Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Hello Everyone. When I'm not on here writing about my favorite couples, I'm either reading a book, or writing at my own original works of fiction. I really dig the HP books and movies. I don't necessarily like how they ended with the epilogue, but on a whole they were great stories. The ending seemed rushed. Plus, I don't really see Hermione ending up with up with Ron, nor do I see her staying with him for twenty years if she did end up with him. Ron is too immature and not really smart enough to keep up with Hermione. I see her getting bored or just frustrated with him within a year or two before they broke up. Besides, they all grew up together in such a close nit group, that they seem more like siblings than lovers. Who would want to marry their brother or sister anyway. My all time favorite couple is Severus Snape and Hermione Granger. They just seem to balance each other out. He is a rude, snarky, hermit like bastard that needs her kind, and generous nature to keep him more positive. She needs his cynical views to keep her from seeing the world as nothing but sunshine and rainbows. They have so many things in common too. Their are both very smart, they both have a thirst for knowledge, a deep love of books, and they both have lived dangerous lives so they both understand how cruel the world can be Next fave couple is Remus Lupin and Hermione Granger. Hermione, I think, helps to keep him from sinking too much into his self loathing with what he is. He needs a strong woman to deal with his Lycanthropy and all it entails too. They both love reading books and both are intelligent enough to understand each other's conversations without needing a text book in front of them. I think they can both be themselves without worrying how the other will deal with who they are. I've read a few Lucius and Hermione stories and I like the ones where he realizes what all he has done. The ones where he not only finds himself, but finds that blood really doesn't matter and tries to make amends for it. I think Hermione would help him see all of this. Plus, I think he can help her get past the horrors of having been tortured by Bellatrix. I've read a few Draco and Hermione stories too. Some are pretty good with him realizing that he doesn't want to end up like his father. Where its more of a surprise to find the that the one person he's hated for so long, is the one person that helps him not only learn from his past, but helps to heal him from his fathers abusive teachings. I really hope to one day write at least one fic for all of my favorite couples. But that probably will take some time and lots of reading up to get their characters right. I'd hate to do them the injustice of writing them wrong. Hope you guys enjoy my stories. I love reviews, it lets me know what all people want to see in my stories, plus lets me know how I'm doing with my characterizations. I love PM's too. I try to get to everyone as quick as I can. If you don't log in with your review or at least leave me an email address, I can't respond. There are several I've gotten that really wish I could respond to. Some are funny and insightful and really make me wish I could chat with them more on their ideas. But if you hate what I've done, it's cool. I don't get bummed out by bad reviews or hash critics. I feel everyone has their opinions and if they don't like my stuff, that's fine. You can't please everyone all the time. Besides, some of the bad reviews or PM's are just plain funny. Take care all. I hope to hear from you about whichever story you have or are reading. I recently created a banner for A Chance in Time. I was bored and it was fun to play around with. Here is the website if you want to see it. Or at least a better pic than I have up right now. lol. http:///albums/zz223/GreeneydBabe/?action=view¤t=AchanceinTimebanner.jpg The banner for I have a Secret is here: http:///albums/zz223/GreeneydBabe/?action=view¤t=IhaveaSecretbanner.jpg New banner for The Wager is ready:http:///albums/zz223/GreeneydBabe/?action=view¤t=Thewager.jpg New Banner for When the Masks Come Off: http:///albums/zz223/GreeneydBabe/banner.jpg Also I want to give a Special Thanks to TequilaNervous for translating Wanting and Waiting into Spanish for me. It can be found at the following site Tequila also has translated Tabby's and Snakes here too: |
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