Reviews for The Dance is not over
Imafantotally chapter 34 . 9/10
Larys and Lady Tyrell are trying to murder each other. I guess it isn't very surprising since Larys Strong supports Hightower over Highgarden, has his hand in many plots which doesn't make him very popular. Both monarchs are very smart, but it looks like Baela is in a better position since the South still has their little games while the North doesn't. A side question: Sara Snow doesn't exist in this fic, right?
Paul chapter 34 . 9/10
Interesting realpolitik debate about the Dorne and Black alliance and Allianda being unmarried. Nice comments about Alyn.

Alan beesbury and his offer of loyalty are quite interesting although I feel like Larys is being scapegoated in that regard.

Not much of interest at the iron islands besides minor exposition on the leaders and how decriptmamd boring it is there.

The exposition about the three cities isn't much that we couldn't guess anyway and could have been covered in a short paragraph or two.

Stackspear may have some self interest but Infind myself agreeing with him over Larys. It might not work but it feels stupid of him not to try.

The Reyne alliance rejection and Baelas pregnancy are nice but could have been covered in Cregans POV section.
Caliberious chapter 1 . 9/10
Setting's quite nice
SeaFeudJagger chapter 1 . 9/7
Well, this has quite the interesting setup! Cregan Stark actually gets to stay as Lord Hand for longer than a week. Though I noticed that you aged Rickon up so as to fulfill the Pact of Ice and Fire. I'm cool with that decision. Baela is proving to be a fierce character already, Kingslayer at 15 years old! And a decent king finally holds King's Landing after the brutal reigns of Aegon II and Rhaenyra. His accepting of the crown for duty is giving me Stannis vibes.

It's so odd seeing the North, Riverlands and Vale actually teaming up to support a Targaryen on the throne. Even weirder that this Ramsay Bolton is actually a decent and friendly guy serving as LC at the Wall.

At the moment the Greens have the advantage of reclaiming the capital and gaining massive reinforcements from the Stormlands. But the North and the Vale are also at their top military strength and will be the backbone of the Blacks' army, with Cregan leading them for Baela. Daeron's dragon might tip the scale considering Tessarion is larger than Moondancer and more fit for battle compared to Sunfyre. It looks to be an even fight.

With the war continuing and the Ironborn on the loose, I have no doubt they would soon elect a king again and start reaving the rest of the Seven Kingdoms regardless on which side of the conflict. Not sure how long their rebellion will persist since the battle-ready dragons are still alive but for now I think the Ironborn are just happy to be back in the Old Way again.

Dorne is looking pretty opportunistic for war despite Prince Qoren's insistence for neutrality. I'm sensing an internal rebellion there as well.

Excited to see where this is going.
Imafantotally chapter 18 . 8/13
Didn’t Wikipedia say that Rickon Stark was like a year old when the Dance began? How old is Rickon and Cregan Stark right now?
Imafantotally chapter 33 . 8/12
I really do hope the Blacks win if they come to fight. The twins from Rhaena could hatch dragons with Daena already hatching one beats the two from the Green kids.

And Sheepstealer and Moondancer can beat Tessarion.
JimmyHall24 chapter 22 . 7/26
So how does a kid of House Swann end up in Johanna's shoes
JimmyHall24 chapter 20 . 7/26
This is kind of making me think of the Kyra Sevenstar character in a youtuber's CK2 AGOT playthrough story.

Love it.
JimmyHall24 chapter 15 . 7/26
Oh the old man in the North!
JimmyHall24 chapter 10 . 7/26
Well Royce its rather simple.


That's how it came to this.
JimmyHall24 chapter 4 . 7/26
JimmyHall24 chapter 3 . 7/26
The old man in the North getting to shine!
JimmyHall24 chapter 1 . 7/26
I re-read the fight between her and Aegon II while listening to Sabaton. Was great.

I always love a good OC and this is very different when compared to some of the other OC Targaryen fics I've come across.

Now I ride onward to chapter 2.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/26
Jasmine please
Gomjibar22 chapter 33 . 7/22
Another fantastic chapter! I was just thinking about your stories and was hoping for an updat, and you did not disappoint
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