Disclaimer: I own nothing!

AN: It's been a while since I updated this story. I had to go back and re-read what I have already written. I hope I don't miss anything!

Also, it'll probably be kinda short. Had to ease my way back into this one.

Lily Potter sat at Molly Weasley's dining room table and fiddled with a spoon. Her thoughts rested on Harry.

She had thought after Neville defeated Voldemort that Harry and her godson were out of danger. While there was no apparent danger around her son, if someone were trying to harm him during his timeline, wouldn't that same person be here as well?

Lily felt strange thinking of this Harry as some other Lily's child. Harry James Potter was her child, no matter the timeline. She had a little experience studying various universes, but she had never actually encountered anyone who had traveled across multiple ones.

"More tea, dear?" Molly held the teapot in question. Lily smiled. This woman took care of Harry as much as she did. Lily shook her head.

"I think I've had enough, Molly. Thank you though." Looking out the window, she gasped a bit.

Walking up to the house were Harry and his fiancee, a girl that Lily herself couldn't have chosen better. Hermione Granger fit her son like a glove, and she kept him safe and loved when Lily herself could not.

What surprised Lily was the fact that even though this was a "different" Harry, the two still walked in sync, laughing at some private joke. He looked at Hermione with love, a love just as deep as it had ever been. Maybe there are greater powers at work here.

The two walked into the Burrow laughing until Harry caught sight of Lily. The smile immediately left his face, and Lily suddenly saw the boy who had lost his parents at such an early age. She saw the boy who had been abused at the hands of those entrusted to care for him. The boy who had lost Sirius and Remus. She ached to grab him and pull him close, to apologise for leaving him all those years ago. However, she stayed by the table and waited for him.

Hermione let go of his hand, and Harry stepped forward. "Mum?" A flash of recognition colored his deep emerald eyes. At her nod, he quickened his steps and flew into her arms.

"At least I know your Hermione was just as affectionate as ever," Lily laughed lightly. When she felt her shoulder dampening, she pulled her son tighter, giving him all the love he had missed out on for almost two decades.

Molly stood out of the way, wiping her eyes with her apron, and Hermione smiled a bit from her spot by the door. Lily held her son and allowed him to stay in her arms as long as he needed. Nothing else could possibly be more important than this.

Hermione slipped away for a moment and grabbed one of Harry's most prized possessions from his bag in Ron's room. She brought the photo album back down to the living room where mother and son had taken up residence. Harry was cleaning his face with a cool cloth, and he looked at Hermione when she walked back up and sat on his other side on the sofa.

"Hey," he whispered. She reached over and kissed him lightly, sighing with the satisfaction that his love for her was one thing that never changed. "Whatcha got there?"

"I thought once you and your mum had talked a bit, you could look at these photos and have some memories filled in."

Lily beamed at her future daughter-in-law. "That's a great idea, Hermione. Harry, would you mind grabbing me another cup of tea? I need to catch up with this young lady a bit."

Harry looked between the two of them. "Oh? Discussing what you've told me and what you haven't, eh?" A dramatic sigh. "Ugh! Fine. I'll leave you two at it!" Harry stood and walked into the kitchen.

Once he was out of earshot, Lily moved closer to Hermione. "Does he know?"

Hermione shook her head. "Not at all. He knows we've been together a good while, but not about the wedding in a couple of months."

Lily nodded. "I'll leave that for you two. I just didn't want to put my foot in my mouth." She bit her lip. "Hermione?"

The brunette, who had begun flipping through pages of the album, looked up. "Yes mum?"

"Any word on your parents?"

"Not yet. The last reports I've received place them in Sydney at the moment, but apparently they love to move around. They pick up jobs at various clinics around Australia."

Lily reached over and hugged the younger woman. "We'll find them. Does Harry know they're in Australia?"

A nod. "Other timeline Hermione had the same idea. He's already offered to go with me to find them."

"Of course he will." Lily looked up to see Harry poke his head around the corner. "Come on in, love. We're through talking about you."

Harry shyly walked back into the room and handed a mug of tea to both Lily and Hermione. Hermione took a sip and smiled, loving that he remembered the way she took her tea.

"Is it okay?" He looked a bit apprehensive.



Lily looked up from the photo album she was holding and into eyes just like hers. "Yes, love?"

Harry shifted quietly, not wanting to bother Hermione's reading. "Did you ever consider having any more kids?"

Lily closed the book slowly. "Well, Harry, I don't think it ever was an issue. We spent every moment possible with you, and we had Neville over a good bit. You two grew up together, so you never lacked for a brother. The Weasleys were fairly close to us, as well, so our family was plenty big enough." She looked at Harry pensively. "Why, love?"

He shrugged. "I was just curious. In my timeline, Dudley should have been like a brother to me. Until I met Hermione and Ron, I never had that type of connection with anyone. I'm glad I had Neville and the Weasleys growing up. I wish I had those memories."

Lily smiled and opened the album again. Finding what she was looking for, she turned the book to Harry. "Look at this picture." In the moving photograph, a group of children, with Harry in the middle, grinned at the camera as Harry blew out his candles on his cake. Harry recognized many redheads, a more outgoing Neville, as well as a few he wasn't familiar with.

"Who are these kids?"

A laugh. "This little blond thing right here is one Dudley Dursley, love. And to his right, that is his sister, Emilie."

Harry's eyes widened. "That's Dudley?" He pulled the album closer, sure his eyesight was failing him. "That can't be!"

Lily nodded. "Because we weren't killed that night, Petunia and I mended fences shortly after Halloween. We had been making the effort before, but the close call made us realize that life was too short. She left Vernon about a year after that, and she remarried a nice bloke from the city. They had Emilie together, and he formally adopted Duds. Vernon signed over his rights to the poor boy quickly."

A shrug. "That was probably a gift for Dudley. Vernon was terrible."

Hermione leaned over to look at the pictures she had seen countless times from this Harry's point of view. A nagging thought in the back of her brain kept pestering her, but she pushed it down. No need for negativity right now.

Ron walked into his room, surprised to see Hermione sitting on his bed. He walked slowly over to her and sat down across from her on the small cot Harry used when he was here.

"You ok, Hermione?" He looked at her faraway expression in worry.

She nodded. "I think so. I just needed to talk to you. Harry's with his mum. She took him to see their house. I stayed back to give them some time."

"And to give yourself a bit of time as well?" Ron guessed correctly.

"Ron," as if she didn't hear him, "where is our Harry?" The thought had been hounding

her since she woke up in his arms this morning, but she refused to allow it to come to light until Harry was gone.

Confused, Ron questioned, "What do you mean?"

Hermione shrugged. "I mean, Ronald, where is the boy I fell in love with? Where is my Harry, the guy who proposed to me a year ago? Did they switch places? Merge into one Harry? Will this Harry go away again?"

Ron began nodding slowly. "I haven't thought of that. We need to figure out what happened. At least give Harry some peace of mind."

Hermione felt her face heat up. He was right. Even though she was missing a fiance, Harry was missing his entire life.

"Ron, what do we do?" Asking Ron for advice was strange, yet Ron didn't blink an eye.

"We gotta have a family meeting."

Family meetings were a normal thing in this universe. Harry sat down on the couch slowly, Hermione beside him and his mum on the other side of her. Everyone (the Marauders excluded) gathered around the Weasley living room. To Harry's surprise, Ron stood and called the room to attention.

"Thank you for coming, everyone. As we all know, Harry's, well, he's going through a few things right now. With the battle still fresh on all of our minds, we need to figure out what this is quickly. Not only is Harry's normalcy at risk, his, or even our, life could be as well.

"We need to figure out what this is. Where is the Harry that was here before? Did he cease to exist entirely, or did he and this Harry merge? Finally, if the two did merge, who had the most motive for getting rid of their own 'Boy-Who-Lived'?"

Harry was baffled. The meeting was run as orderly as a session of the Wizengamot, and everyone in attendance had a suggestion.

"We'll start with Dumbledore," Alice Longbottom spoke up. "That old coot has to be behind it somehow."

Lily nodded. "I'll go with you, Alice. Frank, you and Arthur check around the Ministry. I'll check in with the Unspeakables themselves, but someone else could have influenced this through another department."

Bill volunteered to check in with the goblins at the bank, and the twins agreed to ask around both Hogsmeade (particularly about the night Harry blacked out) and Diagon Alley.

"Harry, Ron, Neville, and I will check in and around Hogwarts and talk to McGonagall. Maybe someone saw or heard something," Hermione suggested. The others agreed to keep an eye and ear out for anything suspicious, and the meeting was ended.

Lily turned to Harry and Hermione. "We'll figure it out. And Harry?" He looked at his mother. "You're still my son. Regardless of the last eighteen years, you're mine. I don't know what happened, but that won't change."