Author has written 10 stories for Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Originals, X-Men: Evolution, A song of Ice and Fire, and Vampire Diaries. My favorite TV series are the Simpsons, Family Guy, Vampire Diaries, Originals, Doctor who, BTVS Favorite books: Harry Potter, Spooks, Darren Shan saga Favorite Vampire Diaries Pairing Rebekah/OFC I've pictured her in a femslash pairing since her episode on vampire diaries. Bonnie/Kol Elijah/OFC Klaus/Hayley Klaus needs to be with someone willing to do whats necesary but doesn't like it, and so I he should be with Hayley not with a golden girl like Caroline. Finn/Sage Stefan/Caroline Least Favorite Vampire Diaries Pairing Elena/Elijah he loved Tatia then Katherine and then Elena, does no one think he's using just Katherine and Elena to replace Tatia. Klaus/Caroline I've never understood this pairing, I don't think they should be together at all. Rebekah/Matt Matt does nothing but manipulate and use her plus he killed her brother. vampire diaries/originals/legacies character opinions. Klaus: Hate him at first but easily my favourite character by the end of the show. Rebekah: Used to be favourite character. She has so much potential but she never learns preventing her from ever becoming one of my favourite characters. Elijah: Used to be my favourite character but by the end I hated him. Kol: His personality changes to much and he becomes way to confusing so most of the shows I don't like him. Finn: A lot of people hate him but he is one of my favourite characters. Of all the characters on the show he has the most important reason to hate his siblings, they all betrayed and abandoned him, even Freya in the second season. I don't even hate him for killing Kol, but targetting Hope was to far. Freya: I go back anf forth but in general I do like her but she isn't one of my favourite characters. Favorite Harry Potter pairs Harry/Tonks Harry/Fleur Harry/Bellatrix only if their both dark Least favorite Harry Potter pairings Harry/Snape with the way he treats harry NO Harry/Hermione Harry/Ginny Favorite Game of thrones pairings Robb/ Margaery Jon/ Margaery Jon/ Shireen Opinions of game of thrones characters just because I need to get my thoughts out of my head: Catelyn Tully: I hate her, my least favourite character, but not because of the way she treated Jon. Her opinions of bastards was common in the age that its set and her fears about Jon taking her childrens birthrights is a legitimate fear, although it makes her a complete uptight and unforgivable bitch. The main reason I hate her is because of the fact that she acts all high and mighty, and pretends she knows everything yet she is directly responsible for starting the war, and indirectly responsible for her husbands death. She also crippled Robb's war efforts by releasing Jaime and making that betrothal to the Freys in the first place, and if there was one good thing about the Red Wedding it was that we didn't have to put up with her stupidity. Jon Snow: I like him, he's the only character in the show who cares nothing about power and sees the true threat but he isn't and never will be my favourite character because he doesn't learn from his mistakes. Sansa, Arya and even Cersei and learned from their mistakes and became much better because of it, but Jon doesn't. It looked like he was changing in Season 6, after he was brought back to life, but season 7 showed that he's still the same old Northern fool. Also I don't like Jon/Dany pairing, so many more interesting, albeit most are now dead, characters that I would have preferred to see him with. Cersei Lannister: For the first five seasons, watching her screw everything up is just hilarious, and though a lot of people hate her, she's the kind of evil and cunning character (in season 6 and 7) that I can't help but like. Daenerys: After season 8 I absolutely love her. ive always thought her incredibly arrogant and entitled but season 8 to me showed a more vulnerable and realistic version of her and she's now among one of my favourite characters after Arya and Jaime Shireen: I felt like crying when they killed her, she was such an innocent character and there was so much potential with her, yet the show killed her off, and officially ended House Baratheon which is probably my favourite family in Westeros. Sansa: Probably the most boring character in the entire show, even in season 7, though she was pretty bad ass in the way she outsmarted Littlefinger. In the end I don't really care much about her and I rarely read stories in which she's one of the main characters. Arya: I'm only going to write this once. She's my absolute FAVOURITE character, which is actually kind of ironic because I can't stand her character in the books, I don't what it is I just can't. Jaime: I don't like him in the first three seasons but after the fourth season he's probably my favourite character after Arya and I loved the way he left Cersei in season 7. Ellaria Sand: I hate her, more then any other character in the show, even Catelyn because at least I can understand her reasons. Ellaria on the other hand is just a complete bitch. She claims she's avenging Oberyn but she kills his brother and has his nephew assassinated, if Oberyn were alive he likely would have killed her himself. The Sand Snakes: I find them fascinating, I wont say that I either like them or dislike them because we haven’t seen enough of them so far for me to form a proper opinion but regardless I think they are very interesting characters, especially Obara and Sarella Tyrion: I really like him but as with Jon he's not my favourite character as he just seems rather naive especially considering how intelligent he's meant to be. He is completely blind to the actions of his family, he was lucky Jaime didn't turn him over to Cersei or kill him outright, and he beleived that load of bullshit that Cersei told him in season 7. Lyanna Stark: I'm not going to waste my breath on her. She's a spoilt brat nothing more and in the end she got what she deserved. Where does she get off running off with a married man and naming her son Aegon, which is a slap in the face of Elia Martell and the entirety of Dorne. Rhaegar: Oh boy, I hate him almost as much as I hate Catelyn and Ellaria. He may not have burned people alive, but he was just as mad and stupid and cruel as his father, leaving his TRUE wife and children to the mercy of the Mad King while he was screwing Lyanna in his TRUE wife's homeland. A lot of authors try to redeem him by making Aegon (Elia's son) stillborn and a fake and they really piss me off. Robb: I really liked Robb but in the end he brought his death on himself. He executed Lord Karstark and broke the alliance with the Freys costing him thousands of men, he left the ironborn to pillage the North, causing him the loyalty of his bannermen and he then decided to launch a suicidal assault on Casterly Rock, which would have destroyed half his army. Doran Martell: I really liked the book version of him, he was as cunning as Tywin Lannister but twice as patient, but the show version, well as much as I hate her for it, I understand why Ellaria killed him. Elia Martell: Probably one of the most tragic deaths in Game of Thrones and I love stories, as few as they are, in which she either doesn't marry Rhaegar or she manages to get out of King's Landing. Margaery Tyrell: I'm in two minds about her. She generally cares about the people, which makes her better then most but she's way too ambitious for my tastes. She married three different men, one gay, another mad and the third, in the books who's more then a decade younger then her, just so she can become queen. It's very off putting in my opinion. Oberyn Martell: A good man and a great warrior but he really messed up raising his children. Arianne Martell: When I first read the books she strikes me as the Dornish equivalent of Cersei being just as arrogant, paranoid and so sure of her own intelligence just like the Lannister queen. Her only redeeming feature was that she was genuinely remorseful for the consequences of her actions, Ser Arys' death and Myrcella's mutilation. Favourite great houses in Westeros 1) House Martell: Motherfucking bad asses who can't like them. 2) House Baratheon: A family that is becoming increasingly underrated in my opinion, a family that is truly great and worthy of ruling. 3) House Stark: They've ruled the North for eight thousand years. They deserve respect. Least favourite great houses in Westeros 1) House Targaryen: They lost their right to rule long ago, I stopped liking Daenerys is season 5 and I consider Jon more Stark then Targaryen. Though despite my dislike like for them I actually have a lot of ideas for them. They are dragon riders and the last descendent a of the greatest civilisation in the world. They could have been far greater then what they were. 2) House Frey: do I really need to write anything. 3) House Tully: With the exception of the Blackfish probably the most incompetent and stupid great house and I was even planning on writing a story with harry potter as a Tully in order to redeem them. Harry Potter/Game of thrones story ideas: Snake of Dorne: Harry or fem harry gets reborn as the oldest child of Prince Doran Martell as he/she helps his/her father and uncle bring justice to his/her murdered aunt and cousins. Powerful, and independent Dorne fic. I was planning on starting this but I started Mage of the Storm instead. What the Kracken grasps it never lets go: Harry is reborn as the eldest son of Quellon Greyjoy. With Euron they sail into Valyaria and Ashai and leave their mark on the world. Dark, powerful Harry and Euron. Wizard of Riverrun: Harry reborn as Hoster Tully's eldest son, and during the sack of King's Landing saves Elia Martell and her children. Harry/Elia pairing. Daeron the Conguerer: "When Aegon the First looked to Westeros he saw the land of opportunity, when I look west I see the past, but when I look east I see the future." Reborn as second son of the Mad King, after the sack of King's Landing but before the fall of Dragonstone. Game of thrones story ideas: The Silver Stag: Rhaegar Baratheon, the true born son of Robert of Cersei, but despised by both his parents for his Targeryen appearance. Rhaegar/Daenerys. Northern-Dornish coalition: The Dornish learn of Robb Stark's declaration of independence and follow his example. Robb/Arianne, Sansa/Quentyn or Arya/Trystane. The Red Vipress of Dorne: Rather then marry his son to the weak and frail Elia Martell, Aerys betrothed Rhaegar to the warrior princess of Dorne, Olivia Martell. Fem Oberyn. The queen in the North arises: An SI reborn as the oldest daughter of Rickard Stark, massively AU. Rhaegar beats Robert at the Trident and Ned also dies in the battle. Rather then bow to the Targaryens the Stark's declare their independence. Eventual Powerful North fic. Can be done as a crossover. Rise of the Rose: When Mace Tyrell learns of Balon's rebellion he starts to get ideas of being king of Highgarden. Rise of the Green Hand: House Gardener ruled the Reach for thousands of years but was forced into exile when the Targaryens conquered Westeros but during Robert's Rebellion the Gardeners return to reclaim their home. Things to do AT WAL-MART 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Electronics to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, "'Code 3' in housewares"... and see what happens. 5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?" 9. Look right into the security camera & use it as a mirror, and pick your nose. 10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are. 11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. 12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels. 13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through say, "PICK ME, PICK ME. 14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream, "NO! NO! It's those voices again!" 15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while and then yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!" 16. Get several bouncy balls and throw them down an aisle shouting "Pikachu, I choose you!" Repost this if you laughed... |
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