Author has written 108 stories for Star Wars, Valdemar universe, Lord of the Rings, Song of the Lioness, Sherwood Smith, Firefly, X-Files, Dresden Files, Dogma, Shakespeare, Doctor Who, Enchanted Forest, Pirates of the Caribbean, Inuyasha, Mummy, Sweeney Todd, Artemis Fowl, Scarlet Pimpernel, Mulan, Harry Potter, Sandman, Sarah Jane Adventures, Sherlock Holmes, Pinky and the Brain, Diana Wynne Jones, Miles Vorkosigan, Dresden Files, Torchwood, Hot Fuzz, Avatar: Last Airbender, Discworld, Great Mouse Detective, and Magic School Bus. Howdy. I'm Rosethorn, and I'm updating my bio after forever and a day because...well, it's old. About me: I'm female. I'm nineteen years old. I'm a college student. I'm a professional author. I'm a horsegirl to the bone. I like blue, butterflies, stained glass windows and explosions. I have a fascination with the sacred. I read and write fantasy, generally. I like to ice-skate, when I get the chance. I'm a fiend for chocolate, particularly chocolate mints. I have an alarming tendancy to fall in love with fictional characters. I roleplay; recently I've been involved in two Dresden Files forum-based RPG, a seriously nifty steampunk Victorian RPG, and a D&D campaign for the first time in my life. I'm a Jane Austen fan. I like silly romance novels and Shakespeare, RENT and Ragtime, mythology and musicals. I'm always on the lookout for more Dresden Files fans, especially recently. I'm an experienced editor and might beta for you if you ask nicely. To a specific reviewer: Hi! I am so grateful for your intelligent and thought-out criticism. You raised some very valid points and made a cogent argument. I am so pleased to get something like that in my inbox. It makes me aware of my flaws as a writer and shows me where I can improve. But, um, I think we crossed wires somewhere. The fic you were reviewing (What Planet Are You From?) was in no way intended to be serious or even a legitimate story. It was a prompt given to me for a crack crossover 'fest on LiveJournal that I thought other people here might have a giggle at. I put no real work into it, and I won't be continuing it (as it is clearly marked complete). So, while I'm really grateful for your criticism, I'm just a little bit puzzled by the story you chose to critique. However, if you're avaliable, I would love to have you look over some of my more serious work before I post it. You really have an incredible eye for the flaws of a story, and I'd love to use that in a slightly more constructive context. This would be in an author reply or a PM, but unfortunately you left an anonymous review, so this is the only way I have to respond. Sorry about this! Fandoms: The Dresden Files, The X-files, Firefly, Star Wars, Dogma, Andre Norton's Witch World, Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, Crown/Court Duel, Arthurian legends, Greek mythology, RENT, Man of La Mancha, 1776 and a plethora of other musicals, The Illusionist, Jane Austen, and recently Pirates of the Caribbean. |