Author has written 8 stories for Twilight, BioShock, Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon, and Worm. Update (2/16/19) I have some kind of mental block and can't work on Blacklight. Uuhhhhhhhhhghhghghhg. For some reason my brain wants me to write Worm fiction now. Update (2/3/18) Blacklight isn't abandoned and I am still alive. I've been re-motivated by reading some SI / OC Twilight stories and am now in the process of rewriting the Immovable Object / Unstoppable force series. Basically, Emily was too OP and won too easily and she thought too rationally. I didn't really change the original story that much by having a super-strong telekinetic involved in Eclipse and some of her decisions kinda sucked (but not in an interesting way). The new story is going to go back to the drawing board when she is investigating her brother's disappearance in Seattle. She's going to kill a lot of people, including main / supporting characters, and the story is going to go off in its own direction (where Breaking Dawn is not remotely possible). The original stuff will stay up. This'll just be a re-interpretation. Update (3/16/2015) I am a huge fan of supernatural media in any form (super heroes, monsters, magic, etc.). I also happen to be a Twilight fan, though I'm not so flamboyant about it. The Twilight universe itself intrigues me far more than the romance story does. About Me I'm a web developer who writes stuff in my spare time. I don't like onions. I do like pizza. Building a Universe I'm a sucker for interconnection and easter eggs; the kind of stuff that if you really pay attention, allows a deeper understanding of the story. A story's universe is extremely important (I'd even go so far to say it's ranked higher than the characters). If your reality isn't convincing or your world's physics are trash, you're going to fail badly. I've been told before "why bother with realism?" and "it's fantasy, why does this matter so much?", but this is no excuse. You have your own sandbox, here, so fortify your castle's walls before you try to build your plot and stick your characters inside it. Do you want to give your character an interesting power like invisibility? Great. That's a very useful power to have; it can add greatly to your plot if you use it correctly. Don't just stop at 'invisibility,' though. Think it through. How does it work? Does light somehow pass through your character or does it move around them? Or is it an illusion of the mind? What would happen if it started raining and the drops hit your character? Does the invisibility transfer to the clothing the character is wearing? If so, what is the limit? If not, what would that look like? Ask questions and try to poke holes in your idea. It will only make it stronger and more convincing. Emily Ambrose I've been reading Twilight fanfiction for quite a while now, and during that time I've gone through all types of different stories. The one thing that bugged me, though, is that almost all of them revolved around love, relationships, and the main character finding their 'soul mate.' There's nothing wrong with this, especially since Twilight is a romance story itself, but when that love story gets in the way of actual storytelling, I lose interest. And so, I decided to take a swing at my own character and her own fanfiction series. Emily isn't your average protagonist, especially since calling her a protagonist would be a stretch. She hasn't lost her way and isn't looking to redeem herself. She's not nice, and she certainly isn't the helpless damsel in distress. She is an unapologetic, murderous sociopath. When I was writing her, I leaned as far as I dared toward the chaotic evil side of the spectrum as I could without making her out to be completely unrelatable. Everyone in the Twilight universe seems to be trying to play by 'the rules.' The Volturi ensuring the secret is kept, the Cullens restricting their thirst, and the Quileute with their treaties. Fitting a murdering, sociopathic meta-human into a group of uptight vampires seemed like a good idea. It's fun as hell to write someone like her; I highly recommend trying it out. Link Me, Baby Marvel does it. I've seen it accomplished in Cloverfield and Heroes. It's even been in video games (especially easter eggs; those things rock). All of my stories I write on here are connected. No, they're not in the same universe (some of them won't even be the same category), but all of them will have certain events or characters that will line up with the rest (or maybe just a few). Have you read Symbiosis? Remember the car wreck? It's in Blacklight and it's suggested in Unstoppable Force as well. There are many others (some small, some not even implemented yet). Some of them even share characters. Personally, I think it adds a new dimension to reading when someone does something like this. You read one story after completing a previous one, and suddenly you catch a line someone said that is straight out of a chapter of another story. I think it's neat, even if it doesn't exactly fit nicely with the canon. Stories Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force [live] //Twilight I won't post the summary here; you can go read that yourself. This was my first fanfiction story, and though I love it, it doesn't have the greatest population in regards to reviews or reads. It's an Original Character story, so that may turn some of you off of it, but it is well thought out and supported (or so I think). I really planned out the universe in this story, and I hope that shows. Symbiosis [complete] //Twilight This was a story that came to me after reading one of the very few well written Meta-Twilight fanfictions. I wanted to do something like that, but I didn't want it to be a 'OMG the characters are here let's party!' kind of story. I wanted it to be as genuine as possible, from both the Twilight side of the story and the real life side. The Tanya part of the story wasn't planned at all when I was writing the first few chapters. It seemed like the right call, so I added her in, but I still (hopefully) won't let it turn into a sappy love fest. Blacklight [live] //Crossover (Twilight Prototype) This is something I am currently working on every so often, when I am burned out from writing the others and have nothing else to do. It's from Bella's POV, and will probably turn into a Bella/Alice pairing (though not excessively paired). It's my own take on the whole "Bella is not human and meets the Cullens" scenario. It will have brief snippits taken from [Prototype], but not enough (as in characters and locations) for me to call it a crossover. The Silver Age [writing] //Twilight A variation on my first story with a more sadistic, violent twist. Emily Ambrose aligned with the Cullens to get her brother back, but what if she didn't? What if she ran into Victoria before she could get to La Push? Catastrophic character death, most likely. A rewrite of the Immovable Object series that heavily diverges from the canon timeline. Athenian [writing] //Halo I was always a huge fan of the Halo games, but I only just recently started reading the fanfiction. I was compelled to write this after several hundred thousand awesome words of ass-kickery. This story focuses on the could-have-been alternate universe where the Insurgency managed to create their answer to Spartan super soldiers. The Phoenix [writing] //Walking Dead Basically the re-invented Left 4 Dead story below (a ways) with a focus on the Walking Dead universe rather than the Valve video game. Think non-romantic, un-magical Warm Bodies. The 4th Wall [writing] //Twilight One shot, quick bit of humor I thought up out of the blue after reading a few badly-written and horribly-edited fanfictions. Highly satirical. Rusted From The Rain [pre-writing] //Crossover(Twilight & Terminator) Takes place in a universe where the Cullens never came back for Bella and Judgement Day killed off most of the world's population, leaving the surviving humans and vampires to fight off Skynet's machine army. Quantum [pre-writing] //Twilight My first attempt at completely canon, in-universe fiction. It's original character heavy and won't be very long, but it'll stay true to the books while covering someone else's story. Fits somewhere between the middle of Twilight and after New Moon. Inheritor [just an idea] //Spider-Man A retelling of the Venom origin story from Eddie Brock's point of view. Mixture of Ultimate and 616 universes, along with some other Marvel crossovers. Long, Long Way From Home [just an idea] //Bioshock After a car accident, Emil Brock finds himself thrown back in time -- in another universe. She quickly finds things are not as they appear once he runs into some familiar faces from a popular video game series. Directly ties into my other story, Symbiosis. Anti-Venom [just an idea] //Twilight Edward sucked the venom from James' bite out of Bella's blood, but the tissue around the scar was left forever changed. What exactly happens when a human survives a vampire bite? Mortal Coil [just an idea] //Twilight Drastic alternate universe where the more classic type of vampires have taken the pole position as the apex predator. Humans are captured and bred for their blood and the few survivors out in the world must avoid capture. Old Soul [just an idea] //Crossover(Twilight & Vampire Diaries) Unbeknownst to Bella, she's not human and her father is not Charlie. Her world comes tumbling down after an unfortunate incident with Laurent in the meadow. Slither [just an idea] //Twilight My take on the popular theme of the wolves not saving Bella from Laurent in New Moon using one of my all-time favorite monster species. A Beautiful Day [just an idea] //Left 4 Dead A Witch wakes up fully cognizant, but unaware of what has happened to her. Rampancy [just an idea] //Bioshock A Big Daddy struggles to break free of the mental conditioning from the Protector program while keeping his Little Sister safe. Cat in the Box [just an idea] //Crossover (Twilight and many, many other universes) Bella dies when the wolves fail to save her from Laurent, but as she went something strange happened. Now able to pass through alternate timelines at will, she sets out to discover what it means to be both alive and dead simultaneously. |
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