As The World Falls Down

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. I did not write any of the lyrics at the beginning of the chapter. This story is for entertainment purposes only.


Summary: Lucius Malfoy has lost everything. He only has the young witch who comes to his aid, but will happen when he remembers who he is, and more importantly, who she is?

A/N: What can I say to explain the delay in updates? Being in college sucks sometimes. I have been buried in schoolwork. Sorry this is sorta short, but I wanted to get this story updated. Thank you for the wonderful reviews!

Chapter 10 – Falls On Me


Your faith like the pain
Draws me in again
She washes all my wounds for me
The darkness in my veins
I never could explain
And I wonder if you ever see
Will you still believe?

Am I that strong
To carry on?
I might change your life
I might save my world
Could you save me?

Falls On Me – Fuel


Hermione let go of Lucius' hand as Harry scooped her up in his arms. "Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing his hands across her back.

"I'm fine Harry." Hermione replied, smiling at her best friend.

Harry nodded and let go of her, turning towards Lucius. "Remus, thank…" he trailed off as he noticed the older man was trembling.

Hermione turned to see why Harry had stopped speaking and quickly realized the potion was wearing off. Remus' short brown hair was growing longer and turning blonde. His warm, friendly face was morphing into Lucius' aristocratic and handsome face.

"Wha…. I….." Harry stuttered, turning back to Hermione, his face suddenly pale. "First Snape, then… then… Malfoy?"

"Harry, I…," she started to say.

"You what Hermione? Have you lost your mind? You trusted Snape enough to follow his plan and enter Malfoy Manor and you brought Lucius Malfoy with you?" Harry said, his voice high.

"Harry…," she tried again.

"What were you thinking? Were you even thinking at all Hermione? How could you trust this… this…" Harry waved his hand at Lucius, who stood silently. "Lucius Malfoy. Merlin Hermione, I thought you were smarter than this."

Hermione's chin began to tremble as she balled her hands into tight fists. "Smarter than this? Smarter than what Harry?" she asked, her own voice high. "I got you out of there, didn't I? Didn't we? I was thinking Harry. I was thinking clearly. I didn't just rush into something without thinking it through. You were not there when Snape showed up Harry. I believe him. It's a good thing I believed him to, isn't it? Or you three would still be hanging from a wall."

She paused for only a moment before looking over at Lucius. "And it's a damn good thing I brought Lucius with me, isn't it? If not I would be laying dead back at Malfoy Manor right now. Can't you get over your blind hate for a moment to understand anything Harry? He is not the same Lucius Malfoy you remember. He voluntary took Polyjuice potion to help me rescue you. He went into Malfoy Manor and came back out with us and he saved my life. I think that trusting him was the smartest thing I have done."

"She is right Harry. He did save her back there. If he knew who he was he wouldn't have tried, he would have been the one throwing the curse." Ron said from the corner.

Ginny stepped forward and took Harry's arm. "Look, they are right Harry. I don't know about Snape, but Malfoy must have lost his memory, and we need to try and trust him. It's late and we are all tired. Let's try and get some sleep and we will talk this over when we wake up."

Harry shook his head as he looked away from Hermione. Silently, he followed Ginny down the hallway to his room. Hermione jumped when she heard the door slam.

Ron smiled awkwardly at her. "Gin's right, after he gets some rest I'm sure he will calm down."

Hermione nodded and kissed his cheek before he slipped down the hallway towards his own room.

"Are you okay?" Lucius asked her, stepping up behind her.

Hermione turned around and smiled at him. "I'm fine. And thank you for earlier."

"You should get some sleep." Lucius replied.

"You need to sleep also. We will go into Diagon Alley later today and get you some fresh clothes. I think I can keep a glamour up for awhile so you will be safe." Hermione replied.

Lucius nodded. "For now I will sleep out here," he said, pointing to the couch.

Hermione sighed. "You should stay in my room. It would be best with the way Harry feels. I'll sleep out here."

"I…" Lucius started to protest.

"Honestly, it would be for the best. Go get some sleep," she replied, sitting down on the small couch.

Lucius nodded but didn't move from his spot. "Hermione, I don't know what to say to you. I don't know if any words…"

"I don't want to talk about it." Hermione stated, her voice suddenly cold.

"I need…" Lucius tried to say.

"Please." This time her voice was just a whisper. "Go to sleep."

Lucius looked down at the small woman and nodded before leaving her alone in the living room.

Hermione sank back on the couch and kicked off her shoes. She let the silent tears roll down her cheeks as she drew the blanket up to her chin.


Lucius could hear her crying. He knew she was trying to stay quiet, but the muffled sounds were seeping in through the walls. He turned to go back to her but stopped with his hand on the doorknob.

He was the one that raped her, how could he also be the one to offer her comfort? He couldn't offer her comfort. He would only be offering her more pain. Sighing, he turned toward the bed and sat down, his own eyes burning.

How could he have done the evil things she told him about? How could he have raped an innocent woman? She was so young and smart and gorgeous, why would he have ever raped her?

His body was exhausted but his mind wouldn't give him a chance to fall asleep. He laid on the bed listening to the muffled sobs and the echoes in his mind.

"Because I am the one who saved you the night Lucius Malfoy raped you!"

"Same dream again…I keep reliving it…Harry it's awful. I keep feeling him grab me, I feel him rape me all over again."


Hermione woke several hours later to find Ginny standing above her. "Hey sleepyhead."

She slowly sat up, looking at her redhead friend. "What time is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Almost five." Ginny replied.

"Already?" Hermione asked, jumping up. "Where is everyone else?"

"Well, Ron went back to the Burrow to fill everyone in on what happened. Remus showed up to let us know that Tonks is fine; they have a healthy baby boy now. Harry left with him to meet with Moody." Ginny answered.

"Where is Lucius?" Hermione asked.

"He hasn't come out of your room yet." Ginny replied. "Harry didn't want to leave us here with him, but once Remus heard about Lucius saving you last night he told Harry that we would be fine."

Hermione sighed. "I'm going to go take a shower and then I'll wake him up."

"I will make some soup and tea." Ginny replied.

Hermione smiled as the other girl bounced into the kitchen. She was just like Molly in so many ways.


Hermione inspected her face in the mirror. She felt much better after showering and putting on fresh clothes. There was a cut on her cheek that stung and she briefly wondered if she got it when Lucius knocked her to the ground.

Pulling her hair back into a loose ponytail she left the bathroom and heading towards her room to wake him up.

She knocked on the door softly. "Lucius?" she said. Waiting a moment she knocked again. "Lucius, are you up?"

When there was still no answer, Hermione slowly opened the door. "Lucius?" she said gently.

He was still sleeping, spread out on her bed above the covers. His pants and shoes were still on, but he had taken his shirt off and tossed it over her chair. Hermione felt her breath catch as she noticed his bare chest.

"Lucius," she said again as she walked over to the bed. She reached down and gently touched his naked shoulder. "Wake up."

"Hmmm…" he mumbled, but didn't open his eyes.

"Wake up Lucius. Come get something to eat," she repeated, shaking his shoulder again.

Lucius slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Hermione. Her wet curls were pulled back from her face and he could see the angry cut on her cheek.

"Are you awake?" she asked him, not noticing her hand was still resting on his shoulder.

Lucius nodded. He slowly sat up, feeling her hand slid off his shoulder as he did so. She was still standing in front of him and Lucius found himself raising his hand up to her face slowly. He noticed she was watching his hand closely, but she didn't flinch when he touched her this time, tracing his finger down her cut as he looked in her sad, brown eyes.

Hermione felt him touch her cheek, felt his finger burning her as it traced the cut. She looked into his eyes as a torrent of emotions flooded her at once. Fear, sadness and a strange feeling she couldn't name.

Silently, she turned away from him and left the room so quickly that his hand was still hanging in mid-air as the door shut.