Author has written 1 story for Twilight. MSc Postgrad. Professional short story writer - yeah, I have stuff published! In gen-u-ine, real-life books! Eee! I lived through the Twilight-pandemonium during my first years at uni, and, succumbing to peer-pressure, I joined in and read the books. Loved them. Strange Scales: is a hybrid of old and new writing. I started it in 2011, wrote a 100K words, but got distracted and never put it up for you guys to see. Now, I'm posting. It's also available at FictionPad, TWCS, AO3 and Twilighted. SS artwork: LittleNudgerLove's banner. 'Still My Bella' created by manu-chann, commissioned by silverhawk88: here. Thanks guys! Twitter: @NemmaW - links/news of my other work will be there. Facebook: Nemma Wollenfang (shows pretty photos of my original fic books! :)) News: Strange Scales NOMINATED for the 2015 Fanatic Fanfics Award!!! Favorite Action/Angst/Horror/Otherworld/WIP Fanfic. Finalist: Fav New Author! Thank you to everyone who voted! It meant a lot. :) Strange Scales got 'Featured Story of Week 4th January 2015' by TWCS. :) |
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