Author has written 27 stories for Digimon, Wheel of Time, Andromeda, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Foreigner Sequences, and Foreigner series. Time to edit the profile once more! I am... known here as ArieSemir, on LJ as travelintheways, and everywhere else as TravelerOfTheWays. I'm also a big nerdy romantic, as you might discover if you take a gander at my stories. They're almost all ships. I love to say that I've been writing fanfic since before I knew there was such a thing as fanfic. All I knew was I didn't like that Odo left at the end DS9, so I wrote him back in a very silly, melodramatic piece which I lost years ago (thank heavens). My favorite ships are: Andromeda - Tyr/Beka, Rhade/Beka, Charlemagne/Beka Harry Potter - Lucius/Hermione, Severus/Lily - Not that I think she necessarily should have ended up with him, but DH (minor spoilers!) showed such a poignant relationship between the two of them. Oh yeah, and if you too like Lucius/Hermione, I started a C2 with LM/HG fics, mostly but not exclusively romance. It's called "It's Never Black and White" because that ship really is never black and white. It's nice and all sorts of grey. Digimon - Ken/Yolei Doctor Who - Doctor/Rose, especially Nine But I read way more ships than that because, as stated, I'm a big nerdy romantic. If characters stay in character and can convince me, I'll probably like it. I can't add any more stories to my favorite stories here, though, boo-hoo :(. What else? Robin McKinely doesn't want fanfic of her work here, so the two Blue Sword fics are gone, languishing in the depths of my computer. If you want to read 'em, I can e-mail 'em to you. If you ever want to contact me, you can e-mail me at razberi1 at hotmail dot com. As I like to say... Read, Enjoy, Review! |
Aquila8 (1) Ascendant Angel (28) Colony (11) Conviction (23) Djinn1 (402) Duchess of Inkling (19) | Garnet Filigree1 (3) justaminuet (26) Lady Angharad (9) Limelight (20) Mala (132) mysterypoet66 (5) | prin69 (32) qjay (0) Rhiann (6) SerpentClara (9) Sylvyr Elf (18) Thought (100) tiberius1 (64) Tviokh (0) |