Author has written 39 stories for Instant Star, Cold Case, Law and Order: SVU, Law and Order: CI, X-Files, Mentalist, Bones, NCIS, and Castle. I'm 20, and a Junior in College in Louisiana. Some of my favorite things are, in no particular order-- poetry, fountain pens, tea, Oscar Wilde, baseball, stuffed animals, used bookstores, and sunflowers. I write fanfic sporadically-- sometimes it's almost all I do, sometimes I go months without it. It just kind of depends on how obsessed I am with whatever TV shows I am watching at any particular moment. I started this account when I was fifteen, and now it's been five years. I'm incredibly tempted to delete every fic from "Mystery Guy" on backwards, because every time I read any of that stuff I cringe, but I'm resisting the urge. Most of my fic is really character driven, rarely strays from canon, and doesn't last longer than one chapter. I've definitely become more flexible recently, though. I am also compulsive when it comes to shipping. Be aware. I'm not very fluffy about it, but it definitely has a presence in most of my stories. Currently I have a big thing for Beckett/Castle and Lanie/Esposito on Castle, Jane/Lisbon on The Mentalist, and my newest obsession is Deeks/Kensi on NCIS LA. Seriously, they're both awesome characters, and when put together-- the awesome overwhelms. I've also fallen in love with Kurt/Blaine on Glee-- which I don't know if I'll ever write-- but Kurt is probably my favorite character on TV right now, so you never know. : ) I read a lot of fanfic, and nothing makes me more excited than when I happen upon a really good story. It's like finding bits of gold when you're mining. (Or how I imagine that's like, anyway--I'll quit the metaphors) So thanks to everyone on here who has written those good stories, because they make me a really happy person. And thanks to all the reviewers. I always mean to send messages back to everyone who reviews me, but I never remember to do it-- so just know that I really appreciate it. : ) |