Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine.

Chapter 5

Mid-afternoon on his second week in St. Mungo's, Sirius was going stir-crazy. He'd traded one cell for another, even though this one smelled much better and had friendlier guards. They wouldn't let him get up and walk around, and were talking about him staying here for another week. That was not acceptable.

He wanted parchment and an owl so he could write someone to complain, but he didn't know who that person would be. Dumbledore seemed like the obvious choice, but Sirius didn't want to indebt himself to the man. Although Dumbledore was probably banking on Sirius already feeling indebted to him, he'd be wrong.

Sirius should have had his trial the day they brought him in or even a week later. Merlin, he'd have forgiven them if it had been a month. But according to Apprentice Healer Sally, Lucius bloody Malfoy, who anyone with eyes or a grain of sense knew was a Death Eater, was walking around free after claiming Imperious. That had been the bit of news that had destroyed any undue gratefulness to Dumbledore. If Malfoy could get off scot free when Dumbledore knew that they'd seen the man any number of times as a death eater, then Dumbledore had damn well better have gotten Sirius his trial, no matter how belated. It wasn't a gift or a favor to Sirius; it was what he was due.

And Sirius wanted to know why Dumbledore was going into Harry's guardianship with Gringotts now. He doubted (hoped feverishly) that his godson was not in Dumbledore's clutches, but he didn't know what to think.

The door opened then, and Healer Apprentice Sally poked her head in. "Good afternoon Lord Black, are you up for visitors?"

Sirius gave her a crooked half smile, designed to make her eyes melt the way they did towards him. "Of course, love, I'm always up for company."

She blushed becomingly. "I'll let him know." She left.

Him. Sirius sighed, his playboy facade dropping the moment the door closed. Was he finally going to get answers out of Dumbledore? He sniffed, but the spells on the room kept his nostrils annoyingly lemon filled. He didn't bother trying to listen because spells prevented that as well. He hadn't realized how much he relied on his improved senses until they were gone.

Apprentice Sally opened the door. "Don't excite him too much," she was telling his visitor.

Sirius opened his mouth to tell her what she could do with that rule when a wizard who was definitely not Dumbledore walked in.

"Have fun," Sally called before she closed the door, shutting Sirius in with Severus Snape without a wand to defend himself.

What the bloody fuck?

When Sally had told him about Malfoy, he'd been angry, but it was a hot rage. The type that led to rants and violent action had his target been within reach when he'd first heard the news. Once he'd ranted himself out though, the anger simmered but would only make him hate the man more, not take action.

But when she'd mentioned that Dumbledore had also gotten Snape free; that he'd also personally testified at that Slytherin bastard's trial and personally vouched for his character… Sally had stumbled back from Sirius, afraid of whatever she saw in his face. Sirius knew what he felt. Anger so intense that it went cold, frigid; freezing his entire body until he wouldn't be warm again until he bathed in blood.

The last time he'd felt like this was staring at the ruins of James' house in Godric's Hollow, that coldness creeping over him until he had to face Peter and draw the truth out of the rat's screaming body. Sirius had had to shut off his train of thought and change the subject at the time. Otherwise he'd have begun plotting the man's death. He might eschew a lot of things about being a Black, but this was one family trait that embraced him completely.

But now the Death Eater bastard was in here with him.

Ice jetted through Sirius's veins, spreading that coldness from the inside out. His magic gathered as well, heating the air so that the water in his glass boiled, but not affecting his artic body.

Snivellus hadn't changed from Sirius's last glimpse of him across a battlefield. The man's hair was still greasy and lank, his nose still a huge beak, and his skin was still pale and sallow. Black robes hung off of a frame only slightly larger than Sirius's and Sirius was suffering from severe malnourishment; he didn't know what Snape's excuse was.

"Black," Snape sneered, "don't look so worried, they took my wand at the front."

Sirius narrowed his eyes and reminded himself that he didn't want to go back to Azkaban. If he killed Snape now, he'd have no one else to blame it on. The ice remained, but he kept his head. Snape was full of it as usual. And Sirius was a Black; he knew that people carried around more than one wand.

"Snape," Sirius had enough restraint to not call him Snivellus. He was a grown man and he wouldn't stoop down unless Snape went there first. "What do you want?"

The dark-haired wizard scoffed. "As if you don't know."

"Know what?"

"This is not a subject to play games about, Black." Snape snapped.

Sirius blinked and studied Snape's body language. The other wizard was clearly uncomfortable being in the same room as him, and he was holding himself defensively. His face was almost neutral but his eyes gave him away. He was passionate about whatever this was. Sirius was tempted to say no just because, but he wanted to know what Snape thought he did.

"I'm not playing games, Snape," Sirius said. "You'll have to forgive me for not being up to date on everything, what with being newly freed from a place that you never had to set foot in. Pity really, since all your friends are there… still."

Snape shook, then his hands clenched. His words were tight. "And Albus hasn't said anything about his sudden need for your freedom?"

Albus, was it? Sirius's lip curled. "Albus hasn't spoken to me since he dropped me off here."

That made Snape blink, and an expression Sirius would have called fear on anyone with human feelings flitted across the other wizard's face. "You haven't signed anything have you? Made any transactions with Gringotts?"

Sirius crossed his arms; the action made Snape flinch and yes, Sirius was petty enough to smirk at the action. "No. You have the honor of being my first official visitor, Severus." He made sure to drawl the other man's name.

"Official visitor," Snape took a step forward. "Who was here unofficially?"

"No one," Sirius was tempted to leave it at that, but he wanted to know. Cats weren't the only curious creatures, and he'd love to destroy Snape with the information later. "Albus visited me while I was sleeping a few days ago, but left before I woke up."

Snape frowned. "Are you sure you didn't sign anything then? This is important Black!"

"No!" Sirius lost his temper. "And even if I did, it would be none of your business death eater!"

"Death Eater or not," Snape moved closer to the bed, "this is my business as much as it is yours. Since it seems that your ignorance is not feigned, I will tell you why I'm even subjecting myself to your presence. Believe me, if it wasn't of the upmost importance that I be here, I wouldn't be here."

"Why?" Sirius growled.

Snape took a deep breath. "I don't like you Black. I won't try to pretend that I've had some sort of epiphany and turn around. I know you don't like me. I can tell you that I have come to deeply regret my involvement with the Dark Lord for purely selfish reasons, but I doubt that you will believe me. What I'm hoping that you will believe, however, is that I have never stopped loving Lily-"

"Ha!" Sirius spit.

"I have never stopped loving Lily," Snape repeated as if he hadn't heard Sirius's outburst, "and for that, I made a vow to myself that I would do what I could to watch over her son."

"And what is this? The sad tragic tale of a man who couldn't let go?" Sirius could care less about Snape's feelings. He would in fact remember this to taunt him with it as he stood over former Slytherin's dying body.

Snape closed his eyes and muttered, "Merlin give me strength," under his breath. When he opened his eyes, they were still purpose filled. "No, this is my telling you, under supreme reluctance and much soul searching, that we are on the same side in this instance."

"You need help." Sirius had been in Azkaban, but Snape was the one who'd gone mad.

"Really?" Snape asked. "Azkaban has only improved your wit, I assure you."

If Sirius had had his wand, he would have killed Snape. "What. Is. Your. Point?"

Snape stepped back, and to Sirius's surprise, began pacing back and forth in front of his bed. "Albus left Lily's son with Petunia and her worthless muggle husband. He told me the child went somewhere 'safe' where he was protected, but the entire time he was with Petunia."

Sirius had to be hearing things. "I'm sorry. Did you just say that my godson went to-"

"Petunia!" Snape increased his pace. "She was always jealous of Lily as a child and no better as an adult and then that old fool left Lily's son there. Lily's son!"

The thought of Harry, that happy baby, smiling at him even after being fished from a destroyed building, in the hands and 'care' of Lily's sister left him cold in a way that had nothing to do with rage. He'd met the woman only once. She'd refused to touch her sister lest she be 'infected' as if magic were a horrible disease. Muggles like her were the reason the Statute of Secrecy was so important; they were so jealous that they demonized wizards and saw them as less than human.

And Snape reacting like this? Something had happened. Something he wasn't going to like. It would have to be bad to have Snape so upset that he came to Sirius and offered a truce.

"But how?" Sirius asked. "I know that James and Lily specifically stated in their will that Harry was to go to anyone but Petunia. Lily had even said that he would go to an orphanage first."

"According to Albus," Snape sneered, "since all other guardians of the will were indisposed, what with you being in Azkaban, Lupin being a werewolf, and Pettigrew being supposedly dead, it left Harry's placement up to him."

Sirius swallowed. "Charlus is dead then?" James's father had been like a second father to him. He knew he would have taken Harry in if he was still alive. After Dorea had died, Charlus had been depressed, but Harry had been a bright spot in his life and he'd always sent James and Lily things for the baby.

"Yes. Otherwise, I'd be with him right now, if your newly cleared name didn't make you Harry's legal guardian."

Charlus was dead and… Sirius swayed. Him. He was responsible for James' and Lily's son. "So I get custody." A goofy grin came over his face. But it slipped. Snape was still pacing, still upset about something worse than Harry being in Petunia's care. "What else aren't you telling me?"

Snape stopped pacing. "A week ago, Harry was removed from the home. Petunia and her family were placed in a private hospital that Albus refuses to tell me the name off and Harry spent three days in here before he was well enough to go home with the werewolf. They abused Lily's son so badly that his magic enchanted the entire damn house to kill them all!"

The glass cracked in his hospital window and the cup by his bedside exploded. Sirius wasn't aware of getting out of bed, until he felt Snape's robe grasped in his hands. The cold rage was back. Sirius didn't even know he could go so cold so often in such a short period of time. He wouldn't have thought it in him before.

"Severus Snape," he cooed, in a voice that would have made his mother proud, "you are going to tell me everything you know. Now."


Albus had timed his arrival into Sirius's room perfectly. The man should have just had his evening potions, which would make him calm, and eaten dinner, which should make him tired. It would be simple for Albus to come in, set the scene, and nudge Sirius into the direction that he wanted.

Harry could not stay with Remus; nothing against the werewolf, but it was not in any of Albus's plans and nothing good could come of it in the long run.

Harry also couldn't stay with Sirius; the wrongfully convicted wizard was so unsuitable that he made Remus look like the perfect father material.

He knew that if he let this go through any other channels, the proper channels, Lucius and his plants would have a dozen horribly unacceptable places for Harry to go. No, Harry needed to be in a low magic atmosphere, unaware of his fame, so he could have a simple life and be more impressed with Hogwarts once he came. The boy needed to appear as a muggleborn and be humble and pliant to the prophecy's needs.

Petunia would have been perfect if not for the abuse. It had been hard for Albus to find anyone that fit his requirements as he looked into wizards from the Weasleys to the Diggorys. He'd finally decided to adopt the boy himself and have him raised by Arabella Figg.

Yes, the woman had failed deplorably at keeping track of Harry, but once he'd interrogated her, he'd seen that she'd done what he'd asked; she just hadn't been able to do so well because of the same thing that had kept him unaware of the boy's issues. The boy's magic had made sure that he was well whenever he went out in public which was the only time she'd seen him, so she hadn't actually seen the abuse. He'd forgiven her, and she'd already agreed to help.

The past two weeks, he'd been busy setting up things, obliviating the right people, buying a new house for them to live in, some place without a magical presence, and getting Sirius out of jail so he could expedite things.

To be honest, getting Sirius out of jail hadn't originally been in his plans until he'd accidentally discovered the whole mix-up. He hadn't expected the goblins to refuse him entrance to Harry's vault when he'd come to draw galleons for Remus to use that first week Harry had stayed with him. That they'd made their refusal on the basis of him trying to defraud the bank had led to him talking his way out of a permanent ban from Gringotts and then sitting down to hear the will that he hadn't bothered listening to four years ago. It hadn't mattered then. Possession was most of the law and he'd had the baby.

It mattered now though, especially since Harry's outburst from abuse had set off certain alarms on his vaults, both his trust vault and his family one. The goblins had rules about abuse much more stringent than wizards and he'd had to assure them, just as he had Severus, that he was taking care of it. To the goblins, and Severus, he knew that 'taking care of' meant dead, but he'd settled for quietly alerting the muggle authorities to handle it. The goblins had nodded at his assurance and then read him the last will and testament of James and Lily Potter.

Most of it was predictable, Harry went to first his godfather Sirius, then Remus, then Peter, then to Charlus Potter, and then to Frank and Alice Longbottom. It said something about how bad the war was that they'd listed so many people.

What was not predictable, was the specific statement in the will that Harry not be, in any circumstances, left with Lily's sister, Petunia, and that he should be given to an orphanage instead of that. Neither was the memory Lily left for Harry and others. The memory where she said that Harry would be happy with Sirius, who they trusted enough to make their secret keeper, even though they'd switched to another of his possible guardians at the end.

To Albus, that changed everything. Things that hadn't made any sense surrounding the events of October 31st suddenly became clear. He'd always wondered what had made Sirius betray his friends and then not kill or attempt to kill Harry even when he had the opportunity to do so at a time when a loyal Death Eater would have been enraged by what killed their master. Instead, Sirius had given Hagrid his bike to get Harry to safety quicker, and went after his friend. That was the other thing that never made any sense to him.

Why attack Peter? At the time, Sirius had to know that Albus would have people looking for him, so he could have gone into hiding easily, but he choose to kill muggles while trying to kill his friend? Any one Albus'd voiced this question to had always brushed it off as Black being mad, but it had never settled with him. Now they knew. Sirius was innocent of betraying the Potters. Peter wasn't.

Albus had to give the goblins back some of his family's goblin made artifacts, but he kept them from prosecuting him for unknowingly violating the terms of the Potter's will. They still wouldn't recognize him as Harry's wizard guardian though, until Sirius gave up his rights. It was while arguing with them over how a convict had a better claim than him, Albus Dumbledore, that they told him nothing could be changed until Sirius was given a trial.

The old wizard had been flummoxed, because of course Sirius had a trial, all the other Death Eaters had had trials, but then he thought back and realized that thanks to his own testimony and the deaths of the muggles at the scene the Aurors had caught Sirius at, the man had just been convicted and thrown in jail.

Changing the goblin's mind was a fruitless endeavor, so Albus went to the Department of Law and found Amelia Bones. She was skeptical at first, especially when he refused to show her the memory (he hadn't taken it out of Gringotts), but the fact that Sirius had not been given a trial, was enough to get him one. After that, Albus put his maneuvering skills to the test and got the trial date he wanted and the audience he wanted to be there. Showing the goblins the trial date was enough to get them to release the memory to the Department of Law.

The rest came together rather nicely as Sirius under the truth serum told them a story that held up much better under scrutiny and made more sense. Most of the Wizengamot who'd been present were shamefaced at not giving Sirius a trial or the benefit of the doubt. Albus had capitalized on that, of course, for the future. Now, though, all he needed was for Sirius to sign him over Harry's guardianship, and his plans would be back into place. He hadn't found Voldemort yet, but he knew that the wizard was still out there. He could feel it. Harry had to be nurtured correctly to fulfill his role in the prophecy.

So Albus walked into Sirius's room right on time in his schedule, the guardianship papers in his possession, and then froze at what was waiting for him.

Sirius, more healthy than Albus had seen the younger wizard, sitting up in bed smiling at Severus who was smiling (as much as the man was able) back at him.

Albus cast a wordless finite incantatem, not believing the sight in front of him.

"Albus," Sirius drew out his name. "Fancy seeing you here, finally."

"The Healers said it was better to let you have your rest," the lie slipped out smoothly.

"They told you that?" This from his Potions master. "Because they told me that they were encouraging visitors, especially for a case like… Sirius's. Positive human companionship helps combat the lingering effects of the Dementors."

You could have pushed Albus over with a leaf. He knew that Severus was mad at him; he'd almost died when the head of Slytherin had learned about Harry. He only lived because Severus held himself back and because Minerva had blocked some of the man's more explosive spells, though she hadn't done anything else to help. The Deputy Headmistress had also denied that she told Severus in the first place, but she was the only one he had told, albeit reluctantly after she confronted him about what happened. The witch had put her own warning charms on Privet Drive.

Remembering that he had faced Severus and Minerva and lived, Albus reminded himself that he was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and that he had nothing to worry about.

"We must have talked to different Healers then," he gave them his best grandfather smile. "I thought Sirius would be well enough to talk by now and we have some official business to go over. Severus, I'm not sure that you need to be in here for this."

"Is it about Harry?" Sirius crossed his arms. "Because if it is, he can stay."

Albus felt a foreboding shadow fall over him. He had been around long enough to recognize that this meeting was about to go very badly for him. The way two enemies stood together united said it all. He wouldn't be mentioning the guardianship papers and from Sirius's perfectly polite expression, something that was no more real than Severus's neutral face, playing on his sense of owing Albus for getting him out of jail wouldn't work here either.

"Partially," Albus pulled out a long thin box and handed it to Sirius. "First, here's your wand. The healers approved you having it."

Sirius opened the box and picked up his wand. Pure joy lit up his face before it melted back into the pleasantly smiling mask he'd been aiming at Albus. "And?"

"And, since you are out of Azkaban, you are now Harry's guardian. You just need to go to Gringotts to make everything official." Albus said.

"How about in the Ministry?" Sirius asked. "Am I his guardian there too already?"

Severus stood like a dark bird, watching Albus like a hawk.

Albus wanted to grit his teeth. He smiled. "No, my boy, I'm currently his wizarding guardian."

"Well, now that I'm out of Azkaban, innocent of all charges, you'll be changing that I suppose. Do you want to make that stop together or will you do it now and I just make the necessary signatures after I go to Gringotts?" Sirius seemed calm, even easy-going, but Albus could sense his anger.

"I thought that I'd file the necessary paperwork after you got out of the hospital." Albus said. "Didn't want to burden you with too much."

"File the paperwork. I'll be out of here in a couple of days and I don't want any loose ends." Sirius tilted his head in an odd animal motion. "I want complete guardianship of my godson as you've shown you can't be trusted in that matter."

Albus's instincts were telling him to leave now. He cast a few silent shields and soldiered on. He might not get custody, but he could plant a few seeds that would hopefully take root. "That, my boy, was an unseen complication."

"An unseen complication," Sirius repeated affably to Severus. "Petunia and whatever maggot she married being abusive to Harry was an unseen complication."

The yellow bolt of light that broke Albus's shield was only unexpected in that Sirius had done it silently and that Albus had to quickly get another shield up in place.

"You will understand, Dumbledore, that I want you to have no part of Harry." Sirius's calm tone scared Albus more than screaming would have.

Yelling meant that he could be reasoned with, but this here… this was why people had been so quick to believe he'd betrayed his best friend to Voldemort.

The Black madness. That cold cold rage that allowed them to appear perfectly fine even as they plotted your murder. He'd seen it an all the Black's he'd taught over the years from Lucretia to Regulus and all those he'd worked with.

It was safe to say that he could no longer count on Sirius as a reliable pawn. He wasn't sure about Severus, but Sirius was gone. That was maddening.

"I understand your position, Sirius," Albus said seriously. "I have no excuses for what happened, save that I didn't plan for the boy's magic."

"Harry's magic?" Sirius bared his teeth. "Harry's magic has nothing to do with your gross negligence. You left my grandson on a known wizard hater's doorstep in a basket and then never checked in on him once? No home visits. No dropping by just to introduce yourself and get him ready for the wizarding world as is required by law. No. It was not Harry's magic that caused your failure."

Albus digested this. It was all true, but neither Sirius or Severus could see or understand why he wanted Harry to have as little to do with the wizarding world as possible until the proper moment. "I made mistakes but-"

"No buts." Sirius said. "I am so angry that I actually am considering if Harry needs to go to Hogwarts at all."

That couldn't happen. "I apologize Sirius, to you and Harry and-"

"At this point, words are not enough." Sirius said. "I just want Harry to be in my care and safe. So I am going to repeat, again, that I want all the paperwork done so that once I get out, I can sign what I need to and collect my godson. If you make any trouble, any at all, then the Daily Prophet is going to get an exclusive on what you've allowed to happen to Harry." Sirius gave Albus a smile that curdled his blood. "I will ruin you. I will use all of my resources to ensure that your name is synonymous with flobber worm waste. Do you understand?"

"I assure you, Sirius, that we both have Harry's interests in mind." Albus's plans were imploding. "I understand."

"Good. I'll see you around then."

It was a dismissal, so Albus nodded at Sirius and Severus and left. Severus and he needed to talk. The potions master had no real reason to be there. Albus had a feeling the man had only stayed to ensure that Albus didn't coerce Sirius into anything and then Obliviate him. He cursed the former Death eater even as he admired his cunning. Coercion and obliviation had been plan B.

Fortunately for himself, and the wizarding world, though plans A through M were ruined, he still had N to Z. Albus Dumbledore would not be thwarted.

A/N: Once more, real life had a hold of me. Then Sirius took hold of my muse and tried to make it all about him. Hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will focus more on the kids.