chapter 37 . 3/17
Good story!
Osmodious chapter 21 . 3/11
Ok, I’m much better with them having gone to Hogwarts now. I still think Minerva would have been more circumspect, but Harry’s tirade, and the adults’ acceptance, makes me feel a lot better about it.
Osmodious chapter 12 . 3/10
I’ve very much enjoyed this series, and the formation and development of the school has been interesting and fun...but I have a huge issue here with the Tri-Wiz. I do not believe that McGonagall, as you’ve written her, would be so immediately agreeable to this...especially given the dates involved. And, yes, I get that Harry requested he be treated like any other student...but this is beyond that. It is putting him directly in danger, and on the anniversary of his parents’ deaths, a date that has had issues for him each of the past three years. Further, she is his GUARDIAN. No, this one is far outside the bounds of credulity. I get you needed to get him there, but having his name come out of the Goblet would have done it...this tarnishes a character, two actually (if Harry just goes along with it, then he’d have regressed back to the ‘do what he’s told’ shell he forcefully broke out of).
Morgan chapter 5 . 3/3
A Female is a Headmistres.
Morgan chapter 5 . 3/3
Deputy Headmistress she's a female. Master is a male term.
Ruairi J.L chapter 26 . 2/5
I'm sorry, but as much as I enjoyed this chapter, it makes absolutely no sense. Dumbledore already knew that the contract was invalid and that he had not been Harry's guardian at the time it was signed. This was all explained in part three, in the very first chapter that he awakens after being knocked unconscious. Hell, he didn't even have to be told; he figured it out by himself. This type of continuity error is a real shame.
Ruairi J.L chapter 16 . 2/1
Shouldn't Harry already know who Ludo Bagman is after his time at the Quidditch World Cup?
Boomshanka chapter 33 . 1/15
A ferret? A meerkat? What is Harry?
Jade Dagger chapter 30 . 1/6
In which my dumbass should shut up and read further. Disregard last message. Sorry. XD
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